WHAT I LEARNED FROM A GIANT a personal tribute to Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks OBM
We have lost a true giant of the spirit. Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks passed away last Shabbos, aged 72. He was one of the most eloquent and profound thinkers of our times, whose sphere of influence reached far beyond the Jewish world. He had the unique ability to bridge what seem like opposing ideas: faith and reason, morality and modernity, the Torah's message to the Jewish people and its universal message to all peoples. His passionate voice will be missed.
I was fortunate to meet him on a few occasions. I'd like to share one exchange I had with him, unremarkable in many ways and yet so powerful.
It was on the side of a rabbinical conference he was addressing, during his visit to Australia in 2006. I caught him alone in the hallway, and grabbed the opportunity to ask a few questions.
In the 22 years he served as Chief Rabbi of the British Commonwealth, he authored some 25 books, wrote countless articles and essays and speeches, all while keeping up with the never-ending communal demands of his role. Being myself a young rabbi of a small community doing a little bit of writing, I was astounded at his prolific output. I wanted to know his secret.
So I asked him: How do you find the time to write so much and yet maintain your many other duties?
He stopped for a moment and looked down to floor, tightening his eyebrows and scrunching his mouth up in a pondering pose. Only after thinking for what seemed like quite a while, Rabbi Sacks answered:
"Discipline. It takes discipline to write. Figure out which time of day you are most productive. Some find they work best first thing in the morning, others are night people. But whatever time it is, set it aside to write with focus. Inspiration comes with disciplined work."
I liked his answer. Too often we wait idly for inspiration to just hit us. That's a huge waste of time. Consistent and focused effort will invite inspiration. Don't wait until you are in the mood. Get to work. I'd be better off if I listened to that advice more often.
But quite apart from Rabbi Sacks' words, I was taken by something else: the way he stopped to think before he spoke. I could almost hear his brain ticking. My question was not such a tough one. But he was preparing a considered response.
I felt privileged to stand silently in the presence of this giant of a mind at work. I had read the writings of Rabbi Sacks the author. I had heard the lectures of Rabbi Sacks the orator. But now I was witnessing with my own eyes Rabbi Sacks the thinker.
Those moments impacted me as much as the words that followed. In our superficial and frenetic world, the ability to concentrate our thoughts is almost a lost art. I have learned much from Rabbi Sacks. But I will forever be grateful for what I learned from him first hand - that inspiration comes on the back of discipline, and that you are never too smart to think.
Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss
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Nefesh Community WhatsApp Groups
Nefesh Shul has two WhatsApp groups to keep you connected and up-to-date all week. Our Schmooze Chat group is an open forum for all Nefesh news and discussion, whilst our News group is only used to broadcast Nefesh News to the community. If you would like to be added to either of these chats simply WhatsApp message the word ' Schmooze' or ' News' to Rabbi Moss: 0425309755.
New Kiddush options at Nefesh!
Please consider sponsoring a Kiddush- we have a number of dates available in November.
Friday Night
$75 - hot soup & crackers
$200 - sushi, fruit & cake
Shabbos Day
$100- cholent & crackers
$180- cholent, crackers & cake
$300- sushi, cholent, cake & fruit
*all in individual servings/boxes. Prices are for 30 people.
Email office@nefesh.com.au to book your kiddush.
Friday 13 November – 26 Cheshvan
Light Candles............ 7:16pm (Not before 6:12pm)
Mincha..................... 6:15pm
Evening Service........ 6:30-7:20pm
Followed by Kiddush
Saturday 14 November – 27 Cheshvan
Morning Service............ 10:00am-12:20pm
Kids Program................ 10:30am
Followed by Kiddush
Shiur with Rabbi Sufrin........ 6:20pm
Mincha.............................. 7:20pm
Shabbos ends & Maariv ........8:17pm
Latest Shema this week........ 9:10am
New Moon/Molad........... Sunday 15 Nov 4:07:1pm
Rosh Chodesh Kislev...... Tuesday 17 November
Stuart Shaw....... 29 Cheshvan/Monday 16 November
Arlene Schwartz.. 30 Cheshvan/Tuesday 17 November
Batya Moss....... 2/3 Kislev/Wed 18 Nov/Thurs 19 Nov
Yaron Eitan Morris 2 Kislev/Wednesday 18 November
Peter & Richelle Goldshaft...28 Cheshvan/Sunday 15 Nov
Sharon & Dovid Primack... 30 Cheshvan/Tuesday 17 Nov
Aviva Morris for her late mother
Vidya Wati...27 Cheshvan/Saturday 14 November
Anne Sarzin for her late aunt Elise Kaplan, Elisheva bat
Harav Avraham Halevi... 27 Cheshvan/Saturday 14 Nov
Anne Sarzin for her late uncle
Dr Isidore Kaplan...27 Cheshvan/Saturday 14 November
Sharon Primack for her late father Stanley Fromer
Shlomo Meir...28 Cheshvan/Sunday 15 November
Eva Schlesinger for her late mother Ilona Gold,
Aidel bat Shlomo Hacohen... 28 Cheshvan/Sunday 15 November
Anne Sarzin for her late sister Fanny Faye,
Feige bay Aaron halevi... 28 Cheshvan/Sunday 15 November
Gilda Cohen-Shapira for her late father Maurice Jacob Cohen
Moshe Ya'cov ben Haim Dovid HaCohen... 30 Cheshvan/Monday 16 November
Nick Hedges for his late brother Peter Hedges
Yacov ben Moshe Ha Levi...4 Kislev/Friday 20 November
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