Thursday, November 24, 2011

Couch Surfing Wipeout

Some straight talking about Nefesh:



Question of the Week:


I have been homeless for a month now. The lease on my apartment expired, the place I wanted to move into fell through at the last minute, so I searched and searched and came up with nothing. After a frazzling week of sleeping in my car I found myself "couch-surfing" and relying on friends. I am a self-reliant and independent guy who never needed anyone, so this is torture. I still have my faith in G-d that has kept me sane, and I know things will work out. But it's taking a bit too long what does He want from me? 




Sounds like you are going through a time of flux. Not sure where you are going, what to try next. This can be frustrating and exhausting.


And yet, it is important to know that being temporarily homeless is also cleansing. It shakes off the dust that has gathered on your soul. That's why Adam and Eve were evicted from the Garden of Eden after the sin, Cain was banished after killing his brother Abel, and the Jewish people were exiled from their homeland to wander the world when the Temple was destroyed. In all these cases, the trauma of misplacement served as a means of shaking away negative energy.


But not only evildoers need exile. We even find great tzaddikim - holy souls and saintly individuals - who chose to roam from city to city, having to depend on the kindness of others, for they too sought the cleansing power of homelessness. Exile is not always a punishment. It may be a gift.


I am not saying it is a walk in the park to sleep in the park. But needing a little help from your friends can certainly build character. The humility that it takes to be on the receiving end of others' goodwill can sometimes do more for your spirit than being the giver.


This is most challenging for an independent free spirit. But maybe that's exactly what you need to learn, the ability to receive and the humility to be helped.


The only way to get out of your exile is by getting out of it what you are supposed to get out of it, then you'll get out of it. Get it? I hope you get there soon.


Wishing you all the best,

Rabbi Moss


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KIDS TOYS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

We are looking to improve our kids area by acquiring the following toys and equipment. If you have anything in this list in good condition that you would like to donate, or would like to buy anything for the shul, please contact Nechama Dina, :


Toy Kitchen              Outdoor jungle gym

Kitchen toys             Dress ups

Ride ons                    Jewish books

Lego                          Dolls and prams

Pretend play toys   Pretend torah

Pretend ark


Thanks on behalf of the Nefesh kids!

SOCCER AND BBQ - NEFESH vs CHABAD DOUBLE BAY Sunday December 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

 Soccer Game

NEFESH SERVICES - 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach 



Friday night

Candlelighting 7:27pm (not before 6:16pm)


6:10pm Mincha  

6:30pm - 7:15pm Shabbos Service followed by Kiddush 


Shabbos day

9am Class on Weekly Parsha

10am -12:15pm Morning Service with kids' program followed by Kiddush sponsored by Stuart Shaw in honour of his birthday- Mazal Tov!

 - Understanding Rashi - a glimpse into the genius of Rashi's commentary on the Parsha as explained by the Rebbe  

Mincha 7:30pm followed by Seudah Shlishis and Maariv

Shabbos ends 8:28pm 



Rosh Chodesh Kislev

8am Shachris followed by breakfast and beginners' Talmud


Monday and Thursday

Shachris 7am followed by Chassidus 8am-8:45am


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nefesh | 54 roscoe st | bondi beach | NSW | 2026 | Australia

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Can Love Reach Beyond the Grave?

Question of the Week:


My son recently died in an accident. I would like to know if he can see or hear us here on earth. Is he still aware of us now that he is in Heaven? Your comments would be appreciated. Mum missing her son.




The mystery of death is one that we cannot truly understand. Why some souls come down here for so short, only to be taken away from us, is beyond us.


But we know that only the body dies, not the soul. And it is the soul of a person whom we love. Our connection with our loved ones is not with their physical presence, but their person, their love, their energy, their spirit. And that relationship never goes away. It just takes another form.


The Rebbe once spoke to a mother who was inconsolable after the loss of her son. He said to her: "What if I told you that your son isn't dead? Rather he has gone away to a place where he is safe and happy. He feels no pain, he has no fear, he has no regrets. You can't see him. But you can send him love packages, and he will receive them and enjoy them. If I told you this, would things be different?"


She thought about it and said, "Well, I guess the pain would not be quite so unbearable if I knew he was safe and I could tell him I love him."


"Well," the Rebbe said to her, "this is the case. Your son is in heaven where he is at peace. And he can still feel your love. The love packages you send to him are the mitzvos, the good deeds you do in his memory and in his honour. When you give a coin to charity, say a prayer, light a candle, be kind to those in need, and you have him in mind, he receives a flow of love from you every time. His soul up there is elevated when down here you do good inspired by his memory. Channel your grief into a positive force. Let the vacuum caused by the loss draw more light into the world."


Nothing can replace the physical touch of a hug, the pleasure of seeing your child grow and learn and play. But he is still with you. And he knows that he is blessed with a loving mother who will always think of him.


We don't know why it has to be this way. But one day, we will be reunited with the souls of our loved ones, and we will understand it all.


Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss


To subscribe email


NEFESH GOLF DAY Thursday November 24 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

 Golf Day

SOCCER AND BBQ - NEFESH vs CHABAD DOUBLE BAY Sunday December 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

 Soccer Game

NEFESH SERVICES - 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach 



Friday night

Candlelighting 7:20pm (not before 6:10pm)

6:10pm Mincha  

6:30pm - 7:15pm Shabbos Service followed by Kiddush sponsored in honour of the Batmitzvah of Talia Gokyildirim- Mazel Tov!


Shabbos day

9am Class on Weekly Parsha

10am -12:15pm Morning Service with kids' program followed by Kiddush

Shiur 6:20pm - Understanding Rashi - a glimpse into the genius of Rashi's commentary on the Parsha as explained by the Rebbe  

Mincha 7:20pm followed by Seudah Shlishis and Maariv

Shabbos ends 8:21pm 



8am Shachris followed by breakfast and beginners' Talmud


Monday and Thursday

Shachris 7am followed by Chassidus


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nefesh | 54 roscoe st | bondi beach | NSW | 2026 | Australia

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Lost Tribe in New Guinea?

NEFESH GOLF DAY November 24, book now - see below


Question of the Week:


Did you see the video of the tribe in Papua New Guinea singing the Shema in Hebrew? It is just amazing! Are they a lost tribe of Israel? How else can you explain these natives in tribal dress singing Jewish prayers in perfect Hebrew? 



It is a very cute clip. But don't be fooled. Their ability to sing Hebrew songs doesn't make them Jewish. I can sing Awimbawe, that doesn't make me a long lost African. And anyway, a few features of their song just don't add up.

If indeed they were a lost tribe of Israel, clutching on to their traditions for thousands of years in spite of their dislocation from other Jews, why do they chant the Shema in a distinctively modern European tune? Why do they sing it in English after singing it in Hebrew? And what is the explanation for the placards they display with English quotes from the Bible?

The explanation is a simple. These tribesmen are not performing an ancient rite, but rather singing the Hebrew songs that Christian missionaries have taught them. For hundreds of years the missionary work in places such as Africa and Papua New Guinea has introduced biblical ideas to native populations.

So we shouldn't be so surprised to find a witch doctor in Burma wearing a tallis or a hut in the Sahara Desert with menorahs painted all over it. It is probably just the result of our Christian friends teaching our bible (and theirs) to the locals.

Jews do not missionise. We don't believe in converting the world to our ways. But we certainly believe that ethical monotheism, the belief in one G-d Who expects us to live morally, can improve the lives of all peoples around the world. If that is what the missionaries teach, we say Amen. 

Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss

To subscribe email


ANGER AND ITS ANTIDOTE - MEANINGFUL MOTHERHOOD  Discussion group for mothers and babies with Nechama Dina Moss and Shternie Dadon Mondays 10:00am-11:00am at Nefesh 54 Roscoe St, Bondi

NEFESH GOLF DAY Thursday November 24 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

 Golf Day

GLOBAL DAY OF LEARNING this Sunday at Coogee Synagogue ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 


Sydney is one of 300 leading Jewish communities around the world participating in the

Global Day of Jewish Learning. The program celebrates Rabbi Adin "Even-Israel"

Steinsaltz's motto, "Let my people know"...the core Jewish ideas and texts.



9:30am: Registration and Welcome


10:00am: Shema - a model for relationships (Rabbi Michoel Gourarie, BINA)


10:50am: The Body and Soul of the Jewish People (Rabbi Danny Eisenberg, JLC)


12:00 noon: Various Chabura learning groups (Torah Mitzion Kollel Students, JLC)


1:00pm: For the Sake of Heaven: Diversity within Rabbinic Judaism

(Simon Holloway, Sydney University)


2:00pm: Unique Stories, Timless Messages: 5 Special Stories, each with a unique

message (Rabbi Yaacov Chaiton, BINA)


2:50pm: The Story of Joseph and His Brothers and its Message for Jewish Unity

Today (Rabbi Simcha Jacob, Or Chadash)


3:45pm: Have We Met Before? Reincarnation and Judaism

(Rabbi Aron Moss, Nefesh)

All at Coogee Synagogue, 121 Brook St Coogee

NEFESH SERVICES - 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach 



Friday night

Candlelighting 7:13pm (not before 6:05pm)

6:10pm Mincha  

6:30pm - 7:15pm Shabbos Service followed by Kiddush


Shabbos day

9am Class on Weekly Parsha

10am -12:15pm Morning Service with kids' program followed by Kiddush

NEW Shiur every week one hour before mincha, this week 6:10pm - Understanding Rashi - a glimpse into the genius of Rashi's commentary on the Parsha as explained by the Rebbe  

Mincha 7:10pm followed by Seudah Shlishis and Maariv

Shabbos ends 8:13pm 



8am Shachris followed by breakfast and beginners' Talmud


Monday and Thursday

Shachris 7am followed by Chassidus


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nefesh | 54 roscoe st | bondi beach | NSW | 2026 | Australia

Friday, November 4, 2011

Can a Viking Be Jewish?

Question of the Week:

I feel like I am a Jewish soul born in a non-Jewish body. I have always been surrounded by Jewish friends, loved the religion, and after years of study I just fulfilled my dream and converted to Judaism. My family has no Jewish roots whatsoever, I descend from Vikings on both sides, so it is all a bit of a mystery. Any explanation?


Many people from all different walks of life have reported feeling an affinity to Jews and Judaism. Some leave it at that. Others take it further. For them, it is more than just a curiosity with Jewish things or a taste for Jewish cooking. It is in their soul.

The first Jewish couple, Abraham and Sarah, were married for decades before they were blessed with a child. But the Kabbalists say that although no physical children had been born to them, they had given birth to many spiritual children.

Every time husband and wife are together a soul is born. Sometimes that soul comes down into a body, and is born as their child. Other times, the soul remains in the heavens. Abraham and Sarah for all those years were in fact giving birth to souls without bodies. Those souls were then distributed among the nations of the world and spread over history.

These are the souls of converts to Judaism throughout the ages.

When a non-Jew feels within them a pull towards the Jewish faith and the Jewish people, it may be a latent Jewish soul wanting to return to its community, a long lost child of Abraham and Sarah reuniting with its family.

This is why when a convert to Judaism chooses a Hebrew name, they are called the son or daughter of Abraham and Sarah. This is describing a true fact, their Jewish soul came directly from the first Jewish couple. While a born Jew is a distant descendant of Abraham and Sarah, a convert is their actual child.

Now there are plenty of non-Jews who have Jewish taste. Just because you like Jewish humour, enjoy Jewish food and shop at Costco, doesn't mean you have a hidden Jewish soul.

But someone such as yourself, who studies Judaism and is enthralled by it, keeps the laws of Torah and just wants to do more, felt a deep calling to join the Jewish people and made the long and hard journey to do just that - it must have been Abraham and Sarah calling you home.

Good Shabbos,

Rabbi Moss