Thursday, February 13, 2014

Something to Worry About?

Question of the Week:


I am a constant worrier. I worry about everything and I know it. Everyone tells me to chill out but I can't. The problem is, I always feel if I don't worry and something bad happens, I will feel guilty forever more that I wasn't worried enough. Now I'm pregnant and am obsessing about what may go wrong. But if I don't worry, doesn't that mean I don't care? I am in therapy, but do you have any Jewish strategies for me to get out of this cycle?



There is wonderful old Yiddish proverb, which is also said to be an ancient Chinese proverb, and a more recent Indonesian proverb, sometimes attributed to Winston Churchill, Socrates or Dr Seuss:


"There are two things you should never worry about. One is something that you can't help, because you can't help it. The other is something you can help, because you can help it."


Some matters are simply out of your hands. Life and death, weather patterns and parking availability are G-d's domain, not yours. Worrying about these is not just pointless, it prevents you from achieving in the areas where your efforts are needed. The precious energy wasted on being anxious would be better saved for more important pursuits.


An expecting mother's frame of mind has a direct impact on her unborn child. Your positive thoughts and trust in G-d are as vital for your baby as pre-natal vitamin supplements and pregnancy pilates. Worrying, even with good intentions, is not really caring for yourself or your baby.


When something worries you, meditate on this question: Is there anything I can do about this, or do I need to leave up to G-d? Is it my business or His business? If it's mine I need not worry, I need to do something. If it's His, I need not worry, He knows what He's doing.


Worrying is no more than a useless diversion from your real mission. Don't get lost in it. Those Yiddish Chinese Indonesians were right, leave G-d to do His job, and you do yours.


Good Shabbos,

Rabbi Moss

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Experts, Know-It-Alls and Quacks - when to take advice, and when to ignore it

Discussion Group for Mothers and Babies with Mrs Nechama Dina Moss and Shterny Dadon

Mondays 10:00 - 11:00am at Nefesh 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach


KABBALAH   Faith - Losing it, Finding it and Keeping it

Do you have faith? Can you get it? Can you live without it? The Kabbalah's fresh perspective will surprise skeptics and bolster believers...

TUESDAYS Feb 18 and 25, 8:15pm - 9:15pm at Nefesh with Rabbi Moss - ALL WELCOME 




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SERVICES AT NEFESH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

Friday Night

Candle lighting 7.32pm (not before 6.26pm)

Mincha 6:10pm

Shabbos service 6.30pm


Shabbos Day

Class - The Chassidic Parsha 9am

Service 10am -12:15pm followed by Kiddush to welcome to the Nefesh team Rabbi Chanoch Sufrin and his family, sponsored by Friends of Nefesh


Mincha 7.25pm followed by Seudah Shlishis


Shabbos ends 8.28pm


Shachris Sun 8am, Mon - Fri 7am


Chassidus  Mon and Thur 8am-8:45am


Latest Shema 9.50am



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