Thursday, January 16, 2020

Who Invented Chess?

Question of the Week:
I once heard that the game of chess was invented by King Solomon. Does it say that somewhere?
There is a legend that King Solomon came up with the game of chess to keep the minds of his military commanders sharp. And nobody could beat him at his own game.

He often played against Benayahu, his chief of staff. And the king always won. Always, that is, except once. 

Benayahu was once playing against the king, and things looked like he was about to be checkmated. Frustrated at always losing, Benayahu took advantage when King Solomon left the game for a moment to investigate a commotion happening out the window. Benayahu surreptitiously removed Solomon's horse off the board. When the king returned he didn't notice the missing piece, and Benayahu was able to turn the game around to his advantage and finally win. 

Solomon was crestfallen. No one had ever beaten him at chess before. Wanting to learn from his mistakes, he reconstructed the game in his mind, move by move, to see where he went wrong. But it didn't make sense. A piece was unaccounted for. There was a missing horse!

Solomon knew what must have happened. He could have immediately confronted Benayahu for his dishonesty. But he didn't. He understood the value of someone admitting wrongdoing themselves. So the king waited for the right moment. And it eventually came. 

One fine day King Solomon caught a thief attempting to steal treasure from the royal palace. He called the rabbinical judges of the high court, and in the presence of Benayahu asked them, "What should be done to someone who dares to steal from the king?" 

When Benayahu heard this, he was sure the king was referring to his stealing the king's chess piece. Terrified, he confessed to cheating and begged for mercy. 

The king was happy. Benayahu had owned up to his deceit, without Solomon ever accusing him of anything. And the king remained undefeated at his beloved game, the game of chess. 

I guess you could say King Solomon checkmated Benayahu, yet again. 
Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss 
This legend is found in a collection of Jewish tales from rare sources called "Beis Hamidrash," authored by Aaron Jellinek in 19th century Vienna. Though this fascinating work is found in the Frierdiker Rebbe's library, the author and his sources cannot always be relied on as true to Torah. Some of his stories, like this one, are viewed as apocryphal. Nevertheless, the singular affection Torah sages expressed towards the game of chess may indicate it comes from a lofty source...


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$120 Basic Kiddush undefined     $200 Deluxe Kiddush  undefined
SHABBOS DAY 1 February

$350 Standard Kiddush undefined
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Friday, 17 January| 21 Teves 5780
Candle Lighting.......... 7:51pm (not before 6:44pm)
Shabbos Service ................................ 6:30-7:20pm
Kiddush sponsored by Joe Newman in honour of his recent 73rd birthday, and in honour of his late uncle and late father's birthdays.
Shabbos Day, 18 January 2020 | 22 Teves 5780
Morning Meditation.................................... 9:00am
Shabbos Service......................... 10:00am-12:20pm
Children's Program......10:30am 
Kiddush sponsored by Friends of Nefesh
Shabbos Shiur at Wellington St with Nechama Dina Moss   5:00pm
Mincha followed by Seudah Shlishis .........7:45pm
Gematria and Story with Rev Amzalak..... 8:30pm
Shiur with Rabbi Moss............................ 8:45pm
Shabbos ends....................................... 8:50pm
Followed by Havdalah
Sunday ................................................ 8:00am
Mon - Fri............................................... 7:00am
Latest Shema this week.......................... 9:30am
Richelle Goldshaft....... 25 Tevet / Wed 22 January
Cade Lessem............. 25 Tevet / Wed 22 January

Rene, Shannon, Dyllan and Josh Garber on the passing of Maurice Garber, Moshe ben Yehuda a"h
The Shedlezki and Grossman Haba families on the passing of Chaim Shedlezki, Chaim ben Moshe
Harold Judelman for his late sister Elaine Tudin
Ella bat Yisroel... 21 Tevet/ Saturday 18 January

Adele Glick for her late father Mendel Rieback... 24 Tevet/ Tuesday 21 January

Carol Melman for her late father Arnold Shapiro
Aron Ben Yitzchak... 25 Tevet/ Wednesday 22 January

Judy Traub for her late husband David Traub
David ben Yaacov... 26 Tevet/ Thursday 23 January

Libby Moss for her late mother Joan Cohen
Chana Bas Yesse... 27 Teves/ Friday 24 January

Jack Klein for his late mother Grace Helen Klein... 27 Tevet/ Friday 24 January
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