Thursday, November 23, 2017

How Does Traditional Dating Work?

Question of the Week:
I have a question about Shidduch dating. How is it possible that within the space of a few weeks and only a few dates a couple can get engaged? In modern secular dating couples may live together for a year or two before deciding to marry, and yet in traditional Jewish dating they never even live together and get married within months of meeting! From personal experience and anecdotal evidence, it seems to work. But how? 

Boy meets girl at a party. They like each other. He makes her laugh. She makes him feel good about himself. They hit it off.

As the guy is about to get her a drink, she says, "Can I just ask you a question? Are you interested in marriage, or just something casual. Because I am looking to settle down and have children in the near future."

After an uncomfortable silence, the guy says, "I was just going to ask if you want diet Coke or regular..."

In the world of secular dating, there is no way you can bring up such heavy topics the first time you meet. In fact it may be six months or more into a relationship when you can start to even mention marriage and family and future. But by then you are emotionally entangled. If his priorities don't match hers, but they are in love, they are in trouble.

He may not want to settle down for another five years, or not have children altogether. She will then be faced with an excruciating choice: give up her dreams, or give up her love. And she will very likely choose love, with sometimes tragic results.

On the other hand, he knows nothing about her and her background. For all he knows, she is an axe-murderer on parole. That may also lead to problems later on.

The traditional Jewish dating system helps avoid these issues. Before you even meet a prospective partner, you find out about them. What are their values and beliefs? What do they want to do with their life? How were they shaped by their family and upbringing?

And most importantly, you only date for keeps. We will either get married or go our separate ways. No casual relationships.

If all that sounds good and both parties are interested, the actual dating is to see if you click, if you can communicate, if you grow on each other.  The big questions have already been answered. You know you match on paper, so let's see if you match in real life. That doesn't take too long to tell.

In secular dating the heart leads, and that can be very messy. In Shidduch dating the mind leads the heart. First it has to make sense, then it has to feel right. Because when we have feelings for someone, our emotions cloud our judgment, and can make us overlook problems. That is great in marriage, but a disaster in dating.

The Shidduch system is not fool proof. But when followed correctly, it can save a lot of time and a lot of heartache. Because love is blind, you need to enter a relationship with eyes wide open.
Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss
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Here is a summary of what we have done this week:
1. Footings removed 
2. Land prepared for bulk excavation 

3. Updated engineering plans completed
4. All machinery offsite and site awaiting auger for pier drilling starting Monday (please G-d)
Friday, 24 November 2017 | 6 Kislev 5778
Candle Lighting............. 7:27pm
................................... (Not before 6:20pm)
Mincha......................... 6:15pm
Shabbos Service........... 6:30-7:15pm  
 Kids Program................ 6:30pm
Teen Boys Davening.......6:30pm
Followed by Kiddush sponsored by Nadine Saacks in honour of her father Clifford Sasson's birthday- Mazal Tov! L'Chaim sponsored by Nefesh' s Julie in honour of her birthday this weekend- Mazal Tov!
Shabbos Day, 25 November 2017 | 7 Kislev
In depth Parsha Class..... 9:00am
Shabbos Service and Bar Mitzvah of Maxime Tartour   10:00am-12:20pm
Kids Program ...............10:45am
Kiddush in honour of the Barmitzvah of Maxime Tartour- Mazal Tov!
Mincha followed by Seudah Shlishis ... 7:25pm
Shiur with Rabbi Moss...................... 8:05pm
Shabbos ends and Maariv................. 8:28pm
Followed by Havdalah 
Latest Shema this week.... 9:08am
Frederic Tartour, Dana Levy & Arnaud Tartour and their extended families on the occasion of Maxime's Barmitzvah.
Emma & David Stiles .... 8 Kislev/ Sunday 26 November
Michael & Sophie Stern ...8 Kislev/ Sunday 26 November
Sue & John Sznajer..... 10 Kislev/ Tuesday 28 November
Gena & Tony Been ..... 14 Kislev/ Saturday 2 December
Summer Lily Hasofer . 8 Kislev/ Sunday 26 November
Sarah Meguideche .... 8 Kislev/ Sunday 26 November
Eric Melman ............ 9 Kislev/ Monday 27 November
Brian Schwartz for his late father Kurt Schwartz
Aharon ben Avraham 7 Kislev/ Saturday 25 November
Sue Sznajer for her late mother Irene Wiesner
Rivka Rachel bat Kasriel 9 Kislev/ Monday 27 November
Jackie Regos for her late mother Elizabeth Vertes
Malka Bat Sarah 11 Kislev/ Wednesday 29 November
To make a donation for a birthday, an Aliyah, a Yahrzeit or anything else, 
please click here
Kiddush options:
Friday night: Soup $75 | Basic $120 | Deluxe $200
Shabbos Day: Basic $350 Lunch $750-$1200 
Dates available:
Fri night 1 Dec, Sat 2 Dec
Fri night 8, Sat 9 Dec
To arrange, just email

Nefesh Shul, 54 Roscoe Street, Bondi Beach, NSW 2026 Australia
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Constant Contact

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