Thursday, March 5, 2020

Are You Willing to Bow?



Question of the Week:
In the Purim story, Mordechai the Jew refuses to bow down to the wicked Haman. As a result, Haman enacts a decree to annihilate the entire Jewish nation. Did Mordechai do the right thing? Technically, bowing to a dignitary is not forbidden by Judaism. So even if Haman thought he was god, shouldn't Mordechai have bowed down to him rather than risk the lives of the entire Jewish people?
In my youth I attended a non-Jewish school. Jews made up about ten percent of the student body, and we felt quite comfortable there. But sometimes we stood out.
It wasn't a particularly religious school, but on occasion they did hold prayer services, in a big hall with a huge cross at the front. At a certain point during the service, everyone was told to kneel and bow before the cross. So everyone did.
But I didn't. I don't know why, but as everyone else went down on their knees, I just sat there. I was a little nervous that I would be caught not kneeling. But then I realized that anyone who saw me not kneeling was themselves not kneeling, so I was safe.
Here's the funny thing. Looking around I saw I was not alone. Scattered around the hall were others who did not bow. In fact, about ten percent of the room were sitting upright. None of the Jewish kids would bow down. It was quite a sight - a sea of bowed heads, with a few Jewish heads sticking out like protruding icebergs. Or maybe Goldbergs.
On reflection, this is astonishing. Where did we get this defiance from? We were all from irreligious homes and were for the most part completely uneducated in Judaism. No one ever told us not to bow down. In fact, for some of those boys, this non-bowing may have been the only public statement of being Jewish they ever made. So what inspired us to be different?
I believe we got it from Mordechai, the Jew who refused to bow down. Somehow his story of defiance has permeated the Jewish psyche, to the point that even two and a half thousand years later, Jews know in the depth of their soul that we don't bow down to anyone but G-d. 
When Mordechai stood up to Haman, he wasn't putting the Jewish people at risk. On the contrary, he was saving countless Jews in all future generations who will be inspired by his singular act of bravery, refusing to bow to the forces that try to compromise our identity. 
Our enemies will hate us no less if we bow to them, and our friends will only think higher of us for refusing to bow to pressure. Regardless of what anyone thinks of us, our job is to stand tall and proud like Mordechai, unabashedly stating our Jewishness. When we do, we play our part in the epic Jewish story, the story of an eternal nation that survives every attempt to make us bow.  

Good Shabbos and Happy Purim!
Rabbi Moss

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Rough in of cabling done to allow for intercom system, wifi access, security cameras, and audio-visual equipment for a state of the art function space. That's a lot of cables!

Would you like to sponsor a Kiddush? 

We currently have some dates available to sponsor. 


$120 Basic Kiddush undefined     $200 Deluxe Kiddush  undefined

$350 Standard Kiddush undefined
Email with any questions
Friday, 6 March| 10 Adar 5780
Candle Lighting.......... 7:07pm (not before 6:09pm)
Shabbos Service ........ 6:30-7:20pm
Kiddush sponsored by Pearl Barukh and family in honour of the Yortzheit of our father Moshe Ben Barukh A"H on 17 Adar.
Shabbos Day, 7 March 2020 | 11 Adar 5780
Morning Meditation...... 9:00am
Shabbos Service........ 10:00am-12:20pm
Reading of Parshas Zachor 11am 
All men women and children should be in Shul!

STORY TIME for children ages 3-10 with Rabbi Sufrin.....    11:45am
Kiddush sponsored by Pearl Barukh and family in honour of the Yortzheit of our father Moshe Ben Barukh A"H on 17 Adar.

Shabbos Shiur with Nechama Dina......... 5:00pm
Shiur with Rabbi Sufrin......................... 6:00pm
Mincha followed by Seudah Shlishis ........7:00pm
Gematria and Story with Rev Amzalak.... 7:30pm
Shiur with Rabbi Moss.......................... 7:45pm
Shabbos ends...................................... 8:01pm
Followed by Havdalah
Sunday ............................................... 8:00am
Mon - Fri.............................................. 7:00am
Latest Shema this week.......................... 9:54am
See below for Purim Times

Big thank you to Ellis Kahn for assembling our new kids room cupboard!

Jason Alman & Jenni Mandel on their wedding this weekend!
Vicki Lever............... 12 Adar/ Sunday 8 March
Lisa Peles................. 12 Adar/ Sunday 8 March
Adam Ensly.............. 13 Adar/ Monday 9 March
Keshet Kessel........... 14 Adar/ Tuesday 10 March
David Redelman........ 16 Adar/ Thursday 12 March
Ruth Cromer............. 17 Adar/ Friday 13 March
Leah & David Dennes..... 17 Adar/ Friday 13 March

Les Regos for his late mother Mariska Regos Miriam... 13 Adar/ Monday 9 March

Donald Levy for his late father Noel David Levy,
Daniel Ben David... 13 Adar/ Monday 9 March

Gilda Cohen-Shapira for her late mother Hessie Cohen
Hessie bat Shlomo v'Irla... 14 Adar/ Tuesday 10 March

Paul Ereira for his late mother Ida Ereira,
Ida Bas Mordechai... 16 Adar Thursday 12 March

  If you would like Nefesh to include your Birthday, Anniversary or Yortzheit in our newsletter and send you an email reminder, just fill in this quick ONLINE FORM.
Purim Services and Megillah Reading Times:
Monday 8 March, 2020 | 13 Adar 5780
Fast of Esther
Fast begins........ 5:30am
Shachris............ 7:00am
Maariv and Megillah Reading (in fancy dress)... 7:30pm
Fast Ends........... 7:47pm
Late Megillah reading at Rabbi Sufrin's home ... 9:30pm
Purim Day
Tuesday 10 March, 2020 | 14 Adar 5780
Shachris ........................7:00am
Megillah reading.............. 7:30am
Late Megillah Reading ...... 10:00am at Wellington St
Child Friendly Megillah reading ..... 4:00pm
Last minute Megillah Reading........6:00pm

Nefesh Shul, PO Box 7349, 0416 822 832, Bondi Beach, NSW 2026 Australia
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