Thursday, August 31, 2017

What's Wrong with Lefties?

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Question of the Week:
The word 'sinister' is Latin for 'left-handed.' Many ancient cultures saw left-handedness as a handicap, and would try to "convert" lefties to righties. What does Judaism have to say about being left-handed? 
There is clear proof from the Torah that being left-handed is not an imperfection, and on the contrary can even be an advantage.
There was a judge who served in the high court in Jerusalem for eighty years. His name was Ehud ben Gera. The Book of Judges (3:15) describes him as being left-handed. The reason this personal detail is mentioned is that it is relevant to a fascinating story told there.
The Israelites were being oppressed at the time by the Moabite nation. Ehud came up with a plan to shake off the invaders. As leader of the Jewish people, he paid a visit to Eglon, king of Moab, supposedly to bring him a tribute from the Jewish people. But Ehud had a small sword hidden beneath his cloak. Because he was left-handed, his scabbard was on his right thigh, while most people being right-handed would have the scabbard on the left. As Eglon's guards did not see a bulge on his left side, they assumed he was unarmed and allowed him a private audience with the king. Ehud drew his sword and killed Eglon, then escaped out the window, thus ending the brutal Moabite oppression of the Jewish people in one left jab. 
Ehud's left-handedness came to good use. But incidentally it teaches an interesting fact. Ehud was a judge. Jewish law stipulates that a person with any defect that may diminish the respect and dignity of his position in the eyes of the community cannot be appointed a judge. The fact that a left-handed man was a judge for eighty years shows that being a lefty was in no way seen as a defect. In Ehud's case, it made him a hero.
Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss

Friday, 1 September, 2017 |10 Elul 5777
Candle Lighting................. 5:19pm 
Mincha............................. 5:30pm
Friday Evening Service....... 6:00pm
Kiddush sponsored in honour of the Yortzeit of Hedy Weider, Chava bat David on 18 Elul/ 9 September- Long Life
Shabbos, 2 September, 2017 | 11 Elul 5777
In depth Parsha class.............. 9:00am
Children's program................. 10:45am
Shabbos Morning Service ........ 10:00am- 12:20pm 
Followed by Kiddush
Mincha with Pirkei  Ovos  Ch 2
followed by Seudah Shlishis ........... 5:15pm
Gematria and story by Rev Amzalak. 5:35pm
Shiur with Rabbi Moss.......... ..........5:55pm
Shabbos ends and Maariv............... 6:15pm
Followed by Havdalah
Sunday ............................... 8:00am
Mon - Fri...............................7:00am
Latest Shema this week.......... 9:02am
Mem Eichenblatt..... 14 Elul/ Tuesday 5 September
Kevin Smaller......... 15 Elul/ Wednesday 6 September
Claude Sandler.. .....15 Elul/ Wednesday 6 September
Judi Redelman........ 17 Elul/ Friday 8 September
Daniel & Stephanie Nadel...... 15 Elul/ Wed 6 Sept
Beth Lipovic for her late mother
Ruth bat Avraham... 11 Elul/ Saturday 2 September
Mildred Stocks and Tanya Stocks for their late husband 
and father Alfred (Freddy) Stocks
Avrom ben Hiam..... 14 Elul / Tuesday 5 September
Fester family for their late father Mendel Fester
Mendel ben Michael 16 Elul/ Thursday 7 September
To make a donation for a birthday, an Aliyah, a Yahrzeit or anything else, 
please click here
FRIDAY NIGHTHerring & L'Chaim-$60 (+ B.Y.O Whisky) | HOT SOUP $75 
Basic $120 | Deluxe $200

SHABBOS DAY: Herring & L'Chaim- $90 (+ B.Y.O Whisky) | Standard $350


Friday night 8 Sept
Shabbos Day 9 Sept

Friday night 15 Sept

Just email to book a kiddush

Nefesh Shul, 54 Roscoe Street, Bondi Beach, NSW 2026 Australia
Sent by in collaboration with
Constant Contact

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