Can you honestly see a Jewish guy suddenly appearing and being looked upon by all humanity as the world's saving guide and the answer to all our salvation?
I am sure you are aware that over a billion people around the world just celebrated Easter. Do you know what that's about? A Jewish guy who suddenly appeared and people believed he was the world's saving guide. So when another Jewish guy comes along and actually does the job, it will be no surprise to anyone.
If opening the door for Elijah is our time to make any wish directly to G-d, surely wishing for world peace, or a cure for Covid-19 would be far more practical and realistic than a prayer for the Messiah?
Why is world peace realistic? It hasn't ever happened before. And why is it realistic to pray for a cure for Covid-19? What makes you think there is a cure?
Neither of these are realistic, they are utopian. You see world peace and the discovery of a cure as possible, even inevitable, because you have inherited the quintessential Jewish optimism: the conviction that the world is heading for better times, that there is a solution to every problem, that we will beat war and sickness and even death one day. This belief is not rational or realistic, it's messianic.
Anyone who thinks "there must be a cure" and "one day we will all live in peace" has faith in the coming of Moshiach. You've got it, even if you didn't know it.
As as result of C-19 humanity is being brought together as never before as we really are "all in this together". Unless this human Messiah can solve the potential slip into mass poverty, cure C-19 and many other deadly potential pandemics with the wave of a hand then a call for "Moshiach now" feels ridiculous.
I think you may not grasp what the Jewish concept of Moshiach is. It is the culmination of history, an end to all suffering and pain, when finally it all makes sense and the fight is over. All the good deeds of all generations accumulate together and evil is finally vanquished. We enter a new way of living, when we all work together, are totally united and loving each other, are completely beyond being materialistic and petty and selfish. We will know what's really important and forget about the silliness.
The man Moshiach will teach us this wisdom, and will introduce us to this new way of living. He will reveal knowledge that was never known before, and this will end poverty and sickness and competition. There will be plenty for everyone. We will be free to live a spiritual life, as our physical needs will be met.
Can you see why there is really nothing more to pray for than this? Good Shabbos, Rabbi Moss |
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