Question of the Week
I am not Jewish, but have many Jewish work colleagues. I attended my first Jewish funeral for an old boss this week. I tried to be respectful and follow protocol, but I think I may have messed up. As I was leaving, someone said to me, "I've sim cards." I was a little taken aback. Why would people be selling phone plans at a funeral? Then another person said the same thing to me, which I thought was strange. I thanked them and explained that I am locked into a 24 month contract. When a third person also told me "I've sim cards" I started to think maybe I was misunderstanding something. Is it customary to buy a new sim card after a Jewish funeral?
You did very well, and you did not mess up at all. Your confusion is completely understandable. What you were hearing had nothing to do with phone contracts. It was a Yiddish blessing. They were saying, "Oif Simchas."
The meaning of the blessing is, "We should meet at happy occasions." It is customary to say this after meeting in sad circumstances. We wish each other that next time we cross paths, it should be for a joyous celebration rather than a time of sorrow.
This little expression contains some very profound wisdom. We are not just saying "Let's meet at happy times." We are saying, "Let's behave in happy times the way we behave at difficult times."
Funerals often bring out our better side. Death brings people together. The community unites to support the bereaved. Friends who have been out of touch reach out to offer comfort. Even estranged family members who were not on speaking terms may end up sitting together and making peace. United in pain, petty arguments fall away, and silly things that divide us don't matter any more. In the face of mortality, we appreciate life and the people we live with.
It is a sad quirk of human nature that we are quicker to come together when something bad happens. But we are not stuck in our nature. We can transcend it. If we can unite when we experience loss, then we can unite any time. It's a choice: hold on to our pettiness, or let go and live a fuller life.
So when we leave a funeral we say, "Oif Simchas." Let's not wait for another loss to come together. Let's unite at happy times just as we do for the not-so-happy times. Let's appreciate what we have while we still have it. Rather than just cry together, let's celebrate together.
Life is short. Even lock-in contracts come to an end eventually. In the meantime, make sure your connections are strong.
Oif Simchas!
Rabbi Moss
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New Kiddush options at Nefesh!
Please consider sponsoring a Kiddush- we have a number of dates available in June.
Friday Night
$120 - Basic
$200 - Deluxe
Shabbos Day
$180 - Cholent only
$350- Standard
Email office@nefesh.com.au to book your kiddush.
Friday, 28 May 2021 | 17 Sivan 5781
Candle Lighting........................................4:38pm
Shabbos Evening Service ......................... 6:00-6:50pm
Followed by Kiddush
Saturday, 29 May 2021 | 18 Sivan 5781
Shiur with Rabbi Moss..................... 9:15am
Shabbos Morning Service............... 10:00am - 12:20pm
Children's Program ....................... 11:00am
Followed by Kiddush
Mincha after Kiddush
Pirkei Ovos...................................Chapter 2
Shabbos ends.............................. 5:35pm
Latest Shema this week................ 9:18am
All classes this week are sponsored by The Martin family in honour of Harper's Birthday- Mazal Tov!
Natalie Adler, Sam Weiss and their extended families on their upcoming wedding.
Theresa Bengis.................... 18 Sivan/Saturday, 29 May
Janine Diamond....................20 Sivan/Monday, 31May
Harper Martin.......................21 Sivan/Tuesday, 1 June
Michelle Streimer..................21 Sivan/Tuesday, 1 June
Nick & Carmelle Hedges......... 19 Sivan/Sunday, 30 May
Vitali Broyda for his late grandfather
Pinchus ben Lipa... 18 Sivan/Saturday, 29 May
Eric Melman for his late mother Nellie Melman
Necha bat Benzion...19 Sivan/Sunday, 30 May
Tania Hasanoff for her late aunt Thelia Hasanoff
Tzela... 21 Sivan/Tuesday, 1 June
Larnce Gold for his late grandfather David Goldbaum
David ben Baruch...22 Sivan/Wednesday, 2 June
Robyn Tsipris for her late mother Anne Brandon
Channah bat Bension... 23 Sivan/Thursday, 3 June
Jonathan Shapira for his late father Miron Shapira
Meir ben Yosef...24 Sivan/Friday, 4 June
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