Thursday, May 7, 2020

History in the Making!


There's a teaching of the Baal Shem Tov that we need to learn how to be alone when we are in a crowd. Even when we are surrounded by people, we have to be who we are, and can't let outside influences to define us. We need to retain our individuality and stand alone before G-d. Don't blame the people around you for the person you are. Take responsibility for yourself and be you.

In these strange times we have been forced to look at just that. Who are we without the crowd around us? What does my life look like when I'm alone? How do I live my life and spend my time when my crowd is taken away from me?

But we have also learned the opposite skill - to be in a crowd even while we are alone.  You are home, I am home, but somehow we are all together. Without the usual community get togethers and without the normal means to meet up with others, we have adapted by connecting in new and different ways. Maybe sometimes deeper ways. 

It is in this spirit that we will be doing something huge this coming Monday. It is Lag Baomer, a day usually celebrated with mass gatherings, bonfires and parades. The theme of the day is Jewish pride and unity. This year we are going bigger than ever. Here in Australia, there will be a massive online gathering - 18000 people for 18 minutes at 1800 hrs on 18 Iyar - that is 6pm this Monday May 11. This is history in the making. 

I invite you to join and to spread the word. Find out more about the program at

May this unity bring us to the ultimate unity, when the entire world comes together for good.

Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss

To subscribe CLICK HERE or email 

DIY SHABBOS Class 1 Video

In these crazy times, you have to recreate the holy energy of shul in your home. To help you learn songs, here are recordings of the Friday night tunes we sing at Nefesh, created by the super-talented Zalmy Okunov. Download and listen to them during the week, so when it comes to Shabbos, you can be the chazan! Note: they are not to be played on Shabbos itself - nothing can replace your own voice on Shabbos!


Nefesh will not be holding any services until further notice. 

We miss being together! Make is special by doing your own little service at home. Here are some instructions. Page numbers are from the blue Chabad Siddur. 

Friday 8 May - 14 Iyar
Light Candles........................ 4:50pm
Before 5:08pm:.................... Mincha p101
After 5:08pm........... Shabbos evening service p154
After 5:35pm Count Omer................... Day 30 p136
Kiddush................................. p179

Saturday 9 May - 15 Iyar - Shabbos
Parshas Emor
Morning Service for Shabbos:
p5-25, p181-219, Torah reading Emor, Mussaf p234, Kiddush p248
Virtual Lechaim 1:30pm - raise a glass and have us all in mind!
Before 5:35pm ............................ Mincha p253
Pirkei Avos .................................. Chapter 4 p271
After 5:35pm .............................. Maariv p161
Count Omer ................................ Day 31 p136
Shabbos Ends.............................. 5:46pm
Havdala p297
Latest Shema this week................. 9:11am
Eitan Meguideche............ 17 Iyar/ Monday 11 May
Avishai Kessel................. 18 Iyar / Tuesday 12 May
Alex Bartos for his late mother
Rachel bat Avraham......... 15 Iyar/ Saturday 9 May

Mrs Amzalak for her late mother
Bracha bat Moshe........... 18 Iyar/ Tuesday 12 May

Carol Melman and Brad Melman for their late brother and uncle Brian Shapiro
Baruch ben Aaron............ 18 Iyar/ Tuesday 12 May

Fiona, Tami & Wayne Kaplan for their late husband and father
Alan Kaplan................ 19 Iyar/ Wednesday 13 May

Steven Clemans for his late father Julian Clemans Yaakov ben Moshe....20 Iyar/ Thursday 14 May

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Nefesh Shul, PO Box 7349, 0416 822 832, Bondi Beach, NSW 2026 Australia
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