Wednesday, May 27, 2020

What If I'm Already the Perfect Husband?

Question of the Week: 
The Kabbalah of Cheese - why this Shavuos will be the highest ever
The Kabbalah of Cheese
why this Shavuos will be the highest ever
I keep hearing that during this time of isolation we should be improving our relationships. Thank G-d my marriage of over 15 years is amazing, and I honestly can't see how I can be a better husband than I am already. I'm not boasting and my wife agrees. I treat her like a queen and never raise my voice, even when she upsets me. I listen and do everything to make her happy, which isn't always easy to do. Am I fooling myself or is there a point that you can say you can't do any better?
Sounds like you do all the right things, and say all the right things. That's a credit to you. But there is another layer of relating that you didn't mention. Apart from doing and saying, there is thinking. And even if you do what a good husband should do, and say the things your wife needs to hear, you may not always be thinking what a truly devoted spouse should be thinking. 

I can't read your mind. But here are some thoughts that may have crossed it:

"Why does she always complain about every detail? Why can't she be more like my friend's wife who is always positive and happy-go-lucky? I bet she never criticises him like my wife digs into me. After all I have done for her! She can really get under my skin sometimes..."

I know you would never say any of this out loud. And just thinking it alone may seem harmless. But it isn't. Thoughts have power. They shape your outlook, they create a mood. And they don't remain inside. Unspoken thoughts accumulate into a bundle of resentment. In time they will be expressed as anger in some form, perhaps not verbally, perhaps not even directed at your wife. But someone will suffer from it. 

We learn the power of thought from the last of the Ten Commandments, "Do not covet your neighbour's wife." The word 'covet' is used only when quoting the Ten Commandments. It means desiring something that isn't yours. Even if you do nothing wrong, the thought is already a problem.

I have no doubt you are a great husband. But great can also get better. So here's a challenge. Stop thinking negative thoughts about your wife. When they arise, push them away, by replacing them with warm and loving thoughts. What do you think?
Good Yom Tov and Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss

Sefer Hachinuch and Ibn Ezra on Vaeschanan, who understand the prohibition to apply to thoughts even without any plan of action. 


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In these crazy times, you have to recreate the holy energy of shul in your home. To help you learn songs, here are recordings of the Friday night tunes we sing at Nefesh, created by the super-talented Zalmy Okunov. Download and listen to them during the week, so when it comes to Shabbos, you can be the chazan! Note: they are not to be played on Shabbos itself - nothing can replace your own voice on Shabbos!


The Nefesh community looks forward to getting back together! We will do so when the relevant authorities approve gatherings that can include more than the bare minimum of a minyan. We would rather wait until it is safe for more of us to come to shul, than start with an exclusive small group. We hope that time will be very soon.

In the meantime, make your Shabbos special by doing your own little service at home. Here are some instructions. Page numbers are from the blue Chabad Siddur. Don't have one? You can download it here and print it.

Thursday 28 May - 5 Sivan
Light Candles....................... 4:37pm
Before 4:55pm..................... Mincha p118
After 5:23pm........... Shavuos Evening service p161, Amida p331
Kiddush for Festivals............. p329
Friday 29 May - 6 Sivan
Morning Service for Shavuos: p5-25, p181-219, Amidah for Festivals p331, Hallel p307, Torah Reading for First Day Shavuos TEN COMMANDMENTS p520, Mussaf p339, Kiddush for Festivals p357.
Light Candles (from existing flame)......4:37pm
Before 4:55pm:.................................Mincha p253, Amida p331
After 5:23pm Shabbos & Festival evening service p156, Amida p331
Kiddush for Festivals............. p329

Saturday 30 May - 7 Sivan
Morning Service for Shabbos & Shavuos:
p5-25, p181-219, Amidah for Festivals p331, Hallel p307, Torah Reading for Second Day Shavuos p523, Yizkor p337, Mussaf p339, Kiddush for Shabbos/Festivals p248 and p357.
Virtual Kiddush sponsored by Martine Springer in honour of the upcoming yortzheit for her late father, Ralph Schuftan  on 14 Sivan/ Saturday 6 June - Long Life.
Before 4:55pm .................... Mincha p253, Amida p331
After 5:35pm ...................... Maariv p161
Shabbos & Yom Tov End....... 5:35pm
Havdala p297
Latest Shema this week.......... 9:19am
This week's Facebook Live Shiur by Rabbi Moss is sponsored by The Goldshaft family in honour of the yortzheit of Leon Israel Rosenthal - Long Life.
Nicholas Maksimovich............................... 9 Sivan/ Monday 1 June
Richelle Goldshaft & Rob Goldshaft for their late father and grandfather Leon Israel Rosenthal, Leib Yisrael ben Shmuel......................... 7 Sivan/ Saturday 30 May

Mark Gindin & Faina Strier for their late father Ilya Gindin
Eliyahu ben Mordechai........................... 7 Sivan/ Saturday 30 May

Rosalie Cohen, Gilda Cohen-Shapira and Lee-Anne Whitten for their late husband, brother and father Edward Cohen Tuvia ben Moshe.........8 Sivan/ Sunday 31 May

Nicholas Levy for his late grandmother Ruby Levy, 
Rifka ben Daniel ........................................ 8 Sivan/ Sunday 31 May

Allen Rosenberg for his late wife Anita Louise Rosenberg
Channah bat Laizer.................................... 9 Sivan/ Monday 1 June

Abie Greengarten for his late mother Musia Greengarten
Chana Miriam bas Shlomo Halevi........... 10 Sivan/ Tuesday 2 June

Jenny Kantorovich for her late grandfather Semion Kantorovich,
Shlomo ben Shalom........................... 11 Sivan/ Wednesday 3 June

Danny Kidron for his late father Leslie Kidron
Zalman ben Zwi.......................................... 13 Sivan/ Friday 5 June

If you would like Nefesh to include your Birthday, Anniversary or Yortzheit in our newsletter and send you an email reminder, just fill in this quick ONLINE FORM.
Nefesh Shul, PO Box 7349, 0416 822 832, Bondi Beach, NSW 2026 Australia
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Constant Contact
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Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Pleasures of Home Shuling

Question of the Week: 
I'm wondering if you can explain my wife to me. She complained last night that I am not helpful around the house. She claims that yesterday I plonked myself on the couch to relax, leaving her to look after the kids and dinner and everything else. When I pointed out to her that I actually offered to help, she says it wasn't sincere. I am at a loss. What more can I do? Is it my fault if she ignores my offer to help?
You think you are being sincere. And you probably are. But sometimes what you say and what your wife hears are miles apart. You need to appreciate how your words come across. She may be hearing the opposite of what you meant. 
So when you say: 
"If you need any help preparing dinner I am happy to help you. Just let me know, I'm right here in the living room."
You thought that was being nice. But your wife hears: 
"I am going to the couch to chill. If you really desperately need me, then you will have to come and disturb my peace and I will reluctantly come and cut up a few vegetables like a martyr."
Not a very convincing offer. Even though you didn't say it in those words, between the lines you implied a willingness to help, but not an eagerness. You are not presenting yourself as being at her service, but rather as not opposed to doing your bit if it is absolutely necessary. 
Your wife does not feel supported by this offer because it is passive. You are making her feel as if you are doing her a favour, and she should be forever indebted to you for your heroic gesture of bothering to get off the couch to cut up a salad. No wonder she doesn't feel you are sincerely offering to help her.
Here's a different way of saying it: 
"OK, I am here for you. Tell me what I can do to help."
The words are only slightly different. But the meaning is worlds apart. Here you are making yourself available, putting yourself at her service. There is no 'if', you are not requiring her to interrupt you, you are there for her, at her beck and call ready for instructions. When you offer help in this way, the offer is received graciously because it was presented sincerely. Let's call it an active offer, rather than a passive one.
We learn the idea of active offering from an event that happened over 3000 years ago, the Jewish people's acceptance of the Torah at Mt Sinai. G-d wanted to give them His laws, but before they even heard the first commandment, the Israelites committed themselves to fulfilling His will. They said Naaseh Venishma - "We will do whatever You want from us. Now let's hear what it is that You want. Without knowing what You are about to ask of us, the answer is already yes."
I have no doubt that you truly want to support your wife. So try expressing that in a way that she will hear it. Actively offer your help so she feels you are not just there for the salad, you are there for her.

Next week is Shavuos, the celebration of the giving of the Torah. As we face yet another festival without regular communal services, the message of active offering is more relevant than ever. We say to G-d "Naaseh venishma. We are ready to do whatever You want. If You want us to come to shul and pray, we will. If You prefer we stay at home and pray, we will do that too. If You want us to hear the Ten Commandments being read from the Torah, we are ready to do it. If You don't want that this time, we will study the Torah at home. Whatever the mitzvah of the hour is, we will do it, and do it with joy. We are here to do Your will." 

We have the opportunity to do something amazing this Shavuos. We are accepting the Torah from our living room. For the first time ever, we will stand at Mt Sinai AND stay on the couch. That's called home shuling.
Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss


To subscribe CLICK HERE or email 
D.I.Y. Shabbos Part 3 - the Highest Point of Shabbos
D.I.Y. Shabbos Part 3 - the Highest Point of Shabbos

In these crazy times, you have to recreate the holy energy of shul in your home. To help you learn songs, here are recordings of the Friday night tunes we sing at Nefesh, created by the super-talented Zalmy Okunov. Download and listen to them during the week, so when it comes to Shabbos, you can be the chazan! Note: they are not to be played on Shabbos itself - nothing can replace your own voice on Shabbos!


The Nefesh community looks forward to getting back together! We will do so when the relevant authorities approve gatherings that can include more than the bare minimum of a minyan. We would rather wait until it is safe for more of us to come to shul, than start with an exclusive small group. We hope that time will be very soon.

In the meantime, make your Shabbos special by doing your own little service at home. Here are some instructions. Page numbers are from the blue Chabad Siddur. Don't have one? You can download it here and print it.

Friday 22 May - 28 Iyar
Light Candles...................................... 4:40pm
Before 4:58pm:.................................. Mincha p101
After 4:58pm........... Shabbos evening service p154
After 5:26pm Count Omer................... Day 44 p136
Kiddush............................................. p179

Saturday 23 May - 29 Iyar - 
Shabbos Mevorchim Sivan Parshas Bamidbar
Morning Service for Shabbos:
p5-25, p181-219, Torah reading Bamidbar, Bless the New Moon p231*, Mussaf p234, Kiddush p248
*New moon 11:42:13am Friday, Rosh Chodesh Sunday 24 May 
Virtual Lechaim 1:30pm - raise a glass and have us all in mind!
Before 4:58pm ................................. Mincha p253
Pirkei Avos ...................................... Chapter 6 p291
After 5:26pm .................................... Maariv p161 (add Yaale Veyavo p128)
Count Omer ...................................... Day 45 p136
Shabbos Ends.................................... 5:37pm
Havdala p297
Latest Shema this week...................... 9:16am
Sabrina Tsipris................. 2 Sivan/ Monday 25 May
Lilah Hedges.................. 5 Sivan/ Thursday 28 May
Wayne Kaplan.................... 6 Sivan/ Friday 29 May
Lesley Judelman for her late brother David Ivan Steinhard
Itzchak Dovid ben Zalman... 1 Sivan/ Sun 24 May
Judy Amzalak for her late father,
Moshe Tuvia ben Abraham Aaron... 2 Sivan/ Mon 25 May
Eric Borecki for his late brother David Borecki,
David Ben Osher... 4 Sivan/ Wednesday 27 May
Gabor Palanszky for his late sister-in-law Georgina Palansky
Georgina Bat David... 5 Sivan/ Thursday 28 May
Judi Berman and Martine Springer for their late grandfather
Hyman (Ray) Segal, Chaim ben Leib... 6 Sivan/ Friday 29 May

If you would like Nefesh to include your Birthday, Anniversary or Yortzheit in our newsletter and send you an email reminder, just fill in this quick ONLINE FORM.
Nefesh Shul, PO Box 7349, 0416 822 832, Bondi Beach, NSW 2026 Australia
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Constant Contact
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Thursday, May 14, 2020

Financial Victim of the Virus?

Question of the Week:

I am a victim of coronavirus. I didn't get sick. None of my family are sick. But I lost my job, and with it I feel like I have lost everything. My confidence is coughing and spluttering. My self-esteem is gasping for oxygen. My usual positivity is feeling lethargic and my energy zapped. I'm scared this is contagious and my whole family will catch it from me. And there's no vaccine. Any advice?


What can I tell you? It is so hard to go through this, and my heart goes out to you and all of us who are suffering in so many different ways. All I can say is this: perhaps you need a new cow.

Let me tell you a story.

There was once a very poor man in a small village. He had a large family but could hardly feed them with his meagre earnings. All he owned in this world was a cow, and the milk he sold was barely enough to get him through the week. 

He prayed and prayed that he be helped, that he should be able to live a little more comfortably, but it seemed his prayers were ignored. 

Then one day, there was a knock at the door. It was a holy man, the great Baal Shem Tov, who was passing though the village. "What an honour! What could the Baal Shem Tov want of me?" the poor man asked. 

"I am collecting funds for a very important cause," said the Baal Shem Tov. "I need you to donate 18 rubles. And I need it now."

18 rubles! That was a huge amount of money for a poor milkman. It would take him a year to earn 18 rubles. Why would the Baal Shem Tov come to him of all people to ask for money? But our milkman was a man of faith. He asked no questions. "If such a holy man came to request this of me," he thought, "it means I must oblige."

But how can he come up with 18 rubles? There was no choice. The poor man went and sold his cow, his only source of income, and brought the 18 rubles to the smiling Baal Shem Tov. 

Now, without any way to make a living, the poor milkman fell over the edge. He could not pay his rent, and was cruelly evicted from his home. Homeless and penniless, he sold his last few possessions and moved to a small hut in a nearby village. He managed to buy himself another cow, not as healthy and robust as his previous one, but at least he could go back to selling milk and feed his hungry children.

And then something extraordinary happened. A wealthy landowner needed some milk, and bought from this poor milkman. He came back later, saying he had never tasted such delicious milk in his life. He wanted our milkman to provide him and all of his staff with milk every day. And he would pay top dollar for this outstanding milk.

Finally our milkman could breathe. He had a steady income and his children were fed and clothed. He became an entrusted associate of the landowner, who eventually bequeathed to him his entire estate. The poor milkman was now a wealthy landowner himself.

The Baal Shem Tov later explained what had happened: "I saw that there was much blessing awaiting this man. But as long as he was in his old place, living his old life, the new blessings could not come down for him. He had to lose everything, he had to become an empty vessel, so G-d could give him a new life. I wanted to help him. I made him lose his beloved cow, and that seemed cruel at the time. But it wasn't. That cow was blocking the flow of abundance from coming down to him. Once he had nothing, once he lost it all, he could receive the answer to his prayers. The old cow had to go. The blessings came with the new cow."

My friend, we are living in a time when a lot of old cows have had to go. So many people are running on empty. But that emptiness makes space for a new and better life. For now, we need to be like our dear milkman. Have faith, pick yourself up, look for another village, another hut, and another cow. It might not be as nice as your old cow. But it just may be the cow with the blessings. May you find your cash cow very soon.

Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss

To subscribe CLICK HERE or email 


While restrictions are being eased, the Sydney Jewish community is taking extra precautions before restarting services. Small and limited services have been approved for as soon as next week. However each community is deciding when and how their services recommence based on their particular needs.

The Nefesh community looks forward to getting back together when the various authorities approve gatherings that can include more than the bare minimum of a minyan. We would rather wait until it is safe for more of us to come to shul, than start with an exclusive small group. We hope that time will be very soon.

Making Shabbos Morning DIY Shabbos Part 2
Making Shabbos Morning On Your Own
D.I.Y. Shabbos Part 2

In these crazy times, you have to recreate the holy energy of shul in your home. To help you learn songs, here are recordings of the Friday night tunes we sing at Nefesh, created by the super-talented Zalmy Okunov. Download and listen to them during the week, so when it comes to Shabbos, you can be the chazan! Note: they are not to be played on Shabbos itself - nothing can replace your own voice on Shabbos!


Nefesh will not be holding any services until further notice. 

We miss being together! Make it special by doing your own little service at home. Here are some instructions. Page numbers are from the blue Chabad Siddur. Don't have one? You can download it here and print it.

Friday 15 May - 21 Iyar
Light Candles........................... 4:44pm
Before 5:02pm:....................... Mincha p101
After 5:02pm........................... Shabbos evening service p154
After 5:30pm Count Omer......... Day 37 p136
Kiddush.................................. p179

Saturday 9 May - 15 Iyar - Shabbos
Parshas Behar-Bechukosai
Morning Service for Shabbos:
p5-25, p181-219, Torah reading Behar & Bechukosai, Mussaf p234, Kiddush p248
Virtual Lechaim 1:30pm - raise a glass and have us all in mind!
Before 5:30pm ..................... Mincha p253
Pirkei Avos ........................... Chapter 5 p286
After 5:30pm ........................ Maariv p161
Count Omer ......................... Day 38 p136
Shabbos Ends....................... 5:41pm
Havdala p297
Latest Shema this week......... 9:13am
Jonathan Shapira............ 22 Iyar/ Saturday 16 May
Suzy Moss...................... 23 Iyar/ Sunday 17 May
Andrew Whitten.............. 25 Iyar/ Tuesday 19 May
Chaya Ezekiel................. 27 Iyar/ Thursday 21 May
Peter Goldshaft............... 28 Iyar/ Friday 22 May
Moshe Moses and Adee Moses for their late
Mother Matilda Moses,
Masouda bat Toba... 25 Iyar/ Tuesday 19 May
Theresa Bengis for her late mother Tess Barnett 
Naomi bat Avraham...25 Iyar/ Tuesday 19 May
Jenny Kantorovich for her late grandmother
Riva Kantorovich
Rivka bat Aharon... 27 Iyar/ Thursday 21 May

If you would like Nefesh to include your Birthday, Anniversary or Yortzheit in our newsletter and send you an email reminder, just fill in this quick ONLINE FORM.
Nefesh Shul, PO Box 7349, 0416 822 832, Bondi Beach, NSW 2026 Australia
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