Thursday, October 31, 2019

I Stole $500. What Now?

Question of the Week:

I am a little embarrassed to write this, but my conscience won't allow me to keep it in any more. When I was 16 years old (almost 30 years ago) I would babysit for a neighbour. They always underpaid me. If I worked for three and half hours, they paid me for three. If I worked for 2 hours and 59 minutes, they paid me for 2. I really resented it. One time I found $500 cash in a kitchen draw. I took it, justifying in my mind that they owed me at least that much. They never suspected anything. I'm pretty sure they never even knew the money was there in the first place. I look back with shame and know I did wrong. I stole. But this was so long ago. According to the Torah, how do I fix this? Do I have to pay back? Must I actually face them? 


Most of us have embarrassing stories from our younger days. Lucky we are not all politicians, so these stories don't get dug up and become front page news. 

To correct an act of stealing, you need to return the money to its rightful owner. But that is not enough. You also need to apologise. Stealing doesn't just rob someone of their money, it is an invasion of their space. Taking their property is also trampling their dignity. For this you need to ask them for forgiveness. 

However, in a case where the victim is not even aware that they have been robbed, an apology is not necessary, and perhaps even not proper. If they don't know the theft ever happened, then they suffered a financial loss, but not an emotional one. You still need to return the money, but you can do that anonymously and without explanation. Asking forgiveness would itself cause them unnecessary hurt. 

This is all assuming that they never knew of the theft. But what if they did eventually realise that they had been robbed? In such a case you do need to apologise. The question is, can you apologise anonymously?

Ideally not. You should really own up to the act and ask for forgiveness. But the Torah wants to open the doors for those who sincerely want to right their wrongs, and make it easier and not harder. So the Torah allows you to apologise anonymously in a case where the victim didn't ever suspect you were the one who stole from them. If you send them the money with a nameless heartfelt request for forgiveness, and you ensure that they indeed receive it, then you have made amends and you can put it behind you. 

This misdeed happened long ago, but you can still correct it. Whether or not you run for president, you want a clean slate.   

Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss

Igros Moshe Choshen Mishpat 1:88

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Friday, 1 November 2019| 3 Cheshvan 5780
Candle Lighting.......... 7:05pm (not before 6:02pm)
Mincha...................... 6:15pm
Shabbos Service ....... 6:30-7:20pm
Followed by Kiddush
Shabbos Day, 2 November 2019 | 4 Cheshvan 5780
Morning Meditation......................9:00am
Shabbos Service ........................ 10:00am-12:20pm
Kids Program ............................. 10:30am
Kiddush with cholent sponsored by the Kessel's in honour of Parshas Noach!
Shabbos Shiur at Wellington St with Nechama Dina Moss.....5:00pm

Parsha Shiur with Rabbi Sufrin................6:00pm
Mincha followed by Seudah Shlishis ........7:00pm
Gematria and Story by Rev Amzalak....... 7:30pm
Shiur with Rabbi Moss........................... 7:45pm
Shabbos ends...................................... 8:03pm
Followed by Havdalah
Sunday..................................... 8:00am
Mon- Friday............................... 7:00am
Latest Shema this week............... 9:15am
Daniel Kogan & Jodie Kessler on their upcoming marriage. Mazal Tov to the extended Kogan and Kessler families!
Lucia Meyer........... 8 Cheshvan/ Wednesday 6 Nov
Les Pozniak for his late mother Elisabeth Pozniak....... 9 Cheshvan/ Thursday 7 Nov
If you would like Nefesh to include your Birthday, Anniversary or Yortzheit in our newsletter and send you an email reminder, just fill in this quick ONLINE FORM.
The much loved annual Montefiore Raffle is back in 2019 with over $34,000 worth of prizes- including a Mazda 2 neo valued at $20,900!

Buy your raffle tickets online to go in the draw for your chance to win retail gift cards, dining experiences, hotel and drive getaways, or your weekly fruit & veg delivery!

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Nefesh Shul, PO Box 7349, 0416 822 832, Bondi Beach, NSW 2026 Australia
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Thursday, October 24, 2019

When Was Adam's Mid-Life Crisis?

Question of the Week:
Can you explain why Genesis describes the lifespan of the early generations as being incredibly long? Adam is said to have died at age 930, Noah was almost 500 when he started building the ark (not bad!) and Methuselah lived a world record 969 years! So what happened? Why don't we live that long anymore?
The longevity of our patriarchs raises several questions. What does it feel like to hit 900? When did they have their mid-life crisis? Were centenarians getting up to teenage mischief? Did parents tell their children, "Stop acting like a forty year old!"?
Whatever the case, we find that the first few generations lived extremely long, and then after Noah's flood the average lifespan reduced dramatically, with people living about as long as we do today. 
The main difference between the earlier generations and the later is that in the first generations of humanity, they were all new souls. The souls of Adam and Eve, their children and grandchildren were coming into this world for the first time. Not so the following generations, who possessed souls that had been here before and were sent back in another incarnation.
Each soul comes down into this world to fulfill a set of missions, and it is given a lifespan that is long enough to complete these missions. But if for whatever reason a soul does not complete all the work it needs to in one lifetime, it is given more chances. A reincarnated soul is a spark of an earlier soul that comes back to earth in a new body to complete unfinished business from its previous life.
The earlier generations had big souls and long life spans, because they were fresh and new and had a lot of work to do. But things didn't always work out as planned, and so their souls had to come back and tidy things up. These big souls were spread out among thousands and millions of reincarnations, smaller souls with less work to do, and thus shorter life times to do it.
None of us know how much time we have, but we do know that we don't have centuries. We don't have the luxury to start building our ark when we are 500. Better start now.
Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss

Ohr Hachaim, Parshas Vayechi Bereishis 47:29

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Friday, 25 October 2019| 26 Tishrei 5780
Candle Lighting.......... 6:58pm (not before 5:57pm)
Mincha....................... 6:15pm
Shabbos Service ........ 6:30-7:20pm
Kids Program ............. 6:30pm
Kiddush sponsored by Jack Reuben in honour of the yortzheit for his late Aunt, Helene Violet Bat Yaakov - Long Life.
Shabbos Day, 26 October 2019 | 27 Tishrei 5780
In depth Parsha class......... 9:00am
Shabbos Service at with Bar Mitzvah of Samuel Super ...10:00am-12:20pm
Kids Program .................... 10:30am
Followed by Kiddush in honour of Samuel's Bar Mitzvah - Mazal Tov!
Mincha (back at Francis st) followed by Seudah Shlishis ......6:55pm
Gematria and Story by Rev Amzalak......... 7:25pm
Shiur with Rabbi Moss............................. 7:40pm
Shabbos ends........................................ 7:56pm
Followed by Havdalah
Sunday................................................. 8:00am
Latest Shema this week.......................... 9:19am
New moon/ Molad.......... Monday 28 Oct 6:34:6PM
Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan........ Tues-Wed 29-30 Oct
To Gideon and Rita Super and the entire extended families on Samuel's Bar Mitzvah!
Yehezkel-Yoel Ezekiel.... 28 Tishrei/ Sunday 27 Oct
Asher Waine................. 29 Tishrei/ Monday 28 Oct
Tom Cromer...... 2 Cheshvan/ Thursday 31 October
Monique Klein ....... 3 Cheshvan/ Friday 1 November
Karen & Roger Berman. 28 Tishrei/ Sunday 27 Oct
Pia & Jonah Ink......... 2 Cheshvan/ Thursday 31 Oct
Peppi Glick for his late father Ruby Glick... 2 Cheshvan/ Thursday 31 October

Les Pozniak for his late step-mother Joan Pozniak
Chai Bat Leah... 2 Cheshvan/ Thursday 31 October

Roy, Steven and Kim Eckowitz for their late mother Alma Eckowitz
Chana bat Kalman... 2 Cheshvan/ Thursday 31 October
If you would like Nefesh to include your Birthday, Anniversary or Yortzheit in our newsletter and send you an email reminder, just fill in this quick ONLINE FORM.
Nefesh Shul, PO Box 7349, 0416 822 832, Bondi Beach, NSW 2026 Australia
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Constant Contact
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Thursday, October 17, 2019

What Your Wife DIDN'T Say

Question of the Week:

My very devout wife says I shouldn't miss Simchas Torah, as it is the most important festival of the year. I countered that the Torah speaks of no such festival, so how could it be so important? She said I should ask the rabbi. So I am.


There are two types of good husbands. I'm not sure which one you are.

One is the type of husband that does whatever his wife asks. If she says, "Can you pick up some eggplants?" he says "Sure." If she asks for a new watch, he buys it. If she says "This house needs painting" he calls a painter. If she complains that the air-conditioning is on too strong, he turns it off.

He is a good husband. But he is not an amazing husband.

An amazing husband doesn't only do what his wife asks. He does things for her without her asking. He knows what makes her happy, and just goes ahead and does it. She still has to express her needs, because even an amazing husband can't read her mind. But he can intuit what she likes, and do it without being asked.

The Jewish people are in a marriage-like relationship with G-d. We don't just do what we are asked, but go beyond to do things we know would make G-d happy. In Judaism there are straight out rules that G-d has asked us to keep, like eating kosher and giving charity. They are called commandments, what G-d needs from us, and we do them as any loyal partner would.

And then there are customs, like wearing a kippah and dipping apples in honey. We were not commanded to do these things, but we ourselves intuited that G-d would like it, so we do it.

Among the festivals, there are those that we were commanded to keep, like Yom Kippur, and then there are those that we developed on our own, like Simchas Torah. Nothing we do on Simchas Torah is commanded in the Torah. The dancing, the Torah readings, the somersaults and the songs are all an expression of our love for G-d, doing what we know would make Him happy. And nothing makes Him happier than seeing us all dancing together in joy, celebrating the gift of the Torah, the gift of being Jewish.

Doing what we are told is good. Doing what makes G-d happy without being told is even deeper. That's why the most intensely loving moment between G-d and the Jewish people is Simchas Torah.

I'm not sure if you are a good husband or an amazing one. But either way you need to come celebrate Simchas Torah. Because it's what G-d would like, or because your wife told you to.

Good Shabbos and Good Yomtov,
Rabbi Moss

Siddur im Dach Shaar Sukkos

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Friday, 18 October 2019| 19 Tishrei 5780
Candle Lighting.......... 6:52pm (not before 5:49pm)
Shabbos Service
NEW SUMMER TIME ....................... 6:30-7:20pm
Kids Program .............................................. 6:30pm
Festive Kiddush in the Rooftop Sukkah sponsored by Richard Skimin.
Shabbos Day, 19 October 2019 | 20 Tishrei 5780
(No Parsha class)
Shabbos Service......................... 10:00am-12:20pm
Kids Program ............................................ 10:30am
Kiddush in the Rooftop Sukkah sponsored by Libby Moss & Peter Irving in honour of the yortzheit for their late father, Henry Irving (Tzvi ben Reuven) on 20 Tishrei/ 19 October- Long Life
Mincha followed by Seudah Shlishis .........6:50pm
Gematria and Story by Rev Amzalak........ 7:20pm
Shiur with Rabbi Moss............................ 7:35pm
Shabbos ends....................................... 7:50pm
Followed by Havdalah
Sunday Hoshana Rabba............ 9:00am
Latest Shema this week..... 9:23am
See below for Shemini Atzeres & Simchas Torah Times
Maya Segre........... 23 Tishrei/ Tuesday 22 October
Bella & Reuven Barukh... 26 Tishrei/ Friday 25 Oct

Libby Moss and Peter Irving for their late father Henry Irving
Tzvi ben Reuven... 20 Tishrei/ Saturday 19 October
If you would like Nefesh to include your Birthday, Anniversary or Yortzheit in our newsletter and send you an email reminder, just fill in this quick ONLINE FORM.
PLEASE NOTE: Sunday Night (Shemini Atzeres) evening service at Wellington St, everything else at Francis St

Sunday 20 October, 2019
Shachris ................................................. 9:00am
Candle Lighting........................................ 6:54pm
Mincha and Yom Tov Evening Service
(this service only at Wellington St).......... 7:00pm
followed by Kiddush in Sukkah and Hakofos dancing
Shemini Atzeres 
Monday 21 October, 2019
Morning service ....................... 10:00am- 1:00pm
Children's program........... ....... 10:30am
Yizkor ............................ ........ 11:30am
Kiddush in the Sukkah sponsored by Jack & Leyat Reuben, and Larnce Gold in honour of his birthday- Mazal Tov!
Mincha ............................ ....................... 7:00pm
SIMCHAS TORAH SERVICE... ..................... 7:30pm
Huge Kiddush, Hakofos dancing, somersaults, Lechaim and Yom Tov meal till late.
Candle Lighting................................ after 7:51pm
Simchas Torah
Tuesday 22 October, 2019
Morning service................ ..................... 10:00am
Big Kiddush 11am, Hakofos dancing, completing Torah and starting again, honouring the Chassanim, and some cheeky pranks at Mussaf.
Mincha.................................................. 7:00pm
Yom Tov ends and Maariv........................ 7:52pm
Nefesh Shul, PO Box 7349, 0416 822 832, Bondi Beach, NSW 2026 Australia
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Thursday, October 10, 2019

Post Yom Kippur Blues?

Question of the Week:
I think I have the post Yom Kippur blues. Every year I get all inspired by the fast, and am sure that I will be more committed to Judaism in the year ahead. But somehow it dissipates pretty quick (like around the third mouthful after breaking the fast). I don't want to lose it again this year. Any suggestions?
I know just what you need. You need to be swaddled.
A newborn baby, moments after birth, is taken by a midwife and wrapped up in a swaddling cloth. This serves to keep the newborn protected and warm. Having just emerged from the security and nurture of the womb, the baby is particularly vulnerable and sensitive. A good swaddling cloth gives him a sense of protection from the cold and harsh world out here. 
But swaddling doesn't last long. You rarely see teenagers wrapped up in a cloth with their arms behind their ears. (Though perhaps some should be.) Swaddling is a brief bridging stage between the safety of the womb and the hazards of real life. A well wrapped baby will eventually grow to face life unwrapped. The swaddle cloth just helps him get there.
Your soul needs that bridge too. You have emerged from the womb of Yom Kippur a pure and renewed soul. The negative residue from your past has been cleansed. Your soul is now tender and sensitive, and easily susceptible to the coldness of spiritual apathy and other moral germs floating in the air. You need some protection. You need to be swaddled. You need a Sukkah.
The Sukkah is the only mitzvah that you do with your whole being. The holy air of the Sukkah completely envelops and surrounds you. It turns everything you do into a holy act. Just eating and drinking and chatting in the Sukkah is a mitzvah, just because it is done in the divine shade of the Sukkah. When you sit in a Sukkah, you are being swaddled by sanctity. 
Going from the highs of Yom Kippur straight back into the routine of the mundane world is like taking a new born from her mother's womb straight out into the cold night. You just cant do that. Sit in the Sukkah. Bask in its sacred shade. Be enwrapped in its warm embrace. 
You aren't suffering from post-Yom Kippur blues, you are just an unswaddled soul. The Sukkah can fix that.
Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss
(Source: Likkutei Dibburim 4 p1534)

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Friday, 11 October 2019| 12 Tishrei 5780
Candle Lighting............................... 6:47pm
Shabbos Service
NEW SUMMER TIME .................... 6:30-7:20pm
Kids Program .................................6:30pm
Kiddush sponsored by Tom Moss, Ron Moss & Kathy Penn in honour of the yortzheit of their late father, Leslie Moss (Mordechai ben Aron Halevi) on 9 Tishrei/ Tuesday 8 October - Long Life.
Shabbos Day, 12 October 2019 | 13 Tishrei 5780
In depth Parsha class.................................. 9:00am
Shabbos Service......................... 10:00am-12:20pm
Kids Program ............................................ 10:30am
Followed by Kiddush
Mincha followed by Seudah Shlishis .........6:45pm
Gematria and Story by Rev Amzalak........ 7:15pm
Shiur with Rabbi Moss............................ 7:30pm
Shabbos ends....................................... 7:43pm
Followed by Havdalah
Sunday.................................................. 8:00am
Latest Shema this week........................... 9:29am
See below for Sukkos Times
Leon Goldshaft..... 15 Tishrei/ Monday 14 October
Joshua Lever....... 16 Tishrei/ Tuesday 15 October
Cassia Partane..... 18 Tishrei/ Thursday 17 October
Tali Whitten......... 18 Tishrei/ Thursday 17 October
Larnce Gold......... 19 Tishrei / Friday 18 Friday
Karin Puels for sponsoring Breaking the Fast after Yom Kippur in honour of Rabbi Moss and Nechama Dina in appreciation of their spiritual leadership and many blessings.

Anita Berkovits and family on the passing of her mother Rose Fekete.
Richelle Goldshaft, Peter Rosenthal and their families on the passing of Lilli Rosenthal.

Tauba Tanchum for her late mother Rose Kaplan
Rose bat Avraham... 13 Tishrei/ Saturday 12 October

Magda Schaffer for her late father
Chayim Ben Avraham 13 Tishrei/ Saturday 12 October

Isaac, Michelle, Michael and David Barel for their late wife and mother Wendy Barel
Braha bat Shaptai HaCohen... 15 Tishrei/ Monday 14 October
If you would like Nefesh to include your Birthday, Anniversary or Yortzheit in our newsletter and send you an email reminder, just fill in this quick ONLINE FORM.
PLEASE NOTE: First two evening services at Wellington St, Morning Services at Francis St

Erev Sukkos
Sunday 13 October, 2019
Light Candles............................ 6:48pm
Mincha at Wellington St.............. 6:45pm
Evening service at Wellington St.. 7:00pm-7:20pm

First Day Sukkos at Francis St
Monday 14 October, 2019
Morning service ..... 10:00am- 1:00pm
Children's program..............  10:30am
Kiddush in the Rooftop Sukkah sponsored by the Hedges family in honour of Rabbi Moss, Jack Reuben, Ron Moss and Nick Weininger for their incredible effort and hard work this past year on the Nefesh Board.
Mincha after Kiddush
Light Candles ...............  after 7:45pm
Evening service at Wellington St.......  7:45pm-8:00pm
Second Day Sukkos at Francis St
Tuesday 15 October, 2019
Morning service ..... 10:00am- 1:00pm
Children's program..............  10:30am
Followed by Kiddush in the Sukkah (Still available to sponsor)
Mincha after Kiddush
Yom Tov ends ......................  7:45pm
CHOL HAMOED Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
Shachris................................  9:00am
Nefesh Shul, PO Box 7349, 0416 822 832, Bondi Beach, NSW 2026 Australia
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