NOTE: We have added a second Evening Service and more children's options for first day
Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. The High Holidays. When families and communities come together to strengthen our Jewish connection. We've been doing that for thousands of years.
But we have a challenge this year. Shuls aren't functioning as normal. Gatherings are limited. Some of us are homebound.
No one has ever had a High Holidays like this before.
Kavana Cards are here to help.
Kavana means intention, focus, concentration. Kavana Cards are a set of impactful do-it-yourself High Holiday experiences. They present some of the key prayers and traditions of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur in a way that is meaningful and easily doable, for anyone of any background.
These cards are not a replacement for attending shul, reading the prayers or hearing the Shofar. For those who can do all of those, the cards may help enhance the experience. For those who are unable to do the above, the cards will give a simple way to connect.
You can spend 10 minutes on each, or you can spend an hour. They can be experienced by young and old, alone or in a group, as an inner conversation with yourself or a meaningful discussion with others. The point is to have a soulful moment, connect with the essence of the day and bring it to life.
As Jews, we've seen a lot in our long history. Experience has taught us that every challenge can be turned into an opportunity. Let's make this challenge a catalyst for inner growth and deepening our connection to our Jewish soul. Let's do High Holidays better than ever, and bring down a year of healing and joy to the entire world.
These cards are free. Share them, print them, and use them in good health!
Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss
Yom Kippur Kavana Cards will be available next week at www.nefesh.org.au/kavanacards
To subscribe click HERE
If you are not attending a Shul service on Rosh Hashana this year, and would like to hear the Shofar in or near your home, please fill in this registration form.
*Best viewed on a desktop, as it can take a few minutes to load*
Here are some instructions for praying at home. Page numbers are from the blue Chabad Siddur.
Don't have one? You can download it here and print it.
We will hold services for those who would like to attend, 5:30pm Friday and 10am Shabbos morning.
Friday 11 September – 22 Elul
Light Candles...... 5:26pm
Before 5:44pm:.. Mincha p101
After 6:09pm..... Shabbos evening service p154
Kiddush... p179
Saturday 12 September – 23 Elul
Morning Service for Shabbos:
p5-25, p181-219, Torah reading for Nitzovim-Vayelech, Mussaf p234, Kiddush p248.
Followed by Kiddush sponsored Anonymously
Before 5:44pm ..... Mincha p253
Pirkei Avos .......... Chapter 5 & 6 p286
After 6:09pm ....... Maariv p161
Shabbos Ends....... 6:22pm
Havdala p297
Latest Shema this week..... 8:54am
Michelle Solomon & Daniel Joseph on their upcoming wedding
Anita Birges & Ryan Taibel on their upcoming wedding
Nick Hedges........... 24 Elul/Sunday 13 September
Michelle Samuel..... 24 Elul/Sunday 13 September
Nisan Krimhand...... 25 Elul/Monday 14 September
Lior Hedges........... 28 Elul/Thursday 17 September
Eli Jones............... 29 Elul/Friday 18 September
Brian Schwartz...... 29 Elul/Friday 18 September
Andrew & Lee-Anne Whitten 26 Elul/Tuesday 15 Sept
Jeanette Kidron for her late father Ken Sorger Menachem
Mendel ben Jacob...25 Elul/Monday 14 Sept
David and Jeffrey Conway for their late mother Suzanne Conway
Rivka bat Yisrael ... 25 Elul/Monday 14 September
David and Jeffrey Conway for their late father Lawrence Conway
Eliazer ben Yehuda ha'Cohen... 27 Elul/Wed 16 Sept
Mark Gindin and Faina Strier for their late mother Yevgenia Gindin
Hannah bat Leib... 28 Elul Thursday/17 September
Reverend Amzalak for his late mother Fanny Amzalak
Fanny bat Yitzchak... 28 Elul/Thursday 17 September
Anne Sarzin for her late grandmother Fanny Levy
Feige ... 29 Elul/Friday 18 September
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