Thursday, August 24, 2017

Is There Family Without Religion?

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Question of the Week:
I am an atheist. I dropped my faith a while ago. To be honest, I don't feel I am missing anything with G-d out of my life. If anything I am more free. It has made me wonder, if I lose my religion, have I really lost anything worthwhile?
People often make the mistake of thinking that if you take away religion, you just get rid of G-d. This is not true. You lose much more than G-d when you drop religion. Something else you lose when you drop religion is the idea of family.
Family is a concept that cannot be taken for granted. The family is built and sustained on a belief system, a set of values, a worldview that sees marriage as a sacred covenant and parenthood as a moral responsibility. Without these supporting beliefs, the family is a baseless ideal that will erode with time. And these beliefs are religious.
Only religion can provide a meaning to life that is higher than me. I was created with a purpose that is beyond myself. I am here to serve. I was given the gift of life, and I should share it with others. Without these beliefs, there is no ideological base for the concept of family. No secular argument is strong enough to inspire you to give up your own freedom, get married and have children. 
Look around at secular societies. The less religious the society, the weaker its families. Marriage is replaced with casual relationships, and having children is optional, as long as it doesn't interfere with career and living my life my way. In a godless world the lonely, unattached individual is idealized. The disintegration of family life in the west is a direct result of its secularization.
Of course there are atheists and secularists who make devoted husbands and 
loving wives, dedicated mothers and attentive fathers. But this is in spite of their atheism, not because of it. People often do things that are not consistent with their beliefs. A secular family is one example. Having a family is an act of faith no less religious than attending prayer services.
You may not see the full of impact of secularism in one generation. But fifty years from now, the family unit as we know it will be the exclusive domain of the religious. The children of today's atheists, if they have them at all, are less likely to get married and have children of their own.
We need G-d in our lives, not for His sake, but for the sake of our children. By rejecting religion, secularists are throwing out their babies with the bath water.
Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss

Friday, 25 August, 2017 |3 Elul 5777
Candle Lighting.............. 5:14pm 
Friday Evening Service.....6:00pm
Kiddush sponsored by Shirley, Jeffrey, Brian and Steven Sher and Rolene Markson in honour of the yortzeit of their late husband and father Hilton Sher (Yona Ben Avraham) on 30 Av- Long Life

L'Chaim in honour of Beth & Bronco Lipovic, in appreciation of their amazing contribution of fresh produce for the Shabbaton!
Shabbos, 26 August , 2017 | 4 Elul 5777
In depth Parsha class................ 9:00am
Children's program.................. 10:45am
Shabbos Morning Service ........ 10:00am- 12:20pm 
Followed by Kiddush sponsored by Alethea Gold in honour of the yorztheit of her late father Bernie Lazarus, Berel ben Avraham on 5 Elul, and by Nefesh Shabbaton participants in honour of the yahrzeit of Michoel Ben David (Michael Hyam) the first settler of Jamberoo (Sarah's Valley)
Mincha with Pirkei Ovos Ch 1
followed by Seudah Shlishis ............  ..... 5:10pm
Gematria and story by Rev Amzalak......... 5:30pm
Shiur with Rabbi Moss.......... ................ .5:50pm
Shabbos ends and Maariv.................. .... 6:10pm
Followed by Havdalah
Sunday .......................... 8:00am
Mon - Fri......................... 7:00am
Latest Shema this week.... 9:08am
Lexi Berkovits........................ 4 Elul/ Saturday 26 August
Danny Lessem........................ 6 Elul/ Monday 28 August
Yossi Segre....................... 8 Elul/ Wednesday 30 August
Paloma Rochat................... 09 Elul/ Thursday 31 August
Deborah Graham................ 10 Elul/ Friday 1 September
Michelle Brenner for her late mother Stella Brenner
Esther Chaya bas Dovid....... 2 Elul / Thursday 24 August
Linda Zilber for her late father Horst Illing
Yitzchak ben Kalman............. 4 Elul/ Saturday 26 August
Larnce Gold for his late grandfather Bernie Lazarus
Berel ben Avraham.................. 5 Elul/ Sunday 27 August
David Stern for his late wife Linda Frances Stern
Leah bat Yosef....................... 6 Elul / Monday 28 August
Mrs Tauba Tanchum for her late father Tevia Kaplan
Tevia ben Eliezer.............. 8 Elul/ Wednesday 30 August
To make a donation for a birthday, an Aliyah, a Yahrzeit or anything else, 
please click here
FRIDAY NIGHTHerring & L'Chaim-$60 (+ B.Y.O Whisky) | HOT SOUP $75 
Basic $120 | Deluxe $200

SHABBOS DAY: Herring & L'Chaim- $90 (+ B.Y.O Whisky) | Standard $350


Shabbos Day 2 Sept

Friday night 8 Sept
Shabbos Day 9 Sept

Friday night 15 Sept

Just email to book a kiddush

Nefesh Shul, 54 Roscoe Street, Bondi Beach, NSW 2026 Australia
Sent by in collaboration with
Constant Contact

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