Thursday, January 18, 2018

A Tough One from a 4 Year Old

Question of the Week:

My 4 year old asked me some hard questions that I wasn't sure how to answer, like, "Why did Hashem make people deaf? Did they do something bad?" I tried explaining that somehow everything Hashem does is for the best even if we don't understand why, but I felt it wasn't the best answer I could have given. Could you guide me how to answer her?
No human being is complete on their own. Each one of us has a lack in some areas, and extra powers in others. A blind person may have an extra keen intellect, and a deaf person profound emotional strength. No one has it all. This means we need each other.
If you can see, you can help someone who can't. If you are healthy, you can help someone who isn't. If you have money, you can share it with those in need. And if you have emotional depth, you can support those with weak hearts.
The Talmud relates that the Roman governor Turnus Rufus challenged Rabbi Akiva with the following question: "If G-d loves the poor, why doesn't He supply them with their needs?" Rabbi Akiva's reply was: "To give us the opportunity to save ourselves from Gehenom (hell)".

That Gehenom is a world where no one ever helps anyone else, where everyone only thinks about themselves and cares not for another. We are in this world to do kindness. Every lack that one person has is an opportunity for another to fill it with love.
So let's say all of this in the language of a four year old:
You are a good sharer. When you share your toys with other kids who don't have those toys, you become friends. You can also share your eyes and your ears, by helping someone who can't see or hear. And they can help you too. Then we can all be friends. That's why Hashem created us all with something missing. He is not punishing us for doing something wrong, He is giving us a chance to do something right.  
Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss
Bava Basra 10a

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Today is the day, G-d willing, that piling is complete!
Drilling machinery will now be exiting the site and we will be receiving our steel and other materials to produce and form the 'capping beam'.
This is basically a big column of concrete that sits on top of the piles and ties them all together, adding strength and making a solid wall for the basement of the synagogue.
Good Shabbas and G-d bless. 

Friday, 19 January 2018 | 3 Shevat 5778
Candle Lighting................... 7:50pm
....................................... (Not before 6:43pm)
Shabbos Service................. 6:30-7:20pm 
(Kids Program on summer break)
Teen Boys Davening............. 6:30pm
Followed by Kiddush sponsored by Malka Kurta in honour of the yortzheit for her father Alexander Rees, Shlomo Ben David HaLevi on 7 Shvat /Tuesday 23 January- Long Life.

Shabbos Day, 20 Jan 2018 | 4 Shevat 5778
In depth parsha class ............ 9:00am
Shabbos Service.................. 10:00am-12:20pm
(Kids Program on summer break)
Followed by Kiddush sponsored by Michael & Linda Lenn in honour of Linda's birthday on 6 Shevat - Mazal Tov!
L'Chaim sponsored by Eli Bobrovizki in honour of the recent Yortzheit of his mother, Shoshana bat Hilla Z"L.  
MAZEL TOV to Adam Goldwater and Dani Sheldon and their families on the call-up this Shabbos (at early mincha, 4pm) and wedding this coming week! 
Mincha followed by Seudah Shlishis ......... 7:50pm
Gematria and story by Rev Amzalak......... 8:10pm
Shiur by Rabbi Moss............................... 8:30pm
Shabbos ends and Maariv....................... 8:49pm
Followed by Havdalah 
Sunday & next Friday (Pub. Hol).................... 8:00am
Latest Shema this week.................................9:32am
Dean and Heidi Krowitz on the birth of a boy!
Naomi Ziv ................ 6 Shvat/Monday 22 January
Golda Moss ............... 6 Shvat/Monday 22 January
Linda Lenn................. 6 Shevat/Monday 22 January
Jocelyn Lowinger........ 7 Shevat/Tuesday 23 January
Natalie Dabscheck...... 7 Shevat/Tuesday 23 January
Alessia Rachel
Maksimovich ........ 8 Shevat/Wednesday 24 January
Nikki & Eyal Kirshner. 9 Shevat/Thursday 25 January

Harry Kornfeld (mother) Regina Kornfeld, Rivka bas Alexander 5 Shvat/ Sunday 21 January
Malka Kurta (father) Alexander Rees, Shlomo Ben David HaLevi 7 Shvat/ Tuesday 23 January
Jonathan Isdale (father) Nathan Israel, Natan Ben Avraham . 9 Shvat/ Thursday 25 January
To make a donation for a birthday, an Aliyah, a Yahrzeit or anything else, 
please click here
Kiddush options:
Friday night: Soup $75 | Basic $120 | Deluxe $200
Shabbos Day: Basic $350 Lunch $750-$1200 
Dates available:
Fri 2 Feb, Fri 9 Feb, Sat 10 Feb, Fri 16, Sat 17, Fri 23 Feb, Sat 24 Feb.
To arrange, just email
Nefesh Shul, 54 Roscoe Street, Bondi Beach, NSW 2026 Australia
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