Thursday, December 24, 2009

Why Are You Always Late?

Question of the Week:


I have a friend who is never on time for any social arrangement (and is often very late) but is otherwise a great guy. I am so frustrated by it that it is affecting our friendship.  Does our sensible religion have something to say on why it is wrong and disrespectful to others to be late?! I suspect that if Judaism promotes punctuality, he might lift his game!




The Kabbalah teaches that people come under two personality types: chessed or gevurah.


A chessed type is someone who is very giving and outward, generous and expressive. They are easy going, spontaneous and free-flowing.


A gevurah type is more inward and disciplined, controlled and contained. They are focused, predictable and dependable.


Neither type is innately better than the other; there are advantages and disadvantages to both. A gevurah person can organize a party. A chessed person will be the life of it. A gevurah person writes shopping lists. A chessed person loses them.


When they work together, a chessed person and a gevurah person make a great team. Their opposite talents compliment each other and the one's strengths compensate for the other's weaknesses. But when it comes to time management, these two types clash. A gevurah type is always on time. A chessed type never is.


Your friend is probably quite a chessed type. He may find it very hard to restrict himself in order to be on time. It may go against his very nature. This is not an excuse, just an explanation. Asking a chessed person to be on time is like asking a gevurah person to chill out a little - it's not so simple. We can't just change our nature.


But we can always change our behaviour. If your friend would contemplate on the fact that someone else is being inconvenienced by his lateness, he may be able to overcome it. We all have our natures, some tend towards chessed, others towards gevurah. But we can all transcend our nature by becoming more mindful of the needs of others, rather than being stuck in our own instinctive patterns.


Indeed your friend seems to be a chessed person, and his challenge is to work on his gevurah - to discipline himself and get there on time. But you have a challenge too. You sound like a gevurah person. Have a bit more chessed and go easy on him!


Good Shabbos,

Rabbi Moss


To subscribe email
Summer Learning Experience 
Mon Dec 28 - Jan 1, 10am - 12 noon

First Session: 10am - 11 am.  A choice of:
Men's Gemora: at the Shtiebell - at 49 Bellevue Rd
Friday Dec 25 - Thursday Dec 31  The Mitzvah of Kiddush Hashem - What can and cant you endanger your life for Torah observance? with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
Women's Shiurim: at 47 Bellevue Rd, in the dining room
Monday, Dec 28 Tzelofchod's daughters - Five women in their forties find their soulmates, with Nechama Dina Moss
Tuesday, Dec 29 Yaakovs Life- Insights into Parshas Vayechi, with Dina Gourarie
Wednesday, Dec 30 Developing your Character - Why it is necessary and how to go about it, with Renee Mill
Thursday, Dec 31 Women: Active or passive? A closer look at the festivals of Chanuka, Purim and Pesach, with Leonie Jacob
Bet You Didn't Know For Men & Women: at 47 Bellevue Rd, in the family room.  All lectures by Rabbi Aron Moss
Monday, Dec 28 Meat and Fish - Why can't we mix them?
Tuesday, Dec 29 Crypto Jews - Those who kept the faith under wraps
Wednesday, Dec 30 Tzedakah - The limits of Charity
Thursday, Dec 31 The Rabbi Who Became a Heretic

Second Session: 11am - 12pm at the Shtiebell, 49 Bellevue Rd
Topical Lectures for men and women
Monday, Dec 28 "My Name is..." - Exploring the origins and custom of Jewish names and surnames, with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
Tuesday, Dec 29 "Missionary Impossible" - Understanding the threat of missionaries today, with Rabbi Eli Cohen
Thursday, Dec 31 Speaking of Angels - A five step plan to get a little more out of life, with David Shaw
Friday, Jan 1 The South African Takeover - Should Sydney become the next Jo'berg?
Rabbi Michoel Gourarie: Affirmative
Rabbi Aron Moss: Negative
Stay for a BBQ at 12.00pm on Jan 1st!
Children's Program - Limited places, booking is essential!
While you learn we will look after your children at 45 Bellevue Rd
Babies and Toddler 0 - 4 years old
babysitting for the little ones - Cost per child- $15 per day or $65 for the week prepaid
Children 5 - 7 years old ~ Structured arts and crafts program, davening, free play, games and lots of fun! Cost per child - $15 per day or $65 for the week prepaid
Children 8 - 12 years Old ~ Boys and girls program alternating between Shiur and arts and crafts program - Cost per child $18 per day or $75 per week prepaid

NEFESH SERVICES - 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach 

6:10 Mincha
6:30 - 7:15pm Shabbos service and kids program, followed by Kiddush sponsored by Manor Mor
9am Class on Weekly Parsha
10am -12:30pm Morning Service with kids program followed by Kiddush
in honour of Alexander Reisin's Bar Mitzvah
6:45pm Class in laws of blessings on food
7:45pm Mincha followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv
Sunday Fast of Tenth of Teves
8am Morning service followed by Beginners Talmud Class
7am Shachris
Friday (public holiday)
8am Shachris
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nefesh office | 45 bellevue rd | bellevue hill | NSW | 2023 | Australia

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Are You a Tennis Pro?

NOTE: Tonight Mincha 6pm, go home to light Chanukah Candles and Shabbos Candles after 6:30pm, Shabbos service and lighting in shul 7pm (all times for Sydney only)
Question of the Week:

My daughter has an amazing talent - she is a natural tennis star. The problem is this requires her to play on Shabbos, and recently she has become more observant and refuses to play. Must she give up her life dream for her religion? Is this fair? Why does G-d restrict someone from achieving their goals in life?




There is no doubt that being an observant Jew limits certain career choices. But perhaps this is not a bad thing.


From a Jewish perspective, playing tennis is a wonderful hobby, a great way to keep fit, have fun and make friends. But it is not a life mission. The soul was not sent down to this world to perfect its second serve. Nobody's life mission is to have a great backhand.


The single-minded dedication and complete and total focus required to become a tennis pro means sacrificing other parts of life. How many teenagers lose their childhood years to intense training? How many families lose their mother/father to world tours and gruelling schedules?


This is not the Jewish ideal. We are here to work on our character, not our backswing. Our mission is to be good parents, good spouses, good community members and good citizens. If we are also good tennis players, that's wonderful. But that is not our identity.


If we want our children to share these ideals, then we must be very careful which role models we present them with. The average sports star is not necessarily the paragon of goodness and morality. If these are our children's models, then we are setting them up for disappointment. But if from a young age we expose our children to real heroes, giants of the spirit who lived lives dedicated to goodness, then they are more likely to dream of being like them one day.


Tennis is a fantastic sport. But no more than that. Life and its meaning are found elsewhere.


Good Shabbos and Happy Chanukah,

Rabbi Moss

To subscribe email
Summer Learning Experience 
Dec 25 - Jan 1, 10am - 12 noon

First Session: 10am - 11 am.  A choice of:
Men's Gemora: at the Shtiebell - at 49 Bellevue Rd
Friday Dec 25 - Thursday Dec 31  The Mitzvah of Kiddush Hashem - What can and cant you endanger your life for Torah observance? with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
Women's Shiurim: at 47 Bellevue Rd, in the dining room
Friday, Dec 25 "The Meeting" - Insights into Parshas Vayigash, with Dina Gourarie
Monday, Dec 28 Tzelofchod's daughters - Five women in their forties find their soulmates, with Nechama Dina Moss
Tuesday, Dec 29 Yaakovs Life- Insights into Parshas Vayechi, with Dina Gourarie
Wednesday, Dec 30 Developing your Character - Why it is necessary and how to go about it, with Renee Mill
Thursday, Dec 31 Women: Active or passive? A closer look at the festivals of Chanuka, Purim and Pesach, with Leonie Jacob
Bet You Didn't Know For Men & Women: at 47 Bellevue Rd, in the family room.  All lectures by Rabbi Aron Moss
Friday, Dec 25 Yizkor - Its history and meeting
Monday, Dec 28 Meat and Fish - Why can't we mix them?
Tuesday, Dec 29 Crypto Jews - Those who kept the faith under wraps
Wednesday, Dec 30 Tzedakah - The limits of Charity
Thursday, Dec 31 The Rabbi Who Became a Heretic

Second Session: 11am - 12pm at the Shtiebell, 49 Bellevue Rd
Topical Lectures for men and women
Friday, Dec 25 Polygamy - Why one wife wasn't enough? with Rabbi Aron Moss
Monday, Dec 28 "My Name is..." - Exploring the origins and custom of Jewish names and surnames, with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
Tuesday, Dec 29 "Missionary Impossible" - Understanding the threat of missionaries today, with Rabbi Eli Cohen
Thursday, Dec 31 Speaking of Angels - A five step plan to get a little more out of life, with David Shaw
Friday, Jan 1 The South African Takeover - Should Sydney become the next Jo'berg?
Rabbi Michoel Gourarie: Affirmative
Rabbi Aron Moss: Negative
Stay for a BBQ at 12.00pm on Jan 1st!
Children's Program - Limited places, booking is essential!
While you learn we will look after your children at 45 Bellevue Rd
Babies and Toddler 0 - 4 years old
babysitting for the little ones - Cost per child- $15 per day or $65 for the week prepaid
Children 5 - 7 years old ~ Structured arts and crafts program, davening, free play, games and lots of fun! Cost per child - $15 per day or $65 for the week prepaid
Children 8 - 12 years Old ~ Boys and girls program alternating between Shiur and arts and crafts program - Cost per child $18 per day or $75 per week prepaid

NEFESH SERVICES - 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach 

NOTE: This week, Shabbos Chanukah, Friday early Mincha 6pm, go home to light Menorah, Shabbos service 7pm followed by special Chanukah kiddush sponsored in memory of Mrs Raima Rifka Weinberg by her children Irving, Elizabeth and Graham. Donuts sponsored by Graham Hesselberg "to life!" 
9am Class on Weekly Parsha
10am -12:30pm Morning Service with kids program followed by Kiddush sponsored by Corrine and Yoad Reiter in honour of their baby naming  
6:40pm Class in laws of blessings on food
7:40pm Mincha followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv
8am Morning service followed by breakfast and Beginners Talmud Class
7am Shachris
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nefesh office | 45 bellevue rd | bellevue hill | NSW | 2023 | Australia

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Do You Really Need a Change of Scenery?

NOTE: Tonight Mincha 6pm, go home to light Chanukah Candles and Shabbos Candles after 6:30pm, Shabbos service and lighting in shul 7pm
Question of the Week:
My life has come to a standstill. I'm bored at work, and my relationship is going nowhere. I think I need a change of scenery. Should I move away, or do you think a career change will be enough?
There's only one problem with changing scenery. Wherever you go, you'll still be there. Even if everything around you changes - your address, your job, your partner, your car - as long as you are the same old you, you will be living the same old life.
The human soul has a deep need for growth. Stagnation is poison to the soul. What was good enough yesterday is insufficient for today, and the me of the past will not satisfy us in the future. We need to be constantly adding new insights, facing new challenges and charting new territory. To achieve this, we need not go anywhere. We need just to look inside ourselves and change our inner scenery.
You don't need a career move. You need a soul move. Embark on some new challenges in your spiritual life. Go and buy an inspiring and meaningful book and read a little every day. Feed your mind with new ideas. Challenge yourself to work on a character weakness, like being more patient with your kids or with your parents, or thinking before you speak. Take on a new mitzvah, like putting on Tefillin in the morning or saying a blessing before and after eating.
The changes need not be big and dramatic, but they must be consistent. We learn this lesson from the Chanukah candles.
On the first night of Chanukah we light one candle, on the second two, and we continue to add one new candle each night, until the eighth and final night when we light eight candles. This means that what was enough yesterday is not enough today. If on the fourth night of Chanukah I light four candles, I have fulfilled the mitzvah perfectly. But if I light the same four candles on the fifth night, I am lacking, I have fallen behind. Every new day requires another new candle.
If you aren't growing spiritually, if you haven't added more light, you are stagnating and falling. Not even a new iPhone can fill that void. But if you just add one candle, a single spiritual challenge and one solitary step further in your soul journey, then you have changed from within, and the whole world changes with you.
Good Shabbos and Happy Chanukah,
Rabbi Moss

Comment on this article at 
To subscribe email
POSITION VACANT - application closes today
Nefesh is seeking a capable and personable secretary and PA for Rabbi Moss. This is a permanent part time position, Mon-Fri mornings, starting January. Applicants should have office experience, good organisational, computer and people skills. Please send inquiries and resumes to by Friday December 11.
Menorah craft and Chanukah party

*Create and decorate your very own Menorah* Chanukah games and songs* Sufganyot/donuts and Chocolate coins*
For children ages 3-9, $5 per child
Sunday December 13, 3:00-4:30pm at Nefesh 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach
Space is limited so please RSVP by 9 December by calling 9363 5543
Organised by Nefesh and Chabad for Israelis
For more info: Shterny 0421 484 770 or Nechama Dina 0425 309 268

Nefesh Chanukah Party  an evening of fun and celebration
*latkes and dessert table *The biggest dreidel game in the world*
Major prizes include: portable gas barbecue, new Samsung smartphone
Motzoei Shabbos, Saturday night December 12, 9:30pm at Nefesh
$30 per person at the door
All regular classes in recess
Summer Learning Experience 
Dec 25 - Jan 1, 10am - 12 noon

First Session: 10am - 11 am.  A choice of:
Men's Gemora: at the Shtiebell - at 49 Bellevue Rd
Friday Dec 25 - Thursday Dec 31  The Mitzvah of Kiddush Hashem - What can and cant you endanger your life for Torah observance? with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
Women's Shiurim: at 47 Bellevue Rd, in the dining room
Friday, Dec 25 "The Meeting" - Insights into Parshas Vayigash, with Dina Gourarie
Monday, Dec 28 Tzelofchod's daughters - Five women in their forties find their soulmates, with Nechama Dina Moss
Tuesday, Dec 29 Yaakovs Life- Insights into Parshas Vayechi, with Dina Gourarie
Wednesday, Dec 30 Developing your Character - Why is it necessary and how to go about it, with Renee Mill
Thursday, Dec 31 Women Passive and Active - A closer look at Chanukah, Purim and Pesach, with Dr Lionee Jacobs
Bet You Didn't Know For Men & Women: at 47 Bellevue Rd, in the family room.  All lectures by Rabbi Aron Moss
Friday, Dec 25 Yizkor - Its history and meeting
Monday, Dec 28 Meat and Fish - Why can't we mix them?
Tuesday, Dec 29 Crypto Jews - Those who kept the faith under wraps
Wednesday, Dec 30 Tzedakah - The limits of Charity
Thursday, Dec 31 The Rabbi Who Became a Heretic

Second Session: 11am - 12pm at the Shtiebell, 49 Bellevue Rd
Topical Lectures for men and women
Friday, Dec 25 Polygamy - Why one wife wasn't enough? with Rabbi Aron Moss
Monday, Dec 28 "My Name is..." - Exploring the origins and custom of Jewish names and surnames, with Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
Tuesday, Dec 29 "Missionary Impossible" - Understanding the threat of missionaries today, with Rabbi Eli Cohen
Thursday, Dec 31 Speaking of Angels - A five step plan to get a little more out of life, with David Shaw
Friday, Jan 1 The South African Takeover - Should Sydney become the next Jo'berg?
Rabbi Michoel Gourarie: Affirmative
Rabbi Aron Moss: Negative
Stay for a BBQ at 12.00pm on Jan 1st!
Children's Program - Limited places, booking is essential!
While you learn we will look after your children at 45 Bellevue Rd
Babies and Toddler 0 - 4 years old
babysitting for the little ones - Cost per child- $15 per day or $65 for the week prepaid
Children 5 - 7 years old ~ Structured arts and crafts program, davening, free play, games and lots of fun! Cost per child - $15 per day or $65 for the week prepaid
Children 8 - 12 years Old ~ Boys and girls program alternating between Shiur and arts and crafts program - Cost per child $18 per day or $75 per week prepaid

NEFESH SERVICES - 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach 

NOTE: This week and next week, Shabbos Chanukah, Friday early Mincha 6pm, go home to light Menorah, Shabbos service 7pm followed by special Chanukah kiddush
9am Class on Weekly Parsha
10am -12:30pm Morning Service with kids program followed by Kiddush 
6:30pm Class in laws of blessings on food
7:30pm Mincha followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv
8am Morning service followed by breakfast and Beginners Talmud Class
Chanukah Morning Service
Mon-Tue-Wed 7am, Thur-Fri 6:45am 
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Thursday, December 3, 2009

When a Couple Drifts Apart....

SPECIAL EVENT - don't miss this evening of inspiration
THE HEROES OF MUMBAI - a first-hand account
with Aimee Ginsburg
THIS TUESDAY December 8, 8:15pm at Nefesh 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach, $5 suggested donation at the door
Aimee is the India correspondent for Israel's leading daily newspaper, Yediot Achronot. She was a close personal friend to the Chabad rabbi of Mumbai, Rabbi Gavriel Holzberg and his wife Rivky, of blessed memory, both killed in last year's terror attack. Aimee was with Rivky's parents as the horror unfolded, and was the first to meet the Holzberg's son Moishe and his nanny Sandra as they miraculously escaped the siege. Aimee witnessed the power of the human soul to find strength even at times of extreme tragedy. Her story is unforgettably moving and inspiring.

Question of the Week:
At Jewish weddings I've seen this dance where people stand facing each other in two lines, and then run towards each other and meet in the middle, then run backwards to their original places, only to do it all over again. Where does this dance come from?
There is a common misconception about relationships. Many people think that if I meet the right person, things will all go smoothly from there. If a relationship is bumpy, if we need to put effort in to make it work, it must be the wrong relationship.
The wedding dance, with its forward and backward motions, is there to tell us that this view is false. In any loving relationship, a couple experiences moments of closeness and love, as well as moments of distance and tension. It is not possible for two human beings to share intimate space and not go through some rough patches. If a relationship is to be real, it probably won't be smooth.
But this tension is exactly what makes love so powerful. Every moment of tension in a loving relationship is an opportunity to get to know each other better. Why are you upset? What did I do to hurt you? Where did we misunderstand each other? What can we learn from this episode?
The only reason you retreat from each other is in order to come close again.  You take a step back so you can then rush forward. The divide that was created by your little falling out provides the fuel for you to come back together, closer and stronger than ever. 

As we dance around the newlyweds we give them a powerful message. In your lives together it will invariably happen that each of you will make mistakes. There will be times of misunderstanding and distance, when you feel you have drifted apart and the love is being strained. The secret: even in those times, never turn your back. Even when you are retreating, always face each other. If you do, the tension itself will propel you back towards each other. 
Never fear those moments of tension in your marriage. Rather see them as doorways that lead you to a deeper connection. In the dance of love, the good times bring you close, but the tough times bring you even closer.
Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss
Comment on this article at  
To subscribe email
Nefesh is seeking a capable and personable secretary and PA for Rabbi Moss. This is a permanent part time position, Mon-Fri mornings, starting January. Applicants should have office experience, good organisational, computer and people skills. Please send inquiries and resumes to by Friday December 11.
Chanukah Party
Menorah craft and Chanukah party

*Create and decorate your very own Menorah* Chanukah games and songs* Sufganyot/donuts and Chocolate coins*
For children ages 3-9, $5 per child
Sunday December 13, 3:00-4:30pm at Nefesh 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach
Space is limited so please RSVP by 9 December by calling 9363 5543
Organised by Nefesh and Chabad for Israelis
For more info: Shterny 0421 484 770 or Nechama Dina 0425 309 268

Nefesh Chanukah Party  an evening of fun and celebration
*latkes and dessert table *The biggest dreidel game in the world*
Major prizes include: portable gas barbecue, new Samsung smartphone
Motzoei Shabbos, Saturday night December 12, 9:30pm at Nefesh
$25 per person, Book now by calling 9363 5543
Meaningful Motherhood  
Discussion group for mothers with their babies
Monday, 10am at Nefesh, 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach
No Kabbalah this week (see special event above), class resumes end of January
- the interface between Judaism and techology
Thursdays, 1-2pm at Arnold Bloch Leibler, Level 24, Chifley Tower, 2 Chifley Square, Sydney CBD
and much more at
NEFESH SERVICES - 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach 

Mincha 6:10pm
6:30pm - 7:15pm Shabbos Service with kids program and Kiddush 
NOTE: Next week and week after, Shabbos Chanukah, Friday early Mincha 6pm, go home to light Menorah, Shabbos service 7pm followed by special Chanukah kiddush
9am Class on Weekly Parsha
10am -12:30pm Morning Service with kids program followed by Kiddush 
6:30pm Class in laws of blessings on food
7:30pm Mincha followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv
8am Morning service followed by breakfast and Beginners Talmud Class
7am-7:45am morning service
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nefesh office | 45 bellevue rd | bellevue hill | NSW | 2023 | Australia

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Israel, Read the Sign!

"I have lost all respect for you as a Rabbi and I dont believe that a man who cant be trusted in confidence, should be giving advice to people". (Leah) 
Last week's email, Confessions of a Thief, elicited some heated responses. Follow the debate here.
Question of the Week:
What does the word Zion mean, and what are its origins? (I was asked this by my Rastafarian friend)

The name Zion holds the secret to the power of Israel. If you understand this name, you understand the magic of the Holy Land.
The word Zion appears 154 times in the Hebrew Bible, and has several connotations. Zion can refer to the Land of Israel, the city of Jerusalem or the Temple. But the actual meaning of the word is puzzling. Translated literally, Zion means a sign, or an icon.
A sign is always indication of something else. When you see a sign that says "dentist", you know that the sign itself is not the dentist, it merely points out that a dentist is here. Same with an icon. When you see an icon on a website, it is not the icon itself that has any use. It is there to click on and it directs you to another page. A sign is never there for itself. It is there to alert our attention, to make us aware of or to lead us to some other reality.
So too with the Land of Israel. It is a sign pointing upwards. It is the icon that you click on to be directed to G-d. The very existence of the land of Israel points to a Higher Force. The beauty of the land, the magic of Jerusalem, the holiness of the Temple mount are all indicators of a Higher presence.
The awe felt when entering the Old City of Jerusalem is not due to its impressive buildings, for it has none. It is not due to its sense of history, though that too is fascinating. It is due to the sense of something bigger than life itself that fills the air. You walk the land, and you sense G-d's presence. The Holy Land is a sign pointing upwards to G-d.
You can't avoid G-d in Israel. You can seek Him out or run away from Him, but you can't stay neutral. G-d is too real to ignore in Israel. Whether one is a believer or not, whether one admits it or not, the magic of Israel is divine. That's why it's called Zion, a sign of the One Above.
Israel without G-d is like a dentist sign without a dentist, or an icon with a broken link. It stands for nothing and it goes nowhere. But when Israel is true to its G-d and true to its mission, it is invincible. Israel's power does not come from its military might, and not from its allies and friends. It comes from G-d. Just read the sign.
Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss
Comment on this article here 
To subscribe email
Nefesh is seeking a capable and personable secretary and PA for Rabbi Moss. This is a part time position, Mon-Fri mornings, starting January. Applicants should have office experience, good organisational, computer and people skills. Please send inquiries and resumes to by Friday December 11.
Menorah craft and Chanukah party

*Create and decorate your very own Menorah* Chanukah games and songs* Sufganyot/donuts and Chocolate coins*
For children ages 3-9, $5 per child
Sunday December 13, 3:00-4:30pm at Nefesh 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach
Space is limited so please RSVP by 9 December by calling 9363 5543
Organised by Nefesh and Chabad for Israelis
For more info: Shterny 0421 484 770 or Nechama Dina 0425 309 268

Nefesh Chanukah Party  an evening of fun and celebration
*latkes and dessert table *The biggest dreidel game in the world*
Major prizes include: portable gas barbecue, new Samsung smartphone
Motzoei Shabbos, Saturday night December 12, 9:30pm at Nefesh
$25 per person, Book now by calling 9363 5543
Meaningful Motherhood  
Discussion group for mothers with their babies
Guest speaker: Mrs Yehudis Fuchs, Makings of a Mensch
Monday Novemeber 30, 10am at Nefesh, 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach
Advice from the Kabbalists
- deeper answers to life questions
Tuesdays 8:15 - 9:30pm at Nefesh, 54 Roscoe St Bondi
One-on-One Learning
Study the topic of your choice, alll levels, contact me to arrange a partner  
Monday and Wednesday Nights 8:30 - 9:30pm  
- the interface between Judaism and techology
Thursdays, 1-2pm at Arnold Bloch Leibler, Level 24, Chifley Tower, 2 Chifley Square, Sydney CBD
and much more at
NEFESH SERVICES - 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach 

Mincha 6:10pm
6:30pm - 7:15pm Shabbos Service with kids program and Kiddush 
9am Class on Weekly Parsha
10am -12:30pm Morning Service with kids program followed by Kiddush 
6:20pm Class in laws of blessings on food
7:20pm Mincha followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv
8am Morning service followed by breakfast and Beginners Talmud Class
7am-7:45am morning service
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nefesh office | 45 bellevue rd | bellevue hill | NSW | 2023 | Australia

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Confessions of a Thief

Check out new website
Question of the Week:
Rabbi you must keep this completely anonymous. I need to make a confession to you. I have stolen a huge amount of money from my business partner. This has gone on over the last three years, but my guilty conscience has caught up with me and so I felt I had to confess. Can you tell me what I must do to be forgiven?
Again, please keep this anonymous,
Bruce Hakowitz
(667) 567 8390
Bruce, I am glad you have come forward with this. I am sure it has been a burdensome secret to keep, and it is good that you have owned up. But you have confessed to the wrong person.
The Jewish tradition does not believe in confessing sins to a clergyman. As a rabbi I have no right to confer forgiveness on someone who has wronged someone else. You have to go to your partner, admit your wrongdoing and beg him to forgive you. Only the wronged party can forgive.
Apart from that, you must return what you stole. You can't expect to be forgiven while enjoying the benefits of your wrongdoing and leaving the injured party out of pocket. In Jewish law, a thief must return double what they stole if they were caught, but if they admitted guilt themselves before being caught, they need only return the stolen amount. This you must do to be fully exonerated of your misconduct.
And finally you need to ask G-d for forgiveness, for it is His law that you have broken. But remember, even G-d can't forgive you until you have apologised to your fellow human being whom you have hurt.
Once you have done all this, you need to forgive yourself. We have all done wrong, but if we take responsibility for it, try to correct it, and resolve not to repeat it, we must then move forward. Let this be a turning point for you. From this moment on you will be extra-honest and super-trustworthy. It will take hard work, but what was once your weakness should become your strength.
Bruce, I wish you well. Since you have asked this be left anonymous, I will respect your request.
All the best,
(Not my real name)
Join the debate and see comments on this article here 
To subscribe email
Meaningful Motherhood  
Explaining G-d to Children
- Why can't we see G-d?
- Is G-d a person, or a boy or girl?
- Is G-d lonely?
- Why did G-d create bad people?
Discussion group for mothers with their babies
with Nechama Dina Moss and Shternie Dadon
Mondays 10am at Nefesh, 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach
Advice from the Kabbalists
- deeper answers to life questions
Tuesdays 8:15 - 9:30pm at Nefesh, 54 Roscoe St Bondi
One-on-One Learning
Study the topic of your choice, alll levels, contact me to arrange a partner  
Monday and Wednesday Nights 8:30 - 9:30pm  
- the interface between Judaism and techology
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Mincha 6:10pm
6:30pm - 7:15pm Shabbos Service with kids program and Kiddush in honour of Talia Gokyildrim's birthday - mazel tov! 
9am Class on Weekly Parsha
10am -12:30pm Morning Service with kids program followed by Kiddush in honour of Stuart Shaw's birthday - mazel tov!
6:15pm Class in laws of blessings on food
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Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Sweet Taste of Revenge

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Question of the Week:

I have been seriously hurt by my ex. It has now been seven months of abuse, put-downs, bad-mouthing and humiliation, and I have remained silent. But now I have an overwhelming urge to take revenge. And I have the chance. With one phone call I could ruin his career and shatter his entire life. Should I do it?

The desire for revenge is natural and understandable. We have an innate expectation that justice should be done, and when we see evil go unpunished we want to intervene. But we can't. "Do not take revenge" the Torah warns. Revenge is wrong.

Of course we must protect ourselves from being hurt. We need not be helpless victims of those who have malicious designs on us, and we must take every measure possible to stop evil being done. But no human justice system is foolproof. Even when someone seems to be getting away with evil, the Torah warns us not to take revenge. Even if we have been hurt, we mustn't hurt back.
On the other hand, it seems revenge can't be all bad. The very same Torah which warns us not to take revenge describes G-d Himself as "a vengeful G-d". How can this be? If we are told not to be vengeful, is G-d then allowed to be? If revenge is immoral, how can G-d be vengeful?

But that is exactly the point. The very fact that G-d is vengeful allows us humans not to be. Ultimate justice is in His hands. He will right the wrongs and punish the wicked. Those who have acted immorally will pay for their misdeeds. No one gets away with doing evil. In this world or in the next, in this lifetime or another, in ways we may never know, justice will be served. But that is not in our hands. G-d is the true judge, and only He can take revenge.

It's funny, you often hear people disparaging "the vengeful G-d of the Bible". They somehow think that a vengeful G-d will produce vengeful followers. The opposite is true. It is precisely G-d's vengefulness that enables humans to let go of the desire for revenge. We know there is a Judge, and He will do justice. So we humans can leave the vengeance to Him, and get on with living.
Don't waste your energy on feelings of bitterness and hostility. The more hatred thrown at you, the more you should surround yourself with love. If there are evil people out there, make sure you associate with good people. Don't worry about getting even. Focus on getting on.
Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss
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Meaningful Motherhood  
Explaining G-d to Children
- Why can't we see G-d?
- Is G-d a person, or a boy or girl?
- Is G-d lonely?
- Why did G-d create bad people?
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Monday and Wednesday Nights 8:30 - 9:30pm  
- the interface between Judaism and techology
Thursdays, 1-2pm at Arnold Bloch Leibler, Level 24, Chifley Tower, 2 Chifley Square, Sydney CBD
and much more at
NEFESH SERVICES - 54 Roscoe St Bondi Beach 

Mincha 6:10pm
6:30pm - 7:15pm Shabbos Service with kids program and Kiddush   
9am Class on Weekly Parsha
10am -12:30pm Morning Service with kids program followed by Kiddush in honour of the naming of Josh and Nicole Brandon's baby daughter - mazel tov!
Mincha 5 mins before candlelighting time, followed by Sholosh Seudos and Maariv
8am Morning service followed by breakfast and Beginners Talmud Class
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