Thursday, January 28, 2010

Your Face is None of Your Business

Question of the Week:
A quick question. . .  my friends often tell me to smile more.  But how can one always just smile and be happy if (not so) deep down one has pressing troubles, worries and problems to deal with? Must I smile when I am not in the mood?




What has smiling to do with your mood? What has the look on your face to do with the feelings in your heart?


Your face is not your business. It is public property. You only have to look at your own face once briefly in the morning. Everyone else has to look at your face all day. So just because you are in a bad mood or going through a rough patch, doesn't mean everyone else has to be brought down too. The people around you deserve to be greeted with a pleasant face.


Of course, smiling is not only for the benefit of others, but for your own benefit too. The number one cause of misery is not life's troubles but rather self-absorption. The more you think about yourself and your predicament, the more you marinate in self-pity, the more miserable you become.


On the other hand, when you look outside of yourself, look around you and see how you can be of service to others, when you smile not because you are in the mood but because others deserve to be smiled at, you start to feel upbeat and light again.


This is not to say that there are never any real reasons to be sad, or that smiling is a magical cure for depression. The point is that smiling is a duty you have to others. And when you focus on your duties rather than your difficulties, you are on the road to happiness.


Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss


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Bina welcomes new lecturer to the team, Rabbi Yaacov Chaiton, with an exciting new series:
The History of Kabbalah

The evolution of the study of mysticism, controversy around the Zohar, was Maimonides for or against Kabbalah?
Mondays 8:15pm - 9:15pm  8 February - 15 March at 49 Bellevue Rd
For Men and Women with Rabbi Yaacov Chaiton
Meaningful Motherhood
Discussion group for mothers with their babies
with Nechama Dina Moss and Shternie Dadon
Starts Feb 1, Mondays 10am at Nefesh, 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach
Kabbalah - The Miracle of Being Human
- four features of human life that make us unique
For Men and Women with Rabbi Moss
Starts Tuesday Feb 2, 8:15 - 9:30pm at Nefesh, 54 Roscoe St Bondi

One-on-one Learning
Study the topic of your choice, all levels, contact me to arrange a partner
Starts February, Monday and Wednesday Nights 8:30 - 9:30pm

Character Development - Family Changes - How to handle changes in family dynamics such as: in-law relationships, adult children, elderly parents, grandparents and grandchildren
Thursdays 9:20am - 10:30am, 4 February - 18 March
for women with Rabbi Gourarie at 45 Bellevue Rd

Lunch in the City - Jewish Views on the News - A Torah outlook on current events
Thursdays 1:00pm - 2:00pm Begins 4 February
For Men and Women with Rabbi Moss
Arnold Bloch Leibler, Level 24, Chifley Tower, 2 Chifley Square, Sydney CBD
and much more at
Shabbos Dinner - Nefesh and Network
"The Grass Isn't Always Greener - in life, love and gardening"
An inspiring discussion over dinner
Friday February 26, after 6:30pm service at Nefesh, 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach
$35 per person, numbers strictly limited 
Book now at
NEFESH SERVICES - 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach 

Mincha 6:10pm
6:30pm - 7:15pm Shabbos Service with kids program and Tu Bishvat Fruit Kiddush sponsored by
Moss family in honour of Mendel's 2nd birthday
9am Class on Weekly Parsha
10am -12:15pm Morning Service with guest speaker Rabbi Yaacov Chaiton, followed by Tu Bishvat Fruit Kiddush in honour of Vanessa and Dvora Creighton completing the book "Positive Word Power"
6:40pm Halacha Shiur, laws of Shehecheyanu
7:40pm Mincha followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv
8am Morning service followed by breakfast and Beginners Talmud Class
7am-7:45am morning service
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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Exciting New Bina Classes


Bina Program

 Term One 2010

February - March

Breakfast Shiur  for Men with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
Laws and Customs - practical Halocha
8:45 - 9:00am
31 Jan - 21 Mar 49 Bellevue Rd
Beginners Talmud Class
for Men & Women
 with Rabb Moss 
IntroductoryTalmud learning with breakfast
9:00 - 9:45am
Every Sunday Nefesh 54 Roscoe st
Mishna  for Men with Rabbi Yaakov Chaiton
Discovering the depth and wisdom of the Mishna
7:25 - 8:05pm
31 Jan - 21 Mar 49 Bellevue Rd
Prayer - the Amida Part 2  for Women with Mrs Rivkah Aaron
A deeper understanding using guided imagery
9:00 - 10:00am
1 Feb- 8 Mar 45 Bellevue Rd
NEW! Chumash  for Women with Mrs Dina Gourarie
Learning Chumash from the beginning in a structured and interesting way
10:00 - 11:00am
1 Feb - 8 Mar 45 Bellevue Rd
Meaningful Motherhood for Mothers and Babies with Mrs Nechama  Dina Moss
Discussion group for mothers
10:00 - 11:00am
1 Feb - 15 Mar Nefesh 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach
COA Seniors Shiur for Men & Women with Rabbi Chaim Ingram
Studies in Weekly Parsha
12:15 - 1:15pm 
1 Feb - 15 Mar The C.O.A. 
NEW! The History of Kabbalah   for Men & Women with Rabbi Yaakov Chaiton 
The evolution of and contorversy around the study of mysticism
8:15 - 9:15pm
8 Feb - 15 Mar 49 Bellevue Rd
Parsha Insights  for Women with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
Overview of weekly Parsha with some deeper insights
9:30 - 10:30am
2 Feb - 16 Mar 45 Bellevue Rd
Samson The Inside Story for Women with Mrs Rivkah Aaron 
A deeper look at this fascinating story 
10:30 - 11:30am
3 Feb - 9 Mar 45 Bellevue Rd
The Laws of Shabbos  for Women with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
A three week series focusing on the laws of Shabbos and Yom Tov
7:45 - 8:30pm
16 Feb - 2 Mar 49 Bellevue Rd
The Great Women of our History  for Women with Mrs Dina Gourarie
Three week series focusing on Esther and Miriam 
8:30 - 9:15pm
16 Feb - 2 Mar 45 Bellevue Rd
Kabbalah - The Miracle of Being Human  for Men & Women with Rabbi Moss 
Four features of human life that make us unique  
8:15 - 9:30pm
2 Feb - @3 Feb Nefesh 54 Roscoe Street 
Talmud in Depth for Men with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
New Mesechta - Psachim 
8:30 - 9:25pm
2 Feb - 16 Mar 49 Bellevue Rd
E.M.E.T.T  for Women with Mrs Renee Mill 
Emotional maturity established through Torah 
9:00 - 10:00am
3 Feb - 17 Mar 45 Bellevue Rd
NEW! 6,1,3,for Women with Leonie Jacob
Exploring the development of Halacha through the ages 
10:15 - 11:15am
3 Feb - 17 Mar 45 Bellevue Rd
Chassidus  for Women with Rabbi Moss
Letters from the Rebbe - the Rebbe's wisdom in his own words 
2:00 - 3:00pm
Beg 3 Feb 45 Bellevue Rd
NEW! Contemporary Issues from a Jewish Perspective for Men & Women with Rabbi Yaakov Chaiton
What does Judaism say about organ donation, HIV treatement, severence pay and more
8:15 - 9:15pm
10 Feb - 17 Mar 45 Bellevue Rd
Hands on Talmud for Men with Rabbi Yehuda Spielman
Intermediate Level Gemora Shiur
8:30 - 9:30pm
Beg 27 Jan 2a Conway Street Rose Bay
Character Development: Family Changes for Women with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
How to handle changes in family dynamics such as in-law relationships, adult children, elderly parents and more 
9:20 - 10:15am
4 Feb - 18 Mar 45 Bellevue Rd
Rose Bay Lunch and Learn for Men & Women with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
The weekly Parsha with mystical insights
1:00 - 1:45pm
4 Feb - 18 Mar 554 Old South Head Rd, Rose Bay
Lunch in the City - Jewish Views on the News for Men &Women with Rabbi Moss 
A Torah view on current events
1:00 - 2:00pm
Beg 4 Feb Arnold Bloch Leibler, Level 24, Chifley Tower, 2 Chifley Square, Sydney CBD
NEW FORMAT Beis Medrash Program for Men with Chavrusa Learning
Get your own learning Partner on a topic of your choice
Including: Beginners Gemora with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
OR Halachic Development from the Sources  with Rabbi Yaacov Chaiton
8:30 -  9:25pm
4 Feb - 18 Mar 49 Bellevue Rd
Learning Chassidus for Men with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
Tanya - The tale of two souls
8:30 - 9:15am
Every Shabbos Morning 49 Bellevue Rd 
Chassidic Spirituality for Men &Women with Rabbi Moss 
Weekly Chassidic insights
9:00 - 10:00am
Every Shabbos Morning Nefesh 54 Roscoe St, Bondi Beach
Interesting Topics for Men &Women with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
A Shiur dealing with all topics from interpretation of dreams to the Kashrus of Turkey
45 mins before Mincha
30 Jan - 20 March 49 Bellevue Rd
Daily Daf for Men
Covering a page of Gemora daily
7:15 - 8:00am
Every Day 49 Bellevue Rd
For more information
Tel: 9363 5543
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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Do We Say 'Bless You'?

Question of the Week:

I have a question for you ..... it's a little trivial but here goes anyway.... 

A non-Jewish colleague refuses to say 'Bless-you' after I sneeze. He says it's because I am Jewish. Where did the 'bless you' ritual originate from and is it purely a Christian thing?  What is the Jewish equivalent?




Your friend may have a point. The bless you response to a sneeze was enacted by one of the popes during the bubonic plague. So it definitely has non-Jewish undertones.


But long before that, Jews blessed each other upon sneezing. The Talmud records that in the earlier generations, people didn't get sick before they died. They simply sneezed and their souls left their bodies. So it was customary to wish a sneezer "To Life!", for fear that their sneeze was a herald of death.


Things changed in the times of our forefather Jacob. He prayed that one should rather get sick some time before dying, in order to have a little warning and time to prepare for leaving this world. His request was granted, and so sneezing no longer meant impending death. But it still could be a symptom of illness. And so the custom became to wish a sneezer good health - Assuta in Aramaic, Tzu gezunt in Yiddish, or Labriyut in modern Hebrew.


Fascinatingly, one source says that after being blessed with health, the sneezer himself should respond to the one who blessed him "Bless you!" (Baruch tihyeh in Hebrew). Another interesting note: the sages taught that one does not respond to a sneeze while in the middle of studying Torah. Torah study is too holy to be interrupted, and anyway its power will protect the sneezer from all harm.


Indeed these days most people survive a sneeze without any major consequences. But that doesn't mean we should no longer wish each other good health. Words have power. The more we bless each other the better. A sneeze is as good an excuse as any to bless someone.


G-d bless you,

Rabbi Moss

To subscribe email
Bina welcomes new lecturer to the team, Rabbi Yaacov Chaiton, with an exciting new series:
The History of Kabbalah

The evolution of the study of mysticism, controversy around the Zohar, was Maimonides for or against Kabbalah?
Mondays 8:15pm - 9:15pm  8 February - 15 March at 49 Bellevue Rd
For Men and Women with Rabbi Yaacov Chaiton
Meaningful Motherhood
Discussion group for mothers with their babies
with Nechama Dina Moss and Shternie Dadon
Starts Feb 1, Mondays 10am at Nefesh, 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach
Kabbalah - The Miracle of Being Human
- four features of human life that make us unique
For Men and Women with Rabbi Moss
Tuesdays 8:15 - 9:30pm at Nefesh, 54 Roscoe St Bondi

One-on-one Learning
Study the topic of your choice, all levels, contact me to arrange a partner
Starts February, Monday and Wednesday Nights 8:30 - 9:30pm

Character Development - Family Changes - How to handle changes in family dynamics such as: in-law relationships, adult children, elderly parents, grandparents and grandchildren
Thursdays 9:20am - 10:30am, 4 February - 18 March
for women with Rabbi Gourarie at 45 Bellevue Rd

Lunch in the City - Jewish Views on the News - A Torah outlook on current events
Thursdays 1:00pm - 2:00pm Begins 4 February
For Men and Women with Rabbi Moss
Arnold Bloch Leibler, Level 24, Chifley Tower, 2 Chifley Square, Sydney CBD
and much more at
NEFESH SERVICES - 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach 

Mincha 6:10pm
6:30pm - 7:15pm Shabbos Service with kids program and Kiddush sponsored by Friends of Nefesh
9am Class on Weekly Parsha
10am -12:15pm Morning Service with kids program followed by Kiddush in honour of the wedding of Jeremy Tobias and Joanne Sharp 
6:45pm Halacha Shiur, laws of Kiddush Levana
7:4pm Mincha followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv
8am Morning service followed by breakfast and Beginners Talmud Class
Tuesday (Australia Day public holiday)
8am Morning service
7am-7:45am morning service
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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Was I Born By Accident?

Question of the Week:
It's my birthday this weekend but I have always felt funny about celebrating it. My birth was a bit of an accident - my parents said I was a surprise, and I was born six weeks premature. Is there any meaning in celebrating the day that I wasn't really supposed to have been born?



Your birthday is chosen by G-d - not your parents, your astrologer or the obstetrician. Birth is G-d saying that the world can't go on without you. It is the day that your soul's mission had to begin.


There were already more than six billion people on earth when you were born. Did the world really need you? Can one more soul really make a difference? Obviously the answer is yes. Otherwise G-d would not have sent your soul to this earth. The fact that you were born means there must be some unique gift that you have to offer the world that none of those other six billion people could possibly achieve.


A birthday is an opportunity to reflect: This is the day that my soul was despatched on its mission. How is the mission going? Have I been contributing my part to the furthering of G-d's purpose to create heaven on earth? Have I been doing my bit to enhance and improve myself and my world? How much time and energy do I spend on meaningful pursuits? How much more time could I spend on what really matters in the coming year?


Far from being an accident, your birth was clearly a deliberate act. The fact that you surprised your parents, and you arrived early just shows how urgently the world needed you - your soul couldn't even wait a few weeks for the due date to get down here. G-d had another due date in mind.


Your soul was sent down by priority delivery. Make sure your soul always remains a priority.


Good Shabbos (and Happy Birthday),

Rabbi Moss


To subscribe email 


Marriage Preparation Course at Nefesh 


Getting married in the next few months? Come to your wedding inspired and informed


- Jewish wisdom on relationships

- The meaning behind the wedding ceremony

- Customs and laws of Chuppah

- The Power of the Mikvah

- Spiritual guide to love and marriage

- A deeper look at men and women


Over three Wednesdays, February 3, 10 and 17, 8:00pm - 9:30pm

$150 per couple 

To book email
 NEFESH SERVICES - 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach

6:10 Mincha
6:30 - 7:15pm Shabbos service and kids program, followed by Kiddush in honour of the yorzheit of the mother of Elli Bobrovizki 
9am Class on Weekly Parsha
10am -12:15pm Morning Service with kids program followed by Kiddush
in honour of the Bar Mitzvah of Tamon Mashimo
6:45pm Class in Jewish Law
7:45pm Mincha followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv
8am Morning service followed by breakfast and Beginners Talmud Class
7am Shachris
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nefesh office | 45 bellevue rd | bellevue hill | NSW | 2023 | Australia

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Kabbalistic Remedy for Tantrums

Question of the Week:


I am having major problems with my two year old. He has huge tantrums and is impossible to control. We are going crazy and don't know what to do. Is there some Kabbalistic formula to get a child to behave?




If you are seeking a magical incantation that will instantly bring your child into line, I can't help you. But here is a Kabbalistic idea that may give you some guidance.


The Kabbalah teaches that there is a parent/child relationship going on within every one of us. In that relationship, intellect is the parent, and emotion is the child.


Our emotions, like children, are colourful and fun, wild and untamed, impulsive and erratic. Emotions know no boundaries, have no sense of proportion, and are not reasonable. Our heart can take us to great heights of pleasure and happiness, or can lead us down dark paths of confusion and hurt. This is because our heart is full of vitality and energy, but lacks one important skill: it has no direction.


When we thoughtlessly follow our heart, we get lost. We can fall in love with the wrong person, get angry for no good reason, or be scared of our own imaginary ghosts. It is our mind that provides direction and perspective, education and guidance. A cool and clear-thinking mind can calmly direct the heart to feel the right emotion at the right time; when to love and when to fear, when to get excited and when to hold back.


The same holds true for being parents to our children. A child is a bundle of emotion, spontaneous and moody, passionate and irrational. This is what makes children so lovable and so impossible. They have not yet developed the ability for mind to direct heart. And so, the parent must stand in and play the role of the mind for the child, to help them tell right from wrong, to guide them to channel and control their emotions.


This means that a good parent must have all the characteristics of the mind: calmness, clarity, and consistency. The child doesn't always obey the parent, just like at times emotions are too strong to listen to intellect. But even then, the message must be conveyed in a clear and calm manner.


If your child is tantruming, then he is playing his role well. Your role is to keep your composure and let him know that what he is doing is unacceptable. This may not magically stop his tantrums, but it will give him a model of mature behaviour - that mind controls heart, like a parent directs a child.


Good Shabbos,

Rabbi Moss

To subscribe email


Marriage Preparation Course at Nefesh 


Getting married in the next few months? Come to your wedding inspired and informed


- Jewish wisdom on relationships

- The meaning behind the wedding ceremony

- Customs and laws of Chuppah

- The Power of the Mikvah

- Spiritual guide to love and marriage

- A deeper look at men and women


Over three Wednesdays, February 3, 10 and 17, 8:00pm - 9:30pm

$150 per couple 

To book email
 NEFESH SERVICES - 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach

6:10 Mincha
6:30 - 7:15pm Shabbos service and kids program, followed by Kiddush
9am Class on Weekly Parsha
10am -12:15pm Morning Service with kids program followed by Kiddush
in honour of Jocelyn Lowinger's 40th birthday, and the birth of Sarah Tennenbaum
6:45pm Class in laws of blessings on food
7:45pm Mincha followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv
8am Morning service followed by breakfast and Beginners Talmud Class
7am Shachris
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