Thursday, January 25, 2018

Is She Worth a Second Date?

Question of the Week:

I met a lovely girl on a blind date last week. We went to the art gallery and had a wonderful conversation. She has everything I am looking for. But she is not for me. There is nothing wrong with her, but I am a very good judge of character and my intuition can quickly assess people. I know when it is right and this time it just isn't. I would meet her a second time just to be polite, but wouldn't that be leading her on?
There is a popular theory that we can know all we need to know about a person in the first few seconds of meeting them. It is a great theory. There is only one problem with it. It is rubbish.
A person is more than meets the eye. We are multi-layered. We have thoughts and feelings, memories and dreams, quirks and foibles. Everyone has a story and everyone has a soul. You can't see all this at first glance.
How many times have you been impressed by someone's first impression, only to be disappointed after a few conversations? And the opposite too, how many people have you met and not particularly appreciated, only to be pleasantly surprised after getting to know them better? Even looks are deceiving. A person who you find unattractive at first can grow on you as their full picture unravels.
I am sure you would agree that no one can know what you are all about by meeting you once. The same goes for others. Don't always trust your instincts. They can easily lead you astray.
Maybe I am wrong. Perhaps you do have an amazing sixth sense and can read people on the spot. But is it foolproof? What if you are right 99% of the time? What if you get it wrong only once? Imagine what you could miss out on...
I commend you for taking the plunge and agreeing to meet her the first time. It is not always easy to put yourself out there. But I think you should give it a second chance, and this time switch off the intuition and see what you find. You may discover that you are actually meeting her for the first time.

Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss

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Friday, 26 January 2018 | 10 Shevat 5778
Candle Lighting............ 7:46pm (Not before 6:41pm)
Mincha........................ 6:15pm
Shabbos Service........... 6:30-7:20pm 
Kiddush sponsored by Dan Helfand in honour of the yorztehit of his father Ariyeh Nochem Ben Yedidyah on 10th Shevat- Long Life
Shabbos Day, 27 Jan 2018 | 11 Shevat 5778
In depth parsha class .............. 9:00am
Shabbos Service.................... 10:00am-12:20pm
Kids Program returns............. 10:30am
Kids Kiddush & Program sponsored in honour of Golda and Mendel Moss' birthdays - Mazal Tov!
Kiddush/Farbrengen in honour of a refuah shleima for Chaya Nechama Dina bas Reizel 
Mincha followed by Seudah Shlishis ..... 7:45pm
Gematria and story by Rev Amzalak..... 8:05pm
Shiur by Rabbi Moss........................... 8:25pm
Shabbos ends.................................... 8:45pm
Followed by Havdalah 
Sunday ........................... 8:00am
Monday-Friday.................. 7:00am
Latest Shema this week..... 9:36am
Mendel Moss...... 15/16 Shvat/ Wednesday/Thursday 31 Jan/ 1 Feb
Zac Weinberg......17 Shvat/ Friday 2 February
Les Pozniak (father) Maurice Pozniak, Moshe Ben Yeshiou.... 14 Shvat/ Tuesday 30 January
To make a donation for a birthday, an Aliyah, a Yahrzeit or anything else, 
please click here
Kiddush options:
Friday night: Soup $75 | Basic $120 | Deluxe $200
Shabbos Day: Basic $350 Lunch $750-$1200 
Dates available:
Fri 2 Feb, Fri 9 Feb, Sat 10 Feb, Fri 16, Sat 17, Fri 23 Feb, Sat 24 Feb.
To arrange, just email
Nefesh Shul, 54 Roscoe Street, Bondi Beach, NSW 2026 Australia
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