Question of the Week
I am confused by all the different types of Kaddish said in our prayer services. There is the Mourner's Kaddish, Rabbi's Kaddish, Complete Kaddish, Half Kaddish, Discounted Kaddish, Closing-Down-Sale Kaddish. What is going on here?! If Kaddish is supposed to be said in memory of someone, why do we say it throughout the service?
All the various versions of Kaddish do the same thing. With its mystically powerful words, Kaddish transports a soul upwards, from one level to the next. What distinguishes between the different Kaddishes is exactly who is being elevated.
The Mourner's Kaddish is recited for the departed, to assist in their soul's journey upward. For eleven months after the passing, the soul ascends gradually to its place of rest. And then each year, on the anniversary of its passing, the soul graduates to an even higher place in Heaven. The Kaddish said down here by the living helps ease the journey of the soul up there.
For this exact same reason we say Kaddish at different junctures in the prayer service. Our prayers are a ladder up. We begin on earth and we slowly climb heavenward, each section of the service a step higher. The Half Kaddish is inserted between sections of the service, when the soul of the person praying is about to ascend to the next level. The Complete Kaddish is said at the end of a service, to deliver the prayers just said to higher realms. And the Rabbi's Kaddish is recited after studying a Torah passage. Just as the Complete Kaddish delivers our prayers on high, the Rabbi's Kaddish delivers our Torah study heavenward.
So next time you hear Kaddish, envisage this : your own soul, the souls of your loved ones, your prayers and your Torah study are ascending into heaven. No discounts, only up up up.
Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss
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Friday 8 January – 24 Teves
Candle lighting.... 7:52pm (after 6:44pm)
Mincha ...............6:15pm
Evening Service ...6:30-7:20pm
Followed by Kiddush
Saturday 9 January – 25 Teves
Morning Service.... 10:00am-12:20pm
Kids Program........ 10:30am
Kiddush sponsored by the Garber family in honour of the first Yahrzeit of Moshe ben Yehuda.
Shiur with Rabbi Sufrin... 6:55pm
Mincha .........................7:55pm
Shabbos ends & Maariv... 8:53pm
Latest Shema this week.. 9:25am
New Moon/Molad........... Wed 13 Jan 5:35:3pm
Rosh Chodesh Shevat......Thursday 14 Jan
Reverend and Mrs Amzalak and the entire family on the upcoming marriage of their grandson Mendy Amzalak to Lior Abesidon this Tuesday.
Richelle Goldshaft... 25 Tevet/Saturday 9 January
Cade Lessem... 25 Tevet/Saturday 9 January
Carol Melman for her late father Arnold Shapiro
Aron Ben Yitzchak... 25 Tevet/Saturday 9 January
Judy Traub for her late husband David Traub
David ben Yaacov... 26 Tevet/Sunday 10 January
Libby Moss for her late mother Joan Cohen
Chana Bas Yesse... 27 Teves/Monday 11 January
Jack Klein for his late mother Grace Helen
Klein... 27 Tevet/Monday 11 January
Elana Castle for her late grandmother Celia Freed
Chanah Tzvia bat Moshe... 28 Tevet/Tuesday 12 January
Rosie Stern for her late mother
Leah Friedman... 28 Tevet/Tuesday 12 January
Tauba Tanchum for her late brother Percy Kaplan
Pesach ben Tevia... 1 Shevat/Thursday 14 January
Annabel Sherell De Florence for her late father
Isaac Leo Sherrel de Florence... 1 Shevat/Thursday 14 January
Adam Ensly for his late father Gideon Ensly
Gideon ben Shlomo... 2 Shevat /Friday 15 January
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