Question of the Week:
I was very disturbed by something one of my professors said in a lecture. Here it is:
"There was a Hebrew King a long long time ago, who was interested in discovering the basic human language. There are over 6,000 human languages on the planet at present. He wanted to find the original language.
So he got a newborn, and he locked the newborn away in his castle with no human contact. The newborn developed Hebrew. So therefore Hebrew was the basic human language, of which all other human languages arose. His assumption was Hebrew was biologically defined, and everything else was a variant on that. I think that a few of the people who used to take the food to the little kiddy might have been talking to him or something. If it's a true story at all."
I can't imagine a Jewish king did this. If indeed this is not the case, I would love to bring that to my professor's attention so he won't repeat this story erroneously again. Do you know of such a story?
The idea that Hebrew is the original language is true. The idea that this was proven by a Hebrew king's cruel experiment is absolutely false.
Several stories of babies being locked away have been recorded in various times and places. An Egyptian Pharaoh did it two and a half thousand years ago, a Roman Emperor tried it in the 13th century and a Scottish King gave it a go in the late 1400's. The results varied. Some of these stories end with the babies speaking Hebrew. Others end more tragically. But none of these stories involve a Jewish king. Your professor has (innocently?) mixed up his sources.
But the conclusion remains correct: Hebrew is the original language. The world was created with the Holy Tongue. When G-d said "Let there be light" He said it in Hebrew: "Yehi Ohr". Adam was given his name because he was made from the ground (Adama), and Eve (Chava) because she was the mother of all life (Chai). These word plays only work in Hebrew.
All other languages are translations of the original, their vocabularies a series of made up words. A cow is called a cow in English because we all agree to call it a cow. But it is called a Parah in Hebrew because it really is a Parah. The Hebrew word for things is their actual name.
There could be scholarly backing for the concept that it all started with Hebrew. Linguists have been able to trace words in multiple languages back to their Hebrew roots. For example, the Hebrew word Derech (way/road), can be found in Daroga (Russian), Derecho (Spanish), Durch (German) and Doro (Japanese), as well as our own English word, Direction. Some offer this as evidence that all roads lead to Hebrew.
But whatever the scholars may say, the Torah is our ultimate source. And the Torah teaches that Hebrew is G-d's language. This is why we still pray in Hebrew. We are using the very words that G-d used to create the world. The very words have power. Even if we don't understand what we are saying, our soul does. Hebrew is the natural language, the underlying vibration of the universe, the code that G-d spoke into creation.
So would an untaught baby speak Hebrew? Maybe. Your soul definitely does.
Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss
Midrash Bereishis Rabba 18:4 (See Rashi to Bereishis 2:23)
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The momentum is building and things are happening fast now. Here we are installing acoustic paneling. Makes a huge difference to the sound in the main sanctuary. With G-d's help, just a couple of months until this building is complete!
Friday 16 October – 28 Tishrei
Light Candles....... 6:51pm (Not before 5:52pm)
Mincha................ 6:15pm
Evening Service... 6:30-7:20pm
Saturday 17 October – 29 Tishrei
Morning Service......... 10:00am-12:20pm
Kids Program............. 10:30am
Followed by Kiddush
Shiur with Rabbi Sufrin: How the First Sin Changed Everything...5:45pm
Mincha............................. 6:45pm
Shabbos ends & Maariv ...... 7:48pm
Latest Shema this week...... 9:24am
New Moon/Molad.... Saturday 17 October 3:23am
Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan.... Sun 18 Oct-Mon 19 Oct
Yehezkel-Yoel Ezekiel ... 28 Tishrei/Friday 16 October
Asher Waine ............ 29 Tishrei/Saturday 17 October
Tom Cromer ........... 2 Cheshvan/Tuesday 20 October
Monique Klein ... 3 Cheshvan/Wednesday 21 October
Pia & Jonah Ink....... 2 Cheshvan/Tuesday 20 October
Jodie & Daniel Kogan... 5 Cheshvan/Friday 23 October
Peppi Glick for his late father Ruby Glick...2 Cheshvan/ Tuesday 20 October
Les Pozniak for his late step-mother Joan Pozniak, Chai Bat Leah... 2 Cheshvan/Tuesday 20 October
Roy, Steven & Kim Eckowitz for their late mother Alma Eckowitz, Chana bat Kalman...2 Cheshvan/Tuesday 20 October
If you would like Nefesh to include your Birthday, Anniversary or Yortzheit in our newsletter and send you an email reminder, just fill in this quick ONLINE FORM.
Mozelle Friedman for coordinating the delivery of 500+ High Holidays Packs
Machzika HaTorah Congregation for sponsoring the Packs,
and deliverers: Michael Basserabie, Moshe Hai Moses, Moshe David, Jeremy Parker, Nadine Saacks, Stephen Brookes, Kevin Levine, Allen Rosenberg, Eli Sadra, Ellis Kahn, Angela Meguideche, Hattie & Charlotte Ziff, Anastasia Raines and Noach Kessel.
Kavana Cards were a big hit. Thanks to those who helped make them happen: Deahne and Sam Hemphill, Lexy and Alan Meyerson, Nisan Krimhand of Snap Printers and Carole Yevoli.
Inspirational Chazzanus at over 26 sessions of Shul services: Rabbi Sufrin, Mendel Sufrin & Reverend Amzalak.
Sukkah-Mobile Builders: Yisroel Moss & Aron Sufrin. And Michael Basserabie and Moshe David for help with the truck.
Chosson Torah & Chosson Bereishis syndicate sponsors brilliantly organised by Larnce Gold!: Anonymous, Albert F, Irina M, Steve B, Malka K, Gavin S, Karin P, Larry D, Libby M, Anonymous, Olivia T, Jack, Henny, Nechama Dina M, Debbie P, Nadine S, Danny M, Shlomo BD, Elli B, Vitali B, Anonymous, Howie R, Michael B, Andrew W, Joe Joe R, Leyat R, Gidon W, Nick H, Michael S, Nick W, Mendel D, Mel L, Josh G, Michael B, Danny B, Jones Family.
Chosson Maftir Michael Singer.
Generous Simchas Torah L'Chaim sponsorship by Stephen Brookes.
Kiddush Sponsorships by Anonymous.
Kids Lolly Bag Sponsorship by Tanya Stocks.
Over the High Holidays well over 1500 people attended our services. Despite the challenges of number restrictions, we were so proud and grateful to be able to provide uplifting, creative and innovative ways for our community to connect and be inspired throughout the Yom Tov period. We extend our sincerest gratitude to Rabbi Dr Dovid & Laya Slavin for enabling us to use the Harry Triguboff Centre once again this year, and to Rabbi Yossi & Rivky Shuchat and the entire JEMs team for another amazing collaboration.
And finally, thanks to all those who took up membership, donated and attended Nefesh services. May we all be blessed with a joyous and healthy year!
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