Thursday, January 11, 2018

You've Been Caught in the Act

Question of the Week:

My acting career seems to be at a dead end. Every time I come close to a huge role something goes wrong and I miss out. I have tried every avenue I can think of, even changing agents, but it hasn't helped. I am professional, hard-working, dedicated and I believe I have talent (this has been confirmed to me by others too). But I am starting to think I simply wasn't meant to be an actor. Should I just come to terms with being a failure?


My friend, there is only one thing you need to come to terms with. You are not an actor. You may be good at acting, but that is not who you are, it is what you do. Stop identifying yourself by your career. You need to discover an identity that is beyond your work. That way, success and failure in your career will not spell success or failure in your life.

In our world of inverted values, a man is called successful because he has made a lot of money. He may have abandoned his third wife, be estranged from his children, have no friends and his dog ran away from him. But he's done well at work, and people say, "I wish I had his luck."

We achieve true success when we succeed in our relationships. If you are a caring friend in times of need, if you treat your parents well, if you are a supportive and understanding spouse, a devoted and caring parent, then you are a success. Those who contribute to the community, not just money but time and effort, those who have developed happy relationships with G-d and man, they are real success stories.

As long as we identify ourselves with our profession - I am an actor, a sales person, an IT technician - then we are pinning our success as a person on our career success. But it's not true. We are not defined by our job. What we do to make a living is different to what we do to make a life. We work to make a living. But to make a life we must love, connect, serve a purpose and find meaning.

This is the gift of Shabbos. One day a week we step out of our workday roles and return to our true self. We are not staff members but rather members of a community; we are not employers or employees but rather brothers and sisters, children, parents and friends. We are not working for a boss to do our job, but rather working for The Boss to fulfill our mission.

You may be great at doing your work. Or maybe not. But it's more important to be good at being human. When it comes to being human, even a failed businessman can be the greatest success story, and a struggling actor can be a star.

Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss

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We faced a small hiccup when one of the main cables on the drilling machine snapped! These things happen, but due to the holiday season it took some days to remedy. We are finally back on course this week and will be finished drilling all piles by the end of next week G-d willing.

I hope everyone had a great holiday period. Wishing everyone the best and hoping to provide more exciting update next week :-)

Friday, 12 January 2018 | 25 Teves 5778
Candle Lighting.............. 7:52pm (Not before 6:44pm)
Mincha.......................... 6:15pm
Shabbos Service............ 6:30-7:20pm 
(Kids Program on summer break)
Teen Boys Davening....... 6:30pm
Followed by Kiddush sponsored by Peter Irving and Libby Moss in honour of the yortzheit of their late mother Joan Cohen (Chana Bas Yesse) on 27 Teves/ 14 January- Long Life.
Shabbos Day, 13 Jan 2018 | 26 Teves 5778
In depth parsha class ..........................9:00am
Shabbos Service.................. 10:00am-12:20pm
(Kids Program on summer break)
Followed by Farbengen to welcome back the Mosses from Melbourne.
Mincha followed by Seudah Shlishis ......... 7:50pm
Gematria and story by Rev Amzalak......... 8:10pm
Shiur by Rabbi Moss............................... 8:30pm
Shabbos ends and Maariv........................ 8:52pm
Followed by Havdalah 
Sunday.......................... 8:00am
Monday-Friday................ 7:00am
Latest Shema this week... 9:27am
Doron and Lia Milner on the birth of a girl!
Dan and Tegan Barnett on the birth of a girl!
Chaim Lever and Rachel Bogomilsky on their engagement, and to the Itkin and Amzalak families! 
Judy Traub for her late husband David Traub
David ben Yaacov... 26 Tevet/ Saturday 13 January
Peter Irving and Libby Moss for their late mother Joan Cohen
Chana Bas Yesse....... 27 Teves/ Sunday 14 January
Jack Klein for his late mother
Grace Helen Klein..... 27 Tevet/ Sunday 14 January
Elana Castle for her late grandmother Celia Freed,
Chanah Tzvia ........... 28 Tevet/ Monday 15 January
Rosie Stern for her late mother
Leah Friedman......... 28 Tevet/ Monday 15 January

To make a donation for a birthday, an Aliyah, a Yahrzeit or anything else, 
please click here
Kiddush options:
Friday night: Soup $75 | Basic $120 | Deluxe $200
Shabbos Day: Basic $350 Lunch $750-$1200 
Dates available:
Sat 20 Jan, Fri 26 Jan.
To arrange, just email
Nefesh Shul, 54 Roscoe Street, Bondi Beach, NSW 2026 Australia
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Constant Contact

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