Thursday, February 13, 2020

Is the World Getting Better or Worse?


Question of the Week:

How can we say that Moshiach is ready to come when the world is such a bad place? There has never been so much crime and war and violence and evil as we see today. Do we really believe that we are ready for messianic times?


You must be reading the news too much. That's why you don't know what's going on in the world. 

In every key factor, the world is better today than it has ever been, and it's just getting better. We are healthier, safer, freer, smarter and richer than our forebears. And we don't even know it. 

Some examples:

- In 1950, 75% of the world population was living in extreme poverty. Today it is down to 10%. Food is more accessible and abundant today than ever before. 

- International conflict is at an all time low. Historically, the chances of dying in battle or as a result of war were extremely high. Today they hover at around 0.04%.

- Two hundred years ago, 40% of babies died before the age of five. Today that figure is a tiny fraction. Even in Africa that rate has halved in the last 30 years.

- Until very recently, literacy skills were reserved for the elite few. (Jews were the exception). Today 8 out of 10 people worldwide are literate. 

- Homicide and violent crime rates are lower today than ever in history, including in the USA. 

- Life expectancy has doubled since the 19th century, and the world population has multiplied sevenfold. 

- Only one hundred years ago, almost all of the world lived under autocratic rule. Today the majority of the world's population live in free societies. And 80% of those who don't are in one country - China.   

- For most of history, people had to rely on dial-up internet connections. Slow! 

The crazy thing is, With all this good going on, people in free countries don't think the world is improving. In Australia only 3% of people believe the world is getting better, and only 6% in the USA. Interestingly 41% of Chinese do believe the world is a better place today than in the past. Perhaps there are some benefits to a government controlled media spouting positive propaganda...

This all tells us that we who benefit the most from these amazing times are enjoying it the least. While we are blessed with prosperity, health and opportunities that our ancestors could have only dreamed of, there is something they did have that we seem to be missing. And that is faith. Faith in a kind Creator who has a purpose for His creation. Faith in the human ability to solve problems, discover cures and invent solutions. And faith in the power of good to triumph over evil, that righteousness wins in the end and goodness will prevail. Faith that after the darkness always comes the dawn. 

This is not to pretend that there is no evil in the world. There are certainly some formidable foes we need to contend with. But look beyond the news, and see how far we have come. Just open your eyes and you can see that we are living in good times. We need the wisdom to utilise this golden age, when rather than struggling to survive, we finally have the luxury to focus on our spiritual purpose. We are ever so close to that messianic world, not just not as bad as it once was, but good like it has never been before.

Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss

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Do you have a cupboard to give to the Nefesh kids' room? We are looking for one which can either be locked or which we could place a chain and lock upon. Please get in touch if you do.

Would you like to sponsor a Kiddush? 

We currently have some dates available to sponsor. 

FRIDAY NIGHT 28 February:

$120 Basic Kiddush undefined     $200 Deluxe Kiddush  undefined
SHABBOS DAY 22 February

$350 Standard Kiddush undefined
Email with any questions
Friday, 14 February| 20 Shevat 5780
Candle Lighting.......... 7:32pm (not before 6:30pm)
Shabbos Service ........ 6:30-7:20pm
No Kids Program
Kiddush sponsored by Friends of Nefesh
Shabbos Day, 15 February 2020 | 21 Shevat 5780
Morning Meditation....................... 9:00am
Shabbos Service......................... 10:00am-12:20pm
STORY TIME with Rabbi Sufrin.....11:45am
Kiddush sponsored by Friends of Nefesh

Call Up in honour of the Wedding of 
Jason Alman and Jenni Mandel - Mazel Tov!.....4:30pm

Shabbos Shiur with Nechama Dina............. 5:00pm
Shiur with Rabbi Sufrin............................. 6:25pm
Mincha followed by Seudah Shlishis ............7:25pm
Gematria and Story with Rev Amzalak........ 8:00pm
Shiur with Rabbi Moss.............................. 8:15pm
Shabbos ends.......................................... 8:28pm
Followed by Havdalah
Sunday .................................................. 8:00am
Mon - Fri................................................. 7:00am
Latest Shema this week............................ 9:46am
Michelle Kaplan...... 26 Shevat/ Friday 21 February
Janet & David Kessler................ 20 Shevat/ 15 Feb
Robert & Natalie Dabscheck........ 23 Shevat/ 18 Feb
Kelly & Jodie Moses................... 23 Shevat/ 18 Feb
Michael & Linda Lenn................. 23 Shevat/ 18 Feb
Jackie & Les Regos..................... 25 Shevat/ 20 Feb

Ashley Bierman, Sally Bierman, Jodie Moses and Josh Susskind for their late mother Susan Ann Susskind, Ruth bat Sarah  22 Shevat/ Monday 17 February
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