Thursday, May 14, 2020

Financial Victim of the Virus?

Question of the Week:

I am a victim of coronavirus. I didn't get sick. None of my family are sick. But I lost my job, and with it I feel like I have lost everything. My confidence is coughing and spluttering. My self-esteem is gasping for oxygen. My usual positivity is feeling lethargic and my energy zapped. I'm scared this is contagious and my whole family will catch it from me. And there's no vaccine. Any advice?


What can I tell you? It is so hard to go through this, and my heart goes out to you and all of us who are suffering in so many different ways. All I can say is this: perhaps you need a new cow.

Let me tell you a story.

There was once a very poor man in a small village. He had a large family but could hardly feed them with his meagre earnings. All he owned in this world was a cow, and the milk he sold was barely enough to get him through the week. 

He prayed and prayed that he be helped, that he should be able to live a little more comfortably, but it seemed his prayers were ignored. 

Then one day, there was a knock at the door. It was a holy man, the great Baal Shem Tov, who was passing though the village. "What an honour! What could the Baal Shem Tov want of me?" the poor man asked. 

"I am collecting funds for a very important cause," said the Baal Shem Tov. "I need you to donate 18 rubles. And I need it now."

18 rubles! That was a huge amount of money for a poor milkman. It would take him a year to earn 18 rubles. Why would the Baal Shem Tov come to him of all people to ask for money? But our milkman was a man of faith. He asked no questions. "If such a holy man came to request this of me," he thought, "it means I must oblige."

But how can he come up with 18 rubles? There was no choice. The poor man went and sold his cow, his only source of income, and brought the 18 rubles to the smiling Baal Shem Tov. 

Now, without any way to make a living, the poor milkman fell over the edge. He could not pay his rent, and was cruelly evicted from his home. Homeless and penniless, he sold his last few possessions and moved to a small hut in a nearby village. He managed to buy himself another cow, not as healthy and robust as his previous one, but at least he could go back to selling milk and feed his hungry children.

And then something extraordinary happened. A wealthy landowner needed some milk, and bought from this poor milkman. He came back later, saying he had never tasted such delicious milk in his life. He wanted our milkman to provide him and all of his staff with milk every day. And he would pay top dollar for this outstanding milk.

Finally our milkman could breathe. He had a steady income and his children were fed and clothed. He became an entrusted associate of the landowner, who eventually bequeathed to him his entire estate. The poor milkman was now a wealthy landowner himself.

The Baal Shem Tov later explained what had happened: "I saw that there was much blessing awaiting this man. But as long as he was in his old place, living his old life, the new blessings could not come down for him. He had to lose everything, he had to become an empty vessel, so G-d could give him a new life. I wanted to help him. I made him lose his beloved cow, and that seemed cruel at the time. But it wasn't. That cow was blocking the flow of abundance from coming down to him. Once he had nothing, once he lost it all, he could receive the answer to his prayers. The old cow had to go. The blessings came with the new cow."

My friend, we are living in a time when a lot of old cows have had to go. So many people are running on empty. But that emptiness makes space for a new and better life. For now, we need to be like our dear milkman. Have faith, pick yourself up, look for another village, another hut, and another cow. It might not be as nice as your old cow. But it just may be the cow with the blessings. May you find your cash cow very soon.

Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss

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While restrictions are being eased, the Sydney Jewish community is taking extra precautions before restarting services. Small and limited services have been approved for as soon as next week. However each community is deciding when and how their services recommence based on their particular needs.

The Nefesh community looks forward to getting back together when the various authorities approve gatherings that can include more than the bare minimum of a minyan. We would rather wait until it is safe for more of us to come to shul, than start with an exclusive small group. We hope that time will be very soon.

Making Shabbos Morning DIY Shabbos Part 2
Making Shabbos Morning On Your Own
D.I.Y. Shabbos Part 2

In these crazy times, you have to recreate the holy energy of shul in your home. To help you learn songs, here are recordings of the Friday night tunes we sing at Nefesh, created by the super-talented Zalmy Okunov. Download and listen to them during the week, so when it comes to Shabbos, you can be the chazan! Note: they are not to be played on Shabbos itself - nothing can replace your own voice on Shabbos!


Nefesh will not be holding any services until further notice. 

We miss being together! Make it special by doing your own little service at home. Here are some instructions. Page numbers are from the blue Chabad Siddur. Don't have one? You can download it here and print it.

Friday 15 May - 21 Iyar
Light Candles........................... 4:44pm
Before 5:02pm:....................... Mincha p101
After 5:02pm........................... Shabbos evening service p154
After 5:30pm Count Omer......... Day 37 p136
Kiddush.................................. p179

Saturday 9 May - 15 Iyar - Shabbos
Parshas Behar-Bechukosai
Morning Service for Shabbos:
p5-25, p181-219, Torah reading Behar & Bechukosai, Mussaf p234, Kiddush p248
Virtual Lechaim 1:30pm - raise a glass and have us all in mind!
Before 5:30pm ..................... Mincha p253
Pirkei Avos ........................... Chapter 5 p286
After 5:30pm ........................ Maariv p161
Count Omer ......................... Day 38 p136
Shabbos Ends....................... 5:41pm
Havdala p297
Latest Shema this week......... 9:13am
Jonathan Shapira............ 22 Iyar/ Saturday 16 May
Suzy Moss...................... 23 Iyar/ Sunday 17 May
Andrew Whitten.............. 25 Iyar/ Tuesday 19 May
Chaya Ezekiel................. 27 Iyar/ Thursday 21 May
Peter Goldshaft............... 28 Iyar/ Friday 22 May
Moshe Moses and Adee Moses for their late
Mother Matilda Moses,
Masouda bat Toba... 25 Iyar/ Tuesday 19 May
Theresa Bengis for her late mother Tess Barnett 
Naomi bat Avraham...25 Iyar/ Tuesday 19 May
Jenny Kantorovich for her late grandmother
Riva Kantorovich
Rivka bat Aharon... 27 Iyar/ Thursday 21 May

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Nefesh Shul, PO Box 7349, 0416 822 832, Bondi Beach, NSW 2026 Australia
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