Thursday, June 9, 2016

Don't Dessert Me!


Question of the Week:
Shavuos is when G-d gave the Torah to the Jewish people at Mt Sinai. So why is it celebrated by eating cheesecake, rather than something a little more spiritual? Is it not ironic that the holiest event in history is acknowledged by indulging in cake?
Some have suggested that eating cheesecake on Shavuos is based on a spelling mistake. An early English Bible read, "And G-d spoke to Moses in the middle of the dessert..."
But I think there's more to it.
Spirituality existed long before Judaism. People prayed and meditated, brought sacrifices and served their deities many centuries before Moses climbed Mt Sinai. Judaism didn't invent spirituality. It was around before.
But what was not around before was the idea that your physical life can be made holy. People knew that G-d was in heaven, but never dreamed that you could find Him on earth. All pre-Sinai religious thinking went along the same lines: we are physical beings in a physical world, G-d is a spiritual being in a higher world. To reach G-d, we must negate our physical self and reach toward heaven.
Suddenly the Torah came along and said something no one ever thought could be true. G-d can be found in cheesecake too. You can't limit G-d to being only in the spiritual. He is infinite, which means no place is too low for His presence. You can find G-d right here in the physical world. It may take some work, but that's what we are here to do, to transform our bodily self and our physical world into a home for G-d.
While other spiritual traditions emphasized abstinence, celibacy and other-worldliness, Judaism emphasizes this-worldliness. The commandments of the Torah enjoin us to create sanctity in our family life, to view the home as a sanctuary, and the workplace as an arena for kindness and integrity. Don't seek G-d in the heavens, reveal Him right down here on earth.
So we celebrate the giving of the Torah by eating cheesecake, one of the most physical and indulgent activities you could possibly imagine. Because to find G-d in the middle of a meditation is nice, but to find G-d in the middle of dessert, that's our mission.
Good Shabbos and Happy Shavuos, may we all receive the Torah with joy and internalise its message,
Rabbi Moss

EVERY MAN WOMAN AND CHILD SHOULD HEAR TEN COMMANDMENTS, even newborn babies! Sunday 11am - see below full program

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Higher Than Angels - Shavuos Maamar Part Five




Friday, 10 June 2016 |4 Sivan 5776
Candle Lighting.............................................. 4:35 pm  
Mincha............................................................. 4:45 pm
Friday Evening Service......................... 6:00-6:50 pm
Kids program................................................... 6:15 pm
Followed by Kiddush.

Shabbos, 4 June, 2016 | 28 Iyar 5776
Parshas Bamidbar
Morning Service................................ .......... 10:00 am
Followed by Kiddush
Early Mincha............................................... .....12:45 pm
Candle Lighting (Light after)....5:34 pm
Shavuos Evening Service.......   5:35 pm
All Night Learning............................. .... from 9:00pm
Sunday, 12 June 2016 | 6 Sivan
Shavuos, Day 1
Morning Service........................................ ...10:00 am
Reading 10 Commandments 
and Ice Cream Party ................................. .. 10:30 am
Followed by Dairy kiddush!
Mincha..................................................... ........4:45 pm
Candle Lighting................................. .....after 5:34 pm
Shavuos Evening Service........................... ... 5:35 pm
Monday, 13 June 2016 | 7 Sivan (Public Holiday)
Shavuos, Day 2
Morning Service.................................... .....10:00am
Yizkor-Memorial Service........................ ... ..11:00am
Followed by Kiddush
Mincha...................................4:45 pm
Shavuos ends & Maariv......... ..5:34 pm 
Thank You to our Shavuos sponsors; 
Vitali Broyda, Avi Rosencweig, Noach & Keshet Kessel
and Dan & Tegan Barnett!

Lilah Hedges..................... 5 Sivan/ Saturday 11 June
Wayne Kaplan..................... 6 Sivan/ Sunday 12 June
Alison Brown................. 10 Sivan/ Thursday 16 June
Eric Borecki for his late brother, David Borecki............................... 4 Sivan/ 10 June
Gabor Palanszky for his late sister-in-law Georgina Palansky.......... 5 Sivan/ 11 June
Judi Berman for her late grandfather Hyman (Ray) Segal .............  6 Sivan/ 12 June
Richelle Goldshaft and Rob Goldshaft for their late father
and grandfather Leon Israel Rosenthal.......................................... 7 Sivan/ 13 JuneRosalie Cohen , Gilda Cohen-Shapira and Lee-Anne Whitten for their late husband, brother and father Edward Cohen.................................................8 Sivan/ 14 June
Nicholas Levy for his late grandmother Ruby Levy.......................... 8 Sivan/ 14 June
Allen Rosenberg for his late wife Anita Louise Rosenberg .............. 9 Sivan/ 15 June
Abie Greengarten for his late mother Musia Greengarten............ 10 Sivan/  16 June 
Chassidus................................. No Chassidus this week
Tanya Meditations......................No Tanya this week

Thank you to this week's sponsor...

Nefesh Shul, 54 Roscoe Street, Bondi Beach, NSW 2026 Australia
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Constant Contact

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