Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Swaddling in the Sukkah

For Yizkor and Call up donations please click here


Question of the Week:


I think I have the post Yom Kippur blues. Every year I get all inspired by the fast, and am sure that I will be more committed to Judaism in the year ahead. But somehow it dissipates pretty quick (like around the third mouthful after breaking the fast). I don't want to lose it again this year. Any suggestions?




I know just what you need. You need to be swaddled.


A newborn baby, moments after birth, is taken by a midwife and wrapped up in a swaddling cloth. This serves to keep the newborn protected and warm. Having just emerged from the security and nurture of the womb, the baby is particularly vulnerable and sensitive. A good swaddling cloth gives him a sense of protection from the cold and harsh world out here.


But swaddling doesn't last long. You rarely see teenagers wrapped up in a cloth with their arms behind their ears. (Though perhaps some should be.) Swaddling is a brief bridging stage between the safety of the womb and the hazards of real life. A well wrapped baby will eventually grow to face life unwrapped. The swaddle cloth just helps him get there.


Your soul needs that bridge too. You have emerged from the womb of Yom Kippur a pure and renewed soul. The negative residue from your past has been cleansed. Your soul is now tender and sensitive, and easily susceptible to the coldness of spiritual apathy and other moral germs floating in the air. You need some protection. You need to be swaddled. You need a Sukkah.


The Sukkah is the only mitzvah that you do with your whole being. The holy air of the Sukkah completely envelops and surrounds you. It turns everything you do into a holy act. Just eating and drinking and chatting in the Sukkah is a mitzvah, just because it is done in the divine shade of the Sukkah. When you sit in a Sukkah, you are being swaddled by sanctity. 


Going from the highs of Yom Kippur straight back into the routine of the mundane world is like taking a new born from her mother's womb straight out into the cold night. You just cant do that. Sit in the Sukkah. Bask in its sacred shade. Be enwrapped in its warm embrace.


You aren't suffering from post-Yom Kippur blues, you are just an unswaddled soul. The Sukkah can fix that.


Good Yomtov,

Rabbi Moss


(Source: Likkutei Dibburim 4 p1534)


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Morning tea and shiur for women:
"Why can't I use a lemon?"
Lulav and Etrog Inspiration
Tuesday 24th Sep
10:00 - 11:15am
Nefesh - 54 Roscoe Street
Rsvp for catering purposes
BINA office 9365 4421 or office@bina.com.au 

Mazal Tov to those who have purchased the honours on Simchas Torah:

Chosson Torah - 
Shlomo Ezekiel
Chosson Bereshis - Sheli Hersch in memory of her brother Desmond Nissan Fleisch
Chosson Maftir - Jenny Kantorovich in honour of her parents Pinchus ben Rivka v'Semeon and Slava bat Esther v' Joseph.


Chosson Kol Hanearim -  Elana Castle for her husband Grant Smuts 


Hagbaah - Jack Reuben

May this mitzvah bring you all much blessings from on high!

Sukkos Service Times

Wednesday 14 Tishrei / 18 September

Erev Sukkos

7:00am Shachris

5:30pm Candle Lighting


5:40pm Mincha

6:30pm Yomtov Evening Service, first night Sukkos


Thursday 15 Tishrei / 19 September

1st Day Sukkos

10:00am Morning service followed by Kiddush in the Sukkah sponsored anonymously  

5:40pm Mincha followed by Divrei Torah

6:30pm Maariv Second night

Candle Lighting for second night must be after 6:25pm


Friday 16 Tishrei / 20 September

2nd Day Sukkos

10:00am Morning service followed by Kiddush in the Sukkah  

5:40pm Mincha followed by Divrei Torah

6:30pm Shabbos service and Kiddush in the Sukkah sponsored anonymously  

Candle Lighting for Shabbos 5:31pm


Shabbos 17 Tishrei / 21 September

Shabbos Chol Hamoed

10:00am Morning service followed by Kiddush in the Sukkah - sponsored by Chana Michla Deitz in honour of her father Yehuda Aryeah Leib ben Yehudis' yahrzeit.  

5:30pm Mincha

6:27pm Shabbos ends


Chol Hamoed

Sunday 18 Tishrei / 22 September

8:00am Shachris


Monday - Tuesday 19-20 Tishrei / 23 - 24 September

7:00am Shachris


Wednesday 21 Tishrei / 25 September

Hoshana Rabba

7:00am Shachris (Hoshanos available in shul $5)

5:34pm Candle Lighting


5:45pm Mincha

6:30pm Shmini Atzeres evening service, followed by Kiddush and Hakofos dancing


Thursday 22 Tishrei / 26 September

Shemini Atzeres

10:00am Morning service followed by Kiddush in the Sukkah

5:45pm Mincha

6:30pm SIMCHAS TORAH SERVICE huge Kiddush and Hakofos dancing till late.  

Kiddush sponsored in memory of Yehoshua Ben Misooda, Tafaha bat Gergiyee and Michael Samuel Ben Habiba 

Candle Lighting for second night must be after 6:30pm


Friday 23 Tishrei / 27 September

Simchas Torah

10:00am Morning service, Kiddush Lunch sponsored anonymously in honour of Nefesh Shul, Hakofos dancing, completing Torah and starting again

5:36pm Shabbos Candle Lighting

5:45pm Mincha followed by songs to farewell the Yomim Tovim

6:30pm Shabbos Service


Shabbos Bereishis 24 Tishrei / 28 September

10:00am Morning service followed by Kiddush

5:15pm Mincha followed by Seudah in honour of the Simchas Torah Chassanim

6:32pm Shabbos ends

This email was sent to shmuly77d@gmail.com by rabbimoss@nefesh.com.au |  
nefesh | 54 roscoe st | bondi beach | NSW | 2026 | Australia

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