Thursday, November 28, 2019

Should You Attack a Mugger?

Question of the Week:

I don't need the 613 laws of the Torah to be a good person. I live by one simple rule: Do whatever you want, as long as you're not hurting anyone. Who needs hundreds of complicated laws when you can break it down into one?


Your rule sounds so nice. I wish things were so simple. But let's test it and see how your rule applies to real life situations.

You're walking down the street. You see a violent criminal mugging an old lady for her wallet. You could save her by tackling him from behind.

What do you do? Subdue the thug and save the lady? That would be hurting someone, which contravenes your rule.

Unless you make an exception to your rule: Do whatever you want, as long as you're not hurting anyone, except when preventing a violent crime.

But here's another case. Your child gets a splinter in his finger. Are you allowed to remove it? Same question would apply to a doctor giving an injection, or performing an operation. These things cause pain. Your rule doesn't allow hurting others. So I guess you need another clause: Do whatever you want, as long as you're not hurting anyone, except when preventing a violent crime, or for medical purposes.

Let's look at another scenario. What if a starving man asks you for food. According to your rule, you could politely refuse to help him. You aren't actually hurting him by doing so. But is it moral to reject the plea of a dying man?

You are not a good person just because you don't hurt anyone. We are here to help others, not avoid them. You can't excuse yourself from helping someone in pain just because you didn't cause it. Doing whatever you want means leading a hedonistic, selfish and callous existence. You're not hurting anyone, but you're not helping anyone either. That cannot be called good.

So you'll need to add another clause, that says not only should you not inflict pain, you also have an obligation to try and alleviate pain.

Your original rule was "Do whatever you want, as long as you're not hurting anyone." But now we have adjusted it to "Do whatever you want, as long as you don't hurt anyone, except to stop a violent crime or for valid medical reasons. And not hurting anyone includes not allowing someone to suffer when you can help."

Oh, and one more question. What if the thug attacking the old woman is actually starving? He is taking her wallet to buy food and save his own life. But the old woman is fighting back. Can you hurt him, or her, or nobody?

Being a good person is not always so simple. There are times when we aren't even sure what is right and what is wrong. Hurting someone may be a moral thing to do, like taking out your kid's splinter. And doing nothing when innocents are suffering is cruel.

The laws of Torah cover every possible scenario. They give us clear answers for the myriad of nuanced moral questions life throws at us. Your over-simplified rule is not enough. You will need to add many more clauses, maybe even hundreds. Like about 613.

Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss
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These ducts will provide air-conditioning to all levels of the centre. We have given our technician a challenge: create a system that will allow one side of the room to be cooler than the other. In the past we have learned that the temperature preferences vary from one side of the mechitza to the other!

Would you like to sponsor a Kiddush? 

We currently have some dates available to sponsor. 

FRIDAY NIGHT 6 December:

$120 Basic Kiddush undefined     $200 Deluxe Kiddush  undefined
SHABBOS DAY 7 December: 

$350 Standard Kiddush undefined
Email with any questions
Friday, 29 November 2019| 1 Kislev 5780
Candle Lighting.......... 7:31pm (not before 6:24pm)
Shabbos Service ........ 6:30-7:20pm
Kiddush sponsored by Friends of Nefesh- Thank you for your Tzedakah Boxes!
Shabbos Day, 30 November 2019 | 2 Kislev 5780
Morning Meditation....................... 9:00am
Shabbos Service......................... 10:00am-12:20pm
Kids Program ............................. 10:30am
Kiddush sponsored by Sheryl and Kevin Levine in gratitude of all of Hashem's blessings.
Shabbos Shiur at Wellington St with Nechama Dina Moss ...5:00pm
Parsha Shiur with Rabbi Sufrin............... 6:30pm
Mincha followed by Seudah Shlishis ........7:30pm
Gematria and Story by Rev Amzalak....... 8:00pm
Shiur with Rabbi Moss........................... 8:15pm
Shabbos ends...................................... 8:33pm
Followed by Havdalah
Sunday............................................... 8:00am
Mon- Fri.............................................. 7:00am
Latest Shema this week......................... 9:08am
Ivan Steiner on the passing on his mother Edith Steiner, and to her granddaughters Rebecca and Natalie and the entire family.

Batya Moss................... 2 &3 Kislev/ Sat 30 Nov & Sun 1 Dec
Yaron Eitan Morris......... 2 Kislev/ Saturday 30 Nov
Summer Lily Chaya Mushka Hasofer... 8 Kislev/ Friday 6 Dec
Sarah Meguideche........... 8 Kislev/ Friday 6 Dec

Emma & David Stiles................ 8 Kislev/ Fri 6 Dec
Michael & Sophie Stern............. 8 Kislev/ Fri 6 Dec
Kerri & Michael Green............... 8 Kislev/ Fri 6 Dec
Nick Hedges for his late brother Peter Hedges
Yacov ben Moshe Ha Levi... 4 Kislev/ Monday 2 December

Iryna Dvoskina for her late father Borys Dvoskin
Boruch Ben Avraham ... 5 Kislev/ Tuesday 3 December

Isaak Krutik for his late mother Lyubov Levitanus
Lyubov bat Yisrael... 6 Kislev/ Wednesday 4 December

Brian Schwartz for his late father Kurt Schwartz
Aharon ben Avraham... 7 Kislev/ Thursday 5 December

  If you would like Nefesh to include your Birthday, Anniversary or Yortzheit in our newsletter and send you an email reminder, just fill in this quick ONLINE FORM.
Nefesh Shul, PO Box 7349, 0416 822 832, Bondi Beach, NSW 2026 Australia
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Thursday, November 21, 2019

Why Don't We Mention the Matriarchs?

Question of the Week:

I am uncomfortable with the fact that in our prayers we refer to "the G-d of our fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob," while making no mention of our mothers, Sarah, Rebeccah Rachel and Leah. Why do we claim descent from our patriarchs and leave out the matriarchs? Do women not count? Are they supposed to just be quietly left in the background?
Anyone who thinks mothers are supposed to be quiet has never been around a Jewish family. 
And if you read Genesis you see the pivotal role each of the matriarchs played in shaping the Jewish nation.
But there is something unique about our forefathers, something the mothers did not have.
They were an unbroken chain. 
Abraham's son was Isaac. Isaac's son was Jacob. That's three generations of commitment to Judaism. Abraham was the first Jew. Isaac was the first to be born Jewish. And Jacob was the first grandchild to follow the Jewish path.
The mothers were all first generation Jews. The fathers were a continuum of holiness. 
This is profoundly significant. When faith survives for three consecutive generations, it leaves a permanent mark. Until then, it is still precarious. Abraham's path was followed by only one of his sons, Isaac, not Ishmael. Isaac's legacy was passed on to Jacob, but not to Esau. It was Jacob, the third generation, who bequeathed his spiritual heritage to all of his children. 
There have been many visionaries, saints and revolutionaries throughout history who have walked the world's stage with big ideas to change humanity. But Abraham was the first to make it into a family business. And that is what made his revolution an eternal one. 
So we mention the patriarchs in our prayers. Here we are, four thousand years later, still praying to the same G-d as they did. All because of one man who not only lived a meaningful life, but taught it to his children and grandchildren. 
Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss

To subscribe CLICK HERE or email  

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Our elevator arrived! It will serve all three levels of the centre and have a Shabbat function, to automatically stop on each floor without pressing buttons. I think the company motto is fitting for our building....

Would you like to sponsor a Kiddush? 

We currently have some dates available to sponsor. 

FRIDAY NIGHT 29 November:

$120 Basic Kiddush undefined     $200 Deluxe Kiddush  undefined
SHABBOS DAY 30 November: 

$350 Standard Kiddush undefined
Email with any questions
Friday, 22 November 2019| 24 Cheshvan 5780
Candle Lighting.......... 7:24pm (not before 6:18pm)
Shabbos Service ........ 6:30-7:20pm
Kiddush sponsored by Friends of Nefesh- Thank you for your Tzedakah Boxes!
Shabbos Day, 23 November 2019 | 25 Cheshvan
Morning Meditation........ 9:00am
Shabbos Service.......... 10:00am-12:20pm
Kids Program ............. 10:30am
Kiddush sponsored by Friends of Nefesh- *Let us know if you'd like your own Tzedakah Box!
Shabbos Shiur at Wellington St with Nechama Dina Moss   5:00pm
Parsha Shiur with Rabbi Sufrin............... 6:25pm
Mincha followed by Seudah Shlishis ........7:25pm
Gematria and Story by Rev Amzalak....... 7:55pm
Shiur with Rabbi Moss........................... 8:10pm
Shabbos ends...................................... 8:25pm
Followed by Havdalah
Sunday................................ 8:00am
Mon- Fri............................... 7:00am
Latest Shema this week......... 9:09am
New Moon/Molad.............. Wed 27 Nov, 7:18:7am
Rosh Chodesh Kislev..... Thurs-Fri 28-29 November
Stuart Shaw....... 29 Cheshvan/ Wednesday 27 Nov
Arlene Schwartz... 30 Cheshvan / Thursday 28 Nov
Jess & Joji Kurosaki.............. 26 Cheshvan/ 24 Nov
Peter & Richelle Goldshaft... 28 Cheshvan/ 26 Nov
Aviva Morris for her late mother Vidya Wati.........27 Cheshvan/ Monday 25 November

Anne Sarzin for her late aunt Elise Kaplan Elisheva bat Harav Avraham Halevi . ......................27 Cheshvan/ Monday 25 November

Anne Sarzin for her late uncle Dr Isidore Kaplan..27 Cheshvan/ Monday 25 November

Anne Sarzin for her late sister Fanny Faye, Feige bay Aaron halevi . ...........................................    28 Cheshvan / Tuesday 26 November

Eva Schlesinger for her late mother Ilona Gold, Aidel bat Shlomo Hacohen   ......................................  28 Cheshvan / Tuesday 26 November

Gilda Cohen-Shapira for her late father Maurice Jacob Cohen, Moshe Ya'cov ben Haim Dovid HaCohen.................. 30 Cheshvan/ Thursday 28 November
  If you would like Nefesh to include your Birthday, Anniversary or Yortzheit in our newsletter and send you an email reminder, just fill in this quick ONLINE FORM.
Nefesh Shul, PO Box 7349, 0416 822 832, Bondi Beach, NSW 2026 Australia
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Thursday, November 14, 2019

Where did the Star of David Come From?

Question of the Week:
What does the Star of David symbolise? Is there meaning behind it? And why is it considered the Jewish symbol? And where did it come from?
There is in an ancient kabbalistic text called Raziel Hamalach. It is named after an angel who taught mystical secrets to the first man,
A page from Raziel Hamalach
Adam. The earliest appearance of what we call the Star of David is found in that book. While its teachings are way beyond our understanding, here is a thought that we can relate to. 

One of the most important ideas in Judaism is the concept of Shabbos, the day of rest. The seven day week is a biblical invention. Without it, we may have never got the weekend off. 

But Shabbos is much more than just a weekend. 

During the working week we are preoccupied with mundane activities. We don't have as much time to think about what is really important, like our relationships, our life direction, our soul. We can sometimes lose ourselves in a routine that seems endless and pointless.

Shabbos gives us a chance to stop and focus on why we do what we do. Instead of being outwardly focused, for one day a week we turn inwards. For six days we may call ourselves doctors or lawyers, mechanics or students. On Shabbos we are human beings. For six days we challenge ourselves to achieve, invent and develop the world outside of us. On Shabbos we go back to the world within us, appreciating ourselves and our loved ones not for what we have achieved, but for the people we are

Shabbos is not just the seventh day of the week. It completes the week, it gives the other six days purpose, shape and meaning. Without Shabbos our week is a disjointed series of days, a monotonous cycle. Shabbos gives shape to our week and meaning to our days. 

This is all hidden in the Star of David. It has six little triangles, each one pointing outwards in different directions. These triangles converge to create a hexagonal space in the middle. The triangles represent the six days of the week, when we are outwardly focused. The inner space is the Shabbos, the soul that energizes the other days and unites them into a meaningful shape.

The Star of David has become the Jewish symbol, because it illustrates a core Jewish message. Connect to your inner self. Know who you are and why you are here. Only then can you face life and its challenges with confidence. You too can become a star.
Good Shabbos, 
Rabbi Moss 

PS. The name 'Star of David' fits in with this idea, as King David was the seventh in a line of spiritual leaders of the Jewish people: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Aaron, Joseph and David.

To subscribe CLICK HERE or email  


The 8th Annual Nefesh Golf Day was an amazing success!

Please click here to view our PHOTO GALLERY from the day. Thank you to Nadine Saacks for capturing the great fun and energy of the day with your photography. 

Huge thank you again to our Major Sponsor Live Group, our Hole Sponsors, Prize Sponsors and Volunteers, and to all the players!

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This is the ramp that leads down to the basement level. It will allows prams, food trolleys and wheelchair access to the commercial kitchen.

Friday, 15 November 2019| 17 Cheshvan
Candle Lighting.......... 7:18pm (not before 6:13pm)
Shabbos Service ....... 6:30-7:20pm
Kids Program ............ 6:30pm

Shabbos Day, 16 November 2019 | 18 Cheshvan
Morning Meditation....................... 9:00am
Shabbos Service......................... 10:00am-12:20pm
Kids Program ............................. 10:30am
Followed by Kiddush and Communal Lunch
Shabbos Shiur at Wellington St with Nechama Dina Moss   5:00pm
Parsha Shiur with Rabbi Sufrin............... 6:15pm
Mincha followed by Seudah Shlishis ........7:15pm
Shabbos ends...................................... 8:18pm
Followed by Havdalah
Sunday............................................... 8:00am
Mon-Fri............................................... 7:00am
Latest Shema this week........................ 9:09am

Reverend and Mrs Amzalak on the Aufruf of their grandson Eli Amzalak this Shabbos, and the marriage of Eli to Aliza Werdiger in Melbourne on Sunday! 

Tahnya & Jonathan Seifman... 19 Cheshvan/17 Nov
Michelle & Jeremy Saunders... 23 Cheshvan/21 Nov
Dan Helfand and Susan Dubb on the passing of their sister, Janet Helfand A"H- Long Life.
Omer Farhy for his late mother Dita Farhy. Dita bat Aharon... 19 Cheshvan/ 17 November

Todd Gothelf for his late father Ira Gothelf
Yisrael ben Benjamin ... 22 Cheshvan/ 20 November

Anne Sarzin for her late husband
Dr Barney Sarzin, Dov ben Zwi...23 Cheshvan/ Thursday 21 November
  If you would like Nefesh to include your Birthday, Anniversary or Yortzheit in our newsletter and send you an email reminder, just fill in this quick ONLINE FORM.


Nefesh Shul, PO Box 7349, 0416 822 832, Bondi Beach, NSW 2026 Australia
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