Friday, 31 August 2018 | 20 Elul 5778
Candle Lighting.................................... 5:18pm
Mincha............................................... 5:30pm
Shabbos Service...................................6:00-6:50pm
Kiddush sponsored by Harry Fester in honour the yortzheit for his late father Mendel Fester on 16 Elul/ Monday 27 August- Long Life.
Shabbos Day, 1 September 2018 | 21 Elul 5778
In depth parsha class .................................... 9:00am
Shabbos Service............................ 10:00am-12:20pm
Kids Program .............................................. 10:30am
Kiddush sponsored by Nurit Eckowitz in honour of the yortzheits of her late parents Hedy & Martin Weider on 18 Elul and 2 Tishrei respectively - Long Life.
Mincha and with Pirkei Ovos .............. Chapters 3 & 4
followed by Seudah Shlishis ............... 5:15pm
Gematria and Story by Rev Amzalak.... 5:35pm
Shiur with Rabbi Moss........................ 5:55pm
Shabbos ends................................... 6:14pm
Followed by Havdalah
Farbrengen - Lechaim, Stories and Song ......10:00pm
Selichos service ........................... 11:55pm-12:25am
Mon- Fri.................Selichos 6:40am, Shachris 7:00am
Latest Shema this week............ 9:03am