Thursday, February 27, 2014

My Husband Never Gets Angry!

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Question of the Week:


I've had a question for a while now and no one has been able to give me a satisfying answer. I want to know why it sometimes seems that we depict G-d as a tantruming little child. For example, many times in the Torah it says that we should not say or do something that is forbidden since that will make G-d very angry. What am I supposed to make of that? How can I respect a G-d who is on the edge of blowing up if we don't follow what He says?



Imagine being married to a man who never gets angry. Ever. About anything. You insult him and he shrugs. You are rude to him and he is nice back to you. You give attention to others and he isn't the least bit jealous.


Would that be a wonderful marriage?


Well, on one level, yes, it would be fantastic. No tension, no issues, no arguments or fights or silent treatment.


But in truth, it wouldn't be good at all. It wouldn't be a relationship. If he never gets upset at you, it means that you don't really matter to him. If nothing you do moves him, it means he doesn't care enough to be impacted by you.


Being in a relationship means affecting each other. For better or for worse, your heart is intertwined with someone else's. If you aren't getting a reaction, then you aren't connecting. You may be married, but you are really alone.


G-d created the world so He could have a relationship with us. He made a huge gamble, creating humans with free choice to do whatever we want, and He invested Himself in us, allowing Himself to be impacted by our actions.


So when the Torah says that G-d will get angry if we do wrong, that is the most beautiful statement of love. G-d is saying, "You matter to me. Your actions touch me. I have invested myself in you. This relationship is real."


We only get upset at people who matter to us. When your husband gets annoyed at you, take it as his way of saying you matter to him. You matter to G-d too.


Good Shabbos,

Rabbi Moss

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Purim at Nefesh
Click on flyer to go straight to bookings



Friday Night, 28 February 2014

Candle Lighting: 7:16 pm (not before 6.13pm)

Mincha:6:10 pm

Shabbos Service: 6:30 pm

Followed by Kiddush sponsored by an anonymous friend



Shabbos Day, 1 March 2014

Shabbos Service: 10:00am-12:15pm

Followed by Kiddush (Due to Levi Gourarie's call-up and farbrengen at Bina, there will be no farbrengen at Nefesh this week.)


Mincha:7:15 pm followed by Seudah Shlishis

Shabbos ends and Maariv: 8:10 pm




Sunday: 8:00 am

Monday-Friday: 7:00 am

Latest Shema this week: 9:55 am




The Spiritual Parsha   Shabbos 9:00 am

Chassidus Monday & Thursday: 8:00-8:45 am 

Meaningful Motherhood Monday 10:00 am

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