Thursday, October 17, 2013

Where Do I Belong?

Question of the Week:


It seems that my family are the modern day wandering Jews.  We have moved from city to city 5 times in the last 7 years. We like where we are now sort of, but we are always slightly on the edge (or not so slightly), making a living thank G-d, but unhappy with the schools, unhappy with the medical care, the weather, etc.  We have even gone back to the place we just came from, only to leave again when things don't work out. 


We need to be in one place for our 13 yr old daughter, but I don't know which place it should be. What should we do? 




It is very clear where you need to be. You need to be where you are right now. G-d has put you there for a reason. Though you think you chose to be there, in fact you were directed there from above.


One of the names of G-d in Hebrew is Hamakom, which literally means The Place. There is a divine hand that leads us to the place we are in. So when the Talmud says, "Do not argue with Hamakom," it doesn't only mean you shouldn't have gripes with G-d. It means you need to make peace with the place G-d has put you. You are there because you couldn't be anywhere else.


You may never be completely happy with any place you live. But you will be able to settle, as soon as you decide that this is it, this is home, this is where G-d wants us to be and we are going nowhere. The very thought that you can always move, makes it likely that you will always move. But the acceptance that you are in the right place will itself help you see that you belong there.


Now of course, sometimes we do need to move. But only with a very clear message from heaven that it's time to go. Until then, put all your energy into making your little corner of the world a place where you and your family feel at home. Find out why you are needed there. And put your trust in Hamakom.


Good Shabbos,

Rabbi Moss


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Personality Types and How to Handle Them
Discussion for mothers and babies with Nechama Dina Moss and Shterny Dadon Mondays 10am-11:15am at Nefesh 


EveryWoman, EveryMan - the Kabbalah of Adam and Eve 
What the first human beings teach us about ourselves 
Tuesday Oct 22, 8:15-9:15pm 
at Nefesh
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SERVICES AT NEFESH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Friday Night Candlelighting 6.52pm (not before 5:49pm)

Mincha 6.10pm

Shabbos Service 6:30pm followed by Kiddush sponsored in honour of Nicky Golan's late father - Henry Herman Golan (Tzvi Hersch Ben Abramino)


Shabbos Day

Class - The Spiritual Parsha 9am

Morning Service 10am -12:15pm- Followed by Kiddush sponsored in honour of Eden Sadra's Bat Mitzvah


Mincha 6.45pm followed by Seudah Shlishis


Shabbos ends 7.49pm


Sunday Shachris 8am


Weekday Shachris 7am


Chassidus Shiur Monday and Thursday 8am The Creation Story in Chassidus


Latest Shema 9.21am

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