Thursday, July 12, 2018

Where is My Father's Soul Now?

Question of the Week:
There is something that has been eating at me since my father's funeral. Immediately after the burial, everyone came to wish me and my family condolences, then after a few minutes, we all left the cemetery. For me this was the hardest moment of the whole day. I felt as if we were leaving my father behind all by himself. Was his soul lonely? Is it as hard for the dead to part from the living as it is for the living to part from the dead? Or has he moved on? What does Judaism say about the soul right after burial?
There is a striking parallel between a soul's journey to its place of rest in heaven, and the grieving process experienced by the mourners down here on earth. Both the departed soul and the loved ones left behind have to walk a slow and measured progression towards a new reality.
For seven days after a funeral, the family stay home in mourning, what is called sitting Shiva (Hebrew for the number seven). The kabbalists describe the departed soul during this time as being in a state of flux between the world of the living and the world of the dead. For that week, the soul commutes back and forth from the grave to the house of mourning and back again. It fluctuates, sometimes being in the home with the family, other times returning to the gravesite.
This explains the roller coaster of emotions often experienced by grieving relatives. At one moment they feel as if nothing has happened, as if their loved one is about to walk into the room. At the next moment the pain of loss hits, and they feel the void left by the death of their beloved. The pendulum of emotion is a reflection of the to and fro of the soul of the departed. The feeling that he may walk into the room is real, for his soul is there in the home. But then the soul leaves, and the sharp feeling of separation returns in its place.
On each day a part of the soul is left behind at the grave, and less of the soul returns to the home, until a week has passed, and the soul stops its commute. It then begins its journey upwards to higher realms. But a part of the soul always remains at the gravesite.
After your father's funeral, as the family was leaving the cemetery, you were not leaving your father's soul behind. His soul accompanied you home. Just as you could not let him go all at once, he could not leave you so suddenly either. The Jewish mourning process - seven intense days, thirty days of lesser intensity, and an entire year of subdued remembrance - is not only a way for you to gradually adjust to the new reality, it is a mirror image of the steps your father's soul takes towards reaching final rest.
So don't feel guilty as you slowly make your way back into life. It is a sign that your father's soul is finding peace. You will never leave him behind, and he will never leave you.
Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss

Arizal Taamei Hamitzvos Vayechi
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VIDEO SHIUR: Tisha B'av 
The Day that Satan Grabbed   

A letter of thanks to a door (a message to all)

When you were made more than 30 years ago you were just an ordinary door. You were fitted to an ordinary opening and used in an ordinary manner for a very very long time. You soon became neglected, dirty, rotten and unusable, and you were replaced.
By chance someone happened to keep you just in case they needed a spare old door. Then one day you were required for a job and you became a special door. We used you to hold up the concrete foundations. Without foundations we have nothing. You are now part of one of the most important buildings in the Eastern Suburbs.  
Let this be a lesson to all the other doors out there. There is always hope. Even when you think you're nothing more than a useless rotten old piece of timber, you just never know what plans Hashem has for you.

Thank you Door for all of your help, we could not have done it without you. And now you'll be laid to rest.  
Shabbat Shalom,


Friday, 13 July 2018 | 1 Av 5778
Candle Lighting......................... 4:45pm
Mincha..................................... 4:55pm
Learning with the Bochrim.......... 5:30pm
Kids Program ........................... 6:00pm
Shabbos Service....................... 6:00-6:50pm 
Followed by Kiddush made possible by your Tzedaka boxes- Thank you!
Shabbos Day, 14 July 2018 | 2 Av 5778
In depth parsha class ..................... 9:00am
Kids Program ............................... 10:30am
Shabbos Service............................ 10:00am-12:20pm
Kiddush sponsored by Jinx Diamond in honour of Dovi's birthday and Moshe David in honour of his birthday- Mazel Tov!
Mincha and with Pirkei Ovos Chapter 2
followed by Seudah Shlishis ................. 4:45pm
Gematria and Story by Rev Amzalak...... 5:15pm
Shiur ................................................ 5:30pm
Shabbos ends..................................... 5:44pm
Followed by Havdalah
Mon- Fri............................. 7:00am
Latest Shema this week....... 9:27am
Mazel Tov to Rev Aron and Judy Amzalak on the birth of a great grandson
Mazel Tov to the grandparents, Rabbi Moshe and Miriam Moskovitz (Kharkov)
Mazel Tov to the new parents Mendel and Nechama Levitin (Cyprus)
Noah Weinberg.............. 2 Av/ Saturday 14 July
Charli Berkovits............. 2 Av/ Saturday 14 July
Lior Freedman............... 3 Av/ Sunday 15 July
Nicholas Levy................ 5 Av/ Tuesday 17 July
Molly Runds for her late husband Joseph Runds
Yosef ben Shaul HaCohen...... 2 Av/ Saturday 14 July
Daphne Ravey for her late father Dan Ravey
Dan ben Ariyeh..................... 3 Av/ Sunday 15 July
Peter Pakula for his late father Henry Pakula
Chaim Hanoh ben Yosef.......... 4 Av Monday 16 July
DATES AVAILABLE: Friday Night 27 July, Shabbos Day 28 July, Fri night 3 August.  
Nefesh Shul, PO Box 7349, 0416 822 832, Bondi Beach, NSW 2026 Australia
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