Thursday, February 6, 2020

Should I Limit My Options?


Question of the Week:

My Jewishness is making it harder for me to find love. The more I get involved in Jewish life, the fewer options I have with girls to date. To be honest, it is making me hesitate before becoming more observant. What should I do, take on more Judaism and limit my options, or keep my options open and put the Jewish thing on hold?


It depends what you are looking for. If you are just after a partner, any partner that suits, then it is a simple numbers game, and the more options in front of you the better chances you have. If you have a wider pool of potential partners, the odds are higher that you will be successful in your search. In this equation, the vaguer you are about yourself, the more potential partners you will find.
But that's only if you are merely looking for a partner. If you are looking for your soulmate it's another story entirely.
Your soulmate is the other half of your soul, the missing part of your very being. You can only recognise your soulmate if you first get to know your own soul. When you know where you are going in life, when you are clear on your own identity, when you know who you really are, then and only then are you equipped to identify the other half of your soul.
Some people have it backwards. They think that when it comes to describing whom you're looking for, you need a long and detailed list of specifications, but when it comes to describing who you are, you are better off being blurry and general. The opposite is true. Know yourself and your own soul. Explore your Jewish identity and become comfortable with it. You are not limiting your options, you are refining your search.
Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss

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Do you have a cupboard to give to the Nefesh kids' room? We are looking for one which can either be locked or which we could place a chain and lock upon. Please get in touch if you do.

Would you like to sponsor a Kiddush? 

We currently have some dates available to sponsor. 

FRIDAY NIGHT 14 February:

$120 Basic Kiddush undefined     $200 Deluxe Kiddush  undefined
SHABBOS DAY 22 February

$350 Standard Kiddush undefined
Email with any questions
Friday, 7 February| 12 Shevat 5780
Candle Lighting.......... 7:38pm (not before 6:35pm)
Shabbos Service ........ 6:30-7:20pm
No Kids Program
Followed by Kiddush
Shabbos Day, 8 February 2020 | 13 Shevat 5780
Morning Meditation....................... 9:00am
Shabbos Service......................... 10:00am-12:20pm
STORY TIME for children ages 3-10 with Rabbi Sufrin.....    11:45am
Followed by Kiddush

Shabbos Shiur with Nechama Dina - not on this week
Shiur with Rabbi Sufrin..........................6:35pm
Mincha followed by Seudah Shlishis ........7:35pm
Gematria and Story with Rev Amzalak.... 8:05pm
Shabbos ends...................................... 8:35pm
Followed by Havdalah
Sunday ............................................... 8:00am
Mon - Fri.............................................. 7:00am
Latest Shema this week.......................... 9:43am
Valerie Smaller...... 14 Shevat / Sunday 9 February
Mendel Moss.......... 15/16 Shevat/ 10/11 February
Zac Weinberg ........ 17 Shevat/ Wed 12 February
Mitchell Deubler..... 18 Shevat / Thurs 13 February
Les Pozniak for his late father Maurice Pozniak
Moshe Ben Yeshiou... 14 Shevat/ Sunday 9 February

Nick Hedges for his late grandmother Irene Stark
Rachel bat Jacov... 17 Shevat/ Wednesday 12 February

Jacqueline Rosenberg, David Eliovson and Natalie Lipson for their late husband and father Peter John Eliovson, Perach ben Ezra... 18 Shevat/ Thursday 13 February

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Nefesh Shul, PO Box 7349, 0416 822 832, Bondi Beach, NSW 2026 Australia
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