Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Abortion of Guilt

TRIVIA NIGHT - Saturday May 28, 7:30pm, make a table of eight for $180, details to come...


Question of the Week:

What's done is done. I had an abortion years ago. I did it to avoid shame, but instead I am riddled with guilt. Even though I can't reverse what I have done, is there some way to alleviate the burden I am carrying? Can I somehow make amends? Am I condemned to a life of guilty feelings?


Guilt is to the soul what pain is to the body. Pain itself is not a good thing, but it does serve a positive purpose. Pain alerts you to a problem that requires action, it calls you to seek its source and alleviate it.

Guilt serves a positive purpose too. Guilt that eats away at us is pointless. But guilt can be used as a catalyst for becoming a better person, when it alerts us to acknowledge mistakes we have made, take responsibility for them and not blame others - even if others were partially to blame - and then resolve to be better for the experience. We must turn around the negative feelings, so they can propel us to do more good.
In the case of someone who wrongly had an abortion, perhaps one way to channel the guilt into positivity would be to take on a project that will specifically benefit unwanted or abandoned children. The ultimate would be to actually adopt such a child, but that is not always possible. Here are some other suggestions: volunteer time and donate money to an orphanage; become a "big sister" to a child that needs extra support; or help out a friend or family member who is bringing up their children in difficult circumstances, such as a single mother or someone battling serious illness.

Guilt creates a void in our soul. Fill that void with something meaningful. Redirect your energy towards a new venture that will benefit someone in need. That way you don't just alleviate the guilt, you actually transform it into a force for good.
You can't bring back the potential that was lost. But you can reclaim your own potential. Don't let guilt paralyse you any longer. Ask G-d to forgive you. Then turn your guilt around, and use it as a springboard for positive action. Make what was a negative chapter in your life into the introduction to the next chapter, a chapter focused on love and life.

Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss


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· NEW S.T.E.P. course - "From Abraham to You" - an overview of Jewish History

· NEW Hebrew Reading course with Velvel Lederman

· NEW Prayer Fluency course with Rabbi Spielman

· The Kabbalah of Food - eating for the soul with Rabbi Moss on Tuesdays

· Credit and Credibility - How Jewish business ethics can prevent a financial meltdownLunch in the city on Thursdays





Sunday Breakfast Learning for MEN with Rabbi Gourarie

Practical Halacha and Chavrusa learning after breakfast

8:45-9:30am 1 May- 26 June 45 Bellevue Rd


Beginners Talmud Class for MEN and WOMEN with Rabbi Moss

Introductory Talmud Learning with Breakfast

9:00-9:45am Every Sunday Nefesh Centre 54 Roscoe St, Bondi Beach


Mishna Shiur for MEN with Rabbi Yaakov Chaiton

Discovering the depth and wisdom of the Mishna

5:15-5:45pm (Mincha 5pm) 1 May- 26 June 45 Bellevue Rd





The Early Shiur for MEN

A Morning Boost with a smorgasbord of Learning with Rabbi Gourarie

6:00-7:45am 9 May- 20 June 45 Bellevue Rd (Mondays and Wednesdays)


Meaningful Prayer Part Two- Understanding the Shema and its blessings for WOMEN with Mrs Rivka Aaron

9:00-10:00am 9 May-20 June 45 Bellevue Rd


Chumash for WOMEN with Mrs Dina Gourarie

Learning Chumash in a structured and interesting way

10:00-11:00am 9 May-20 June 45 Bellevue Rd


Meaningful Motherhood for MOTHERS and BABIES with Mrs Nechama Dina Moss and Shternie Dadon Discussion group for mothers

10:00-11:00am 2 May - 20 June Nefesh Centre 54 Roscoe St, Bondi Beach


COA Seniors Shiur for RETIREES with Rabbi Chaim Ingram

12:15-1:00pm Every Monday at the COA


NEW S.T.E.P. for WOMEN with Rabbi Gourarie

Structured Torah Education Program - Module 4 - From Abraham To You

1:30-2:30pm 9 May-20 June 45 Bellevue Rd


NEW S.T.E.P. for MEN and WOMEN with Rabbi Yaacov Chaiton

Structured Torah Education Program - Module 4 - From Abraham To You

8:15-9:15pm 9 May-20 June 45 Bellevue Rd




Parsha Insights for WOMEN with Rabbi Gourarie

Overview of Weekly Parsha with commentary

9:30-10:30am 3 May - 28 June 45 Bellevue Rd


Tanach Highlights for WOMEN with Mrs Rivka Aaron

A deeper look at the story Daniel in the Lions Den

10:30-11:30am 10 May - 21 June 45 Bellevue Rd


Talmud for HIGH SCHOOL BOYS with Rabbi Yaacov Chaiton

4:00 - 5:00pm 10 May - 21 June 45 Bellevue Rd


NEW Likutei Sichos (note address)

A textual series exploring the wisdom of the Rebbe with Mrs Dina Gourarie

8:15-9:15pm 3 May - 21 May 8 New St, Bondi 2026


The Kabbalah of Food - Eating for the Soul for MEN and WOMEN with Rabbi Moss

8:15-9:30pm 3 May - 21 May Nefesh Centre 54 Roscoe St


Talmud in Depth for MEN with Rabbi Gourarie

Learning Gemora with commentary and analysis

8:30-9:15pm 3 May - 28 June 45 Bellevue Rd






Emotional Maturity Established through Torah with Renee Mill

9:00-10:00am 4 May - 22 June 45 Bellevue Rd


Chassidus -The Fire of the Rashbi for WOMEN with Rabbi Moss

A Maamar on Lag Baomer

2:00-3:00pm 4 May - 22 June 45 Bellevue Rd


Hebrew Reading Hour Part 2 (Bookings Essential) for MEN and WOMEN with Velvel Lederman

If you have just learnt to read Hebrew and want to improve your fluency

7:15-8:15pm 4 May - 22 June 45 Bellevue Rd


Hebrew Reading Club(Bookings Essential) for MEN and WOMEN with Rabbi Spielman

The Innovative "Reading Partner" Model

7:30-8:05pm 4 May - 22 June 45 Bellevue Rd


To Give or Not to Give? for MEN and WOMEN with Rabbi Yaacov Chaiton

The raging moral debate on organ

8:15-9:15pm 4 May - 18 May 121 Brook St, Coogee


Hands on Talmud for MEN with Rabbi Spielman

Intermediate Level Gemora Shiur

8:30-9:30pm 4 May - 29 June 2a Conway Street, Rose Bay




Character Development: Managing Conflict for WOMEN with Rabbi Gourarie

Seven great strategies for effectively managing conflict

9:20-10:15am 5 May - 23 June 45 Bellevue Rd


Rose Bay Lunch and Learn for MEN and WOMEN with Rabbi Gourarie

A deeper look at the weekly Parsha

1:00-1:45pm 5 May - 23 June 554 Old South Head Rd, Rose Bay


Lunch in the City: Credit and Credibility for MEN and WOMEN with Rabbi Moss

How Jewish business ethics can prevent a financial meltdown

1:00-2:00pm STARTS 5 May

Arnold Bloch Leibler, Level 24, Chifley Tower, 2 Chifley Square, Sydney CBD


Talmud for HIGH SCHOOL BOYS with Rabbi Yaacov Chaiton

4:00 - 5:00pm 12 May - 23 June 45 Bellevue Rd


Beis Midrash Program or Analyzing a concept from the weekly with Rabbi Yaacov Chaiton for MEN

8:15-9:15pm 5 May - 30 June 45 Bellevue Rd




Morning Minute Booster

A quick 10 minute shiur to start your day with Rabbi Gourarie

7:10-7:20am Every Friday 45 Bellevue Rd


Friday Night Special Edition

A quick 10 minutes of inspiration with Rabbi Gourarie

After Maariv Every Friday 45 Bellevue Rd





Chassidus at the Shtiebell for MEN with Rabbi Gourarie

Prepare for davening with the secrets of Chassidus

8:30-9:15am 7 May - 26 June 24a Ocean St, Walter Cavill Hall


Chassidus : The Spiritual Parsha for MEN and WOMEN with Rabbi Moss

Weekly Chassidus Insights 9:00-10:00am Every Shabbos morning

Nefesh Centre 54 Roscoe St, Bondi Beach


Learning for Primary Age Boys with Rabbi Glogauer

Between Mincha and Maariv 7 May - 25 June

45 Bellevue Rd

For more information on classes Tel: 9363 5543 Email:


NEFESH SERVICES - 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach 



Candlelighting 5:00pm


5:10pm Mincha followed by shiur 

6:30pm - 7:15pm Shabbos Service followed by Kiddush


Shabbos day

9am Class on Weekly Parsha
10am -12:15pm Morning Service with kids program followed by Kiddush in honour of Rev Amzalak's birthday - mazel tov!

Mincha 4:55pm followed by Seudah Shlishis and Maariv

Shabbos ends 5:55pm


8am Shachris followed by breakfast and beginners Talmud  



7am Shachris followed by Chassidus

Wednesday and Thursday Rosh Chodesh

7am Shachris 


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nefesh | 54 roscoe st | bondi beach | NSW | 2026 | Australia

Thursday, April 21, 2011

What's the Rush?

END PESACH ON A HIGH - Moshiach Seudah this Tuesday, see below

Question of the Week:
What is the connection between eating matzah and escaping from Egypt? I know that the Jews left Egypt in such a rush, the dough didn't have time enough to rise. The men would have been saying to their wives, "Honey we gotta go in 10 minutes, just grab some food and let's go!!"
So they happened to eat matzah - who cares? It doesn't seem at all significant. Why is matzah elevated to be main focus of the whole Pesach experience? I think Pesach is about freedom, not food!
Think about it. The Israelites had to rush out of Egypt so fast, they didn't have time for their bread to rise. Why? Does that make sense? What was the rush exactly? The Egyptians had just been blasted with ten plagues as divine punishment for holding the Israelites captive, they were more than ready to let them go. So why rush things? Couldn't they have spent the few extra minutes it takes to let the bread rise and make proper sandwiches for the trip?
The answer is: they weren't running from the Egyptians, they were running from themselves. The two centuries of slavery had taken their toll on the Jewish people's spirit. They had forgotten their illustrious past as children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, pioneers of a path of ethics and higher morals. The corruption and depravity of the Egyptian society had slowly crept into the Israelite mentality, and they assimilated many of its paganistic ideals into their own. They were slaves to Egypt, not just in body, but in mind as well.
It came to a point where their unique identity was all but lost. Suddenly they realised that the legacy of Abraham could be lost forever, and the message of hope that the Israelites were to bring the world would not be delivered, all because of them. Only then did they cry out for help. On the brink of point of no return, they called out to G-d.
Think of an alcoholic. For a while, the alcoholic fools himself into thinking that things are in control, he is just drinking socially, it relaxes him, there's nothing wrong. Gradually, the habit overtakes him, and one-by-one he loses everything he has: his family, his job, his money, his dignity. But it's only when he hits rock bottom, when he has been stripped of everything, that it suddenly dawns on him that he has a real problem.
Now he has to act fast. Once he has recognised the problem, he has to deal with it immediately, before that moment of clarity passes by and he slips back into self-justification. He can't do it alone. He's too drunk to help himself. He has to call for help. Someone from the outside, someone sober, will have to reach out to drag him out of his addiction. But they can only help him if he is willing to go cold-turkey, not to touch alcohol until he is cured. He has to run away from the addict that he has been until now. Otherwise he cannot begin to heal.
That's why Matzah is the crux of what the exodus is all about. The children of Israel had to make a hasty retreat from Egypt. Egypt and its lowliness had a hold on them, as powerful as an addiction. They had to first get out of Egypt in order to get Egypt out of themselves. To delay would be deadly. Once they had realised the problem, if they would then have hesitated, it could have spelt the end for them - they may have sunk to the point of no return.
We all have our addictions, whether to harmful substances, poisonous relationships, toxic habits or negative ideologies. Pesach is a de-tox retreat, where the spirit of liberty calls upon us to free ourselves from our personal Egypt. The Matzah reminds us that the first step towards freedom is to go cold-turkey. No hesitations; make a sudden and complete exodus from the you that was, and march through the desert towards the you that you can be.
Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss


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End Pesach on a high with words of inspiration, songs to stir the soul and a glimpse of Moshiach.

BYO Matzah, wine and grape juice.

For men after Mincha 4:30pm in shul, 54 Roscoe St Bondi

For women 4:45pm at 128 Wellington St Bondi 





Shabbos Chol Hamoed

Friday April 22

Candlelighting 5:07pm

Mincha 5:15pm followed by shiur

Shabbos evening service 6:30pm - 7:15pm

Saturday April 23 

Shachris 10am - 12:30pm

Mincha 5:15pm followed by words of Torah and Maariv

Shabbos ends 6:02pm


Sunday April 24

Shachris 8am

Yomtov Shvii Shel Pesach

Candlelighting 5:05pm

Mincha 5:15pm

Evening Service 6pm



Monday April 25 Yomtov Shvii Shel Pesach

Shachris 10am - 12:45pm

Mincha 5:15pm followed by words of Torah

Evening Service 6pm

Candlelighting not before 6:00pm


Tuesday April 26 Yomtov Acharon Shel Pesach

Shachris 10am - 12:45pm 

Yizkor approx. 11:30am

Mincha 4:30pm followed by Seudas Moshiach for men in shul to end the Yomtov
Seudas Moshiach for women 4:45pm at 128 Wellington St Bondi 

Yomtov ends 5:59pm

Please allow half an hour before eating chometz that was sold




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nefesh office | 45 bellevue rd | bellevue hill | NSW | 2023 | Australia

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Plagued by a Question...



Question of the Week:


We always get stuck on the part of the Haggadah where the rabbis argue about how many plagues the Egyptians suffered. First it says there were Ten Plagues. Then Rabbi Yehuda makes them into three groups: Dtzach Adash Beachav. Then we hear there were ten plagues in Egypt and fifty additional plagues at the Red Sea. Rabbi Eliezer then says that each plague was really four plagues, so there were 40 in Egypt and 200 at the Red Sea. Finally Rabbi Akiva says each plague was actually five plagues, so there were 50 in Egypt and 250 at the Red Sea!!! Can you shed any light on what in the world is going on here?



The Exodus from Egyptian slavery represents the soul's liberation from evil forces. In every generation we have to see ourselves as if we are leaving Egypt, leaving behind our own inner resistance to goodness, our evil inclination, so we can march to Mount Sinai and receive the Torah.

But to truly be free from slavery, your Egypt has to be afflicted with plagues. Before you can express your inner goodness, you have to clear away layers of resistance that get in the way. For every positive impulse there is a negative counterforce that attempts to quash it. Every time I want to do a good deed, my inner Pharaoh, my evil inclination, has an excuse why I shouldn't do it. I have to break through these blockages in my heart to open myself up to goodness.

This is the deeper meaning of the plagues. Before the Jewish people could receive the Ten Commandments, there were ten layers of evil that had to be vanquished, each layer being the blockage to fulfilling one of the Ten Commandments. After the ten powers of evil were subdued through the ten plagues, the Ten Commandments could be received and observed, and the powers of goodness could reign free.

But the Torah has more than ten commandments. There are in fact six hundred and thirteen commandments. The Ten Commandments are ten general categories, under which all the other commandments fall. "Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy" includes all the festivals. "Do not steal" includes all business ethics and laws of commerce. "Do not murder" includes all moral obligations to our fellow human beings, and so on. They are parent categories, under which lie hundreds of offshoots.

So the ten really includes six hundred and thirteen. Therefore the ten plagues must also include six hundred and thirteen plagues, because for each and every commandment there is a negative counterforce that needs to be nullified for us to be able to perform that commandment. Now we understand why the Haggadah lists various ways our sages extrapolated more plagues than the original ten.

Let's look at the numbers in the order mentioned in the Haggadah:

There were 10 plagues

Rabbi Yehuda groups them into 3 -  Dtzach Adash Beachav

Rabbi Yose lists 10 plagues in Egypt and 50 at the sea

Rabbi Eliezer multiplies it into 40 in Egypt and 200 at the sea

Rabbi Akiva finds 50 plagues in Egypt and 250 at the sea

Now add up the sum total of all these numbers of plagues mentioned in the Haggadah:

10+3+10+50+40+200+50+250 = 613

The Haggadah is teaching an amazing lesson. The Ten Plagues came to clear the way for the Ten Commandments. But being that the Ten Commandments include within them 613 commandments, so too the ten plagues actually add up to 613. When the Jews left Egypt, every single layer of resistance was obliterated, and the Jewish soul was left open to accepting all of the commandments.

On Seder night, as we read through these plagues, we can each think of a mitzvah we have been resisting to do, and allow the power of telling the story of the plagues to rid us of any resistance to goodness, and free us to do what's right.

Good Shabbos and a Happy, Kosher and Liberating Pesach,

 Rabbi Moss

(Source: Sfas Emes)  

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Pre-Pesach Friday Night Dinner at Nefesh








Monday April 18 Erev Pesach

Shachris 7am followed by Siyum for Fast of the First Born

Eat chometz until 10:03am. Burn and sell before 10:59am

Candlelighting 5:12pm

Mincha 5:20pm

Pesach Evening Service 5:45pm - 6:30pm


Tuesday April 19 First day Yomtov

Shachris 10am - 12:45pm

Mincha 5:20pm followed by words of Torah

Evening Service 6pm - 6:45pm, begin counting the Omer

Candlelighting not before 6:06pm


Wednesday April 20 Second day Yomtov

Shachris 10am - 12:45pm

Mincha 5:20pm followed by words of Torah

Evening Service 6pm

Yomtov ends 6:05pm


Thursday, Friday and Sunday Chol Hamoed

Shachris 8am


Shabbos Chol Hamoed

Friday April 22

Candlelighting 5:07pm

Mincha 5:15pm followed by shiur

Shabbos evening service 6:30pm - 7:15pm

Saturday April 23 

Shachris 10am - 12:30pm

Mincha 5:15pm followed by words of Torah and Maariv

Shabbos ends 6:02pm


Sunday April 24 Yomtov Shvii Shel Pesach

Candlelighting 5:05pm

Mincha 5:15pm

Evening Service 6pm


Monday April 25 Yomtov Shvii Shel Pesach

Shachris 10am - 12:45pm

Mincha 5:15pm followed by words of Torah

Evening Service 6pm

Candlelighting not before 6:00pm


Tuesday April 26 Yomtov Acharon Shel Pesach

Shachris 10am - 12:45pm 

Yizkor approx. 11:30am

Mincha 4:45pm followed by Seudas Moshiach for men in shul to end the Yomtov
Seudas Moshiach for women 4:45pm at 128 Wellington St Bondi 

Yomtov ends 5:59pm

Please allow half an hour before eating chometz that was sold










In order to avoid owning any products that aren't Kosher for Pesach, we sell our non-Pesach food for the duration of the festival. To arrange this, please fill in your name (signature not required) and all addresses (work/holiday home included) on the form below and email to by Sunday April 17.
I, the undersigned, fully empower and permit Rabbi Moss to act in my place and stead, and on my behalf to sell all Chometz possessed by me, knowingly or unknowingly as defined by the Torah and Rabbinic Law (e.g. Chometz, possible Chometz, and all kinds of Chometz mixtures).  Also Chometz that tends to harden and adhere to the inside surfaces of pans, pots, or cooking utensils, the utensils themselves, and all kinds of live animals and pets that have been eating Chometz and mixtures thereof.  This includes all above mentioned Chometz that will come into my possession from now until Erev Pesach. He is also empowered to lease all places wherein Chometz owned by me may be found, particularly at the address/es listed below and elsewhere.
Rabbi Moss has full right to appoint any agent or substitute in his stead and said substitute shall have full right to sell and lease as provided herein.  He also has the full power and right to act as he deems fit and proper in accordance with all the details of the Bill of Sale used in the transaction to sell all my Chometz, Chometz mixtures, etc., as provided herein.  This power is in conformity with all Torah, Rabbinic and Civil laws.



NEFESH SERVICES - 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach 



Candlelighting 5:16pm 


5:20pm Mincha followed by Chassidus Shiur 

6:30pm - 7:15pm Shabbos Service followed by Pre-Pesach Dinner FULLY BOOKED


Shabbos day

9am Class on Weekly Parsha
10am -12:15pm Morning Service with kids program followed by Kiddush sponsored by the Kessels in honour of Noach's bar mitzvah anniversary  - Mazel tov!

Mincha 5:10pm followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv

Shabbos ends 6:10pm


8am Shachris 

8:45am - 9:30am Shul cleanup - volunteers needed 


7am Shachris followed by Siyum 

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nefesh office | 45 bellevue rd | bellevue hill | NSW | 2023 | Australia

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Wicked Children and Post-Modern Parents



Question of the Week:


One thing I never understood in the Haggadah of Pesach. What's so wise about the Wise Son? He asks his parents, "What are all the laws that our G-d has commanded you?" He seems no better than the Wicked Son, who is criticized for excluding himself and asking "What is this Pesach service to you?" - to you and not to him. Does the Wise Son not also say "commanded you" and not him, thus excluding himself?




The Wise Son and the Wicked Son are not similar at all. They are opposites. The Wise Son asks a question. The Wicked Son isn't asking, he is mocking. He doesn't ask questions of his parents. He belittles them.


It isn't his fault. He is a child of post-modern parents. Such parents don't ever tell their children what to do. Instead of giving thier kids direction, they ask them questions.


"Do you want to go to bed now gorgeous?" 


"What would you like for lunch tomorrow princess?"


"Are you ready to stop poking your sister's eye out cutey-pie?"


Parents who constantly ask their children questions and give them choices are putting their children into a position of authority that they are not ready for, while undermining their own authority. More than anything else, children need boundaries. They need to be lovingly told what is right and what is wrong, what is allowed and what is forbidden. These ethical lines have to be clear and unequivocal, set down with sensitivity but without room for debate.


But to give clear boundaries you have to be an authority figure, you have to carry moral weight in the eyes of your children. A parent who caves in to their kids' desires and cowers to their demands, who consults their children's opinion on everything and always gives them options, will never command the respect needed to lay down the law for their children. Kids of such parents see themselves as the know-it-alls, and their parents as silly old people who haven't got a clue.


This is the wisdom of the Wise Child. He recognises that his parents are the source of wisdom, not he, and so he needs to ask them questions, not the other way around. He looks to his parents for guidance, he seeks their input and their point of view, knowing that when it comes to life skills, his youthful energy and idealism are no match for the experience and mature insight of the older generation.


A wise child doesn't come from nowhere. He comes from wise parents. Ask your children too many questions and they will stop asking you any. Give your children clear direction, and they will become wise too.


Good Shabbos,

Rabbi Moss



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Pre-Pesach Friday Night Dinner at Nefesh




Come enjoy a relaxing and enjoyable catered Shabbos meal, hear some amazing stories and leave the cooking and cleaning to us.


Friday April 15 after shul service.



Adults - $30, kids under 12 - $15


 Click Here to Book Now and pay with credit card or Paypal





A Model Seder - An introductory experiential guide through the Seder   

This Sunday night April 10,  8:15pm, with Velvel Lederman at 17 Anglesea St Bondi  


Passover in 60 Minutes -All the basic laws including a clear step-by-step guide to the Pesach Seder

Monday night April 11,  8:15-9:15pm with Rabbi Gourarie at 45 Bellevue Rd






In order to avoid owning any products that aren't Kosher for Pesach, we sell our non-Pesach food for the duration of the festival. To arrange this, please fill in your name (signature not required) and all addresses (work/holiday home included) on the form below and email to by Sunday April 17.
I, the undersigned, fully empower and permit Rabbi Moss to act in my place and stead, and on my behalf to sell all Chometz possessed by me, knowingly or unknowingly as defined by the Torah and Rabbinic Law (e.g. Chometz, possible Chometz, and all kinds of Chometz mixtures).  Also Chometz that tends to harden and adhere to the inside surfaces of pans, pots, or cooking utensils, the utensils themselves, and all kinds of live animals and pets that have been eating Chometz and mixtures thereof.  This includes all above mentioned Chometz that will come into my possession from now until Erev Pesach. He is also empowered to lease all places wherein Chometz owned by me may be found, particularly at the address/es listed below and elsewhere.
Rabbi Moss has full right to appoint any agent or substitute in his stead and said substitute shall have full right to sell and lease as provided herein.  He also has the full power and right to act as he deems fit and proper in accordance with all the details of the Bill of Sale used in the transaction to sell all my Chometz, Chometz mixtures, etc., as provided herein.  This power is in conformity with all Torah, Rabbinic and Civil laws.



NEFESH SERVICES - 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach 



Candlelighting 5:25pm 


5:30pm Mincha followed by Chassidus Shiur 

6:30pm - 7:15pm Shabbos Service followed by Kiddush sponsored by Libby and Ron Moss in honour of their wedding anniversary, and to welcome Mrs Esther Sosover to town


Shabbos day

9am Class on Weekly Parsha
10am -12:15pm Morning Service with kids program followed by Kiddush sponsored by Rebecca and Earl Abraham in honour of the naming of their baby girl - Mazel tov!

Mincha 5:20pm followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv

Shabbos ends 6:18pm


8am Shachris no beginners' Talmud until after Pesach



7am Shachris followed by Chassidus


7am Shachris 


cohavi cleaning 

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nefesh office | 45 bellevue rd | bellevue hill | NSW | 2023 | Australia