Thursday, April 3, 2014

Heads or Fairytales?

PAULA ABDUL LIVE almost full


COMMUNAL SEDER - click on flyers below to book


Question of the Week:


Every year we end the Seder by saying, "Next year in Jerusalem!" Every year we open the door for Elijah the prophet to come and announce the arrival of Moshiach - the long awaited Messiah. And after more than 3000 years it still hasn't happened. Isn't there a point in time where we realize that Moshiach isn't coming? Haven't we learnt our lesson by now? How many years of disappointment do we need to give up on this messianic dream and wake up to reality?




Imagine I take out a coin from my pocket, and ask you "heads or tails?" You say heads. I flip it, and it lands on tails.


So I give you another chance, and flip it again. Again it comes out tails. But you wanted heads, so I keep going. Ten more times, then another ten times, and another, and it never lands on heads, until I have flipped this same coin 99 times and every single time it lands on tails.


You examine the coin. It is a legitimate coin, heads on one side, tails on the other, equally weighted and not tampered with. There is nothing dodgy here. And yet it landed on tails 99 times in a row.


Before flipping it again I ask you, "heads or tails?" And I offer you a million dollars if you get it right, or you lose a million if you get it wrong.


What are the chances that on the 100th flip, it will land on heads?


The answer is exactly the same chances as the first flip and every flip, 50/50. The fact that it landed on tails every time until now has absolutely no statistical bearing on the next flip. It could be tails a 999,999 times, and there is no reason why the millionth time won't be heads.


Just because something didn't happen yet, doesn't make it less likely to happen soon. Moshiach is going to come. The fact that he didn't come last year or the year before in no way limits the likelihood of him coming this year.


In fact, the contrary is true. A coin may never fall on heads. In theory, it could fall on tails every single time forever. But Moshiach has to come, G-d has promised it. So each year he doesn't show up makes the next year more likely to be the one when he will.


But it's more than just a game of chance. Our faith actually brings Moshiach closer. A coin won't land on heads because you want it to, but our faith in a better future actually helps make that future a reality. When we open the doors for Elijah to come, when we pray to be in the rebuilt Jerusalem, we bring Moshiach a step closer.


It's not just in our heads. We will live to tell the tale.


Good Shabbos,

Rabbi Moss


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PLEASE NOTE: daylight saving ends this Sunday. From next week Friday night services start 6pm.


Friday Night, 

Candle Lighting: 6:30pm (not before 5:34pm)

Mincha: 6:10pm

Shabbos Service: 6:30pm followed by Kiddush 


Shabbos Day, 

Spiritual Parsha Class 9:00am

Shabbos Service: 10:00am-12:15pm

Followed by Kiddush in honour of the birth of a baby boy to Mark and Alexandra Bernberg - mazel tov!


Mincha: 6:25pm followed by Seudah Shlishis


Shabbos ends and Maariv: 7:24pm




Sunday: 8:00am

Monday-Friday: 7:00 am 


Latest Shema this week: 9:03am

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nefesh | 54 roscoe st | bondi beach | NSW | 2026 | Australia

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Yes, she's Jewish. Yes, she's here in Sydney. Come meet her and hear her amazing personal journey.



Who is Paula?

Never before has there been an artist who has been equally recognized, awarded and celebrated both in front of the camera and behind the scenes, as has Paula Abdul. As a ground-breaking choreographer, dancer, song writer, performer, designer, actor and business woman, this two-time Emmy Award winner and multi-platinum recording artist, selling over 60 million records worldwide, has continued to find new ways to entertain her loyal fans for over 20 years. 

More recently Paula has become one of the top public speakers in the industry, touring the world to bring her own passion, drive and amazing experiences to touch the lives of thousands. Her story will surprise you.

Paula Abdul was born in San Fernando, California, to Jewish parents. Her father, Harry Abdul, is from the Jewish community of Aleppo, Syria. Her mother, concert pianist Lorraine (née Rykiss), grew up in one of the two Jewish families of Minnedosa, Manitoba, Canada.

What is Nefesh?

There is spirituality that is lofty and floats way above your head. Then there is Nefesh.

Nefesh means 'soul' in Hebrew. But more specifically, Nefesh refers to the level of the soul that enlivens the body, the interface between spirit and matter. It is down to earth spirituality. Soul you can get your teeth into.

Nefesh is where the soul finds its grounding. Every service, event and class at Nefesh attempts to bring down spiritual truths in a way that can relate to you as you are, right here, right now.

Nefesh is bursting out of its current premises and is moving rapidly ahead with plans for a major renovation. From our humble beginnings in the Moss family dining room 10 years ago, the shul has evolved to become an active and energetic community, and is now ready to take the next step in its growth, securing its future for generations to come.
We are extremely excited about this new venture and we look forward to sharing our journey with you.

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nefesh | 54 roscoe st | bondi beach | NSW | 2026 | Australia

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Is there Meaning in Cleaning?

NEFESH COMMUNAL SEDER bookings open, click on flyer below


Question of the Week:


I love Pesach. I hate Pesach cleaning. We spend two weeks working like a slave so we can spend one week celebrating freedom from slavery. Am I missing smoehting? Is there meaning in the cleaning?




My wife finds a new spiritual lesson from the Pesach cleaning every year. Here is her latest insight.


Do you know which parts of the house are the hardest to clean? Which areas accumulate the most junk? You would think it's the busy areas, the rooms that get the most traffic and the sections that get the most use.


But it's not the case. In fact, quite the opposite is true. The messiest parts of the house are those you don't live in. A spare room, an unused cupboard, a neglected garage, these are the most cluttered, dusty and disorganized corners of the house. The more deserted and empty an area is, the more mess it will accumulate. If you don't fill a room with useful things, it will become the dumping ground for those tchachkes that belong nowhere. Empty space does not remain empty for long. It gathers dust, and much more.


Your life works in exactly the same way. The enemy of virtue is emptiness. A mind that is left idle is fertile ground for needless worries and fears. It is when we have nothing to think about that we start feeling down and sorry for ourselves. The most dangerous people are bored people. When you have nothing better to do, you get up to no good.


On the other hand, when we are busy, we are less likely to get up to the wrong thing. As one great Chassidic master said, "I don't expect my disciples not to sin because they are too righteous to sin, I expect them not to sin because they are too busy."


So as you clean out the house for Pesach, ponder those messy corners of nothingness, and marvel at how emptiness can be so full of junk. Let it inspire you to fill your mind with wisdom, and your schedule with goodness. 


Want to find some meaning in life? Mind your own busy-ness.


Good Shabbos,

Rabbi Moss


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A smorgasbord of classes to deepen your Seder experience:


The Secret of Elijah's CupThe Secret of Elijah's Cup
The Secret of Elijah's Cup


Reincarnated Souls in the Haggadah
Reincarnated Souls in the Haggadah






The Real Haggadah (four part series) - The Rebbe's revolutionary take on the Seder 



Exodus of the Soul (two part series) - inner freedom means the ability to feel





Friday Night, 

Candle Lighting: 6:39pm (not before 5.42pm)

Mincha: 6:10pm

Shabbos Service: 6:30pm followed by Kiddush 


Shabbos Day, 

Spiritual Parsha Class 9:00am

Shabbos Service: 10:00am-12:15pm

Followed by Kiddush 


Mincha: 6:35pm followed by Seudah Shlishis


Shabbos ends and Maariv: 7.33pm




Sunday: 8:00am

Monday-Friday: 7:00 am (need some support here! Can you come one day a week?)


Chassidus Monday and Thursday: 8:00-8:45am 


Latest Shema this week: 9:55am

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nefesh | 54 roscoe st | bondi beach | NSW | 2026 | Australia

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Can Your Soulmate be Stolen?


Wednesday April 30, save the date and stay tuned


Question of the Week:


A friend and I have been going back and forth in regards to dating. She is in no rush to get married, but feels pressured to "get out there" lest she miss out on her soulmate. I say what will be will be, and if it is meant to happen then it will. Can one's soulmate be "stolen" if they don't act in haste?




It is most certainly possible to miss out on your soulmate.


The Talmud discusses certain times of the year when Jewish law does not allow weddings to take place. One of them is during a festival, like Pesach, as we do not want to mix celebrations together. However the Talmud says that while you can't perform a wedding during a festival, you can make shidduch - a match between prospective mates with a view to get married. The reasoning the Talmud gives is that while a wedding can wait until after the festival, if you delay making a match someone else may beat you to your soulmate.


But how can one person take a soulmate destined for someone else?


Through raising your soul to a higher level.


If you work on yourself, improve your character and refine yourself to a new spiritual plane, then your soulmate changes. A new improved soul gets a new improved soulmate.


And who will be that new improved soulmate? Someone whose original soulmate has either fallen to a lower spiritual level and doesn't deserve them anymore, or is dithering around, wondering if they are ready to get married...


This teaches us an amazing principle in soulmate searching. The two things that can cause you to lose your soulmate are spiritual decline, or lack of real effort. And the two things that will most help you find your soulmate are self-improvement, and determined effort.


Sit around and nothing will happen. But as long as you are out there, and as long as you are working on yourself, you will find him.


Good Shabbos,

Rabbi Moss


Sources: Talmud Moed Katan 18b, Arizal Shaar Hagilgulim Hakdoma 8


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Dov Silverton is a much loved member of our Shul who has special needs.


Many of you interact with Dov and have welcomed him wonderfully into our community. I have recently been working with some of his supporters as I want to find ways of helping him participate further in the community. 


Our first step is to learn more about Dov as a person and also to understand the impact of his learning difficulties. Through understanding we can work through any concerns we may have and get a better sense of what we can offer Dov. I have learned a lot so far just by talking with his supporters. 


I have invited Libby Ellis, a social worker who helps Dov, to come address the community this Shabbos day during the Kiddush.


So please come along and hear more about Dov and how we might be able to understand him better and engage him more.


Many thanks,

Rabbi Moss

Meaningful Motherhood Speaker Series


Friday Night, 

Candle Lighting: 6:49pm (not before 5.50pm)

Mincha: 6:10pm

Shabbos Service: 6:30pm followed by Kiddush 


Shabbos Day, 

Spiritual Parsha Class 9:00am

Shabbos Service: 10:00am-12:15pm

Followed by Kiddush sponsored by an anonymous friend


Mincha: 6.45pm followed by Seudah Shlishis


Shabbos ends and Maariv: 7.42pm




Sunday: 8:00 am

Monday-Friday: 7:00 am (need some support here! Can you come one day a week?)


Chassidus Monday and Thursday: 8:00-8:45am 


Latest Shema this week: 10:01 am

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nefesh | 54 roscoe st | bondi beach | NSW | 2026 | Australia

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Get a Life!



Question of the Week:


My operation was successful. I just survived a pretty close shave with my own mortality, so I should be thankful. But I am finding it hard to appreciate when the life I woke up to is so miserable. I need a job. I am all alone. I am alive but sometimes question if my life is worth anything. Any words of inspiration for a sad survivor?




Your question is right on time. What you need is Purim.


The Purim story is a strange one. Like most festivals, it celebrates how G-d intervened in history to save the Jewish people from a mortal enemy. But it seems like He didn't finish the job.


It happened in the time when the Jews were under Persian rule, after the destruction of the first Temple. A decree to slaughter every Jewish man, woman and child was miraculously averted. That's something. But the situation for the Jews was no better at the end of the story than at the beginning. They were still under foreign rule. The temple had not been rebuilt.  And Esther was still stuck with a buffoon of a king for a husband.


You'd think if G-d is doing miracles already, He would do it all the way. Don't just save the Jews from annihilation, get rid of all tyrants, free the oppressed, and end world poverty while you're at it.


Well, we can't second guess G-d. He does things His way. Purim teaches us to appreciate each miracle as it comes. What we can celebrate, we do. We survived, and even if times weren't so good, life itself is the greatest cause for celebration.


When going through life's difficulties, we are often advised to look at the big picture. But sometimes the big picture doesn't look all that good. Sometimes, we have to look at the little picture. Forget about the forest, appreciate the trees. You are alive, celebrate it. G-d has given you a blessing, savour that moment.


On Purim, make sure you drink Lechaim - to life. A tough life? Maybe. But life!


Good Shabbos and a happy Purim,

Rabbi Moss

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Nefesh presents an evening with Paula Abdul

Wednesday April 30

Stay tuned...

Purim at Nefesh
Click on flyer to go straight to bookings
Meaningful Motherhood Speaker Series


Friday Night,14 March 2014

Candle Lighting: 6.58 pm (not before 5.5 8pm)

Mincha: 6:10 pm

Shabbos Service: 6:30 pm

Followed by Kiddush sponsored by the Ress Family in honour of Jonny Ress' Bar Mitzvah this weekend.

L'Chaim sponsored by Jon Shapira honour of Gilda's safe return, his safe return, and the 1st Wedding anniversary of Natalia and Robert Beenstock.


Shabbos Day,15 March 2014

Spiritual Parsha Class 9:00am

Shabbos Service: 10:00am-12:15pm

Followed by Kiddush sponsored by Eli Barukh, in memory of his father, Moshe Ben Barukh Yitzchak Rachamim A"H - משה בן ברוך יצחק רחמים ע"ה

Early mincha 1:20pm


Mincha: 4.30 pm - Bar Mitzvah of Jonny Ress - Mazel tov!


Shabbos ends and Maariv: 7.51 pm


Purim - Megillah reading (Saturday night) 8.15pm

Sunday morning: Shacharis 8.00am,  Megillah 8.30am, Second Megillah reading 10am,  Last Megillah reading 4.30pm 





Sunday: 8:00 am

Monday-Friday: 7:00 am


Chassidus Thursday: 8:00-8:45 am 


Latest Shema this week: 9:59 am

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