Thursday, August 22, 2013

Does Judaism Need an Update?


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Question of the Week:


Why do we eat apples and honey on Rosh Hashanah? I know it is supposed to symbolise a sweet new year, but there are plenty of other sweet foods we could eat. I imagine in times gone by that was the only sweet food that was readily available. But these days we have much more choice, so why do we still dip apples in honey?




The biggest question Judaism faces today is how to respond to modernity. How can Judaism appeal to a new generation? What will ignite the Jewish soul in the 21st century? Does Judaism need an update, or should we try to go back in time and recreate the lost world of Jewish life that existed in times gone by?


There are two common answers, the traditionalist and the modernist.


The traditionalist says that whatever was done in the past is right, and anything new is evil. What was good for our great-grandparents is good for us too. We need to go back to the good old days. Modernity can go jump.


Then there is the modernist. The priests of progress say that whatever is old is out, and whatever is new is in. We are not our grandparents, and we are not living in their world. We need to update Judaism to fit into the latest fads, the newest of new-age ideas, the most recent cutting edge worldview. This view claims that Judaism needs to move with the times.


In truth, they are both wrong. Traditionalism won't work, because it doesn't deal with the unique challenges and blessings that we face today. Modernism won't work either, because it has no roots, no eternal truths, it is fickle and flimsy, superficial and empty.


There is as third approach, one that I believe is the authentic Jewish approach. This is the apples dipped in honey approach. Not traditionalism, not modernism, but applehoneyism.


Both apples and honey are sweet foods. This they have in common. But where they differ is in their shelf life. An apple goes bad very quickly.  Even after a few minutes left exposed, a slice of apple will go brown and soft, and soon be inedible. Leave an apple in a fruit basket for a few weeks, and it will shrivel up and become mushy and rotten. Apples need to be eaten fresh.


Not so with honey. Honey does not decompose. In fact, the ancients used it as a preservative. Jars of honey were found in the pyramids in Egypt, unspoiled after thousands of years. Honey never goes bad.


Apples represent the modern world, the here and now, that fleeting moment in time we call the present. It is fresh today, stale tomorrow. Honey on the other hand represents tradition, a force that is unchanging and constant, timeless and stable.


Jewish spirituality is a delicate marriage of these two forces. For our spiritual life to be dynamic and alive, it must change and keep up with the times. But to have substance and meaning, it has to present a truth that is above change, that is timeless.


The true way to achieve this balance is by not making up new traditions, but rather finding new depth in the old traditions. The laws and rituals of Judaism are as compelling and inspiring today as they ever were. But their message needs to be communicated in a way that speaks to today's world. Maintain the beliefs and rituals of our grandparents, but bring to them a new vitality, by exploring deeper reasons and explanations that talk to our generation. You don't need to change our traditions to make them relevant. All you need to do is dig deeper into their meaning. In the infinite well of Jewish wisdom you will find the message for today.


The apple alone will go rotten fast, as will every spiritual fad not based on truth. Dip your apple in the honey of our eternal tradition, and it will be preserved forever.


Good Shabbos,

Rabbi Moss


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As the Australian federal election is on Shabbos, immediately after two days of Rosh Hashana, it is vital to remember to vote early, either by post or at an early voting centre.
You can find info on both here: 


at Swiss Grand this Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur

with Morah Mushka and Rabbi Chaim
Morah Mushka and Rabbi Chaim  

Chaim Munitz, a young and energetic rabbinical student from Buffalo, N.Y, has utilized his personable demeanor to mentor dozens of students in the yeshiva system and has devoted his summers educating campers in camps all across America and Canada. He loves teaching young school children and showing them the beauty of Judaism.

Mushka Munitz was born in Simcha (Santa) Monica, California and is an outgoing ball of energy & joy! 12th in a family of 14, Mushka has loved children from a very young age and has always dreamed of becoming a teacher. After high school, Mushka's dream became a reality when she attended Teacher's Seminary in Canada and graduated with a degree in child development and special education. 

Together they have put together an action packed children's program for Rosh Hashana & Yom Kippur and they can't wait to make the Shul experience meaningful, educational and fun for your children!


SERVICES AT NEFESH ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Friday Night Candlelighting 5:12pm

Mincha 5:25pm

Shabbos Service 6:00pm 


Shabbos Day

The Spiritual Parsha Class 9am

Morning Service 10am -12:20pm


Mincha 5:05pm followed by Seudah Shlishis

Pirkei Avos Chapters 3 & 4

Shabbos ends 6:08pm


Sunday Shachris 8am


Weekday Shachris 7am


Chassidus Shiur Monday & Thursday 8am


Latest Shema 9:11am


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To order and for enquiries please call:
Liron 0415 976 486/ Boaz 0414 619 062
or email:

Under supervision of the KA

Orders must be placed by 12pm on Thu 29th Aug for Rosh Hashana and  by Mon 9th Sep for Yom Kippur.
Orders are placed if you have received a confirmation email

Minimum order is $150.
Food can be picked up from Eilat at Hadassa Butchery from 3pm on Sep 3rd and until 1pm on Sep 4th  for Rosh Hashana orders and  between 3pm on Thurs 12th Sep and 11am 13th Sep for Yom Kippur orders.
Delivery in Eastern Suburbs is $15, North Shore $25
Free delivery on orders over $300

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Don't hesitate to ask if we can make it!





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