Thursday, February 28, 2019

How Do We Know that Souls Exist?

Question of the Week:
Why are 80% of our to do list items left undone?
Why are 80% of our to do list items left undone?
Can you tell me in simple terms what a soul is? What does it actually mean to have a soul? And can you provide evidence that we have a soul?
I think there is evidence of the soul. It is in human individuality.

Look at identical twins. There's something amazing about them. Not only do they look alike, they both have exactly the same genetic makeup, they share the same birthday, grew up in the same family with the same parents, and had almost the same experiences. 

And yet, they are not the same. They are each individuals, with different personalities, abilities and character. Parents of twins report seeing clear differences in their children from birth or soon after. And friends of one twin may not find much in common with the other. But why? What makes them different?
The answer is: the soul. They each have a soul, and every soul is completely unique. No two souls are alike, and even two people with the same genes and the same family have different souls. Your soul is the true you, deeper than any other feature of your personality, deeper than both nature and nurture.
So here's a definition of soul: the deepest layer of your identity that makes you unique. Your soul is your essence, the you behind everything else. It is your core, the raw surface upon which all other layers of your identity are placed. Your soul remains beyond the reach of any external influence, including your parents, your upbringing, your surroundings and your experiences. It is the real you.

That's why no matter what you have gone through in your life, no matter what type of life you have led until now, you can decide today that you want to change for the better, and you can do it. Because you have a soul that remains untouched by the outside world, and if you choose to define yourself by your soul rather than by externalities, nothing can stop you.
Your soul is yours, it is you, and it is free.
Good Shabbos, 
Rabbi Moss 

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This week the steel was delivered for the next level and steel fixing has begun for the upstairs slab. It's getting exciting!
Shabbat Shalom


Sponsor a Kiddush 
FRIDAY NIGHT  22 or 29 March:
 SHABBOS DAY 23 or 30 March: 

Email with any questions
Friday, 1 March 2019 | 24 Adar I 5779
Candle Lighting............ 7:14pm (Not before 6:15pm)
Mincha........................ 6:15pm
Shabbos Service........... 6:30-7:20pm
Kids Program .............. 6:30pm
Kiddush sponsored by the Menachemson family in honour of Sierra's bat mitzvah - Mazel Tov!
Shabbos Day, 2 March 2019 | 25 Adar I 5779
In depth parsha class ...................... 9:00am
Shabbos Service............................ 10:00am-12:20pm
Kids Program ................................ 10:30am
Kiddush sponsored by Jack & Leyat Reuben in honour of Jojo's 5th birthday- Mazel Tov!
Mincha followed by Seudah Shlishis ..........7:10pm
Gematria and Story by Rev Amzalak......... 7:40pm
Shiur with Rabbi Moss............................. 7:55pm
Shabbos ends........................................ 8:09pm
Followed by Havdalah
Mon - Friday........................... 7:00am
Latest Shema this week........... 9:52am
Molad/ New Moon. Wednesday 6 March 12:41:16pm
Rosh Chodesh Adar II...... Thursday - Friday 7-8 March

Rabbi Chanoch and Sarah Chana Sufrin on the birth of twin girls Rivka & Raizel Necha!
Reverend Aron and Judy Amzalak on the engagement of their granddaughter Chaya Moskowitz to Levi Kaye!
The Menachemson and Klein families on Sierra's Bat Mitzvah!
Ronnie Sternberg and Schirley Msika and families on their wedding!
Jojo Reuben... 27 Adar I/ Monday 4 March
Felix Gold...... 29 Adar I/ Wednesday 6 March
Rabbi Aron & Nechama Dina Moss..... 29 Adar I/ Friday 29 February
William Feuermann for his late father Felix Feuermann
Zelig Ben Gitel HaLevi... 27 Adar/ Monday 4 March

Jackie & Les Regos for their late Sister & Sister-in-Law Sue Josef
Shoshana bas Miriam... 27 Adar/ Monday 4 March

Elana Castle for her late grandmother Leah bat Edel 
Leah Castle... 30 Adar I/ Thursday 7 March

Nefesh Shul, PO Box 7349, 0416 822 832, Bondi Beach, NSW 2026 Australia
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Constant Contact

Thursday, February 21, 2019

My Wife Says I'm a Hypocrite

Question of the Week:
So You're Kind. But Are You Considerate?
So You're Kind. But Are You Considerate
Is it acceptable to be non-kosher as a parent and require your children to be kosher? I was brought up kosher, and remained so until my late 20's. I loved growing that way, as it provided me a clear Jewish identity, it made me aware of my Jewish responsibilities, and I feel it gave me the confidence to tell non-Jewish people around me that I was Jewish (as I could not eat various things at work events), and also strength of character to say 'no' to things that may be tempting, a character trait I continue to carry forward into my adult life.  
In my 20's, I felt old enough to make a decision as to whether I wanted to be kosher or not, and started eating non-kosher meat. Both my kids are under 10 years old and are kosher and I'd like them to remain so until they are old enough to make an informed choice (like I did). It would be a lot harder for them to go from non-kosher to kosher in the future than the other way around. 
I get told by certain people around me (including my wife) that I'm being hypocritical, either I should become kosher again, or my kids should have the choice to be non-kosher now. I've been pushing back saying it is not hypocritical, as I was kosher until my 20's when I could make an informed decision and they can do the same, so I'm being consistent.
I'd value your thoughts.

Let me firstly say that I think it is great that you are bringing up your kids to eat kosher. That's the Jewish way. And it's great your wife tells you how wrong you are. That's also the Jewish way. 

But I don't think you are a hypocrite. Rules can be different for kids and for adults. I'm sure when you were a kid, your parents hold their hand when you cross the road. But now you cross all by yourself. So should your kids be allowed to cross themselves too? Not everything adults can do kids can do. So it is not hypocritical to make kids keep kosher when the parents don't.

But by doing so, you are not achieving your stated goal. You want your kids to have the kosher childhood you had. And they are not getting it.
You grew up in a home where both parents kept kosher, and imparted that value on their children. The clarity of identity that this gave you was because your parents, consciously or not, conveyed being kosher and living Jewishly as a conviction that they believe in for themselves, and so they want to share it with you.
But you are not giving your children that clarity. If you don't keep kosher yourself, then consciously or not, you are teaching your kids that at the end of the day it doesn't really matter if you do or don't eat kosher. This is the message your kids are getting, even if they never actually see you eating non-kosher. Teaching others to do something you don't do simply can't be convincing. Kids can sense the passion behind your words, or lack thereof.
The subtlety of your argument, that you chose to not keep kosher as an adult and you are letting them do the same, is lost on them. All they know is that kosher is not important enough for you to keep. Like holding hands when you cross the street, it's just something you do as a kid until you're big enough to drop it.

So if you truly want to give your children the gift that you had, to learn those vital lessons of identity, self control and pride in who you are, you need to be living it yourself. Which means weighing what is more important to you - the convenience of eating what you want, or the fulfilment in teaching your children what you believe. It may demand some measure of sacrifice on your part, but as the devoted father you are, I think you can do it.
Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss

To subscribe CLICK HERE or email     

Well ladies and gentlemen, after a short period of downtime the build is back in full swing! Today we are pouring approximately 90 tonnes of concrete into the walls. This will solidify the ground floor walls and prepare us for the next level up. Now watch it go up!
Shabbat Shalom


Sponsor a Kiddush 
FRIDAY NIGHT  1 or 8 March:
 SHABBOS DAY 23 or 30 March: 

Email with any questions

Friday, 22 February 2019 | 17 Adar I 5779
Candle Lighting............ 7:23pm (Not before 6:22pm)
Mincha........................ 6:15pm
Shabbos Service........... 6:30-7:20pm
Kids Program .............. 6:30pm
Kiddush sponsored by Michael & Linda Lenn in honour of their recent wedding anniversary - Mazal Tov!
Shabbos Day, 23 February 2019 | 18 Adar I 5779
In depth parsha class ......................9:00am
Shabbos Service............................ 10:00am-12:20pm
Kids Program ................................10:30am
Followed by Kiddush
Mincha followed by Seudah Shlishis ...........7:15pm
Gematria and Story by Rev Amzalak.......... 7:45pm
Shiur with Rabbi Moss.............................. 8:00pm
Shabbos ends......................................... 8:18pm
Followed by Havdalah
Mon - Friday................................................ 7:00am
Latest Shema this week................................. 9:50am
Melanie Schwartz....................................... 22 Adar I/ Wednesday 27 February
Kevin & Valerie Smaller............................... 23 Adar I/ Thursday 28 February
Gary Lazarus for his late father Avraham Yitzchak ben Chaim ... 20 Adar/ Monday 25 February

Magda Schaffer for her late mother Yittel bat Malka... 21 Adar I/ Tuesday 26 February
Nefesh Shul, PO Box 7349, 0416 822 832, Bondi Beach, NSW 2026 Australia
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