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Weekly Question by Rabbi Aron Moss
This email is sent from Nefesh Shul. We'd love to stay in touch with you, but if you wish to be unsubscribed from this list please click here, or click here to manage your subscriptions. | Sent via ChabadOne Communicator |
This Sunday we hold our final campaign before
the opening of our new centre.
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buy a tribute tile now!
Question of the Week:
I feel like I am a Jewish soul born in a non-Jewish body. I have always been surrounded by Jewish friends, loved the religion, and after years of study I just fulfilled my dream and converted to Judaism. My family has no Jewish roots whatsoever, I descend from Vikings on both sides, so it is all a bit of a mystery. Any explanation?
Many people from all different walks of life have reported feeling an affinity to Jews and Judaism. Some leave it at that. Others take it further. For them, it is more than just a curiosity with Jewish things or a taste for Jewish cooking. It is in their soul.
The first Jewish couple, Abraham and Sarah, were married for decades before they were blessed with a child. But the Kabbalists say that although no physical children had been born to them, they had given birth to many spiritual children.
Every time husband and wife are together a soul is born. Sometimes that soul comes down into a body, and is born as their child. Other times, the soul remains in the heavens. Abraham and Sarah for all those years were in fact giving birth to souls without bodies. Those souls were then distributed among the nations of the world and spread over history.
These are the souls of converts to Judaism throughout the ages.
When a non-Jew feels within them a pull towards the Jewish faith and the Jewish people, it may be a latent Jewish soul wanting to return to its community, a long lost child of Abraham and Sarah reuniting with its family.
This is why when a convert to Judaism chooses a Hebrew name, they are called the son or daughter of Abraham and Sarah. This is describing a true fact, their Jewish soul came directly from the first Jewish couple. While a born Jew is a distant descendant of Abraham and Sarah, a convert is their actual child.
Now there are plenty of non-Jews who have Jewish taste. Just because you like Jewish humour, enjoy Jewish food and shop at Costco, doesn't mean you have a hidden Jewish soul.
But someone such as yourself, who studies Judaism and is enthralled by it, explores the laws of Torah and just wants to do more, feels a deep calling to join the Jewish people and embarks on the long and hard journey to do just that - it must be Abraham and Sarah calling you home.
Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss
Shelah HaKadosh, Sha'ar HaOsios, Kedushas Hazivug 402.
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Nefesh Community WhatsApp Groups
Nefesh Shul has two WhatsApp groups to keep you connected and up-to-date all week. Our Schmooze Chat group is an open forum for all Nefesh news and discussion, whilst our News group is only used to broadcast Nefesh News to the community. If you would like to be added to either of these chats simply WhatsApp message the word ' Schmooze' or ' News' to Rabbi Moss: 0425309755.
New Kiddush options at Nefesh!
Please consider sponsoring a Kiddush- we have a number of dates available within the next few weeks.
Friday Night
$75 - Basic
$200 - Deluxe sushi
Shabbos Day
$100- cholent & crackers
$180- cholent, crackers & cake
$300- sushi, cholent, cake & fruit
*all in individual servings/boxes. Prices are for 30 people.
Email office@nefesh.com.au to book your kiddush.
Friday 27 November – 11 Kislev
Light Candles........ 7:30pm (Not before 6:23pm)
Mincha .................6:15pm
Evening Service .....6:30-7:20pm
Followed by Kiddush
Saturday 28 November – 12 Kislev
Morning Service ...10:00am-12:20pm
Kids Program .......10:30am
Kiddush sponsored by Robert & Mandy Geller in honour of the recent birth of their son David Meyer, and in honour of the upcoming yortzheit for Robert's father, David Meyer Ben Shlomo on 13 Kislev - Long Life to Eva Geller, Margaret Nagel & Robert Geller.
Shiur with Rabbi Sufrin ...6:30pm
Mincha .........................7:30pm
Shabbos ends & Maariv ..8:31pm
Latest Shema this week.. 9:08am
Rivka Moss ...14 Kislev/Monday 30 November
Mordechai Tzvi Moss ...18 Kislev/Friday 4 November
Gena & Tony Been ...14 Kislev/Monday 30 November
Tammy & Brian Celler... 14 Kislev/Monday 30 November
David & Jen Bighel ...15 Kislev/Tuesday 1 December
Vivien Pollnow and Yvonne Spiegel on the passing of their mother Piri Szenes
Benjamin Apfelbaum & Henry Apfelbaum for their late father Simon Apfelbaum,
Shimon Moshe ben Avraham 14 Kislev/Monday 30 November
Michael Gliksman for his late mother Hanka Ann Gliksman,
Hannah bat David 15 Kislev/Tues 1 December
If you would like Nefesh to include your Birthday, Anniversary or Yortzheit in our newsletter and send you an email reminder, just fill in this quick ONLINE FORM.
This email is sent from Nefesh Shul. We'd love to stay in touch with you, but if you wish to be unsubscribed from this list please click here, or click here to manage your subscriptions. | Sent via ChabadOne Communicator |
Professor Gershom Scholem offers a theory
Here's a story that probably nobody knows. I heard it first hand from one of the two people involved, who have both since passed away.
Gershom Scholem was the famed Professor of Jewish Mysticism at Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Despite his broad knowledge of Kabbalah, he was not a particularly religious man. He studied Judaism as an academic pursuit, not a way of life.
Sometime during the 1970's, Professor Scholem was visited by his Australian nephew, David Scholem. A few years ago, David shared with me the fascinating details of their conversation.
David had recently become religious, a move that surprised some members of his family. The Scholems were known for embracing Marxism, Enlightenment, Assimilationism and other secular Germanic philosophies. In fact, Gershom himself, with his ardent Zionism and love of Jewish texts, was somewhat of a black sheep in that mix. But he certainly was not a black hat. And here was his brother's son, yarmulke proudly perched on his head and tzitzis dangling in everyone's face. How could it be?
Professor Scholem was curious to know what turned an educated young man towards tradition. So he asked David what inspired his newfound religiosity.
David's answer was straightforward: "I discovered the Book of Tanya. I found Chabad."
No further explanation was necessary. David was one of thousands of Jews the world over who rediscovered their Judaism having been touched by Chabad, the Chassidic school of Judaism that teaches joyous spirituality, unconditional love, and passionate devotion to the Torah. Anyone who studies Tanya, the masterpiece of Chabad philosophy, will find it hard not to be taken by its profound soulful message. David certainly was.
This intrigued the professor. He was familiar with Chabad's mysticism. But he marvelled at Chabad's dynamism.
The professor asked his nephew, "What is Chabad's secret?"
David thought for a moment, and replied, "They have a general."
Ah. The Rebbe. This must be what sets Chabad apart from all other movements. They have a general, a spiritual leader, a visionary. The Rebbe is Chabad's secret.
The Professor sat up in his chair. Then he gave a piercing look and corrected his nephew, "No. It's not that they have a general. It's that he has an army."
He was referring to the Shluchim – the Rebbe's emissaries, men and women whom the Rebbe sent to every corner of the world to revive Jewish souls and reconnect them to their source. The Rebbe is indeed the visionary. But a visionary needs people to give life to the vision. They, said the professor, are Chabad's secret.
This story came to mind this week, as I joined the Rebbe's army of Shluchim for a record-breaking round the clock Zoom session, that lasted 6 days non-stop and was attended at any one time by many thousands of rabbis from around the globe. We came together to strengthen ourselves and each other, share moving stories and motivational thoughts, and renew our energies to serve the communities we represent.
Sitting with my colleagues from Norway and Netanya, Cambodia and California, Ukraine and Utah, I thought, the Scholems were both right. Ideas are only powerful when there are people to live them. Chabad has a general. And the general has an army. It's no secret.
Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss
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Imagine tiling a brand new bathroom with old-looking tiles... They look AMAZING!
Nefesh Community WhatsApp Groups
Nefesh Shul has two WhatsApp groups to keep you connected and up-to-date all week. Our Schmooze Chat group is an open forum for all Nefesh news and discussion, whilst our News group is only used to broadcast Nefesh News to the community. If you would like to be added to either of these chats simply WhatsApp message the word ' Schmooze' or ' News' to Rabbi Moss: 0425309755.
New Kiddush options at Nefesh!
Please consider sponsoring a Kiddush- we have a number of dates available soon.
Friday Night
$75 - Basic Kiddush
$200 - Deluxe Sushi Kiddush
Shabbos Day
$100- cholent & crackers
$180- cholent, crackers & cake
$300- sushi, cholent, cake & fruit
*all in individual servings/boxes. Prices are for 30 people.
Email office@nefesh.com.au to book your kiddush.
Yitzchok Dug Wells - and even those are called Avrohom's.
Friday 20 November – 4 Kislev
Light Candles.......7:23pm (Not before 6:17pm)
Mincha............... 6:15pm
Evening Service... 6:30-7:20pm
Kiddush sponsored by the Radus family in honour of Lance & Maxine's wedding anniversary - Mazal Tov!
Saturday 21 November – 5 Kislev
Morning Service... 10:00am-12:20pm
Kids Program....... 10:30am
Kiddush sponsored by Shaulmeir Ezekiel and Girgee Barukh in memory of their dear father Yechezkel Chai on the occasion of his yartzeit. Catering by Kosher Cuisine.
Shiur with Rabbi Sufrin... 6:25pm
Mincha......................... 7:25pm
Shabbos ends & Maariv.. 8:24pm
Latest Shema this week...... 9:08am
This week's class sponsored by Marjan Irving in honour of the Yortzheit for her late husband Peter Irving, Pinchas ben Tzvi on 8 Kislev/ 24 November - Long Life.
Summer Lily Chaya Mushka Hasofer... 8 Kislev/Tuesday 24 November
Sarah Meguideche... 8 Kislev/Tuesday 24 November
Eric Melman... 9 Kislev/Wednesday 25 November
Emma & David Stiles... 8 Kislev/Tuesday 24 November
Michael & Sophie Stern... 8 Kislev/Tuesday 24 November
Kerri & Michael Green... 8 Kislev/Tuesday 24 November
Sue & John Sznajer... 10 Kislev/Thursday 26 November
Paul & Yehudit Khodor... 10 Kislev/Thursday 26 November
Iryna Dvoskina for her late father Borys Dvoskin
Boruch Ben Avraham... 5 Kislev/Saturday 21 November
Isaak Krutik for his late mother Lyubov Levitanus
Lyubov bat Yisrael... 6 Kislev/Sunday 22 November
Brian Schwartz for his late father Kurt Schwartz
Aharon ben Avraham... 7 Kislev/Monday 23 November
Marjan Irving for her late husband Peter Irving
Pinchas ben Tzvi... 8 Kislev/Tuesday 24 November
Libby Moss for her late brother Peter Irving
Pinchas ben Tzvi... 8 Kislev/Tuesday 24 November
Sue Sznajer for her late mother Irene Wiesner
Rivka Rachel bat Kasriel... 9 Kislev/Wednesday 25 November
Jackie Regos for her late mother Elizabeth Vertes
Malka Bat Sarah... 11 Kislev/Friday 27 November
If you would like Nefesh to include your Birthday, Anniversary or Yortzheit in our newsletter and send you an email reminder, just fill in this quick ONLINE FORM.
This week's newsletter is sponsored by Libby Moss in honour of the Yortzheit for her late brother Peter Irving, Pinchas ben Tzvi on 8 Kislev/ 24 November - Long Life.
This email is sent from Nefesh Shul. We'd love to stay in touch with you, but if you wish to be unsubscribed from this list please click here, or click here to manage your subscriptions. | Sent via ChabadOne Communicator |
WHAT I LEARNED FROM A GIANT a personal tribute to Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks OBM
We have lost a true giant of the spirit. Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks passed away last Shabbos, aged 72. He was one of the most eloquent and profound thinkers of our times, whose sphere of influence reached far beyond the Jewish world. He had the unique ability to bridge what seem like opposing ideas: faith and reason, morality and modernity, the Torah's message to the Jewish people and its universal message to all peoples. His passionate voice will be missed.
I was fortunate to meet him on a few occasions. I'd like to share one exchange I had with him, unremarkable in many ways and yet so powerful.
It was on the side of a rabbinical conference he was addressing, during his visit to Australia in 2006. I caught him alone in the hallway, and grabbed the opportunity to ask a few questions.
In the 22 years he served as Chief Rabbi of the British Commonwealth, he authored some 25 books, wrote countless articles and essays and speeches, all while keeping up with the never-ending communal demands of his role. Being myself a young rabbi of a small community doing a little bit of writing, I was astounded at his prolific output. I wanted to know his secret.
So I asked him: How do you find the time to write so much and yet maintain your many other duties?
He stopped for a moment and looked down to floor, tightening his eyebrows and scrunching his mouth up in a pondering pose. Only after thinking for what seemed like quite a while, Rabbi Sacks answered:
"Discipline. It takes discipline to write. Figure out which time of day you are most productive. Some find they work best first thing in the morning, others are night people. But whatever time it is, set it aside to write with focus. Inspiration comes with disciplined work."
I liked his answer. Too often we wait idly for inspiration to just hit us. That's a huge waste of time. Consistent and focused effort will invite inspiration. Don't wait until you are in the mood. Get to work. I'd be better off if I listened to that advice more often.
But quite apart from Rabbi Sacks' words, I was taken by something else: the way he stopped to think before he spoke. I could almost hear his brain ticking. My question was not such a tough one. But he was preparing a considered response.
I felt privileged to stand silently in the presence of this giant of a mind at work. I had read the writings of Rabbi Sacks the author. I had heard the lectures of Rabbi Sacks the orator. But now I was witnessing with my own eyes Rabbi Sacks the thinker.
Those moments impacted me as much as the words that followed. In our superficial and frenetic world, the ability to concentrate our thoughts is almost a lost art. I have learned much from Rabbi Sacks. But I will forever be grateful for what I learned from him first hand - that inspiration comes on the back of discipline, and that you are never too smart to think.
Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss
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Presenting our stunning recycled brick feature wall.
Nefesh Community WhatsApp Groups
Nefesh Shul has two WhatsApp groups to keep you connected and up-to-date all week. Our Schmooze Chat group is an open forum for all Nefesh news and discussion, whilst our News group is only used to broadcast Nefesh News to the community. If you would like to be added to either of these chats simply WhatsApp message the word ' Schmooze' or ' News' to Rabbi Moss: 0425309755.
New Kiddush options at Nefesh!
Please consider sponsoring a Kiddush- we have a number of dates available in November.
Friday Night
$75 - hot soup & crackers
$200 - sushi, fruit & cake
Shabbos Day
$100- cholent & crackers
$180- cholent, crackers & cake
$300- sushi, cholent, cake & fruit
*all in individual servings/boxes. Prices are for 30 people.
Email office@nefesh.com.au to book your kiddush.
Friday 13 November – 26 Cheshvan
Light Candles............ 7:16pm (Not before 6:12pm)
Mincha..................... 6:15pm
Evening Service........ 6:30-7:20pm
Followed by Kiddush
Saturday 14 November – 27 Cheshvan
Morning Service............ 10:00am-12:20pm
Kids Program................ 10:30am
Followed by Kiddush
Shiur with Rabbi Sufrin........ 6:20pm
Mincha.............................. 7:20pm
Shabbos ends & Maariv ........8:17pm
Latest Shema this week........ 9:10am
New Moon/Molad........... Sunday 15 Nov 4:07:1pm
Rosh Chodesh Kislev...... Tuesday 17 November
Stuart Shaw....... 29 Cheshvan/Monday 16 November
Arlene Schwartz.. 30 Cheshvan/Tuesday 17 November
Batya Moss....... 2/3 Kislev/Wed 18 Nov/Thurs 19 Nov
Yaron Eitan Morris 2 Kislev/Wednesday 18 November
Peter & Richelle Goldshaft...28 Cheshvan/Sunday 15 Nov
Sharon & Dovid Primack... 30 Cheshvan/Tuesday 17 Nov
Aviva Morris for her late mother
Vidya Wati...27 Cheshvan/Saturday 14 November
Anne Sarzin for her late aunt Elise Kaplan, Elisheva bat
Harav Avraham Halevi... 27 Cheshvan/Saturday 14 Nov
Anne Sarzin for her late uncle
Dr Isidore Kaplan...27 Cheshvan/Saturday 14 November
Sharon Primack for her late father Stanley Fromer
Shlomo Meir...28 Cheshvan/Sunday 15 November
Eva Schlesinger for her late mother Ilona Gold,
Aidel bat Shlomo Hacohen... 28 Cheshvan/Sunday 15 November
Anne Sarzin for her late sister Fanny Faye,
Feige bay Aaron halevi... 28 Cheshvan/Sunday 15 November
Gilda Cohen-Shapira for her late father Maurice Jacob Cohen
Moshe Ya'cov ben Haim Dovid HaCohen... 30 Cheshvan/Monday 16 November
Nick Hedges for his late brother Peter Hedges
Yacov ben Moshe Ha Levi...4 Kislev/Friday 20 November
If you would like Nefesh to include your Birthday, Anniversary or Yortzheit in our newsletter and send you an email reminder, just fill in this quick ONLINE FORM.
This email is sent from Nefesh Shul. We'd love to stay in touch with you, but if you wish to be unsubscribed from this list please click here, or click here to manage your subscriptions. | Sent via ChabadOne Communicator |
Question of the Week
Ok this will seem silly, but it has bothered me for years. It's about Abraham's tent. At school we were taught that Abraham made four doors, one on each side, to welcome guests from every direction. Nice, but is that really necessary? Is it so hard to walk around a few steps to the front door? I feel there must be something more to this...
There are several different types of genius. There is genius of the mind, like Einstein. There is musical genius, as in Mozart, and artistic genius, like Rembrandt. Shakespeare would be a genius of the pen. There are sporting geniuses and business geniuses. Each one possesses an uncanny ability to excel in their field, and do what they are good at with a flair and panache that sets them apart from others.
But there is another type of genius, perhaps greater than them all. That is genius of the heart.
There are many kind-hearted people. But a genius of the heart is on another level. Such a person acts with love and care that goes beyond normal niceness. They don't just do good. They are brilliant in their benevolence, creative in their kindness. They find their way into everyone's heart, because theirs is so open and loving.
This was Abraham. He had a knack for not only being kind to people, but making them feel good about it. He is the host that makes guests feel wanted in his home. He is the donor that thanks the charity for the opportunity to give. He is the volunteer that makes the organisation feel like they are the ones doing him a favour. That's a genius of generosity.
This is why Abraham's tent had doors on all four sides. Wherever you arrived from, you felt welcome. Whatever your background, whichever road brought you here, you felt that this is where you are meant to be. You don't even need to walk around to find the door. Just walk right in. The door was made just for you.
We, the children of Abraham, can emulate his brilliant benevolence. He taught us that being a giver is itself a gift, and we are all here to share our blessings with others. Some have time, others money, and some just have a smile. Whatever you have, open the doors of your heart and let your goodness flow.
Sporting geniuses get the accolades, business geniuses make the millions, and geniuses of the mind come up with relatively great theories. But someone who can do kindness like Abraham, that's a true genius.
Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss
Midrash Shocher Tov 110
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The cool room is installed in our commercial kitchen! Just imagine how many future meals will be refrigerated right here...
Nefesh Community WhatsApp Groups
Nefesh Shul has two WhatsApp groups to keep you connected and up-to-date all week. Our Schmooze Chat group is an open forum for all Nefesh news and discussion, whilst our News group is only used to broadcast Nefesh News to the community. If you would like to be added to either of these chats simply WhatsApp message the word ' Schmooze' or ' News' to Rabbi Moss: 0425309755.
New Kiddush options at Nefesh!
Please consider sponsoring a Kiddush- we have a number of dates available in November.
Friday Night
$75 - hot soup & crackers
$200 - sushi, fruit & cake
Shabbos Day
$100- cholent & crackers
$180- cholent, crackers & cake
$300- sushi, cholent, cake & fruit
*all in individual servings/boxes. Prices are for 30 people.
Email office@nefesh.com.au to book your kiddush.
Friday 6 November – 19 Cheshvan
Light Candles............ 7:10pm (Not before 6:06pm)
Mincha..................................... 6:15pm
Evening Service........................ 6:30-7:20pm
Followed by Kiddush
Saturday 7 November – 20 Cheshvan
Morning Service........................ 10:00am-12:20pm
Kids Program........................... 10:30am
Kiddush in honour of call-up and wedding of Joshua Susskind and Harriet Ziff - Mazal Tov!
Shiur with Rabbi Sufrin............ 6:10pm
Mincha.................................. 7:10pm
Shabbos ends & Maariv ........... 8:09pm
Latest Shema this week........... 9:12am
Joshua Susskind & Harriet Ziff and their families on Joshua's Aufruf and their upcoming wedding.
Michelle & Jeremy Saunders 23 Cheshvan/Tues 10 Nov
Jess & Joji Kurosaki... 26 Cheshvan/Friday 13 Nov
Todd Gothelf for his late father Ira Gothelf
Yisrael ben Benjamin...22 Cheshvan/Monday 9 November
Anne Sarzin for her late husband Dr Barney Sarzin
Dov ben Zwi... 23 Cheshvan/Tuesday 10 November
Ivan Steiner for his late mother Edith Steiner
Miriam bat Karoly... 26 Cheshvan/Friday 13 November
If you would like Nefesh to include your Birthday, Anniversary or Yortzheit in our newsletter and send you an email reminder, just fill in this quick ONLINE FORM.
This email is sent from Nefesh Shul. We'd love to stay in touch with you, but if you wish to be unsubscribed from this list please click here, or click here to manage your subscriptions. | Sent via ChabadOne Communicator |