Wednesday, April 24, 2019

It's Not Just Cricket

Question of the Week:
The one Jewish ideal that I can't get my head around is Moshiach - the belief in the coming of a messianic era. What good is achieved by awaiting some future time when there will be peace on earth? Shouldn't we focus on the present, rather than dreaming about the future? Why is the belief in the coming of the messiah so central to Judaism?
Some of the deepest truths I learnt from my cricket coach. He was a sharp guy, with a keen eye for detail. He would observe my batting style and point out what I needed to work on. But I gained more than just cricket advice.
One consistent flaw in my batting was my follow through. The coach noticed that as soon as my bat hits the ball my arms lock and the bat stops. No good, he said. You need a full follow through. After hitting the ball you must keep swinging, making a complete semi-circle in the air.
This made no sense to me. What difference does it make what I do with the bat after I have hit the ball? Contact has been made between bat and ball, and whatever power I have put into the shot is there already. Will the ball travel further if I follow through? I can understand why backswing is important - the more I pull the bat back, the more momentum the swing has. But once the ball is hit, who cares what I do with the bat? Whether I keep swinging or stop, throw the bat away or eat it should make no difference to the ball that has already been hit. Why follow through?
My coach gave me the answer. The end point shapes the whole. The follow through doesn't begin after you hit the ball; it begins as soon as you lift the bat. A swing that will end in a full follow through is a different swing entirely. What will be effects what is. The destination influences the whole journey.
This principle - that the end point shapes the whole - is true in cricket, baseball, tennis and golf. And it's true in life too. What you believe about tomorrow shapes how you view today. Where your life is headed determines how your life is lived.
If the world is randomly hurtling through space, bound to eventually collide with an asteroid and return to vapour, then human history is a directionless romp through time, we are going nowhere, and my life certainly has no significance. Why work, why build, why love if it all ends in nothingness? 
But if the world is heading toward a purpose for which it was created, if human history is a long journey with a clear and wonderful destination, then my today matters. My efforts today can bring the world a little closer to its purpose. My lifetime builds on the lifetimes that came before me, and gives a better world to those who will come after me, edging ever closer to the times of the Moshiach. 
We are not just propelled by our past; we are beckoned by our future. Believing in a messianic future, a world of peace and divine closeness, inspires me to make today a step further in the journey. The Moshiach ideal makes the world better now. It may even improve my batting average.

Good Yom Tov (from New York),
Rabbi Moss 

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The RememberTheYom team of Robyn Pakula and photographer Larnce Gold have teamed up again to commemorate Yom Hashoah 2019.
On March 24th, 2019, over 120 survivor family, friends and the great survivor himself Sam Goldman, 80, descended upon Sydney's Diamond Bay Reserve to create a powerful image in honour of Yom Hashoah.
The goal was to make a seated formation of a Chai. Everyone was asked to wear white. There was a recital of the beautiful song 'Ani Ma'amin' which was originally composed by a Rabbi in a train on his way to the camps. 
RememberTheYom is a project created to help remember & honour Yom Hashoah, 'Holocaust Remembrance Day' and to inspire and encourage others to create a meaningful and relevant dialogue to help them process and engage in remembering the day.
Please help in joining us to like, upload, repost and share these images and hashtag #remembertheyom to your Instagram accounts and Facebook page.
In 2019, Yom Hashoah, (Holocaust Remembrance Day) falls on the 1st May.


Thursday, 25 April 2019 | 20 Nissan
Eruv Tavshilin
Candle Lighting ................................... 5:03pm
Mincha................................................ 5:15pm
Pesach Evening Service ........................ 5:45-6:15pm
Friday, 26 April 2019 | 21 Nissan
Pesach Morning Service ............. 10:00am - 12:45pm
Children's Program ................... 11:00am
Priestly Blessing ....................... 12:30pm
Candle Lighting .................................. 5:02pm
Mincha .............................................. 5:15pm
Shabbos/Yomtov Evening Service ......... 6:00-6:50pm
Shabbos, 27 April 2019 | 22 Nissan
Pesach Morning Service ............... 10:00am - 1:00pm
Children's Program ..................... 11:00am
Yizkor Memorial Service .............. 11:30am
Priestly Blessing ......................... 12:45pm
Mincha ...................................... 4:30pm
Seudas Moshiach
Shabbos & Yom Tov ends and Maariv ....... 5:57pm

Please allow half an hour before eating chometz that was sold.

Latest Shema..............9:07am
Meir Moss........ 24 Nissan/ Monday 29 April
Elad Ziv........... 27 Nissan/ Thursday 2 May
Martine & Steven Lockstone........ 23 Nissan/ Sunday 28 April
Simone & Darryl Green............... 30 Nissan/ Sunday 5 May
Pauline Berns for her late father Samuel Glasser
Shmuel ben Yosef....................... 28 Nissan/ Friday 3 May

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Nefesh Shul, PO Box 7349, 0416 822 832, Bondi Beach, NSW 2026 Australia
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