Thursday, May 31, 2012

When There's No Way Out

When There's No Way Out...
3 MINUTE THOUGHT ON THE PARSHA - click picture above




Question of the Week:


Some things need to move with the times. One thing I find ridiculous is the two day festivals outside of Israel. Like we just had Shavuot, which the Torah says is celebrated for one day, but we celebrated it for two days. I know the reason. In times of old, each new month was announced when witnesses saw the new moon in Jerusalem. Outlying communities were never quite sure about the exact date, and so Diaspora Jews kept festivals for two days just in case. But today we do know the date, there is no confusion. So why still today do we keep two days outside of Israel for festivals that those in Israel celebrate for only one day?




Just like every person has a body and a soul, so too every Jewish law has a body and a soul. The body is the apparent, obvious, surface-level explanation of the law. But the soul is its inner meaning, its spiritual significance, its deeper truth. And just as a person should not be judged merely on appearances, for beneath their façade they have much more to them than meets the eye, so too we should never rush to dismiss a Jewish law as irrelevant without investigating its inner meaning.


The technical reason for observing festivals for an extra day in the Diaspora is indeed due to confusion over the lunar calendar. Some months have 29 days, others have 30, and in times gone by this was determined by the rabbinical court in Jerusalem on a month by month basis. The announcement of a new month would not always reach far flung Jewish communities on time, and so, not knowing the correct date, they would keep two days for each festival, just to be on the safe side.


But this is only the body of the law, not the soul. The soul of the law is this. In the Land of Israel, the Holy Land, one day is enough to absorb the festival and its meaning. Outside of Israel, where the air is less receptive to holiness, we need two days to fully get it.


Each holy day in our calendar brings down a particular spiritual blessing. Pesach gives us an annual boost of freedom, Sukkos injects joy into our year, and Shavuos is when we receive Torah anew. In Israel, the connection is faster, and so the transmission of the festive energy is smooth and quick, done in a day. But in the Diaspora it takes longer. All divine blessings pass through the Holy Land first before they get to us, and so our connection is less direct and immediate. It takes time to absorb the holiness, and so we get two days. Any less would be too short to fully integrate the experience.


This reasoning is as relevant today as it ever was. The body is mortal, but the soul lives forever, and so even when the technical reasons for Jewish law seem outdated, their inner meaning, their soul, lives on. 


Good Shabbos,

Rabbi Moss


To subscribe  CLICK HERE or email





Saturday June 30th at Nefesh Shul, 7.30pm for 8.00pm start


PRIZES INCLUDE - Bluetooth handsfree car set, Robotic Vacuum Cleaner, HD video recorder and much much more


Book now -



Friday Night

Candlelighting 4:36pm

Mincha 4:45pm


Shabbos Service 6:00pm followed by Kiddush


Shabbos Day

Shiur 9am

Morning Service 10am -12:20pm followed

by Kiddush sponsored by Miri Collis in honour of the Hebrew naming of her daughter Mia - Mazal Tov.



4:30pm followed by Seuda Shlishis and Maariv


Shabbos ends 5:34pm



8am Shachris followed by breakfast and beginners' Talmud 9:00-9:45am



Monday to Friday 7am


Chassidus Monday and Thursday 8am-8:45am



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nefesh | 54 roscoe st | bondi beach | NSW | 2026 | Australia

Thursday, May 24, 2012

What's Wrong With Judaism?



Question of the Week:


The festival of Shavuos is to me an example of everything that's wrong with Judaism. On the one hand it is the time of the giving of the Torah - supposedly a holy and spiritual event. So how do Jews celebrate this sacred revelation? By eating cheese blintzes. Do you see why I am attracted to eastern spirituality? They don't just eat at every opportunity. ..



A great thinker once said: "Show me how you eat blintzes, and I will show you your soul." Or something like that.

Eating blintzes on Shavuos expresses the core message of Judaism. And there is no better way to celebrate a sacred moment than by eating the most indulgent and pleasurable dessert.

We learn this from a strange detail in the story of this great divine revelation. The entire Israelite nation, men, women and children, were gathered at the foot of Mt Sinai, ready to experience the greatest spiritual event of history. For the first and only time, G-d spoke directly to an entire nation and delivered His mission for the world. A thundering voice proclaimed the Ten Commandments, and the people heard and were awe-struck.

Then, once the show was over, G-d instructed the Jewish people, "Now go back to your tents."

This seems bizarre. Surely the Israelites didn't need to be told to go home. Where else would they go? So why did G-d need to say this? Can you imagine an opera singer ending a powerful performance, or a president ending an address to the nation with, "Ok, you can go home now"?

But here G-d was communicating a vital message. In a way this was the 11th commandment. You have heard my message. Now take it home. Take it into your lives.

G-d was saying, "You just received a divine revelation. You listened very attentively to the My voice. But the point of the revelation is that it should impact your daily lives. If you have heard G-d's voice, you should better be able to hear the voice of your fellow human being. If you are closer to G-d, it should be apparent in the way you go about your daily business. So go back to your tents, and let me see how you have been transformed. Let me see how you eat lunch."

Spiritual experiences are not supposed to affect our souls. They are supposed to affect our blintzes. Our souls are holy already, but our eating, our daily activities, our blintzes are in need of elevation. The test of a truly spiritual person is not in the way they pray or meditate or talk to G-d, but rather after they pray, in the way they eat and do business and talk to their cleaning lady. If you can only be holy in a house of prayer but not in your own house, you've missed the point.

So after hearing the Ten Commandments read in synagogue this Shavuos, eat a blintz or two, and see if you can make that a soulful experience. If you can't find G-d in a blintz, you need to learn some more Torah.

Good Shabbos,  

Rabbi Moss


To subscribe  CLICK HERE or email


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 Deal with an Aussie in Jerusalem

Chana Moss

SHAVUOS ALL-NIGHTER AT NEFESH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

Celebrate the giving of the Torah at our all night learning program. Come for part or come for the whole night, there will be plenty of coffee and cake and inspiration to keep you up....

awake all night

First night Shavuos, Saturday May 26 at Nefesh, 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach


9pm - 9:45pm The Secrets of Numerology with R' Aaron Amzalak

10pm - 10:45pm 40 Day Radical Diet - why Moses not eating was a big deal with Rabbi Moss


11pm - 12:15pm Debate: A Chazan is a Waste of Time - let's cut out the singing in shul and get on with it! Affirmative: Chazan Isser Feiglin, Justin Rosenberg, Cassia Partane; Negative: Jack Reuben, Michelle Brenner, Daniel Doctor


12:30am - 1:15am From Sinai to Canberra - the role of religion in a democratic state, including a discussion on gay marriage legislation with Rabbi Moshe Gutnick


1:30am - 2:30am Zohar study session - a taste of real Kabbalah from the source


2:30am - 3:30am Do the Dead Hear Us? A Talmudic textual study


3:30am - 4am Ask the rabbi - you won't believe what comes up at this time of night

4am - 5am Short speeches from community members (more volunteers needed)



Saturday June 2nd at Nefesh Shul, 7.30pm for 8.00pm start


Only 20 tables available, organise your team and book via email


Table charge only $180 for up to 8 team members or book individually $25 each and we will allocate you a table on the night.


Lots of great prizes, fun raffle, muffins and barista coffee.  


Purchase a deluxe package and have drinks or sushi on your table. Enquire when booking.


Looking forward to seeing you for a fun night that also supports ongoing activities at Nefesh.


Book now -


Friday Night

Candlelighting 4:39pm

Mincha 4:50pm


Shabbos Service 6:00pm followed by Kiddush


Shabbos Day

Shiur 9am

Morning Service 10am -12:20pm followed by Kiddush sponsored by Allen Rosenberg in honour of the 1st Yahrzeit of his late wife Anita Rosenberg - Long Life.


Early Mincha straight after Kiddush approx 1pm





Saturday night

Light Candles after 5:36pm

Maariv 5:40pm


All Night Learning Program commences 9pm



Shachris 10am

Ten Commandments 11am followed by icecream party and Torah celebration for kids


Mincha 4:45pm


Maariv 5:40pm


Light Candles after 5:36pm



Shachris 10am

Yizkor 12pm


Mincha 4:45pm


Yom Tov Ends 5:36pm



Chassidus Thursday 8am-8:45am 
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nefesh | 54 roscoe st | bondi beach | NSW | 2026 | Australia

Thursday, May 17, 2012

What Are You High On?


Question of the Week:


I read an article by a professor in Israel who suggests that the revelation at Mt Sinai was actually a drug-induced hallucination. I thought it was a ridiculous proposition, but it did get me thinking. How do we know that it was indeed G-d who spoke to Moses and not some mind-altering mushroom?


I read that article too. I am not sure what that professor was smoking when he wrote it.

There are several ways to test whether a revelation is truly divine or just the product of human imagination. One of them is by examining the content of the message. G-d never tells you what you want to hear. When people make up their own revelations, the message they convey tends to be very convenient and comfortable. But if it is indeed G-d talking, He most probably will demand from you something you never would have asked from yourself.

Imagine Moses came down from the mountain and said, "Ok guys, here's the deal. G-d wants us to chill out. He thinks we are just fine as we are. Eat whatever you want, be loose in your relationships, and live a life that feeds your every whim and fancy. Don't fuss over petty things like being honest in your business dealings or being nice to strangers. As long as you are good deep down in your heart and are true to yourself that's fine. We are here to have fun, not stress over little moral scruples."

Had Moses brought us this message, we would be justified to suspect that G-d may not have said that. But Moses did not bring us a message of self-assurance and convenience. Rather, he came down from the mountain and said the following (not an exact quote):

"Ok guys, here's the deal. G-d created the world as an unfinished project. And we have to do the rest. We are not here to serve ourselves, we are here to serve a higher purpose. We are naturally selfish, and we have to become selfless. We are physical and hedonistic, and we must become soulful and sensitive. We need to care for the poor and down-trodden, we need to love our neighbours even when they annoy us. We need to practice acts of goodness even if we are not in the mood. We have a huge mission to achieve - to change the world by changing ourselves. There is no promise that things will be easy for us. But this is our mission. So get to work."

The demands that G-d makes of us in the Torah are steep. They challenge us to our very core. This fact alone, while not proving anything, certainly indicates that Moses received the Torah when He was high on the mountain, not on anything else.


Good Shabbos,  

Rabbi Moss


To subscribe  CLICK HERE or email


MEANINGFUL MOTHERHOOD - The Mystery of Men and Women Discussion for mothers and babies with Nechama Dina Moss and Sherny Dadon Mondays 10am-11:15am at Nefesh

KABBALAH OF PURPOSE Why Are We Here? Tuesday May 22, 8:15pm at Nefesh 




SHAVUOS ALL-NIGHTER AT NEFESH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

Celebrate the giving of the Torah at our all night learning program. Come for part or come for the whole night, there will be plenty of coffee and cake and inspiration to keep you up....


First night Shavuos, Saturday May 26 at Nefesh, 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach


9pm - 9:45pm The Secrets of Numerology with R' Aaron Amzalak

10pm - 10:45pm 40 Day Radical Diet - why Moses not eating was a big deal with Rabbi Moss


11pm - 12:15pm Debate: A Chazan is a Waste of Time - let's cut out the singing in shul and get on with it!


12:30am - 1:15am From Sinai to Canberra - the role of religion in a democratic state, including a discussion on changing the marriage legislation with Rabbi Moshe Gutnick


1:30am - 2:30am Zohar study session - a taste of real Kabbalah from the source


2:30am - 3:30am Do the Dead Hear Us? A Talmudic textual study


3:30am - 4am Ask the rabbi - you won't believe what comes up at this time of night

4am - 5am Short speeches from community members (more volunteers needed)



Saturday June 2nd at Nefesh Shul, 7.30pm for 8.00pm start


Only 20 tables available, organise your team and book via email


Table charge only $180 for up to 8 team members or book individually $25 each and we will allocate you a table on the night.


Lots of great prizes, fun raffle, muffins and barista coffee.  


Purchase a deluxe package and have drinks or sushi on your table. Enquire when booking.


Looking forward to seeing you for a fun night that also supports ongoing activities at Nefesh.


Book now -


Friday Night

Candlelighting 4:43pm

Mincha 4:55pm


Shabbos Service 6:00pm followed by Kiddush sponsored by Jordan Wainer and Jody Levinthal in loving memory of their grandmother Doreen.


Shabbos Day 10am -12:20pm Morning Service with Kids' program followed by Kiddush in honour of the wedding of Greg Schreeuwer and Nataly Szasz- Mazel Tov! 


Mincha 4:40pm followed by Seuda Shlishis and Maariv


Shabbos ends 5:39pm.



8am Shachris followed by breakfast and beginners' Talmud 9:00-9:45am



Monday to Friday 7am


Rosh Chodesh Sivan on Tuesday


Chassidus Monday and Thursday 8am-8:45am

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nefesh | 54 roscoe st | bondi beach | NSW | 2026 | Australia

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Making Sacrifices for Our Children's Education?



Question of the Week:


I know this sounds petty but I can't stand making lunches for my kids. Every night I am just about to fall into bed exhausted, and just then I remember that I need to make sandwiches. I still do it, but I can't say I do it with love. I guess I feel that much of my life is taken up with mundane things like packing lunchboxes. Must I resign to that fact that my life has boiled down to making tuna sandwiches?




Making tuna sandwiches is far from mundane. It is a holy activity. With every lunchbox you pack you  are performing a sacred duty, one that dates back to the times of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem.


In ancient Israel, the Temple in Jerusalem was the focus of Jewish spiritual life. It was the home of G-d in which the cohanim, the priests, and their assistants the Levites brought sacrifices, burnt incense and spent their days meditating and singing to G-d.

This priestly tribe lived a life completely dedicated to spirituality. They did not have jobs, did not own property, but rather devoted themselves to studying G-d's laws and singing His praises. They represented the entire Jewish people before G-d, and through their service they brought down divine blessing for the entire world. To do this, they had to be well educated in matters of the spirit and totally focused on their mission.


But they had to eat. You can't study and pray for the world all day on an empty stomach. And so the rest of the Israelite nation would provide the material needs of the priestly tribe. People would bring offerings of food and donations of money to the Temple to support the cohanim. It was a reciprocal relationship. In return for the holy service the cohanim provided, their every need was looked after, and they were free to completely focus on their spiritual tasks without having to worry about paying the bills or doing the shopping. The priests brought G-d's blessing to the people. The people brought them lunch.


Today we no longer have the Holy Temple, and so we do not have the service of the cohanim to bring us blessing. But we have a substitute - our precious children. They are our holy priests, innocent and pure souls who go to school every day, say their prayers and study the Torah without a worry in the world. When children sing their songs and learn the Hebrew letters, their voices reach the highest heavens, just as the service of the cohanim in the Temple used to do in the days of old. And when G-d hears their voices, so pure and sweet, He showers us with blessings and love.


But if children are the priests serving G-d, parents are the supporters providing their needs. When you make tuna sandwiches, you are ensuring that your little cohen will have the sustenance he needs to do his work. When you stretch yourself to pay the school fees and ensure your child has an authentic Jewish education, you are donating toward the upkeep of the Temple, the safe and pure sanctuary in which your child's soul can thrive. And when you give up on luxuries and personal ambitions to be able to support your child's education, you have brought a true sacrifice on G-d's altar.


So next time you mash the mayonnaise into the tuna and wrap up the sandwiches for your holy little priests, remember that you are fulfilling a sacred task, providing their needs so they can learn carefree. As much as you are giving them, they are giving you back far more.

 Good Shabbos,  Rabbi Moss   

To subscribe  CLICK HERE or email


MEANINGFUL MOTHERHOOD - The Mystery of Men and Women Discussion for mothers and babies with Nechama Dina Moss and Sherny Dadon Mondays 10am-11:15am at Nefesh

KABBALAH OF PURPOSE Tuesdays May 15 and 22, 8:15pm at Nefesh 

SHAVUOS ALL-NIGHTER AT NEFESH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

Celebrate the giving of the Torah at our all night learning program. Come for part or come for the whole night, there will be plenty of coffee and cake and inspiration

First night Shavuos, Saturday May 27 at Nefesh, 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach


9pm - 9:45pm The Secrets of Numerology with R' Aaron Amzalak

10pm - 10:45pm 40 Day Radical Diet - why Moses not eating was a big deal with Rabbi Moss


11pm - 12:15pm Debate: A Chazan is a Waste of Time - let's cut out the singing in shul and get on with it!   

12:30am - 1:15am From Sinai to Canberra - the role of religion in a democratic state, including a discussion on changing the marriage legislation with Rabbi Moshe Gutnick


1:30am - 2:30am Zohar study session - a taste of real Kabbalah from the source


2:30am - 4am Do the Dead Hear Us? A Talmudic textual study


3am - 4am Ask the rabbi - you won't believe what comes up at this time of night

4am - 5am Short speeches from community members (more volunteers needed)


Saturday June 2nd at Nefesh Shul, 7.30pm for 8.00pm start


Only 20 tables available, organise your team and book via email 


Table charge only $180 for up to 8 team members or book individually $25 each and we will allocate you a table on the night.


Lots of great prizes, fun raffle, muffins and barista coffee.  


Purchase a deluxe package and have drinks or sushi on your table. Enquire when booking.


Looking forward to seeing you for a fun night that also supports ongoing activities at Nefesh.


Book now -   


Friday Night

Candlelighting 4:48pm

Mincha 5:00pm


Shabbos Service 6:00pm followed by Kiddush sponsored by Les & Marion Pozniak.


Shabbos Day 10am -12:20pm Morning Service with Kids' program followed by Kiddush cosponsored by Jack Reuben in honour of the yarzeit of his late grandfather Yaakov Ben Nissim Chai Z'L, and Virginia Gross in honour of Ilan Gross. 


Mincha 4:40pm followed by Seuda Shlishis and Maariv


Shabbos ends 5:44pm.



8am Shachris followed by breakfast and beginners' Talmud 9:00-9:45am



Monday to Friday Shachris 7am


Chassidus Monday and Thursday 8:00am-8:45am


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nefesh | 54 roscoe st | bondi beach | NSW | 2026 | Australia