Thursday, March 23, 2017

Ma Nishtana - Questions or Answers?

Question of the Week:

My favourite part of the Seder is when the kids sing the famous Four Questions, Ma Nishtana. But I always wondered why we call it the Four Questions. Look at the text, they are actually four statements:

Why is this night different from all other nights?
On all other nights we eat chometz (leaven) or matzah. On this night we eat only matzah. 
On all other nights we eat any type of vegetables. On this night, we eat maror (bitter herbs).
On all other nights we are not required to dip even once. On this night we dip twice.
On all other nights we eat either sitting or reclining. On this night, we all recline.

So are they questions or answers?


Sometimes, the question is the answer. The Ma Nishtana is asking, why is tonight different from all other nights? What unique power does the night of Pesach hold, that it can inspire even the most distant soul and touch even the most stubborn skeptic? What will happen tonight that will change our perspective, open our spiritual eyes and ignite our souls?

The answer: there are four ingredients to this night that make it different, and give it the power to inspire. On this night we eat matzah and bitter herbs, we dip and we lean. When you know what they represent, you will have the answer to why this night is so different.

On this night we eat only Matzah. Matzah represents humility. It is flat and tasteless, unlike bread which is puffed-up and full of itself. Humility is the first prerequisite to growth and learning. Someone who is full of themselves cannot change. Only if I am open and humble can I truly develop as a person. So while  on other nights my ego may get in the way of my own spiritual development, tonight it won't because tonight we eat only Matzah, the bread of humility.

On this night, we eat Maror. Many people are closed to spirituality not out of arrogance, but rather out of indifference. They simply don't care. Such people cannot be inspired because they lack feeling, they are numb and insensitive. They need a jolt, something to shatter their complacency and make them feel again. This is the Maror. There's nothing like a mouthful of horseradish to get your heart pounding. So we eat the Maror, to remember the bitterness of slavery that our forebears experienced, and by extension our own inner bitterness, our slavery to bad habits, and the darker side to our personality. All other nights we may remain apathetic and avoid feeling the pain, but tonight we take the bitter pill, we eat the Maror.

On this night we dip twice. Some of us go through life without ever being present. We may be sitting in one place, but our mind is elsewhere. We are constantly focusing on what needs to happen next, or where we would rather be, and never experiencing the moment for what it is. Such a life is no life. We can miss out on the magic of everyday, simply because we are not looking. So tonight will be different. Tonight we will immerse ourselves in the moment, and be totally transfixed by the Seder and its message. We will dip ourselves entirely in the words of the Haggadah. Not once but twice - in body and in mind we will be present at the Seder.

On this night, we all recline. A major impediment to growth is our feeling that we are stuck as we are, and we cannot change. If only we realised what untold powers lay within our soul, we would know that there is so much more we could be achieving. With all our failings and all our weaknesses, we have a soul that is pure royalty, a divine spark that towers over and above all the challenges that life brings. And so while on all other nights we may not be aware of it, tonight we recline like the kings and queens we truly are, we act like royalty because we are royalty, the sons and daughters of G-d.

And so indeed the four questions are really four answers. Why is tonight different? Why will our souls be set free tonight? Because we will have the humility of the Matzah, we will break through our indifference and sensitise ourselves with the Maror, we will immerse our mind and body in the experience of the Seder, and we will acknowledge the true nobility and royalty of our infinitely powerful soul.

And it's the kids who teach us how to do all this. Look at a child. They are truly free, because they have the humility to learn, the openness of heart to feel, the trust to be immersed in the moment, and the confidence to believe that they can do anything. So let's listen to the kid's questions. In them we can find some answers.

Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss


Friday, 24 March, 2017 | 26 Adar 5777
Candle Lighting............. 6:43 pm (*Earliest 5:50pm)  
Mincha......................... 6:15 pm
Friday Evening Service.... 6:30 pm
Followed by Kiddush sponsored by Michael Lenn to mark his birthday during the week- Mazal Tov!

Shabbos, 25 March, 2017 | 27 Adar 5777
In-depth Parsha Class............. 9:00 am
Children's program................ 10:45 am
Shabbos Morning Service ....... 10:00am- 12:25 pm  
Followed by Kiddush sponsored by Catherine Di Picarda (Chaya Kaila) in honour of her conversion - Mazal Tov!

Mincha followed by Seudah Shlishis ......   6:35 pm
Gematria and story by Rev Amzalak......... 6:55 pm
Shiur: The Lost Haggadah........................7:15pm
Shabbos ends and Maariv...................... 7:37 pm
Followed by Havdalah
Mon- Fri........................... 7:00 am
Latest Shema this week....... 9:59 am
MONDAY 27 MARCH | 7:04:10PM
Monday Chassidus Class ........... 8:00-8:45 am

Greg and Simone Moshal on the birth of a baby girl!
Felix Gold.............. 29 Adar/ Monday 27 March
Noach Kessel......... 29 Adar/ Monday 27 March
Yisroel Moss............ 2 Nissan/ Wednesday 29 March
Robert Goldshaft...... 4 Nissan/ Friday 31 March
Lior Segre............... 5 Nissan/ Saturday 1 April
Rabbi Aron & Nechama Dina Moss 29 Adar/ Monday 27 March
Ben & Laurel Weinberg.. 2 Nissan/ Wednesday 29 April
Vera and William Feuermann and Yvonne Coburn for their late husband and father Felix Feuermann, Zelig Ben Gitel HaLevi 27 Adar/ Saturday 25 March
Gavin Krawchuk for his late grandfather Sam Krawchuk, Shlomo ben Eliezer Mendel 27 Adar /Saturday 25 March
Victoria Hoch for her late father, Ruben Jorge Rachitzky, Reuven Yaacov Ben Avraham 4 Nissan/ Friday 31 March

Nefesh Shul, 54 Roscoe Street, Bondi Beach, NSW 2026 Australia
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