Question of the Week
My late grandmother once told me not to put my baby in front of a mirror before he has grown his teeth. She said it will effect his development???? She didn't know why or where it comes from. Is there any basis for this?
Many dismiss this as a bubbe maiseh, an old wives' tale. But if you heard it from your own bubbe, then perhaps you shouldn't be too quick to laugh it off. We take our grandmothers' traditions very seriously.
One respected authority, Rabbi Moshe Stern, validated the custom of not showing babies their own reflection, saying it was practiced in his home town of Debrecen, Hungary. He quotes a 13th century Spanish sage, the Rashba, who says that we should never belittle the traditions of grandmothers, because even if we don't know the reasons behind them, they certainly come from a holy place.
I don't know if looking in the mirror will hinder your son's development. But I do know that being disconnected from his roots will. A person needs to know where he comes from. No one is born in a vacuum. We are all a products of our ancestors. And to know who we are, we need to know who they were.
Your son stems from a long line of proud Jews. When you pass down your grandmother's traditions to your children, you are giving them roots, an identity, a clear sense of who they are.
Your grandparents' traditions included much more than just avoiding mirrors. They had a kosher home, celebrated Shabbos and Yomtov, gave charity abundantly and were active in their shul community. They were learned in Torah and loved being Jewish.
Pass these rich traditions on to your son. Then one day, when he is fully developed, teeth and all, he will look in the mirror and say, "I know who I am. I am a Jew."
Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss
Shu"t Be'er Moshe 8:36
The exact source of the Rashba is a mystery. It is quoted in Shu"t Veheishiv Moshe 13 (See Igros Kodesh v6 p124). Some have pointed to Shu"t Rashba 1:9
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The electricians installed the lights this week. It's no longer a building site, it's a building!
Friday 23 October – 5 Cheshvan
Light Candles............ 6:57pm (Not before 5:56pm)
Mincha..................... 6:15pm
Evening Service........ 6:30-7:20pm
Kiddush sponsored by Shirley Sher to celebrate the return of Friday Night Kiddushim!
Saturday 24 October – 6 Cheshvan
Morning Service....... 10:00am-12:20pm
Kids Program.......... 10:30am
Followed by Kiddush
Do I Have to Honour Dishonourable Parents? Shiur with Rabbi Sufrin 6pm
Mincha................. 6:55pm
Shabbos ends & Maariv ......7:55pm
Latest Shema this week...... 9:20am
Lucia Meyer... 8 Cheshvan/Monday 26 October
Jodie & Daniel Kogan.... 5 Cheshvan/Friday 23 October
Sandra, Wayne and Gavin Lipschitz on the passing of their husband and father Jack Lipschitz.
Les Pozniak for his late mother Elisabeth Pozniak...9 Cheshvan/Tuesday 27 October
Stephen Etkind & Di Moritz for their late sister Michelle Holzman...11 Cheshvan/Thursday 29 October
Diane, Ruth, David and Jonathan Shteinman for their late husband and father Boris Lazarus Shteinman, Boruch ben Eliazar...11 Cheshvan/Thursday 29 October
Aron Kleinlehrer for his late wife Helen Kleinlehrer, Esther Bat Yaacov... 12 Cheshvan/Friday 30 October
Dan Helfand for his late sister Janet Helfand, Yonina bat Arie Nachum...12 Cheshvan/Friday 30 October
This week's Schmooze is kindly sponsored by Libby Moss in honour of the recent yortzheit for her late father Tzvi ben Reuven - Long Life.
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