Thursday, September 10, 2009

Why Do All Rabbis Wear Glasses?

Question of the Week:
Why do all rabbis seem to wear glasses? Obviously you do a lot of reading and studying Torah, which must strain your eyes. But I am sure there is some deeper significance to the fact that all rabbis and their students seem to be bearded and bespectacled...


There is a great advantage in always wearing a hat, a beard and glasses. Your picture can never be defaced. No one can squiggle anything on it, because you've left nothing for them to add.

But you're right, there must be something significant about rabbis wearing glasses. Maybe it's this.

Wearing glasses doesn't actually change anything. If you look at a scene without your glasses, and then look at the very same scene with your glasses on, it is exactly the same scene. Nothing has been added. The scene hasn't changed, but your view of it has changed completely.

Without glasses the world is all fuzzy and blurred. You don't recognise people, you can't read signs, and there are many obstacles that you may bump into on your way, simply because you didn't see them coming.

Then you put on your glasses, and a new world opens up to you. Everything's clear, you recognise things for what they are, and you foresee the bumps and obstacles before you stumble upon them. It was all there before, but now you have vision and perspective, now you can see it.

The Torah is like a pair of glasses. Its divine wisdom gives us clarity of vision. It develops our ability to identify good and evil, and differentiate between truth and falsehood. It teaches us to recognise the good in people, even when that good is not so apparent. And it sensitises us to the subtleties of life, to see beyond the superficial and find deeper meaning in our everyday experiences, to read the signs that point us in the right direction, to avoid moral pitfalls and behold the beauty of the world around us.

The Torah student lives in the same world as everybody else. He faces the same challenges, suffers from the same weaknesses, experiences the same pain and is plagued by the same questions. The Torah does not provide some magical relief from the vicissitudes of life. But it does provide perspective and clarity, direction and inspiration, which allow us to see those challenges in a new light, and face them with a deeper resolve.

Perhaps that's why students of Torah end up wearing glasses. Their vision is sharpened as they wear spiritual spectacles. Until you try them on, you don't know what you're missing.

Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss
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NEW - The Kabbalah of Evil with Rabbi Moss, Tuesdays 1 - 15 September 8:15-9:30pm at Nefesh
**NEW VENUE** Lunch in the City
with Rabbi Moss, Thursdays, 1-2pm
The Atheist Delusion - A response to modern attacks on faith in G-d 
at Arnold Bloch Leibler, Level 24, Chifley Tower, 2 Chifley Square, Sydney CBD  
and many more classes
Meaningful Motherhood
Discussion group for mothers with their babies
with Nechama Dina Moss and Shterny Dadon
Mondays 10:00am
at Nefesh, 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach  


Rosh Hashanah
Friday, 18th September - 1st Night 6:30 - 7:15pm
Saturday, 19th September - 1st Day 9:00am - 1:00pm
                                Mincha 5:30pm Maariv 6:30pm
Sunday, 20th September - 2nd Day 9:00am - 1:00pm
Yom Kippur
Sunday, 27th September - Kol Nidrei: 5:45pm - 7:45pm
Monday, 28th September: 9:30am - 2:30pm, 4:00 - 6:32pm
All Services will be held in the Games Room, 2nd floor, Hakoah Club.
Childminding will be in the Monash Room, next to the Games Room, for those who have booked thier kids in.
Please note: there is a different service for the Russian community in the Goldstar Room on the first floor. We are one floor above them - don't be confused!
If you would like to sponsor or part-sponsor a Kiddush for the days of Rosh Hashanah or the breaking of the fast after Yom Kippur, please contact the office on 9363 5543 or

Simons Sefer Torah
NEFESH SERVICES 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach 
Mincha 10 mins after candlelighting time, followed by Halocha Shiur
6:30pm - 7:15pm Shabbos Service with kids program and Kiddush sponsored anonymously
9am Class on Weekly Parsha
10am -12:30pm Morning Service with kids program and kiddush sponsored by Rev Amzalak in honour of his mother's yorzheit
Mincha 5 mins before candlelighting time, followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv
8am Morning service followed by breakfast and Beginners Talmud Class
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