Thursday, December 22, 2011

Your Mother Knows...

Question of the Week:


This question is from my daughter (aged 9 years).


"Why would a supposedly good, just, loving G-d allow so much suffering in the world?"


(I started answering and realised I was not talking on her level. Can you help?)


You are a bright nine year old. There are many things that you can understand, but your baby brother would not understand. For example, does your baby brother ever get a rash? I'm sure he does. So what happens when a baby has a rash? Mum applies cream to ease it. The poor little baby screams as his tender skin is stung by the ointment. But mum keeps going, ignoring the screams. As hard as it is for her to inflict pain on her baby, she does it, because she knows that it is for his good. 
Imagine it would be possible to ask the baby how he feels about the situation. He would probably say, "I am being brutally tortured by the very person who is supposed to love me and care for me the most! My own mother has no mercy. She ignores my cries. Why is this happening?"
And there would be no answer anyone could offer. There is no way in the world we could explain to a baby that no, it is not torture, it is healing. Yes it is painful, but it is only being done in order to prevent pain and make you better. A baby simply can't understand anything beyond the pain he is experiencing.
We are all like that baby. In front of G-d, even the wisest and smartest person is like an infant. We look at the world and we see the suffering and we ask why. And no one can give us a satisfying answer. We can't understand, all we can do is cry from the pain. G-d is moved by our cries, it pains Him to see our pain. He understands us. We don't understand Him.
The gap between our minds and G-d's is even wider than the gap between a baby's mind and an adult's. The baby will one day reach adulthood, and he too will come to understand the ways of his parents. But we will never reach G-d. We cannot begin to understand G-d's ways.
But the baby still loves his mum, even though he doesn't understand her actions. So too we need not understand G-d to love Him. Somehow, all the suffering in the world is a healing, and every painful experience is there to teach and to fix. Why does it have to be this way? G-d knows. We don't.
Mum knows what she's doing. So does G-d.
Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss

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At the new Bina premises, 337 Old South Head Rd North Bondi

Session One: 10am - 11am - A choice of four streams

Men's textual Shiur with Rabbi Chaiton

"A taste of Semicha"  Separation between Milk and Meat


Women's Textual Shiur

  • Monday 26th - Torah Lo Bashomaim - When can a prophet interfere with Jewish law? with Rabbi Elisha Greenbaum
  • Tuesday 27th - The Woman Who Lives Forever - Serach Bas Osher with Nechama Dina Moss
  • Wednesday 28th - Jews and Food - The Torah perspective on balanced eating with Dina Gourarie
  • Thursday 29th - A Woman's Crown - The Sheitel advantage - benefits and blessings with Shternie Althaus
  • Friday 30th - Discovering the soul of Shabbos with Rivka Aaron


Variety of topics with Rabbi Aron Moss (men and women)

  • Monday 26th - The Ten Lost tribes Part 1 - Truth and Legend
  • Tuesday 27th - The Ten Lost Tribes - Part 2 Where are they today?
  • Wednesday 28th - The "Luz" Bone
  • Friday 30th - Reincarnation - can we identify our past lives?


NEW! The Best of Personal Growth with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie (men and women)

  • Monday 26th - Keeping Calm - 4 effective 'anger management strategies.
  • Tuesday 27th - How to handle criticism
  • Wednesday 28th - The power of words
  • Thursday 29th - The Dark Side - channelling negative emotions
  • Friday 30th - Humility - The difference between Self Esteem and arrogance

Session Two - 11:00am - 12:00noon

Panel discussions and lectures

  • Monday 26th - Good Jews and Bad News

A panel discussion on the responsibilities of a Jewish Newspaper - Is everything that's fit to print Kosher?

Rabbi Elisha Greenbaum - Moorabbin Hebrew Congregation

Josh Levi - Senior Journalist at the Australian Jewish News

Dr Ron Weiser AM - Member of the Board of Governors of the Jewish Agency (Sochnut)

  • Tuesday 27th - Designer Babies - radical medicine in the eyes of the Torah

Rabbi Elisha Greenbaum

  • Wednesday 28th - Problematic Marriages and Possible Halachic solutions

Rabbi Yoram Ulman

  • Thursday 29th - Reincarnation in the Bible From the teachings of the Arizal

Rabbi Michoel Chriqui

  • Friday 30th Eliyahu Hanavi - man or angel?

Rabbi Aron Moss


BBQ on Monday Jan 2nd

Honour Thy Father and Mother

A candid and insightful look at the challenges of being a good child to our parents


Rabbi Chaiton: Do Not Forsake Me... - our obligations towards elderly parents

Rabbi Moss: Are All Parents Honourable? - the limits of respect

Rabbi Gourarie: Is my life your business? The fine line between caring and interfering in our children's lives

Children's Program:

While you learn we will take care of your children (Bookings Essential)

Babies and Toddlers 0-4 - Babysitting for little ones

Cost: $15 per child per day or $65 for the whole week

Children 5-7 years

Structured arts and crafts, Davening , learning and lots of fun

Cost: $15 per child per day or $65 for the whole week

Children 8-12 years

Boys and Girls program alternating between shiur and arts and crafts program

Cost: $18 per child per day or $75 for the whole week

Family rates for all children activities available


NEFESH SERVICES - 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach 



Friday night

Candlelighting 7:48pm (not before 6:36pm)


Mincha 6:10pm

Go home to light Menorah not before 6:36pm


MUSICAL MENORAH LIGHTING with Isser and the Nefesh House Band 6:40pm including Jam Doughnut Session- Sponsored by Darren and Yamit Zelazne in honour of their son Yoav's 3rd birthday- Mazal Tov!


7:15pm Shabbos Service followed by Shabbos Chanukah Dinner (bookings closed)


Shabbos day

9am Class on Weekly Parsha

10am -12:15pm Morning Service with kids' program followed by Kiddush sponsored by Simone Gerry in honour of her daughter Bronwyn's completion of university - Mazel Tov!

Shiur 6:50pm -

Mincha 7:50pm followed by Seudah Shlishis and Maariv

Shabbos ends 8:50pm

Light 5th candle 



8am Shachris followed by breakfast and beginners' Talmud 9:00-9:45am


Monday and Tuesday - Rosh Chodesh Teves

(Public Holidays) Shachris 8am



Shachris 7am  

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