Fri 17th September Erev Yom Kippur
3:00pm Mincha at Roscoe St
5:29pm Candle Lighting and Fast Begins
Yom Kippur Services at Hakoah
Fri 17th September
5:45 - 7:45pm Kol Nidrei and Evening Service
Shabbos 18th September
9:00am Morning Service
10:00am Childminding starts
11:30pm Yizkor
2:30pm Break
4:00pm Afternoon Service
6:25pm Fast Ends
Who is the Groom?
There are three people who can have the honour of being chassanim (grooms) during Simchas Torah. Tradition says that these bring huge blessings for the new year, both for the one who buys it and the one for whom it is bought.
In most shuls they go for thousands of dollars each. Nefesh has made it much more affordable for whoever responds first. They can be bought by a single person or a syndicate. This really is an ideal gift for the man who has it all, and a beautiful way to honour special people in the community.
Simchas Torah (Friday October 1):
Chosson Torah - last call-up in the entire Torah: $540
Chosson Bereishis SOLD - first call-up in new cycle of the Torah: $540
Chosson Maftir - last call-up of the day: $360
Please respond now to this email to reserve one of these honours. Although only men can perform them, women can buy them and thus the honour is theirs to give. They can also be purchased anonymously.
NOTE: Although anyone can buy the honours, Nefesh policy is that no one person can receive an honour two years in a row, and no one person can receive any one of the three honours more than once.
The proceeds will go towards our Sukkos celebrations, to which everyone is invited:
Sukkos and Simchas Torah Events and Service Times
All services at Nefesh, 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach
Remember to make an Eruv Tavshilin
Wednesday September 22,
Candle lighting 5:33pm, Mincha 5:45pm, Yomtov Evening Service 6:30pm
Thursday September 23, 10am service followed by Kiddush and lunch in the Sukkah all welcome, no charge, donations appreciated
Candle lighting not before 6:28pm, Mincha 5:45pm, Maariv 6:30pm
Friday September 24, 10am service followed by Kiddush in the Sukkah,
Candle lighting 5:34pm, Mincha 5:45pm, Shabbos evening service 6:30pm
Shabbos day September 25, 10am service followed by Kiddush in the Sukkah
Mincha 5:25pm followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv
Chol Hamoed Services
Sunday - Wednesday 8am
Shmini Atzeres and Simchas Torah:
Remember to make an Eruv Tavshilin
Wednesday September 29,
Candle lighting 5:37pm, Mincha 5:45pm, Yomtov Evening service 6:30pm with Kiddush and dancing
Thursday September 30, service 10am, Yizkor 11:30am, followed by Kiddush
Candle lighting not before 6:33pm, Mincha 5:45pm
Simchas Torah evening service, big Kiddush and dancing with the Torah 6:30pm till late, followed by dinner at home of Rabbi and Nechama Dina Moss
Friday October 1, Simchas Torah service 10am, Kiddush, dancing with the Torah,
Candle lighting 5:39pm, Mincha 5:45pm, Shabbos evening service 6:30pm
Shabbos day October 2, Morning service 10am followed by Festive Lunch, $20 per person, $10 per child, $60 per family, to book email by Monday September 27
Mincha 5:30pmfollowed by special Sholosh Seudos to end the month of Tishrei and Maariv