Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Soul on Fire

New classes see  

Question of the Week:


Why do we light bonfires on Lag Baomer? As far as I know, it is the anniversary of the passing of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai. So why would the death of a great second century rabbi be the cause for celebration around a fire?


There is a Jewish custom to light a candle on the anniversary of a death. This is to symbolize that their light still shines, their impact on us continues beyond the grave.

But for a soul like Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, a candle is not enough. To fully express the impact he is still having on the world, we don't light a candle in his honour but rather we light a huge bonfire. For his fiery soul created a spiritual light that illuminates the world still today, almost two thousand years after his death.

Rabbi Shimon wrote the Zohar, which was the first comprehensive work of Kabbalah ever committed to writing. Until then, the mystical teachings of Judaism were passed down by word of mouth from teacher to student in secret societies. Rabbi Shimon saw that these teachings needed to be preserved for future generations, and so he had them recorded. "One day," Rabbi Shimon predicted, "even young children will be studying these secrets."

That day has come. Even young children, whether children in years or in spiritual maturity, are seeking inner truth, a deeper view of reality and a true soul connection. If they don't find it at home, they will look somewhere else. So many of our brothers and sisters end up searching in foreign spiritualities for something they can find in their own tradition. It just has to be made available. That's what Rabbi Shimon taught.

The only way Judaism can survive today is when its inner light is revealed. The modern Jew does not go for dogmatic teachings, empty ritual or dry intellectualism. Today's seekers want the essence. They want a Judaism that is soulful and joyous, relevant and inspiring, warm and dynamic. This is the light of Kabbalah.

So the fire of Rabbi Shimon is drawing those floating sparks back to their source. The teachings of Kabbalah, especially as they have been brought down to earth through Chasidism, are lighting up lost souls today more than ever. All because of one holy soul, Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai.

Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss


To subscribe email 




A Shabbos in Jerusalem with Rabbi Lazer Brody


Lag B'Omer Bonfire & KUMSITZ


May1, 2010 from 8.00pm


Free entry

BBQ food for sale

BYO drinks and musical instruments


30 Rosslyn Street

Bellevue Hill



 The Kabbalah of Soulmates
NEFESH SERVICES - 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach 

Mincha 5:10pm followed by shiur in Likkutei Torah
6:30pm - 7:15pm Shabbos Service with kids program
9am Class on Weekly Parsha
10am -12:15pm Morning Service with kids program followed by Kiddush sponsored by Nissim Chai Nasiem in honour of the yahrzeit of his father, Jack Nasiem

Mincha 4:55pm folllowed by Seuda Shlishis and Maariv 



8am Shachris 



7am Shachris

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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Why Don't We Put Flowers on a Grave?

New classes see  

Question of the Week:


I am going to visit my grandmother's grave, and was planning to buy a bunch of her favourite flowers. But I have noticed that Jewish graves don't have bouquets, only stones laid on them. Is there anything wrong with placing flowers on a grave?


The custom to place a stone on a grave is an ancient one. By doing so we are symbolically adding to the gravestone, building up the monument that honours the departed. Placing flowers on a grave is not our custom.

Flowers wither and die. Stones remain unchanged. While flowers are a beautiful gift to the living, they mean nothing to the dead. In death, the body which is ephemeral and temporary is gone, and all that remains is that eternal part of the person, their soul. The body, like a flower, blossoms and then fades away, but the soul, like a solid stone, lives on forever.

In the world of truth, the place we all go after life on earth, what counts is the lasting impact we had on the world. It is the achievements of the soul, not of the body, that remain beyond the grave. The money we make, the holidays we go on, the food we eat and the games we play - these are all flowers that die along with us. But the good deeds we do, the love we show to others, the light we bring to the world, these are eternal stones that never die.

If you want to honour your grandmother, take the money you would have spent on flowers for her and give it to charity in her memory. And take a modest stone that cost you nothing, and place it on her grave, to tell her that though she is gone, the impact she had on you is everlasting.

Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss


To subscribe email 


 The Kabbalah of Soulmates

Meaningful Motherhood presents

A Woman's Wisdom - a discussion for women only with Rabbi Lazer Brody

Thursday April 29, 10am at Nefesh, 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach



A Shabbos in Jerusalem with Rabbi Lazer Brody

Friday April 30 at Nefesh

$30 per person, limited space, bookings essential by Monday April 26, email or call 9363 5543

BINA RAFFLE only two weeks to go

Bina Grand Raffle, 2010


Support Bina and have a chance to win these fabulous 11 prizes


Click here


 Major Prize:. 2 Around The World tickets to value of $10,000 including $1,000 spending money*

2nd Prize: Oval ruby and diamond dress ring valued at $2,000. Donated by Rami Baron

3rd Prize: 9 carat yellow gold dress ring with diamonds valued at $1,500. Donated by Rod & Judy Morton

4th Prize: Sterling silver photo frame valued at $250. Donated by Andre & Eva Jaku

5th Prize: Two nights accommodation at Coolangatta Estate, Shoalhaven Heads NSW to the value of $350. Donated by

Andre & Eva Jaku

and lots more.......


Cost of Ticket:       $100 (only 1000 tickets)

Draw:                     Lag B'Omer, (after Shabbos) 1st May

Contact Us:               Tel-02 9363 5543, email , or click here.


*Major Prize Valued at $10,000.00 -Around the world-Asia/Europe/Israel/USA Two economy class airfares Including $1000 spending

money (total retail value $10,000.00)

Travel Agent:  Ackerfeld @ Goldberg Travel Associates - a division of Flight Centre Ltd.

1/444 Glenhuntley Road, Elsternwick, Victoria, 3183.  Tel: (03) 9532 4622

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - -  - - - - - -  - - - - -

Payment can be made either by cash, cheque, direct deposit or via credit card.

Please fill out your details below and fax to 02-9363 5548.

CREDIT CARD TYPE: (please circle) AMEX, MasterCard, Visa


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NAME _________________ ________EXPIRY DATE: ___ / ___


ADDRESS ___________________________________________


SIGNATURE ___________________________ DATE: ________


For direct deposit, our details are:   Account Name: Bina Jewish Wisdom

Bank:    National Bank of Australia     Branch/BSB No. 082 080 No. 166 36 32 31        


Thank you for your support.

45 Bellevue Rd, Bellevue Hill NSW 2023, Australia
Ph: (+612) 9363 5543 Email:  Web:  
abn 34 081 926 132

NEFESH SERVICES - 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach 

Mincha 5:15pm followed by line-by-line study of Friday night prayers
6:30pm - 7:15pm Shabbos Service with kids program followed by Kiddush sponsored by Friends of Nefesh
9am Class on Weekly Parsha
10am -12:15pm Morning Service with kids program followed by Kiddush sponsored by Jack Klein in honour of the yorzheit of his father

Mincha 5:00pm folllowed by Seuda Shlishis and Maariv 



8am Shachris 



7am Shachris

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Monday, April 19, 2010

True Happiness - inspiring guest speaker

Rabbi Lazer Brody

with Rabbi Lazer Brody 
8pm at Nefesh, 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach
Rabbi Lazer Brody is a unique and charismatic Breslev Rabbi, committed to helping people of all backgrounds discover their hidden strengths and potential. A former commando of an elite IDF infantry reconnaissance unit, Rabbi Brody is a remarkable spiritual guide who has succeeded in leading tens of thousands of people from around the world down the path of true happiness and tranquility.

Don't miss this rare opportunity to hear him talk

For more details, call Nefesh office 9363 5543 or email


Inspirational Friday Night Dinner

with Rabbi Lazer Brody

Friday April 30 at Nefesh after services (6:30pm)


$30 per adult

$12.50 per child under bar/bat mitzvah age

To reserve your place, call Nefesh office 9363 5543 or email

Special event for mothers and babies only:
with Rabbi Lazer Brody
Thursday, April 29 at 10.00am at Nefesh, 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach
All events dedicated to the memory of
Dov Ber ben Tzvi z"l
Rafael Tzvi ben Aryeh z"l
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Thursday, April 15, 2010

What Should I Say to a Mourner?

Question of the Week:


A friend recently lost his father, but I haven't gone to visit. I have all types of excuses, like maybe he wants to be left alone, and I'm not so close anyway, but the real reason is, I just don't know what to say in these situations. What can I possibly say to make him feel better when the fact is that his dad died?




Your hesitation to face a grieving friend is understandable. But it is based on a wrong assumption. 


When we visit one who is in grief, we often assume that we have to become philosophers, and present a profound thesis to explain their loss, or we feel we should become counsellors, and try to soothe their pain.


That is not true. Your job is not to play the theologian or the therapist. Your job is to be a friend, and just be there. Your very presence, the fact that you made the effort to show your face, is a comfort to the mourners. It means that they are not alone in their sorrow.


Jewish tradition says that when you visit a mourner, you should stay silent and wait for the mourner to initiate the conversation. They may want to laugh, they may want to cry, or they may want to sit in silence. Let them set the tone, and respond accordingly. And when they seem to want to be left alone, then take the hint and leave. Don't assume anything, take the cues from them.


If you have some words of comfort and wisdom to share, then do so. But if you have nothing to say then that's fine too. The purpose of the visit is to show your support, and you have done so just by being there. Your presence is more powerful than words. The philosopher's explanations may help us understand pain, but the presence of a friend can help us endure it. Words can bring comfort to the mind, but the heart is comforted by simple togetherness, knowing that you are not alone.


Good Shabbos,

Rabbi Moss


To subscribe email 



Soul Stories - from Russia with Love

The miraculous personal account of the rebirth of Jewish life in the former Soviet Union

As told by the Sydney-born co-director of Chabad of Kharkov, Ukraine

Rebbetzin Miriam Moskovitz

Sunday April 18, 7:30pm at Nefesh 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach, $5 at the door

This event is in honour of the 70th birthday of Rev. Aaron Amzalak, and his 38 years of service to the Roscoe St community


True Happiness

With internationally renowned inspirational speaker, former IDF commando, celebrated author and charismatic spiritual guide

Rabbi Lazer Brody

Wednesday April 21, 8pm at Nefesh 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach, $5 donation at the door


Meaningful Motherhood presents

A Woman's Wisdom - a discussion for women only with Rabbi Lazer Brody

Thursday April 29, 10am at Nefesh, 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach



A Shabbos in Jerusalem with Rabbi Lazer Brody

Friday April 30 at Nefesh

$30 per person, limited space, bookings essential by Monday April 26, email or call 9363 5543

BINA RAFFLE only two weeks to go

Bina Grand Raffle, 2010


Support Bina and have a chance to win these fabulous 11 prizes


Click here


 Major Prize:. 2 Around The World tickets to value of $10,000 including $1,000 spending money*

2nd Prize: Oval ruby and diamond dress ring valued at $2,000. Donated by Rami Baron

3rd Prize: 9 carat yellow gold dress ring with diamonds valued at $1,500. Donated by Rod & Judy Morton

4th Prize: Sterling silver photo frame valued at $250. Donated by Andre & Eva Jaku

5th Prize: Two nights accommodation at Coolangatta Estate, Shoalhaven Heads NSW to the value of $350. Donated by

Andre & Eva Jaku

and lots more.......


Cost of Ticket:       $100 (only 1000 tickets)

Draw:                     Lag B'Omer, (after Shabbos) 1st May

Contact Us:               Tel-02 9363 5543, email , or click here.


*Major Prize Valued at $10,000.00 -Around the world-Asia/Europe/Israel/USA Two economy class airfares Including $1000 spending

money (total retail value $10,000.00)

Travel Agent:  Ackerfeld @ Goldberg Travel Associates - a division of Flight Centre Ltd.

1/444 Glenhuntley Road, Elsternwick, Victoria, 3183.  Tel: (03) 9532 4622

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - -  - - - - - -  - - - - -

Payment can be made either by cash, cheque, direct deposit or via credit card.

Please fill out your details below and fax to 02-9363 5548.

CREDIT CARD TYPE: (please circle) AMEX, MasterCard, Visa


 No of Tickets _________


CARD NO: |__|__|__|__| |__|__|__|__| |__|__|__|__| |__|__|__|__|


NAME _________________ ________EXPIRY DATE: ___ / ___


ADDRESS ___________________________________________


SIGNATURE ___________________________ DATE: ________


For direct deposit, our details are:   Account Name: Bina Jewish Wisdom

Bank:    National Bank of Australia     Branch/BSB No. 082 080 No. 166 36 32 31        


Thank you for your support.

45 Bellevue Rd, Bellevue Hill NSW 2023, Australia
Ph: (+612) 9363 5543 Email:  Web:  
abn 34 081 926 132

 The Kabbalah of Soulmates
NEFESH SERVICES - 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach 

Mincha 5:20pm followed by line-by-line study of Friday night prayers
6:30pm - 7:15pm Shabbos Service with kids program followed by Kiddush sponsored by Friends of Nefesh
9am Class on Weekly Parsha
10am -12:15pm Morning Service with kids program followed by Kiddush sponsored by Jack Reuben in memory of the late Yechezkel ben Rachel

Mincha 5:15pm folllowed by Seuda Shlishis sponsored by Jack Reuben in honour of the yorzheit of his father Yosef ben Reuven



8am Shachris 



7am Shachris

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Soulmates, Cosmetic Surgery and Addictive Behaviour



Soul Stories - from Russia with Love

The miraculous personal account of the rebirth of Jewish life in the former Soviet Union

As told by the Sydney-born co-director of Chabad of Kharkov, Ukraine

Rebbetzin Miriam Moskovitz

Sunday April 18, 7:30pm at Nefesh 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach, $5 at the door

This event is in honour of the 70th birthday of Rev. Aaron Amzalak, and his 38 years of dedicated service to the Roscoe St community

 New Bina Classes 

 Term Two 2010

April - July

Breakfast Shiur  for Men with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
Laws and Customs - practical Halocha
8:45 - 9:00am
18 April  - 27 June 49 Bellevue Rd
Beginners Talmud Class
for Men & Women
 with Rabbi Moss 
IntroductoryTalmud learning with breakfast
9:00 - 9:45am
Every Sunday Nefesh 54 Roscoe St
Mishna  for Men with Rabbi Yaakov Chaiton
Discovering the depth and wisdom of the Mishna
5:15 - 5:45pm
18 April - 27 June 49 Bellevue Rd
Prayer - the Amida Part 2  for Women with Mrs Rivkah Aaron
A deeper understanding using guided imagery
9:00 - 10:00am
19 April - 17 May 45 Bellevue Rd (After 17 May Rabbi Gourarie will continue the Shiur on General  Prayer concepts) 
Chumash  for Women with Mrs Dina Gourarie
Learning Chumash from the beginning in a structured and interesting way
10:00 - 11:00am
19 April- 21 June 45 Bellevue Rd
Meaningful Motherhood for Mothers and Babies with Mrs Nechama  Dina Moss Discussion group for mothers
10:00 - 11:00am
19 April - 21 June Nefesh 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach
COA Seniors Shiur for Men & Women with Rabbi Chaim Ingram
Studies in Weekly Parsha
12:15 - 1:15pm 
19 April - 28 JuneThe C.O.A. 
NEW! The Big "13" for Men & Women with Rabbi Yaakov Chaiton 
Exploring the secrets of Maimonides Thirteen Principles of Faith
8:15 - 9:15pm
Part One: 19 April - 10 May  Part Two:7 June - 28 June  49 Bellevue Rd
Parsha Insights  for Women with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
Overview of weekly Parsha with some deeper insights
9:30 - 10:30am
20 April - 22 June 45 Bellevue Rd
Samson The Inside Story for Women with Mrs Rivkah Aaron 
A deeper look at this fascinating story 
10:30 - 11:30am
20 April - 11 May  45 Bellevue Rd
The Birth and Life of Samuelfor Women with Mrs Ruchama Rogeredsky
10:30 - 11:30am
25 May- 29 June 45 Bellevue Rd
The Laws of Shabbos  for Women with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
A three week series focusing on the laws of Shabbos and Yom Tov
7:45 - 8:30pm
27 April -11 May 49 Bellevue Rd
Women of Valour for Women with Mrs Dvora Moss
Three week series focusing on the prayer of Eshes Chayil
8:30 - 9:15pm
27 April -11 May 45 Bellevue Rd
Kabbalah - Soulmates for Men & Women with Rabbi Moss 
The truth about love from the holy sages
8:15 - 9:30pm
27 April -11 May Nefesh 54 Roscoe Street 
Talmud in Depth for Men with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
New Mesechta - Psachim 
8:30 - 9:25pm
20 April -22 June 49 Bellevue Rd
E.M.E.T.T  for Women with Mrs Renee Mill 
Emotional maturity established through Torah 
9:00 - 10:00am
21 April - 16 June 45 Bellevue Rd
Chassidus  for Women with Rabbi Moss
The Rebbe's wisdom in his own words 
2:00 - 3:00pm
Beg 21 April 45 Bellevue Rd
Contemporary Issues from a Jewish Perspective
for Men & Women
 with Rabbi Yaakov Chaiton
What does Judaism say about cosmetic surger, soldier/terrorist swap, expelling students and more
8:15 - 9:15pm
Part one: 21 April - 12 may, Part two: 2 June - 30 June 45 Bellevue Rd
Hands on Talmud for Men with Rabbi Yehuda Spielman
Intermediate Level Gemora Shiur
8:30 - 9:30pm
13 April - 30 June 2a Conway Street Rose Bay
Character Development: Getting On Top for Women with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
Strategies to deal with destructive and addictive behaviours such as anger, laziness, procrastination and more  
9:20 - 10:15am
22April - 24 June 45 Bellevue Rd
Rose Bay Lunch and Learn for Men & Women with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
The weekly Parsha with mystical insights
1:00 - 1:45pm
22 April - 24 June 554 Old South Head Rd, Rose Bay
Lunch in the City - Jewish Views on the News for Men &Women with Rabbi Moss 
A Torah view on current events
1:00 - 2:00pm
22 April - 13 May, 3 June - 1 July Arnold Bloch Leibler, Level 24, Chifley Tower, 2 Chifley Square, Sydney CBD
Beis Medrash Program for Men with Chavrusa Learning
Get your own learning Partner on a topic of your choice
Including: Beginners Gemora with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
OR Halachic Development from the Sources  with Rabbi Yaacov Chaiton
8:30 -  9:25pm
22 April - 24 June 49 Bellevue Rd
Pirkei Avos for Men with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
A Short shiur looking at a Mishna at a time
After Maariv on Friday Night
Every Friday night 49 Bellevue Rd 
Learning Chassidus for Men with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
Tanya - The tale of two souls
8:30 - 9:15am
Every Shabbos Morning 49 Bellevue Rd 
Chassidic Spirituality for Men & Women with Rabbi Moss 
Weekly Chassidic insights
9:00 - 10:00am
Every Shabbos Morning Nefesh 54 Roscoe St, Bondi Beach
Daily Daf for Men
Covering a page of Gemora daily
7:15 - 8:00am
Every Day 49 Bellevue Rd
For more information
Tel: 9363 5543
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