Thursday, May 26, 2011

Quickie Conversions?

ISRAELI RESPONSE TO OBAMA this Sunday at Nefesh - see below


Question of the Week:


I often hear rabbis complain that the Jewish people is shrinking due to intermarriage and assimilation. But it is you rabbis who are the major obstacle to Judaism growing! If you would make conversion a bit easier, many more non-Jews would join us. Why do you stubbornly insist on a long and difficult conversion process, when you are closing the door to many potential converts?




I would like to nominate you to be the next Secretary General of the UN. You have come up with a brilliant formula that could greatly benefit the world.


You argue that the Jewish people would grow if only it were easier to become Jewish. Let's apply that logic to some other world issues, and most of our problems could easily be solved.


- Poverty could be reduced immediately. Simply lower the poverty line.


- There would be many more millionaires around if you didn't need so much money to be one.


- The crime rates would drop dramatically if we just legalise criminal activity.


- If we dropped the life-expectancy age from 70 down to 50, people would on average live much longer.


Either Judaism is truth, or it is not. If it is truth, then truth can't be saved by diluting it. And if it isn't, why bother saving it at all?


The road to conversion is a challenging one. Jewish law doesn't make it easy to convert, because becoming a Jew is a serious commitment. If someone is not ready for that commitment, then they shouldn't convert.


But bending the laws to allow quickie conversions makes a joke of the whole thing. If a law can be bent, then what significance does it have in the first place? To paraphrase Marx (Groucho that is): "I would never join a club that changed the rules to let me in."


Good Shabbos,

Rabbi Moss


To subscribe email

Guest Lecturer from Israel Sunday May 29



SHAVUOS ALL-NIGHTER AT NEFESH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

Celebrate the giving of the Torah at our all night learning program. Come for part or come for the whole night, there will be coffee and cake and plenty of inspiration

First night Shavuos, Tuesday June 7 at Nefesh, 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach


9pm - 9:45pm Tales of Another World with R' Aaron Amzalak

10pm - 10:45pm Hair! - a mystical study of locks, tresses, curls and manes with Rabbi Moss

11pm - 11:45pm Souls that Were Never Lost

the surprise resurgence of Jewish identity in Europe today  


with international guest speaker Zev Nagel

Former speechwriter for Ambassador Dan Gillerman at the Permanent Mission of Israel to the UN, Zev was recently appointed by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee as one of the Ralph I. Goldman Fellows in International Jewish Service. As a Fellow, Zev will serve in multiple locations around the world, and is currently in the midst of his first placement in Budapest, Hungary.

12am - 12:45am True Mythology - Midrash on Mt Sinai with Chazan Isser Feiglin


1am - 2:30am Guided Talmudic study - hands on grappling with a text


2:30am - 4am Ask the rabbi - you won't believe what comes up at this time of night

4am - 5am Short speeches from community members (more volunteers needed)



Meet the Artist Saturday June 18



NEFESH SERVICES - 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach 



Candlelighting 4:38pm


4:50pm Mincha followed by shiur 

6:30pm - 7:15pm Shabbos Service followed by Kiddush sponsored by Lynette Masters in honour of her parents Margaret and Bede both turning 80 this year - Mazel tov!


Shabbos day

9am Class on Weekly Parsha
10am -12:15pm Morning Service with kids program followed by Kiddush sponsored by Sassoon, Adee and Moshe Hai Moses in honour of the first Yorzheit of their wife and mother Matilda Moses z"l - long life 

Mincha 4:35pm followed by Seudah Shlishis sposnored by the Barukh and Caustill families in honour of the Yorzheit of Mrs Esther Malka bat Yakov Caustill z"l - long life


Shabbos ends 5:36pm 



8am Shachris followed by beginners Talmud and breakfast  


Monday and Thursday

7am Shachris followed by Chassidus



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nefesh | 54 roscoe st | bondi beach | NSW | 2026 | Australia

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Madonna's Kabbalah



Question of the Week:


I was watching a news report the other day about Madonna (now known as Esther). She was discussing how Kabbalah has changed her life, the new views she has and the insight she has gained from learning with her Rabbi. She apparently even keeps a kosher home. My question is - what are your thoughts on the masses learning Kabbalah? Is it a good thing? Or is it a fad?




I'm not sure how authentic the "Kabbalah" being studied by Madonna is, but I would imagine there are much worse things she could be doing with her time. If indeed it has made her a better person, good for her.


The renewed interest in Kabbalah is a good thing. The Kabbalists always said that although in earlier generations Kabbalah was a restricted area of study, a time will come when these teachings will become available to everyone. Its blend of profound thought and down to earth spirituality is much needed today.


The question is not so much who can study Kabbalah, but who can teach it. Some modern exponents of the Kabbalah claim that it is a separate religion, distinct from Judaism. This claim is not only untrue, it is self-destructive, and one should beware of such teachers.


The Kabbalists call Jewish mysticism the Pardes, meaning "The Garden". If you see a beautiful flower in a garden, you may have the urge to pick it and take it home to enjoy its beauty. But a flower won't last long out of its natural habitat. Once it is disconnected from its life-force it will very quickly wither and die.


Taking Kabbalah out of its Jewish context is like picking a flower from a garden. It looks beautiful and smells nice for a while, but soon it starts to wither, rot and stink. Kabbalah is a living, breathing spirituality that is nourished by the rich soil of Jewish wisdom and practice. But those who are calling it a separate religion, for the obvious reason of gaining a wider audience, are turning something deep and holy into just another passing fad. It looks good, creates a stir, but won't last.


While one can taste the teachings of Kabbalah even without being particularly observant of Judaism, you can't detach it from its source. Kabbalah is the soul of Judaism. A body without a soul is lifeless. A soul without a body is groundless. Judaism without its mystical side can become dry and unattractive. But Kabbalah without the grounding of practical Judaism is an uprooted flower.


We are a searching generation. We've tried empty materialism and it has failed to sustain us. We have experimented with spiritual escapism and it has left us floating towards nowhere. It is time to taste the fruits of The Garden, the deepest mystical insights grounded in the fertile soil of tradition. That's real Kabbalah.



Good Shabbos,

Rabbi Moss


To subscribe email
















Saturday 28th May at Nefesh Shul, 7.30pm for 8.00pm start


Only 20 tables available, organise your team (of up to 8 people) and book via email


Table charge only $180 for up to 8 team members or book individually $25 each and we will allocate you a table on the night.



Lots of great prizes, fun raffle, cup cakes and barista coffee.  



Purchase a deluxe package and have drinks on your table ($20) enquire when booking.



Looking forward to seeing you for a fun night that also supports ongoing activities at Nefesh.



Book now -




Guest Lecturer from Israel Sunday May 29








Meaningful Motherhood for MOTHERS and BABIES with Mrs Nechama Dina Moss and Shternie Dadon Discussion group for mothers

Mondays 10:00-11:00am 2 May - 20 June Nefesh Centre 54 Roscoe St, Bondi Beach


The Kabbalah of Food - Eating for the Soul for MEN and WOMEN with Rabbi Moss

 Tuesdays 8:15-9:30pm Nefesh 54 Roscoe St


Lunch in the City: Credit and Credibility for MEN and WOMEN with Rabbi MossHow Jewish business ethics can prevent a financial meltdown

1:00-2:00pm Arnold Bloch Leibler, Level 24, Chifley Tower, 2 Chifley Square, Sydney CBD


Analyzing a concept from the weekly Parsha with Rabbi Yaacov Chaiton for MEN

8:15-9:15pm 5 May - 30 June 45 Bellevue Rd


and much more at

NEFESH SERVICES - 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach 



Candlelighting 4:42pm


4:50pm Mincha followed by shiur 

6:30pm - 7:15pm Shabbos Service followed by Kiddush sponsored by Naomi Bentley in honour of her becoming an aunty - Mazel tov!


Shabbos day

9am Class on Weekly Parsha
10am -12:15pm Morning Service with kids program followed by Kiddush sponsored by Nissim Chai Nissim in honour of the Yorzheit of his father, Yaakov ben Nissim Chai z"l - long life

Mincha 4:40pm followed by Seudah Shlishis and Maariv


Shabbos ends 5:39pm 



8am Shachris followed by beginners Talmud and breakfast sponsored by Rev Amzalak in honour of the Yorzheit of his mother-in-law Bracha bas Moshe Stark - long life


Monday and Thursday

7am Shachris followed by Chassidus


This email sponsored by:

" - Keep your Chuppah glass forever!" 


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nefesh | 54 roscoe st | bondi beach | NSW | 2026 | Australia

Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Makings of a Man

Question of the Week:

It is my bar mitzvah this week. I was told this means I am becoming a man. My mother doesn't think so. So who's right?


You turn thirteen, and nothing seems to happen. On the outside, you are the same little guy that you were way back when you were twelve and three quarters. But inside, in your soul, a massive shift has occurred.

From the moment you turn thirteen, two inner voices start to make themselves heard. One is the voice of goodness, your inner drive to do that which is right and moral and good. The other is the voice of evil, the darker side of your personality that urges you to do whatever you want, no matter whom it hurts and no matter what rules you break.

Both of these speak in your voice. They are not external influences, they are you, in your head. And they will fight to control your life, for the rest of your life. People who don't know this can become very confused. One minute they feel good and want to do what's right, the next minute an ugly urge surfaces and they behave badly. "What's wrong with me?" they think. "Who am I, a pure angel or a rotten little devil?" The answer is: Both. You have a side that is pure and selfless, and another side that is vulgar and selfish. You have to choose which side to follow, and take responsibility for your choice. This battle begins at Bar Mitzvah.

In the years ahead you will be tested many times. You will be approached by people who you think are your friends, offering to do things that you know are wrong. Your inner voice of evil will say, "Go on, everyone does it, it's no big deal, there's nothing wrong." But a deeper voice, sometimes harder to hear over the noise around you, will say, "No. You have to do what's right, no matter what anyone else will think of you."

You will have help in your battle with the inner devil. The Torah will always be there to guide you, inspire you and teach you right and wrong. This is why a Bar Mitzvah boy is called to the Torah - to plug in to your source of inspiration before embarking on your mission. When you make the blessings over the Torah, everyone will respond Amen! This symbolizes the support and encouragement you will receive from your family and community as you face the challenges that will come your way.

Being mature means taking responsibility and not blaming outside forces for your failings. Some people never grow up. But you, on the day of your Bar Mitzvah are taking the first step in becoming a man.

Good Shabbos,

Rabbi Moss begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting


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MIRACLES, NOW & THEN What is a miracle? Do they happen now? Do we need them?

with guest lecturer Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz World renowned author & Talmudic scholar

Wednesday 18 May 7:45am - 9am at 45 Bellevue Road

Breakfast will be served $5 suggested donation
















Saturday 28th May at Nefesh Shul, 7.30pm for 8.00pm start


Only 20 tables available, organise your team (of up to 8 people) and book via email


Table charge only $180 for up to 8 team members or book individually $25 each and we will allocate you a table on the night.



Lots of great prizes, fun raffle, cup cakes and barista coffee.  



Purchase a deluxe package and have drinks on your table ($20) enquire when booking.



Looking forward to seeing you for a fun night that also supports ongoing activities at Nefesh.



Book now -






Meaningful Motherhood for MOTHERS and BABIES with Mrs Nechama Dina Moss and Shternie Dadon Discussion group for mothers

Mondays 10:00-11:00am 2 May - 20 June Nefesh Centre 54 Roscoe St, Bondi Beach


The Kabbalah of Food - Eating for the Soul for MEN and WOMEN with Rabbi Moss

 Tuesdays 8:15-9:30pm Nefesh 54 Roscoe St

 Lunch in the City: Credit and Credibility for MEN and WOMEN with Rabbi MossHow Jewish business ethics can prevent a financial meltdown

1:00-2:00pm Arnold Bloch Leibler, Level 24, Chifley Tower, 2 Chifley Square, Sydney CBD


Analyzing a concept from the weekly Parsha with Rabbi Yaacov Chaiton for MEN

8:15-9:15pm 5 May - 30 June 45 Bellevue Rd


and much more at

Sydney's Baby G'mach - Helping families with all baby needs


Free lending of bassinetes, car capsules, Port-a-cots, cots, high chairs, car seats, nappies, wipes, clothing, etc.


Our aim is to stock quality items in reasonable condition.


For more information, to borrow, or make a donation, please contact 


Asher on 0411 96 94 37 or Simona on 0409 28 35 23 


This G'mach has been established in honour of the late Mr Ewaz Barukh

לעילוי נשמת מולא עיוז בן משה ז"ל  



NEFESH SERVICES - 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach 



Candlelighting 4:47pm


5:00pm Mincha followed by shiur 

6:30pm - 7:15pm Shabbos Service followed by Kiddush


Shabbos day

9am Class on Weekly Parsha
10am -12:15pm Morning Service with kids program followed by Kiddush sponsored by Tali and Jeremy Fisher in honour of their baby Yasmine - Mazel tov!

Mincha 4:00pm with Bar Mitzvah celebration of Tyssen Gokyildirim, Mazel tov to Ata, Robyn, Talia and entire family!

Shabbos ends 5:43pm


8am Shachris followed by breakfast and beginners Talmud  


Monday and Thursday

7am Shachris followed by Chassidus


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nefesh | 54 roscoe st | bondi beach | NSW | 2026 | Australia

Thursday, May 5, 2011

How Do You Treat Animals?

Question of the Week:

I have been looking into the Seven Noahide Laws. I understand these are the biblical commands to all humanity - the children of Noah - and they provide the basis for ethical living. But looking at the list, there seems to be an odd one out:


1.    Do not worship idols - agreed, we have to believe in G-d

2.    Do not curse G-d - have respect for Him, I can dig that

3.    Do not murder - obvious

4.    Do not steal - ok

5.    Do not commit adultery - fine

6.    Set up courts of justice - needed to ensure the other laws are kept, but:

7.    Do not eat the limb of a living animal - what?????????????


Why of all things, include that one? While I have no intention of tearing off any animal limbs, I can't see how that would be in the top seven most important things for all humanity to observe...

Thank you for any help in enlightening this Noahide!




What is the true test of a moral person? How do you know that someone is really good in practice, and not just preaching?


One test is to observe the way they treat subordinates. Someone who can show concern for those who are lower and more helpless than themselves is a person who is truly good.


And so in formulating laws for all mankind, the Torah gives seven commands that should be seen as seven categories of ethical behaviour. The prohibition to steal includes all dishonest and unethical business practices. The outlawing of adultery encompasses all inappropriate relationships. And the ban on eating the limb of a live animal is a general law which commands us to be kind to animals.


These are not arbitrary categories of law. They cover the full gamut of moral obligation toward our fellow beings -respect for G-d who is above us, respect for human beings who are equal to us, and respect for the animal kingdom beneath us.


There is a clear hierarchy here. We are not on par with G-d, and animals are not equal to humans. The myth of equality is only necessary to protect the weak in a world devoid of morality. But moral beings with a clear code of ethics can recognise the innate inequality of nature without exploiting it. Being higher means being more responsible. Nature is here to serve us, but we are here to serve G-d, and that means treating all His creatures, equal or not, with respect.


All the best,

Rabbi Moss



To subscribe email 





Saturday 28th May at Nefesh Shul, 7.30pm for 8.00pm start


Only 20 tables available, organise your team (of up to 8 people) and book via email


Table charge only $180 for up to 8 team members or book individually $25 each and we will allocate you a table on the night.



Lots of great prizes, fun raffle, cup cakes and barista coffee.  



Purchase a deluxe package and have drinks on your table ($20) enquire when booking.



Book now -


Looking forward to seeing you for a really fun night that also supports ongoing activities at Nefesh.







Meaningful Prayer Part Two- Understanding the Shema and its blessings for WOMEN with Mrs Rivka Aaron

9:00-10:00am 9 May-20 June 45 Bellevue Rd


Chumash for WOMEN with Mrs Dina Gourarie

Learning Chumash in a structured and interesting way

10:00-11:00am 9 May-20 June 45 Bellevue Rd


Meaningful Motherhood for MOTHERS and BABIES with Mrs Nechama Dina Moss and Shternie Dadon Discussion group for mothers

10:00-11:00am 2 May - 20 June Nefesh Centre 54 Roscoe St, Bondi Beach


NEW S.T.E.P. for WOMEN with Rabbi Gourarie

Structured Torah Education Program - Module 4 - From Abraham To You

1:30-2:30pm 9 May-20 June 45 Bellevue Rd


NEW S.T.E.P. for MEN and WOMEN with Rabbi Yaacov Chaiton

Structured Torah Education Program - Module 4 - From Abraham To You

8:15-9:15pm 9 May-20 June 45 Bellevue Rd




Parsha Insights for WOMEN with Rabbi Gourarie

Overview of Weekly Parsha with commentary

9:30-10:30am 3 May - 28 June 45 Bellevue Rd


Tanach Highlights for WOMEN with Mrs Rivka Aaron

A deeper look at the story Daniel in the Lions Den

10:30-11:30am 10 May - 21 June 45 Bellevue Rd


NEW Likutei Sichos (note address)

A textual series exploring the wisdom of the Rebbe with Mrs Dina Gourarie

8:15-9:15pm 3 May - 21 May 8 New St, Bondi


The Kabbalah of Food - Eating for the Soul for MEN and WOMEN with Rabbi Moss

8:15-9:30pm 3 May - 21 May Nefesh Centre 54 Roscoe St





Emotional Maturity Established through Torah with Renee Mill

9:00-10:00am 4 May - 22 June 45 Bellevue Rd


Chassidus -Maamorim of the Rebbe for WOMEN with Rabbi Moss

2:00-3:00pm 4 May - 22 June 45 Bellevue Rd


Hebrew Reading Hour Part 2 (Bookings Essential) for MEN and WOMEN with Velvel Lederman

If you have just learnt to read Hebrew and want to improve your fluency

7:15-8:15pm 4 May - 22 June 45 Bellevue Rd


Hebrew Reading Club (Bookings Essential) for MEN and WOMEN with Rabbi Spielman

The Innovative "Reading Partner" Model

7:30-8:05pm 4 May - 22 June 45 Bellevue Rd


To Give or Not to Give? for MEN and WOMEN with Rabbi Yaacov Chaiton

The raging moral debate on organ

8:15-9:15pm 4 May - 18 May 121 Brook St, Coogee


Hands on Talmud for MEN with Rabbi Spielman

Intermediate Level Gemora Shiur

8:30-9:30pm 4 May - 29 June 2a Conway Street, Rose Bay




Character Development: Managing Conflict for WOMEN with Rabbi Gourarie

Seven great strategies for effectively managing conflict

9:20-10:15am 5 May - 23 June 45 Bellevue Rd


Rose Bay Lunch and Learn for MEN and WOMEN with Rabbi Gourarie

A deeper look at the weekly Parsha

1:00-1:45pm 5 May - 23 June 554 Old South Head Rd, Rose Bay


Lunch in the City: Credit and Credibility for MEN and WOMEN with Rabbi Moss

How Jewish business ethics can prevent a financial meltdown

1:00-2:00pm Arnold Bloch Leibler, Level 24, Chifley Tower, 2 Chifley Square, Sydney CBD


Beis Midrash Program or Analyzing a concept from the weekly with Rabbi Yaacov Chaiton for MEN

8:15-9:15pm 5 May - 30 June 45 Bellevue Rd


and more at

NEFESH SERVICES - 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach 



Candlelighting 4:53pm


5:05pm Mincha followed by shiur 

6:30pm - 7:15pm Shabbos Service followed by Kiddush


Shabbos day

9am Class on Weekly Parsha
10am -12:15pm Morning Service with kids program followed by Kiddush sposnored by Jack Reuben in honour of the yorzheit of his father Joseph Reuben z"l

Mincha 4:50pm followed by Seudah Shlishis and Maariv

Shabbos ends 5:48pm


8am Shachris followed by breakfast and beginners Talmud  



7am Shachris followed by Chassidus


7am Shachris 


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nefesh | 54 roscoe st | bondi beach | NSW | 2026 | Australia