Thursday, December 22, 2011

Your Mother Knows...

Question of the Week:


This question is from my daughter (aged 9 years).


"Why would a supposedly good, just, loving G-d allow so much suffering in the world?"


(I started answering and realised I was not talking on her level. Can you help?)


You are a bright nine year old. There are many things that you can understand, but your baby brother would not understand. For example, does your baby brother ever get a rash? I'm sure he does. So what happens when a baby has a rash? Mum applies cream to ease it. The poor little baby screams as his tender skin is stung by the ointment. But mum keeps going, ignoring the screams. As hard as it is for her to inflict pain on her baby, she does it, because she knows that it is for his good. 
Imagine it would be possible to ask the baby how he feels about the situation. He would probably say, "I am being brutally tortured by the very person who is supposed to love me and care for me the most! My own mother has no mercy. She ignores my cries. Why is this happening?"
And there would be no answer anyone could offer. There is no way in the world we could explain to a baby that no, it is not torture, it is healing. Yes it is painful, but it is only being done in order to prevent pain and make you better. A baby simply can't understand anything beyond the pain he is experiencing.
We are all like that baby. In front of G-d, even the wisest and smartest person is like an infant. We look at the world and we see the suffering and we ask why. And no one can give us a satisfying answer. We can't understand, all we can do is cry from the pain. G-d is moved by our cries, it pains Him to see our pain. He understands us. We don't understand Him.
The gap between our minds and G-d's is even wider than the gap between a baby's mind and an adult's. The baby will one day reach adulthood, and he too will come to understand the ways of his parents. But we will never reach G-d. We cannot begin to understand G-d's ways.
But the baby still loves his mum, even though he doesn't understand her actions. So too we need not understand G-d to love Him. Somehow, all the suffering in the world is a healing, and every painful experience is there to teach and to fix. Why does it have to be this way? G-d knows. We don't.
Mum knows what she's doing. So does G-d.
Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss

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At the new Bina premises, 337 Old South Head Rd North Bondi

Session One: 10am - 11am - A choice of four streams

Men's textual Shiur with Rabbi Chaiton

"A taste of Semicha"  Separation between Milk and Meat


Women's Textual Shiur

  • Monday 26th - Torah Lo Bashomaim - When can a prophet interfere with Jewish law? with Rabbi Elisha Greenbaum
  • Tuesday 27th - The Woman Who Lives Forever - Serach Bas Osher with Nechama Dina Moss
  • Wednesday 28th - Jews and Food - The Torah perspective on balanced eating with Dina Gourarie
  • Thursday 29th - A Woman's Crown - The Sheitel advantage - benefits and blessings with Shternie Althaus
  • Friday 30th - Discovering the soul of Shabbos with Rivka Aaron


Variety of topics with Rabbi Aron Moss (men and women)

  • Monday 26th - The Ten Lost tribes Part 1 - Truth and Legend
  • Tuesday 27th - The Ten Lost Tribes - Part 2 Where are they today?
  • Wednesday 28th - The "Luz" Bone
  • Friday 30th - Reincarnation - can we identify our past lives?


NEW! The Best of Personal Growth with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie (men and women)

  • Monday 26th - Keeping Calm - 4 effective 'anger management strategies.
  • Tuesday 27th - How to handle criticism
  • Wednesday 28th - The power of words
  • Thursday 29th - The Dark Side - channelling negative emotions
  • Friday 30th - Humility - The difference between Self Esteem and arrogance

Session Two - 11:00am - 12:00noon

Panel discussions and lectures

  • Monday 26th - Good Jews and Bad News

A panel discussion on the responsibilities of a Jewish Newspaper - Is everything that's fit to print Kosher?

Rabbi Elisha Greenbaum - Moorabbin Hebrew Congregation

Josh Levi - Senior Journalist at the Australian Jewish News

Dr Ron Weiser AM - Member of the Board of Governors of the Jewish Agency (Sochnut)

  • Tuesday 27th - Designer Babies - radical medicine in the eyes of the Torah

Rabbi Elisha Greenbaum

  • Wednesday 28th - Problematic Marriages and Possible Halachic solutions

Rabbi Yoram Ulman

  • Thursday 29th - Reincarnation in the Bible From the teachings of the Arizal

Rabbi Michoel Chriqui

  • Friday 30th Eliyahu Hanavi - man or angel?

Rabbi Aron Moss


BBQ on Monday Jan 2nd

Honour Thy Father and Mother

A candid and insightful look at the challenges of being a good child to our parents


Rabbi Chaiton: Do Not Forsake Me... - our obligations towards elderly parents

Rabbi Moss: Are All Parents Honourable? - the limits of respect

Rabbi Gourarie: Is my life your business? The fine line between caring and interfering in our children's lives

Children's Program:

While you learn we will take care of your children (Bookings Essential)

Babies and Toddlers 0-4 - Babysitting for little ones

Cost: $15 per child per day or $65 for the whole week

Children 5-7 years

Structured arts and crafts, Davening , learning and lots of fun

Cost: $15 per child per day or $65 for the whole week

Children 8-12 years

Boys and Girls program alternating between shiur and arts and crafts program

Cost: $18 per child per day or $75 for the whole week

Family rates for all children activities available


NEFESH SERVICES - 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach 



Friday night

Candlelighting 7:48pm (not before 6:36pm)


Mincha 6:10pm

Go home to light Menorah not before 6:36pm


MUSICAL MENORAH LIGHTING with Isser and the Nefesh House Band 6:40pm including Jam Doughnut Session- Sponsored by Darren and Yamit Zelazne in honour of their son Yoav's 3rd birthday- Mazal Tov!


7:15pm Shabbos Service followed by Shabbos Chanukah Dinner (bookings closed)


Shabbos day

9am Class on Weekly Parsha

10am -12:15pm Morning Service with kids' program followed by Kiddush sponsored by Simone Gerry in honour of her daughter Bronwyn's completion of university - Mazel Tov!

Shiur 6:50pm -

Mincha 7:50pm followed by Seudah Shlishis and Maariv

Shabbos ends 8:50pm

Light 5th candle 



8am Shachris followed by breakfast and beginners' Talmud 9:00-9:45am


Monday and Tuesday - Rosh Chodesh Teves

(Public Holidays) Shachris 8am



Shachris 7am  

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nefesh | 54 roscoe st | bondi beach | NSW | 2026 | Australia

Thursday, December 15, 2011

My Grandfather Was a Rabbi...

CHANUKAH DINNER NEXT WEEK - bookings close, see below

Question of the Week: 

I fear for the future of the Jewish people. When I look at my family and where they are headed it is not very promising. My grandfather was a rabbi, but I am not sure my grandchildren will even be Jewish. What is the secret to keeping Judaism alive?




I have yet to meet a Jew who doesn't proudly claim, "My grandfather was a rabbi." It seems that three generations ago everyone was a rabbi.


What they really mean is that their grandfather was an observant Jew. He probably had a beard, prayed every day, and was knowledgeable in Torah. He may have been a cobbler or merchant or baker, not a rabbi, but he was a committed Jew.


Anyone who identifies as Jewish today only need go back three or four generations to find observant Jews in their family. And from there an unbroken chain of Jewish living that goes back three thousand years. Not that everyone has always been observant. There have always been unobservant Jews. But we don't know their grandchildren. They have been lost to the Jewish community.


Jewishness without Jewish observance cannot last more than a couple of generations. Unless they rebel and turn to Judaism, the children of unobservant Jews will stop being Jewish altogether and assimilate. A family of unobservant Jews will lose one or the other - either the Jewishness, or the unobservance. You can't have both.


This is not a new phenomenon. Throughout Jewish history there have been individuals and groups who tried to keep a Jewish identity without Jewish practice. It has never worked. A vague Jewish ethnic feeling, devoid of any spiritual purpose and with no compelling message that is relevant to life, cannot last long. Only proud and authentic Judaism, that offers relevance and meaning, direction and inspiration, will stand the test of time.


In the times of the Chanukah story, a small band of faithful Jews stood up against the vast majority of Jews who subscribed to Hellenism, the Greek way of life. We celebrate Chanukah today because we descend from the faithful few.


The solution to Jewish continuity is no secret, it's obvious. Living breathing Judaism produces living breathing Jews. Do for your grandchildren what your grandfather did for you - be a living example of what it means to live a vibrant Jewish life. They don't need their grandfather to be a rabbi, but they need him to be a proud and practicing Jew.


Good Shabbos and Happy Chanukah,
Rabbi Moss


Chanukah begins this Tuesday night. For more info click here


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Friday December 23


MUSICAL MENORAH LIGHTING with Isser and the Nefesh House Band 6:40pm

Shabbos service 7:15pm


FULLY CATERED SHABBOS DINNER - $35 per adult, $15 per child 3-12, Book Now by Clicking HERE

NEFESH SERVICES - 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach 



 Friday night

Candlelighting 7:44pm (not before 6:32pm)


6:10pm Mincha  

6:30pm - 7:15pm Shabbos Service followed by Kiddush


Shabbos day

9am Class not on this week

10am -12:15pm Morning Service with kids' program followed by Kiddush in honour of the Barmitzvah of Rafael Jones - Mazel Tov!

Mincha 7:30pm followed by Seudah Shlishis in honour of the wedding of Jonathan Capal and Joanne Goldschmidt - Mazel tov!

Shabbos ends 8:46pm 



8am Shachris followed by breakfast and beginners' Talmud 9:00-9:45am


Monday and Thursday

Shachris 7am followed by Chassidus 8am-8:45am

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nefesh | 54 roscoe st | bondi beach | NSW | 2026 | Australia

Thursday, December 8, 2011

G-d's Feminine Side

Question of the Week:

I am always fascinated by gender roles in Judaism. Why is it that women are the ones to light Shabbos candles?



Male and female down here on earth are a reflection of male and female up there in heaven. Just as humans come in two forms, so too G-d, in whose image we were created, has two ways to interact with the world. G-d is of course one, but G-d's presence expresses itself in two distinct ways, male and female.

During the working week, the divine male energy dominates. On Shabbos, the divine feminine element emerges.

The working week is a time of tension, when the demands of a material existence encroach on our spiritual life. And so it is the male aspect of the divine, an energy that is competitive and forceful, that is needed to face the challenges of the mundane week.

Shabbos is when we step out of the material world and enjoy a more peaceful existence. Here is where the feminine divine side takes over, an energy that is nurturing and tranquil, soothing and at peace with the world.

The human soul is described as the candle of G-d, for the soul was sent to this world to bring light. On Friday evening, the Shechina - the feminine aspect of the divine - descends to light up our souls and give them the light and warmth they need to illuminate the world in the coming week.

The light of our soul may have dimmed during the week, when the pull of materialism clouds our spiritual flame. But the arrival of Shabbos brings us an increased energy and brightness. Our souls vibrate on a higher frequency on Friday nights, we are more alive and spiritually open, thanks to the closeness of the Shechina, G-d's feminine presence.

When a woman lights Shabbos candles, she is emulating the Shechina. Just as she lights her candles, so the Shechina is lighting her candles, the souls of Israel. And so, the Zohar says, a woman should light candles with joy and deep intention, for at that moment she reflects her divine source, and she too lights up the world.

Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss

(Source: Zohar I 48b) 


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Friday December 23


MUSICAL MENORAH LIGHTING with Isser and the Nefesh House Band 6:40pm

Shabbos service 7:15pm


FULLY CATERED SHABBOS DINNER - $35 per adult, $15 per child 3-12, Book Now by Clicking HERE

NEFESH SERVICES - 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach 



Friday night

Candlelighting 7:39pm (not before 6:27pm)


6:10pm Mincha  

6:30pm - 7:15pm Shabbos Service followed by Kiddush celebrating the Bat Mitzvah of Samantha Rubenstein- Mazel Tov! 


Shabbos day

9am Class on Weekly Parsha

10am -12:15pm Morning Service with kids' program followed by Kiddush in honour of the upcoming wedding of Warren Minde and Sarah Friedgood - and the birth and naming of Lindy & Gavin Wertheim's baby daughter- Mazel Tov!


Annual Daniel's Shabbos Lunch sponsored by Daniels: Doctor, Harkham, Lowinger, Lutman,Meguedeche, Miller and Stein.



Shiur 6:40pm - Understanding Rashi

Mincha 7:40pm followed by Seudah Shlishis and Maariv

Shabbos ends 8:41pm 



8am Shachris followed by breakfast and beginners' Talmud 9:00-9:45am


Monday and Thursday

Shachris 7am followed by Chassidus 8am-8:45am

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nefesh | 54 roscoe st | bondi beach | NSW | 2026 | Australia

Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Pot of Murky Waters

Question of the Week:


I never used to work on myself. I didn't think I had to. I am a nice guy and always was. Only recently have I got involved in Judaism and become more introspective and spiritual. But a weird thing has happened. I don't think I am as nice as I used to be. I have discovered a temper I never knew I had. And I feel more tempted to do immoral things than ever before. This really started since I'm coming to shul more and learning more about my religion. Does this make sense? Shouldn't becoming more observant make me better not worse?


There's good news and bad news. The bad news is, you were never a completely nice guy. No one is. The good news is, now you can do something about it. You can learn how by observing a pot on the fire.

Fill a pot with water from the tap and examine it. Does the water look clean? Of course it does, it is straight from the tap. Then put the pot on a fire, and watch it boil. Observe that as the water gets hotter, impurities start to float to the top. Sediment and dirt and all kinds of contaminants suddenly seem to appear from nowhere.

Of course they were there before, but they were so mixed in with the water that you didn't notice them. The water only looked clean. When put on a fire, the heat separates out the impurities and brings them to the surface. What seemed to be just an innocent pot of water turns out to be a mix of good stuff and not so good stuff.

Your personality is that pot of water. We can all look at ourselves and say, "I am a pretty good guy. I don't hurt anyone, I am not mean or cruel." For most of us, if we are not mass-murderers we think we are fine.

In truth, we all have darker sides to ourselves. We have weaknesses of character, bad attitudes and inappropriate urges that lurk beneath the surface. As long as we don't shake ourselves up, these impurities remain anonymous, blending in with our general identity. We are not so bad, and not so good.

It is only when we start to self-examine, when we probe into our inner workings and try to improve ourselves, only then do all the hidden gremlins start to emerge. When the fire of your soul starts to burn with spiritual passion, the ugliness that hid in the recesses of your heart appears in full force.

This is great. Because only when the impurities float to the surface can they be identified, isolated and removed. While the pot remained a mixture of pure water and sediment, there is no way to get rid of the dregs without losing the water. But once the heat separates out the two, it is easy to skim off the surface residue and the water is clear.

So the choice is yours. Live a life of mediocrity, a lukewarm pot of water that seems all nice but is really just mixed up. Or let the fire of your soul expose your inner weaknesses, so you can face them and boil them away.

Good Shabbos,

Rabbi Moss


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KIDS TOYS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

We are looking to improve our kids area by acquiring the following toys and equipment. If you have anything in this list in good condition that you would like to donate, or would like to buy anything for the shul, please contact Nechama Dina, : or Make a Donation


Toy Kitchen              Outdoor jungle gym

Kitchen toys             Dress ups

Ride ons                    Jewish books

Lego                          Dolls and prams

Pretend play toys   Pretend torah

Pretend ark


Thanks on behalf of the Nefesh kids!

SOCCER AND BBQ - NEFESH vs CHABAD DOUBLE BAY Sunday December 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

 Soccer Game

NEFESH SERVICES - 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach 



Friday night

Candlelighting 7:33pm (not before 6:22pm)


6:10pm Mincha  

6:30pm - 7:15pm Shabbos Service followed by Kiddush 


Shabbos day

9am Class on Weekly Parsha

10am -12:15pm Morning Service with kids' program followed by Kiddush celebrating the upcoming wedding of David Bighel and Jennifer Goldberg - Mazel Tov!


Shiur 6:35pm - Understanding Rashi

Mincha 7:35pm followed by Seudah Shlishis and Maariv

Shabbos ends 8:35pm 



8am Shachris followed by breakfast and beginners' Talmud 9:00-9:45am


Monday and Thursday

Shachris 7am followed by Chassidus 8am-8:45am



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nefesh | 54 roscoe st | bondi beach | NSW | 2026 | Australia

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Couch Surfing Wipeout

Some straight talking about Nefesh:



Question of the Week:


I have been homeless for a month now. The lease on my apartment expired, the place I wanted to move into fell through at the last minute, so I searched and searched and came up with nothing. After a frazzling week of sleeping in my car I found myself "couch-surfing" and relying on friends. I am a self-reliant and independent guy who never needed anyone, so this is torture. I still have my faith in G-d that has kept me sane, and I know things will work out. But it's taking a bit too long what does He want from me? 




Sounds like you are going through a time of flux. Not sure where you are going, what to try next. This can be frustrating and exhausting.


And yet, it is important to know that being temporarily homeless is also cleansing. It shakes off the dust that has gathered on your soul. That's why Adam and Eve were evicted from the Garden of Eden after the sin, Cain was banished after killing his brother Abel, and the Jewish people were exiled from their homeland to wander the world when the Temple was destroyed. In all these cases, the trauma of misplacement served as a means of shaking away negative energy.


But not only evildoers need exile. We even find great tzaddikim - holy souls and saintly individuals - who chose to roam from city to city, having to depend on the kindness of others, for they too sought the cleansing power of homelessness. Exile is not always a punishment. It may be a gift.


I am not saying it is a walk in the park to sleep in the park. But needing a little help from your friends can certainly build character. The humility that it takes to be on the receiving end of others' goodwill can sometimes do more for your spirit than being the giver.


This is most challenging for an independent free spirit. But maybe that's exactly what you need to learn, the ability to receive and the humility to be helped.


The only way to get out of your exile is by getting out of it what you are supposed to get out of it, then you'll get out of it. Get it? I hope you get there soon.


Wishing you all the best,

Rabbi Moss


To subscribe email


KIDS TOYS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

We are looking to improve our kids area by acquiring the following toys and equipment. If you have anything in this list in good condition that you would like to donate, or would like to buy anything for the shul, please contact Nechama Dina, :


Toy Kitchen              Outdoor jungle gym

Kitchen toys             Dress ups

Ride ons                    Jewish books

Lego                          Dolls and prams

Pretend play toys   Pretend torah

Pretend ark


Thanks on behalf of the Nefesh kids!

SOCCER AND BBQ - NEFESH vs CHABAD DOUBLE BAY Sunday December 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

 Soccer Game

NEFESH SERVICES - 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach 



Friday night

Candlelighting 7:27pm (not before 6:16pm)


6:10pm Mincha  

6:30pm - 7:15pm Shabbos Service followed by Kiddush 


Shabbos day

9am Class on Weekly Parsha

10am -12:15pm Morning Service with kids' program followed by Kiddush sponsored by Stuart Shaw in honour of his birthday- Mazal Tov!

 - Understanding Rashi - a glimpse into the genius of Rashi's commentary on the Parsha as explained by the Rebbe  

Mincha 7:30pm followed by Seudah Shlishis and Maariv

Shabbos ends 8:28pm 



Rosh Chodesh Kislev

8am Shachris followed by breakfast and beginners' Talmud


Monday and Thursday

Shachris 7am followed by Chassidus 8am-8:45am


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nefesh | 54 roscoe st | bondi beach | NSW | 2026 | Australia