Thursday, April 2, 2020

Would You Leave a Grandmother Alone?


Question of the Week: 

I am a grandmother in my 80's and am being told I have to celebrate the Seder alone at home, without my children and grandchildren. I can't do that. It would be the most heartbreaking night of my life. I have a better idea. Let's delay Pesach for a couple of months, until this whole thing blows over, and we can then do a Seder together with our families. Can the rabbis get together and cancel Pesach this year?


I feel for you. The pain of not being with your family this year must be devastating. But I beg you, please make a Seder. It could be the most powerful evening of your life. It could even change the world. 

Every year at the Seder we proclaim "Next Year in Jerusalem!" We pray for the rebuilding of the Temple and the return of our people to our homeland with the coming of Moshiach. As long as the Temple hasn't been rebuilt, we are like a family that is split. G-d is alone and we are alone. Only in the Temple will we be reunited again as one happy family. 

When you celebrate your Seder all alone, missing your family and wishing to be together, that will arouse the divine yearning to be back with His children. When you say "Next Year in Jerusalem", that prayer will reach higher than any other prayer could. Specifically you, sitting on your own, have the power to pierce the heavens with your words from a broken heart. G-d will have no choice but to answer you.

The most sanctified room in the Temple was the Holy of Holies, an inner chamber that was only entered once a year by one person, the High Priest. He stood there all alone. That's where you will be on Seder night, alone in the Holy of Holies. 

Anyone who will be alone this year for Seder, you have a sacred duty. If you are single and wishing you could be with your soulmate, or a grandparent wishing you could be with your family, G-d is with you, because He too wants to be with His beloved. 

Every Seder is holy. But yours is holy of holies. Please pray for us all. Then we can all be together, parents and children, grandparents and grandchildren, G-d and His people, next year in Jerusalem. 

Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss


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An Adults Only Ma Nishtana


Nefesh will not be holding any services until further notice. 

We strongly advise you to stay home and not leave the house except for absolute necessities. If you are over age 70 or have health issues you should self-isolate. 

There are community initiatives being put into place for those who need assistance shopping, preparing for Pesach or acquiring medicines. Please be in touch if you need any help.

We are here for you always, and offer our support in any way we can.

If you are not on our WhatsApp group please text me so I can add you on. That is where we connect and keep informed so please join. 

Remember to keep calm. Breathe, pray and sing and smile!

Friday, 3 April| 2 Nissan 5780
Candle Lighting.......... 6:29pm (not before 5:38pm)
Services at your home!

Shabbos Day, 4 April 2020 | 3 Nissan 5780
Services at your home!
Please fill a glass of grape juice, wine or whatever at 1pm and say LECHAIM with us all! Sponsored by Kevin Levine in memory of his father Avraham Yerachmiel ben Baruch halevi a"h.
Shabbos ends........... 7:23pm

WEEKDAY CLASSES on Facebook Live
Sponsored anonymously in honour of Gavin Shnier - Ad Meha VeEsrim - Mazal Tov!

Sponsored by Judi Berman in honour of the Yortzheit for her late mother, Ellen Schuftan-Lenny (Leah Bat Yehuda) on 11 Nissan/ 5 April - Long Life.

Sponsored by Kevin Levine in memory of his father Avraham Yerachmiel ben Baruch halevi a"h.

Latest Shema this week.......10:01am

Erev Pesach Wednesday April 8
Finish eating Chometz by 10:00am
Burn Chometz by 10:58am
Candle lighting 5:23pm

First day Pesach Thursday April 9
Light candles after 6:17pm from an existing flame

Second day Pesach Friday April 10
Light candles at 5:20pm from an existing flame

Shabbos Chol Hamoed Pesach April 11
Shabbos ends 6:14pm
Gilda Cohen-Shapira... 15 Nissan/ Thursday 9 April
Monique & Daniel Krochmalik... 12 Nissan/ 6 April
Gaby & Dylan Shatter.............. 13 Nissan/ Tuesday 7 April

Judi Berman and Martine Springer for their late mother Ellen Schuftan
Leah Bat Yehuda... 11 Nissan/ Sunday 5 April

Adam Pisk for his late grandfather Erich Pisk
Yitzchak ben Shmuel Ha'Levi... 13 Nissan/ Tuesday 7 April

Jenny Kantorovich for her late father
Pinchus ben Shlomo... 16 Nissan/ Friday 10 April

  If you would like Nefesh to include your Birthday, Anniversary or Yortzheit in our newsletter and send you an email reminder, just fill in this quick ONLINE FORM.
Nefesh Shul, PO Box 7349, 0416 822 832, Bondi Beach, NSW 2026 Australia
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