Thursday, August 3, 2017

Mission Fulfilled, Now What?


Question of the week:
I have a fear of dying. But it expresses itself in a weird way. I have read stories of people doing one mitzvah and then dropping dead, because that one good deed was their life mission. So now every time I do something good, I think maybe this is my last. This freaks me out and it isn't good. Should I try not to fulfill my mission so I can live, or do good deeds and die?
There are two types of workers: employees and contractors. A contractor is there to do their job, and that's it. As long as I have completed the tasks given me, as long as the items on my to-do list are all ticked off, I have done my bit and I can go home.
But an employee has to work not until the job is done, but until the day is over. It is not enough that my immediate tasks are completed, I have to seek out more work and ensure every moment of the day is productive. Otherwise I am short-changing my employer. 
We live in G-d's big factory, and we are all workers, each with a specific role to play, in the grand scheme of creating a world of goodness. And we have a choice. We can either suffice with fulfilling our obligation alone, and no more, or we can go beyond that, and refuse to rest until the job is done, until the world overflows with goodness.
If you choose to work like a contractor, only seeking to fulfill your mission, you should know, once your job is done, you have nothing more to offer, and it is time for you to leave this world. But if you choose to be an employee, to serve G-d not for your own self-fulfillment but for His sake, then there is no end to the good you can do. And so even once you have fulfilled your personal mission, you go on to more and more tasks until your day is up.
Never say I have done enough. And don't be scared of running out of good deeds to do. There's still plenty of work to do. So do it.
Good Shabbos,
Rabbi Moss
PS. There are rare cases when a soul is sent down here with one single mission to achieve, and once that is done, they are free to go back to heaven.  Sad for us, these special souls leave us early, and we should be thankful for ever having met them.
Source: A Letter of the Rambam

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 Fri Aug 18 - Sun Aug 20
- Who is this Shabbaton for?
We have a wide selection of people coming - singles, couples and families, young and young at heart, of all levels of observance and religious backgrounds.
- What is included in the price?
Everything. Two nights accommodation, all meals and snacks, all programs, childminding and babysitting.
- What is the accommodation like?
The Jamberoo Resort has been recently renovated, rooms are very comfortable and clean, in beautiful natural surroundings.
- Who is catering?
John Mulligan of the top class caterer L'amour - great, wholesome and healthy food!
- Who is the guest speaker?
Rabbi Menachem Wolf of Spiritgrow in Melbourne - one of the most talented and charismatic teachers of meditation and Kabbalah around today.
- Who looks after the kids?
A team of experienced counselors under the leadership of the ever entertaining and fun Morah Rivka Leah. Parents will be able to participate in all activities and kids will be having a ball.
- When do we need to arrive?
Allow two hours from the Eastern Suburbs, we suggest heading out no later than 2pm Friday.
- Can I leave early on Sunday?
You can leave whenever you want. The program ends after lunch on Sunday, which will begin around 12pm
- Can I pay in instalments?
Certainly, just email to set up a plan that suits you
- Are there any discounts?
We are charging below cost, but we wouldn't want anyone to miss out for financial reasons only. To discuss please contact  


What people said about last year's Shabbaton:

"It was a real holiday, felt like we were away for weeks..."

"Way beyond expectations, will be back next year."

"We made friends for life on this weekend. Thank you."

"You guys thought of everything. I don't think I have had such a carefree weekend in years, or maybe ever. Worth every cent."

"Just what I needed. Inspirational and fun!"

A Family in Crisis PLEASE HELP
It has come to our attention that a certain family in our community is in urgent medical and financial crisis. Due to the magnitude of their needs, their situation warrants a wider community response.
The parents of this family were working fulltime until the wife was struck with serious medical issues.
She suffered a number of strokes and underwent brain surgery, leaving her with physical and cognitive impairment and emotional instability.
She has diabetes and unfortunately had to have one of her legs amputated. She is losing her sight. Her kidney function has also been affected.
She has recently been in and out of hospital for serious wound care.
She has had great difficulties with her prosthesis. As a result she is not mobile. She needs to see a private doctor and have private physiotherapy to facilitate her rehabilitation.
She has carpal tunnel in both hands and needs surgery for them.
All of this is complicated by the fact that they have no private health coverage, as they can not afford it. They do not have the funds for much needed private medical services: doctors, tests, physiotherapists etc. Having quality care for her at this moment is vital due to her complicated medical issues.
They have children, some themselves with medical issues, one in particular with a serious condition, which necessitates her to be in hospital for considerable amounts of time. This child does have private health care, but even so there is a significant shortfall in finances.
The husband works full time. He is himself not in the best of health. Whenever his wife is in hospital he must be with her as she cannot emotionally manage without him.  In those circumstances, he misses work and does not get paid.
There is therefore a serious shortfall between their weekly income and their expenses. They are falling behind in a very big way.
A small group has been formed to assist this family including Mrs Hadassa Bension, who has been employed as a rehabilitation carer for the wife, and is helping with medical management and counselling.
Because of the family's complex and chronic financial and medical situation, we are appealing to the wider community for help to ensure the situation does not deteriorate any further.
We want to help this family in the most dignified, respectful, responsible, organised and transparent manner. To that end, all funds will be directed to Tikva Inc. - a tax-deductible charity organisation run efficiently with meticulous and up to date records by Mrs Devora Markovits and her board. She will pay all this family's bills and expenses directly to ensure that their needs are met.
We urge you to help as much as you can by donating to the account below, and thank you so much for your assistance in this very worthy and urgent cause.
Please make your tax deductible donation to:
Name:  Tikva Inc.     
BSB: 032051    
Account No: 849297
Wishing you blessing and success,

Rabbi Eli Cohen           Rabbi Michoel Chriqui    Rabbi Michoel Gourarie
Rabbi Reuvein Klein     Rabbi Paul Lewin           Rabbi Aron Moss
Rabbi Avrohom Perlow Rabbi Levi Wolff            Rabbi Shua Solomon

Friday, 4 August, 2017 |12 Av 5777
Candle Lighting............... 5:00pm 
Mincha........................... 5:10pm
Friday Evening Service..... 6:00pm
Followed by Kiddush sponsored by Larnce Gold in honour of the Yortzheit of his grandmother, Dora Goldbaum (D'Vora bat Eliyahu) on 14 Av - Long Life.
Shabbos, 5 August , 2017 | 13 Av 5777
In depth Parsha Class.............. 9:00am
Children's program................. 10:45am
Shabbos Morning Service ........ 10:00am- 12:20pm 
Followed by a Communal Lunch sponsored by The Barukh family in memory of Farha Na'ima Bat Lulu a"h.
L'Chaim by Karen & Steven Sher in honour of Ethan's Bar Mitzvah this Shabbos - Mazal Tov.  
Mincha with Pirkei Ovos Ch 4
Bar Mitzvah of Ethan Lasarow
followed by Seudah Shlishis in honour of the Bar Mitzvah ...4:45pm
Shabbos ends and Maariv...5:57pm
Followed by Havdalah
Sunday ............................ 8:00am
Mon - Fri........................... 7:00am
Latest Shema this week...... 9:21am
Reverend and Mrs Amzalak on the forthcoming wedding of their granddaughter Nechama Moskovitz to Mendy Levitan, in Kharkov on 10 August/ 18 Av
Mazal Tov to Ethan Lasarow and his entire family on the occasion of his Bar Mitzvah!
Lana Goldshaft................... 17 Av/ Wednesday 9 August
Dean & Heidi Krowitz......... 17 Av/ Wednesday 9 August
Craig & Sheryl Deubler....... 19 Av/ Friday 11 August
Larnce Gold for his late grandmother Dora Goldbaum
D'Vora bat Eliyahu... 14 Av/ Sunday 6 August
Charlene Klein for her late mother Doreen... 16 Av/ Tuesday 8 August
Evelyn Mike for her late mother Marianna Margaret Mike
Rivka bat Menachem Mendel...16 Av/ Tuesday 8 August
Adam Pisk for his late grandmother Frida Pisk
Frida bat Yoseph Chaim...17 Av/ Wednesday 9 August
To make a donation for a birthday, an Aliyah, a Yahrzeit or anything else, 
please click here
FRIDAY NIGHTHerring & L'Chaim-$60 (+ B.Y.O Whisky) | HOT SOUP $75 
Basic $120 | Deluxe $200

SHABBOS DAY: Herring & L'Chaim- $90 (+ B.Y.O Whisky) | Standard $350


Friday Night 11 August
Shabbos Day 12 August
Friday Night 18 August 
Shabbos Day 19 August

Shabbos Day 26 August 

Nefesh Shul, 54 Roscoe Street, Bondi Beach, NSW 2026 Australia
Sent by in collaboration with
Constant Contact

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