Sukkos Service Times
Wednesday 14 Tishrei / 18 September
Erev Sukkos
7:00am Shachris
5:30pm Candle Lighting
5:40pm Mincha
6:30pm Yomtov Evening Service, first night Sukkos
Thursday 15 Tishrei / 19 September
1st Day Sukkos
10:00am Morning service followed by Kiddush in the Sukkah sponsored anonymously
5:40pm Mincha followed by Divrei Torah
6:30pm Maariv Second night
Candle Lighting for second night must be after 6:25pm
Friday 16 Tishrei / 20 September
2nd Day Sukkos
10:00am Morning service followed by Kiddush in the Sukkah
5:40pm Mincha followed by Divrei Torah
6:30pm Shabbos service and Kiddush in the Sukkah sponsored anonymously
Candle Lighting for Shabbos 5:31pm
Shabbos 17 Tishrei / 21 September
Shabbos Chol Hamoed
10:00am Morning service followed by Kiddush in the Sukkah - sponsored by Chana Michla Deitz in honour of her father Yehuda Aryeah Leib ben Yehudis' yahrzeit.
5:30pm Mincha
6:27pm Shabbos ends
Chol Hamoed
Sunday 18 Tishrei / 22 September
8:00am Shachris
Monday - Tuesday 19-20 Tishrei / 23 - 24 September
7:00am Shachris
Wednesday 21 Tishrei / 25 September
Hoshana Rabba
7:00am Shachris (Hoshanos available in shul $5)
5:34pm Candle Lighting
5:45pm Mincha
6:30pm Shmini Atzeres evening service, followed by Kiddush and Hakofos dancing
Thursday 22 Tishrei / 26 September
Shemini Atzeres
10:00am Morning service followed by Kiddush in the Sukkah
5:45pm Mincha
6:30pm SIMCHAS TORAH SERVICE huge Kiddush and Hakofos dancing till late.
Kiddush sponsored in memory of Yehoshua Ben Misooda, Tafaha bat Gergiyee and Michael Samuel Ben Habiba
Candle Lighting for second night must be after 6:30pm
Friday 23 Tishrei / 27 September
Simchas Torah
10:00am Morning service, Kiddush Lunch sponsored anonymously in honour of Nefesh Shul, Hakofos dancing, completing Torah and starting again
5:36pm Shabbos Candle Lighting
5:45pm Mincha followed by songs to farewell the Yomim Tovim
6:30pm Shabbos Service
Shabbos Bereishis 24 Tishrei / 28 September
10:00am Morning service followed by Kiddush
5:15pm Mincha followed by Seudah in honour of the Simchas Torah Chassanim
6:32pm Shabbos ends