Question of the Week:
I envy you. You have faith. I can see how people with faith have clarity and strength that others don't, especially in hard times. I don't have that strength and I want some of it. Is there a quick fix for faith?
There is a quick fix for faith. You don't need any proofs or arguments. You just need to eat a piece of chocolate every day. Seriously.
This is an ancient Jewish remedy for strengthening faith. It is a pity so few people know about it, because if they did, their lives would be so much better. And it really isn't so hard. It's as easy as eating chocolate.
But before you eat the chocolate, you have to recite the blessing on chocolate. It goes like this:
"Blessed are you Lord our G-d, King of the Universe, for everything exists by Your word."
If you say these words and actually think about them for a few seconds, you will shift your entire perspective on life. It's not just a piece of chocolate in your hand, it's a piece of G-d's creation. Everything is a piece of G-d's creation. All exists by His word. What G-d says goes. Nothing happens by accident. Nothing exists without a reason. We didn't create ourselves. We are not alone. We are in good hands. Just like the chocolate.
Contemplate that for a minute a day, and you will have the strength to face whatever life throws at you. Because it's not life throwing it at you, it's G-d. Thinking about this on a daily basis will open up the recesses of faith within you. So go eat some chocolate.
Well to be honest, you don't need to eat chocolate. The same blessing is said on a glass of water, a mushroom, a piece of herring and many other foods. Any of them will do. The point is, you have to consume something after saying the blessing. If you want to internalize faith, don't just declare it, digest it.
Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss
See Nesivos Sholom Yesod Hatorah Maamar 2:3: The Saba Kadisha of Lechovitch would say, "When things are tough, make a brocha Shehakol, and trust that everything happens by His word. This sweetens all harshness and miracles will happen!"
See Shevet HaLevi 7:27 why we say Shehakol on chocolate when it should be Haetz.
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New Kiddush options at Nefesh!
Please consider sponsoring a Kiddush- we have a number of dates available in the coming weeks.
Friday Night
$120 - Basic
$200 - Deluxe
Shabbos Day
$180 - Cholent only
$350- Standard
Email office@nefesh.com.au to book your kiddush.
Friday 5 March – 21 Adar
Candle lighting.....7:09pm (after 6:11pm)
Mincha............... 6:15pm
Evening Service... 6:30pm
Followed by Kiddush
Saturday 6 February – 22 Adar
Morning Service... 10:00am-12:20pm
Kids Program....... 10:30am
Kiddush sponsored by Howard & Anastasia Raines in honour of their wedding this weekend - Mazal Tov!
Shiur with Rabbi Sufrin... 6:00pm
Mincha......................... 7:00pm
Shabbos ends & Maariv... 8:03pm
Latest Shema this week... 9:54am
Howard & Anastasia Raines and their entire families on their chuppah this Sunday.
Melanie Schwartz... 22 Adar/6 March
Jojo Reuben... 27 Adar/11 March
Danny & Romy Lessem... 22 Adar/Saturday 6 March
Kevin & Valerie Smaller... 23 Adar/Sunday 7 March
Barry & Taryn Glick... 24 Adar/Monday 8 March
Allen & Jacqui Rosenberg... 24 Adar/Monday 8 March
Sarah & Matt Michael... 24 Adar/Monday 8 March
Michael Franks for his late father Leopald Frank
Ephraim ben Shlomo... 22 Adar/Saturday 6 March
Darren Segal for his late brother Ryan Segal
Shalom Yisroel Ben Zalmen... 22 Adar/Saturday 6 March
Peter Berger for his late mother Eva Berger
Genendel bat Yosef... 23 Adar/Sunday 7 March
William Feuermann for his late father Felix Feuermann
Zelig Ben Gitel HaLevi... 27 Adar/Thursday 11 March
Jackie & Les Regos for their late sister (and sister in law) Sue Josef,
Shoshana bas Miriam... 27 Adar/11 March
Gavin Krawchuk for his late grandfather Sam Krawchuk
Shlomo ben Eliezer Mendel... 27 Adar/11 March
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